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Closed 10 years ago.
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I used the one click install in dreamhost for my Wordpress sit that I'm building on my sub-domain. When I look for the WP php files in my FTP I can't find them in the directory. Idk where dreamhost places the files? It's my first time not using local host for developing.
Template files are in /wp-content/[yourthemename]/. There could be any number of .php files in there depending on your theme, the only one that is required is index.php.
Under Appearance > Themes in your admin panel it should tell you what theme you are using and where the theme directory is.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new to Joomla and Hosting,
i have downloaded a Joomla template from a website. the package contains the hole template including the database and all the structure(html, css) and all the web parts. i did my changes locally and want to move the website and host it on GoDaddy. But first i need to buy a hosting and move the files to the server.
now GoDaddy have a ready Joomla installation plus hosting, if i purchase that and take the template and install it, i would loose the the added html and content provided.
what is the best practices to to move forward.
You can ignore GoDaddy's Joomla installation, you don't need it. Just upload your files, export/import your database, and update your configuration.php file with the new paths & connection information.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a Wordpress blog hosted by Bluehost. I am now looking in to setting up ownCloud and I was wondering if and how I could set up both services on at same website. (I realize I'll probably have to do something so that the ownCloud is installed at or something.)
I'm not totally sure that this is the right Stack Site for this question, but I think it is.
Yes, you can create a subdirectory as you wish and use to start installation of ownCloud.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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So this is my path I have:
And my php.exe file is in that folder...
I have tried to put:
But none of is not working.
I have no idea why its not working...
PHP is not included in your PATH.
Right click your My Computer, then Properties, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables and then find PATH variable, add your PHP installation dir there. Close your previously launched CMDs, re-launch it, it should work now.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a Php website and I recently renewed the domain and hosting. When I checked it it not displaying website but when I check for displays it correctly.. what shall I do to make this correct.
The simplest way is with .htaccess file;
Create a .htaccess file in your web root.
Add the following line...
DirectoryIndex index.php
You may have to create/modify .htaccess file in the hosting server.
More info:
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I installed php with make install. Now I go to the directory I compiled my php and do make uninstall. It throws this error make: *** No rule to make target 'uninstall'. stop..
What is going on?
If there is no 'uninstall' target, there isn't any automated way to uninstall and remove files.
If by luck you built your php in a 100% dedicated directory (/opt/your/php for example) then uninstalling may be as simple as removing this dedicated directory, as everything generated at build/compile time will be contained inside this directory.