Removing the (www) for subdomains [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I created a new subdomain for my site. But i can only access the site using this form. How do i make it accessible via

#Theolodis #Lawrence
I can also access using either link. Could this not be a browser problem?
I am pretty sure I have seen some old browsers not being able to load URLs lacking the 'www' prefix. An old version of Epiphany maybe. I can't find anything backing this up on the Internet though.


Yii login authentication. am facing this error [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have implemented my project in Yii. I done my login authentication its working fine another system. same project copied to one more system. the following error am facing
session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent
how to clear this error
This problem can come because of config files main.php.
Please check out below thing:-
Is there any blank space before starting of main php tag
Controller file of login
any custom file you have made

Unknown Script Gets Added in Footer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The following script gets added in the footer.
<script type="text/javascript">window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"07c6de90a5","applicationID":"2880104,2883430,2076767","transactionName":"ZFxQYhBUWkVTUkQKX10Wc1UWXFtYHUJZDVdfXA==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":80,"ttGuid":"","agentToken":"","userAttributes":"","errorBeacon":"","agent":"\/nr-361.min.js"}</script>
I have disabled all plugins but its still there.
Its not present in footer.php, How to find out what's adding this code to the html source.
As the URL in the code clearly says, this is code for the New Relic performance monitor. It gets inserted automatically by a PHP/Apache module as long as it's active on your server.

Upload file using PHP to FTP and get url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to create a PHP form that is going to run on a local machine(WAMP).
This form is going to upload a file to a web server and echo the url of the uploaded file.
My skills in php are low, I can understand a code but I have difficulties writing one.
Your help will be appreciated.
Here's a start. Have a look at these tutorials
If you want to use a local version and FTP the file to another remote location have a look here

Sprocketsfilter in assetic - requirements and example [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working with Symfony 2 with Twig and assetic file manager.
I have high number of javascript files that have many dependencies. (Javascript prototypal inheritance)
I saw sprockets in action, and I see that assetic has also sprocketsfilter to manage dependencies.
Do I need anything more that I already have (php)? (I believe sprockets were orginally created for ruby)
I'd like to see an example of using it together, for example 5 js files (containing function that requires previous one)

change wordpress blog url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to done a blog in Wordpress, and include it in to another site.
Now I got the blog in I want to change this in to
Is it possible? How? I am new to Wordpress please help.
This is called Domain Mapping.
Install the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin and follow there on-page guide.
You can simply create a sub domain called and install a fresh copy of Wordpress there.
