Does WordPress do automatic upgrade? [closed] - php

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I am installing a fresh install of WordPress 5.9.3, as soon as possible I log into the wp-admin and I could check that is running the version 5.9.3, however, a few minutes later I can see that is running on WordPress 6
Does WordPress do automatic upgrades, if yes, how to disable it?

The solution was add
define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor');


I couldn't find the homestead.yaml file [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I installed Laravel in my windows. Now I want to edit homestead.yaml file but I couldn't find that file.
Thanks in advance.
run homestead edit and it will open the file for you

Duplicate a wordpress site on new domain/subdomain [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Usually to duplicate a site on new domain/subdomain
I export its content using WordPress export option in dashboard.
I install WordPress on new domain/subdomain and connected it to its database as well
I use import option in WordPress to import the xml file generated in point #1
Then I manually install the plugins required (i.e. installed on live site)
Activate the theme, menus and plugins.
Is it the right way to do this all or is there any other better way as well to do the same?
There isn't a "right way" but it is highly recommended you follow the "Moving Wordpress" guide found here:

How we can install Ubercart in Drupal [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Ubercart module is the most popular Drupal E-Commerce platform. My question is how we can install and configure Ubercart module in Drupal.
Take a look at Ubercart documentation on
Installation docs.
Module docs.

How to enable MediaWiki's new Visual Editor? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've been using the default MediaWiki's built-in WikiEditor, but I found about this:
I can't find where it says what do I need to do to get it running. Do I need some configuration properties on my LocalSettings.php file?
Here are some instructions:
You also need to install a Parsoid server. Here are instructions for that:

How can I run XAMPP on startup in Windows? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am using Windows 7 and xampplite 1.7.3.
One of my research gives me idea that I need to start automatically the "APACHE2" on services.msc. But when I go to my services there is no Apache2 there, no apache service at all. Please help me how to start xampp automatically as my PC gets ON.
If you check the svc box on XAMPP control panel the service should start automaticly.
