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I have to done a blog in Wordpress, and include it in to another site.
Now I got the blog in I want to change this in to
Is it possible? How? I am new to Wordpress please help.
This is called Domain Mapping.
Install the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin and follow there on-page guide.
You can simply create a sub domain called and install a fresh copy of Wordpress there.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Usually to duplicate a site on new domain/subdomain
I export its content using WordPress export option in dashboard.
I install WordPress on new domain/subdomain and connected it to its database as well
I use import option in WordPress to import the xml file generated in point #1
Then I manually install the plugins required (i.e. installed on live site)
Activate the theme, menus and plugins.
Is it the right way to do this all or is there any other better way as well to do the same?
There isn't a "right way" but it is highly recommended you follow the "Moving Wordpress" guide found here:
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have implemented my project in Yii. I done my login authentication its working fine another system. same project copied to one more system. the following error am facing
session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent
how to clear this error
This problem can come because of config files main.php.
Please check out below thing:-
Is there any blank space before starting of main php tag
Controller file of login
any custom file you have made
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Closed 8 years ago.
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The following script gets added in the footer.
<script type="text/javascript">window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"07c6de90a5","applicationID":"2880104,2883430,2076767","transactionName":"ZFxQYhBUWkVTUkQKX10Wc1UWXFtYHUJZDVdfXA==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":80,"ttGuid":"","agentToken":"","userAttributes":"","errorBeacon":"","agent":"\/nr-361.min.js"}</script>
I have disabled all plugins but its still there.
Its not present in footer.php, How to find out what's adding this code to the html source.
As the URL in the code clearly says, this is code for the New Relic performance monitor. It gets inserted automatically by a PHP/Apache module as long as it's active on your server.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I created a new subdomain for my site. But i can only access the site using this form. How do i make it accessible via
#Theolodis #Lawrence
I can also access using either link. Could this not be a browser problem?
I am pretty sure I have seen some old browsers not being able to load URLs lacking the 'www' prefix. An old version of Epiphany maybe. I can't find anything backing this up on the Internet though.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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After successful integration of apache solr module in drupal 7 and displaying the result Ii found that it is using the view files (search-results.tpl.php & search-result.tpl.php) from the core search module to display the result.
How can I use my custom files similar to (search-results.tpl.php & search-result.tpl.php) inside the apache solr module folder to display the result?
Since I am new to drupal and just started can somebody guide me to implement it.
The .tpl.php files are theme template files, and you can override them by using identically named files in your own theme. Some deeper reading at Drupal docs.
Or you could use the search features provided by Google, as I did, and find an already existing answer on a related site.