i using wordpress 3.1.3 to develop custom theme.
it seems my theme has strange behavior.
in the post from WP admin i add <!--more--> tag to cut the content, and display read more link. and now i want to change the read more text, which the default text is Continue reading “PAGETITLE” »
i put this code in the loop of my index.php theme.
this didn't change the Continue reading “PAGETITLE” », then i try this
it cleaned the text (which mean for me the code is work). but what im trying to achieve is change that text to READ MORE. and this not success.
i think this maybe because of the plugin, but i already try deactive all of the plugin, and still didn't work.
How this can be happen?
I put the code of my index.php here http://ideone.com/ya4Sr
can you please help me, maybe there is something wrong with my looping.
Thank you in advance,
There is some plugin change my readmore text, and i thing this question not relevant anymore.
Actually i'm working on a wordpress website, which is related to school, i'm using universh WP theme which is purchased. I'm getting the below text as default:
Want create site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins.
See, i've marked those words. Actually its a dynamic page, i've checked the core code. It's only the
function. After that i don't have any idea, where it comes from. Also i've read this thread So please don't recommend that thread, its not working i've tried the way there mentioned.
P.S. Also the text will disappears when I login and try to edit the page.
What text editor You use ? Most easy way will be open folder with theme in some editor and search this string "Want create site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins." in all files - then You will know where they add it ... or You can check every file, because this string must be included somewhere, maybe in function.php they add some modification to the_excerpt();
I think when you ass content in post default editor then is not showing in the_expert() function
So you can add content in expert editor then after call the_expert() funtion
Check that your theme is not using the get_the_excerpt filter to prepend that phrase to all the excerpts.
Additional, if you only checked the files that load for that specific template, I would recommend that you run a search for that string for the entire theme. The source of the issue might stem from functions.php or even some JavaScript file.
Please update the core files or update version of your WordPress. Use Latest one.
i using the portfolio-theme studio 9 from simon bouchard.
A great theme with powerfull options.http://themes.simonbouchard.com/studio9/works/
now i would like to change the view of the work-section.
the featured image should change at hovering.
i search fpr the term and found a lot of stuff but always very special and i don´t know to code it in my theme. i´m not good at php or java.
my idea is to work with custom fields and to add a line of code that the image change to the custom field at hovering. i hope it is so simple and you can help me to fix the problem.
thank you so much!
i saw the effect at this page http://heydays.no and found it very very fresh.
The site you like uses ajax to cycle through multiple images when the block is hovered. Your theme probably does not support that. I suggest you look for a theme or plugin that offers the effect you want out-of-the-box. This one comes close and you may be able to set it to do a complete image switch instead of an effect. But the effects actually look cooler to me than the image switch.
So I know this is a bit out of ordinary for me to ask a question like this, but for some reason I am just really having an issue grasping this.
My Problem:
I have a responsive layout theme for word press, its clean its pretty. When implementing Google ad-sense into a text/html widget on the right bar it over runs the widget size and over hangs on the right hand side.
My Question:
What will be the best method for getting my ad to look more uniform. Is there a way to select a single widget css? Is there a way to put a div inside that widget and select the parent css from that div? Should I go in and hard code it into the theme?
The theme I am using has a built in child theme option which I have chosen to use. When I place the code into the child themes function.php it breaks the theme and displays what I enter as plain text to the screen. Adding opening and close php tags did not seem to fix this issue.
Well it appears once again I asked a question before fully digging my brain into this. Hopefully this will become something useful for someone else.
It appears that wordpress assigns a unique ID to every widget that is created.
Created New Text Widget
Wordpress Assigns: text-1
I can now go into css and manipulate this widget directly.
#text-1 {
//do somthing
It's always best to avoid hardcoding WP themes as when they get updated your modifications might vanish.
Glad to see you figured it out, I was going to say that you CAN add a div inside a widget and give it a name, which might still be be better than use the WP assigned layer name, as that might change if you were to delete or re-add the widget.
I created a webpage in Standard HTML and CSS and everything looks / works exactly how I want it too.
Now I need it to appear as it is on a wordpress site (http://www.texasenergyessentials.com/). I already created a template page and can see it in the template select in the wordpress "add new page" window. I was hoping I could just select the template and leave the text editor blank but that doesn't seem to be the case. All I get is a completely un-formatted page that says welcome guest.
What is the easiest way to get https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8545681 to work on the aforementioned wordpress site? ?
P.S. Please don't link any codex files I just spent 2 hours digging around in them :(
Try to read and understand how http://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop works
Install this theme https://code.google.com/p/wordpress-naked/ and try to work your way to the desired theme by editing theme files. That will be much easier.
Maybe the problem can be understood by reading the template hierarchy:
(especially check the visual overview)
If you name your file page-[insert-page-id-here].php Wordpress will use it for the page you've created. Get your page id by editing the page and looking it up in the url.
My first question here! I want to override the disqus "1 Comentario y 0 Reacciones" from the left part of the theme to just the comment count. It shoud look like the image attached.
I have searched the database for a similar problem but no luck.
Here is my blog in the test server if you want to check out.
I have tried to put this code in the functions.php of my theme so the Disqus doesn't override the comments from the theme.
// Disqus: Prevent from replacing comment count
remove_filter('comments_number', 'dsq_comments_text');
remove_filter('get_comments_number', 'dsq_comments_number');
remove_action('loop_end', 'dsq_loop_end');
Also the output Javascript option in the Advanced options of the Disqus plugin, But no luck with that. Hope someone help me (I will owe you a beer!)
Update: Apparently the problem happens in the home, category, search pages but not in the single post.
Ok after looking #dInGd0nG post link I found the simple solution to this problem. Just go to functions.php of your wordpress theme and insert this snippet:
// Disqus: Prevent from replacing comment count
remove_filter('comments_number', 'dsq_comments_text');
remove_filter('get_comments_number', 'dsq_comments_number');
remove_action('loop_end', 'dsq_loop_end');
That's all. And it's better than going to the Advanced tab from the Disqus plugin and outputting the Javascript in the footer, since that would make it slower.