Duplicate a wordpress site on new domain/subdomain [closed] - php

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Usually to duplicate a site on new domain/subdomain
I export its content using WordPress export option in dashboard.
I install WordPress on new domain/subdomain and connected it to its database as well
I use import option in WordPress to import the xml file generated in point #1
Then I manually install the plugins required (i.e. installed on live site)
Activate the theme, menus and plugins.
Is it the right way to do this all or is there any other better way as well to do the same?

There isn't a "right way" but it is highly recommended you follow the "Moving Wordpress" guide found here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress


Does WordPress do automatic upgrade? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I am installing a fresh install of WordPress 5.9.3, as soon as possible I log into the wp-admin and I could check that is running the version 5.9.3, however, a few minutes later I can see that is running on WordPress 6
Does WordPress do automatic upgrades, if yes, how to disable it?
The solution was add
define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor');

Is it safe update WordPress 3.4.2. to 3.5? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My wordpress 3.4.2 site have 25 activated plugin, so Which is safest way to update ?
Backup the files and database before going for any update.
Activate the plugin one by one and check how things going on then. It
will help you to figure out the bugs if any.
Not the right place for this question as it is not really programming related...
Try asking on Stack Exchanges Wordpress site.
However what i would do would be to clone the install to a new sub-domain (beta.example.com) including backing up all you SQL data, install the update on the new domain, and see if everything works. If so, copy it back to the primary, or just do an install on it.
I would wait for a while, because chances are that a few plugins will be broken by the new version (I had one break on me) until they get updated. Once you've waited for a while, you can check on the page for each plugin in the Wordpress Plugin Directory, which has a "Compatibility" section in the bottom-right of each plugin's description page, which tells you how many other users have reported it broken for each version.

How to build my own view for apache solr module [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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After successful integration of apache solr module in drupal 7 and displaying the result Ii found that it is using the view files (search-results.tpl.php & search-result.tpl.php) from the core search module to display the result.
How can I use my custom files similar to (search-results.tpl.php & search-result.tpl.php) inside the apache solr module folder to display the result?
Since I am new to drupal and just started can somebody guide me to implement it.
The .tpl.php files are theme template files, and you can override them by using identically named files in your own theme. Some deeper reading at Drupal docs.
Or you could use the search features provided by Google, as I did, and find an already existing answer on a related site.

Wordpress File edit in dreamhost [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I used the one click install in dreamhost for my Wordpress sit that I'm building on my sub-domain. When I look for the WP php files in my FTP I can't find them in the directory. Idk where dreamhost places the files? It's my first time not using local host for developing.
Template files are in /wp-content/[yourthemename]/. There could be any number of .php files in there depending on your theme, the only one that is required is index.php.
Under Appearance > Themes in your admin panel it should tell you what theme you are using and where the theme directory is.

change wordpress blog url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to done a blog in Wordpress, and include it in to another site.
Now I got the blog in http://www.example.com/blog. I want to change this in to http://blog.example.com/.
Is it possible? How? I am new to Wordpress please help.
This is called Domain Mapping.
Install the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin and follow there on-page guide.
You can simply create a sub domain called blog.example.com and install a fresh copy of Wordpress there.
