Wordpress at hover change the featured Image - php

i using the portfolio-theme studio 9 from simon bouchard.
A great theme with powerfull options.http://themes.simonbouchard.com/studio9/works/
now i would like to change the view of the work-section.
the featured image should change at hovering.
i search fpr the term and found a lot of stuff but always very special and i don´t know to code it in my theme. i´m not good at php or java.
my idea is to work with custom fields and to add a line of code that the image change to the custom field at hovering. i hope it is so simple and you can help me to fix the problem.
thank you so much!
i saw the effect at this page http://heydays.no and found it very very fresh.

The site you like uses ajax to cycle through multiple images when the block is hovered. Your theme probably does not support that. I suggest you look for a theme or plugin that offers the effect you want out-of-the-box. This one comes close and you may be able to set it to do a complete image switch instead of an effect. But the effects actually look cooler to me than the image switch.


WordPress - bbPress full width issue

I am having issues with getting the bbPress plugin full width, - if I create a new page called 'forum' or 'forums', and put the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode in on that page, and make the page setting full width no sidebar it seems to work.
Now, when I click on the forum category itself, it makes the forum then go to the left side, roughly 60% of page, leaving the right side untouched with no sidebar.
I've tried width; 100%; under .bbpress-forums, didn't work.
I've tried creating a new bbPress.php page, with the full width page template code in it, it also didn't work.
Picture of my issue;
I apologize if my question isn't clear, or if I'm missing something so simple, just can't wrap my head around this... Note that I don't know a whole lot about code but I know a little bit.
If it's any help, I am using;
bbPress v2.15.4
and Socialize by GhostPool as the theme.
EDIT: I've gotten half way! I've set "no sidebar" as the default option... now this is where I am stuck! https://image.prntscr.com/image/HONffga5SYq3DA6wi_CcxA.png
Can you provide the link to the website? As far as I can see on website for Socialize: Multi-Purpose BuddyPress Theme author sad that that he provided large, full-width and full page theme. Maybe you missed some option or just need some CSS tweak.

How to get submenu dropdown with images in wordpress?

I'm a very beginner in wordpress.
I need to add submenus with images in wordpress. Let's assume Main menu has menu1, menu2, menu3, ...etc. and I need to add submenu1, submenu2, submenu3, ...etc under the menu2 as sub dropdown menus with featured images. Can anyone tell how to do that in wordpress?
Can I use two menu plugins simultaneously?
You should look for a mega-menu plugin or maybe use a custom theme that already includes one.
this one is free and wellknown: https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/megamenu/ (wellnown is important because of the docu and the community if you need help). This will be the easiest thing if you're new to wordpress.
Correction after talkin to lee. He / she is right. The following part is the 'advanced" solution.
I, after 10 years of WP development, would code my own function, hooking into the wordpress image uploader. Many scripts are allready included in wordpress / many functions are working out of the box. Image upload is one of those scripts / functions.
So you can enqueue the script that wordpress delivers (see following link, 'Default Scripts Included and Registered by WordPress' > 'Media Upload'):
As a real example how to implement it, would be way too much in this answer, I am giving you this link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-the-wordpress-media-uploader--cms-22011 (usually i wouldn't paste a link as a answer, but as this is a side-answer / tip i guess it's okay).
All the best

Customising a plugin for Genesis/Studiopress Wordpress

I have created a carousel (not perfect yet - images are not showing but it could work) with custom control icons ("next" "back") with Boostrap:http://homepage160630-v3.bitballoon.com/travel
Being not familiar with PHP, I found it difficult to integrate a CMS like Wordpress into my code, so I am trying to re-create the same site as a Genesis/Studiopress Wordpress site based on the Genesis Sample theme:
My biggest problem is to create the carousel. I have looked at "Easing Slider" plugin: of course it does not allow to position the control icons or even to create my own.
I wonder what shall I do? try to create the custom carousel by transforming my Bootstrap code into PHP or try to edit the plugin? or something else?
I think your best option is to get bootstrap shortcode plugin like this one https://wordpress.org/plugins/bootstrap-3-shortcodes/
However there are a bunch of them and you should check what works best for you. The link above is just to visualize.

Wordpress Theme manipulation - Remove Widget Background

So I know this is a bit out of ordinary for me to ask a question like this, but for some reason I am just really having an issue grasping this.
My Problem:
I have a responsive layout theme for word press, its clean its pretty. When implementing Google ad-sense into a text/html widget on the right bar it over runs the widget size and over hangs on the right hand side.
My Question:
What will be the best method for getting my ad to look more uniform. Is there a way to select a single widget css? Is there a way to put a div inside that widget and select the parent css from that div? Should I go in and hard code it into the theme?
The theme I am using has a built in child theme option which I have chosen to use. When I place the code into the child themes function.php it breaks the theme and displays what I enter as plain text to the screen. Adding opening and close php tags did not seem to fix this issue.
Well it appears once again I asked a question before fully digging my brain into this. Hopefully this will become something useful for someone else.
It appears that wordpress assigns a unique ID to every widget that is created.
Created New Text Widget
Wordpress Assigns: text-1
I can now go into css and manipulate this widget directly.
#text-1 {
//do somthing
It's always best to avoid hardcoding WP themes as when they get updated your modifications might vanish.
Glad to see you figured it out, I was going to say that you CAN add a div inside a widget and give it a name, which might still be be better than use the WP assigned layer name, as that might change if you were to delete or re-add the widget.

Question about wordpress plugin

Which wordpress plugin is this, to have post image on the left side and shortened version of your post on the right, and read more button below?
Thank you
It could be many different plugins, but you could just place your image first, align left, then use this plugin to get the "Read More"...
I use this one on my Wordpress, makes the small excerpt nice and neat.
Hey. I think they don't use any plugin to get post-style like this. You can use WordPress 2,9's new feature - Post Thumbnail Images and aling image left, use excerpt's for text and style cool read more link or button style. Read this great tutorial for the last one - Display Post Excerpts Only in WordPress
I hope this will help you to get what you want ;)
