Wordpress Theme manipulation - Remove Widget Background - php

So I know this is a bit out of ordinary for me to ask a question like this, but for some reason I am just really having an issue grasping this.
My Problem:
I have a responsive layout theme for word press, its clean its pretty. When implementing Google ad-sense into a text/html widget on the right bar it over runs the widget size and over hangs on the right hand side.
My Question:
What will be the best method for getting my ad to look more uniform. Is there a way to select a single widget css? Is there a way to put a div inside that widget and select the parent css from that div? Should I go in and hard code it into the theme?
The theme I am using has a built in child theme option which I have chosen to use. When I place the code into the child themes function.php it breaks the theme and displays what I enter as plain text to the screen. Adding opening and close php tags did not seem to fix this issue.

Well it appears once again I asked a question before fully digging my brain into this. Hopefully this will become something useful for someone else.
It appears that wordpress assigns a unique ID to every widget that is created.
Created New Text Widget
Wordpress Assigns: text-1
I can now go into css and manipulate this widget directly.
#text-1 {
//do somthing

It's always best to avoid hardcoding WP themes as when they get updated your modifications might vanish.
Glad to see you figured it out, I was going to say that you CAN add a div inside a widget and give it a name, which might still be be better than use the WP assigned layer name, as that might change if you were to delete or re-add the widget.


Wordpress at hover change the featured Image

i using the portfolio-theme studio 9 from simon bouchard.
A great theme with powerfull options.http://themes.simonbouchard.com/studio9/works/
now i would like to change the view of the work-section.
the featured image should change at hovering.
i search fpr the term and found a lot of stuff but always very special and i don´t know to code it in my theme. i´m not good at php or java.
my idea is to work with custom fields and to add a line of code that the image change to the custom field at hovering. i hope it is so simple and you can help me to fix the problem.
thank you so much!
i saw the effect at this page http://heydays.no and found it very very fresh.
The site you like uses ajax to cycle through multiple images when the block is hovered. Your theme probably does not support that. I suggest you look for a theme or plugin that offers the effect you want out-of-the-box. This one comes close and you may be able to set it to do a complete image switch instead of an effect. But the effects actually look cooler to me than the image switch.

How do I customize content in the WP starter theme Roots?

I am fairly new to WP and very new to Roots (http://roots.io/) and I am having trouble creating a custom home page. Here's how far (I think) I understand it:
To create a custom home page I put a file named "front-page.php" in the WP root directory. This file is based off of "page.php".
"front-page.php" loads "content-page.php" from the templates directory.
And that's where it gets a bit fuzzy to me. The function "the_content()" lives in "content-page.php" and I'm assuming it loads the content of the page but it's loading some default stuff (I think it's added by the Roots theme) that I don't want there. I don't think the proper way to customize the home page content is to modify "content-page.php" and remove or change the function "the_content()". I'm assuming there is a better, modular way to do this, possibly creating a custom class that will be loaded when "the_content()" is called but I don't know where and how to do that.
As you're a bit vague with the details I'm going to have to read between the lines a bit. If you need further clarification just ask:
the_content() just outputs the content stored for a particular post, which you would edit in the WP admin. In terms of editing the markup that surrounds the content you have a couple of options. You could edit content-page.php as you require, or create a new partial (such as content-home.php and load that instead.
You can also use filters for modifying content; these are often used to change content that appears in multiple places such as 'read more' links. Check out this introduction to filters for more info.
In closing, you don't want/need to edit the_content()

Cloning A Page But Use A Different Widget Area

I hope someone might be able to help me with this. I have a page layout that top half is page template and the text area at the bottom is a widgetised area.
Previously to replicate a look of a page we have copied and altered the page template, added a new widget area and called that into the new page.
However, I have tried to do this and I am not sure what I have done but I cant get it to call the correct widget area.
The original page is http://www.haylockpittman.co.uk/painting-and-decorating/ which is newpaint.php the template was copied, altered and uploaded to create http://www.haylockpittman.co.uk/builders-painters-decorators-and-refurbishment-contractors-surrey/ which is surreypaint.php
We created a new sidebar called "Surrey Paint" and widget area has been filled in with different text. However, despite everything looking like it is fine and calling up the correct sidebar it is still calling up the widget area from the original page.
Any help to perhaps point out where I am going wrong would be much appreciated.
Make sure your new page is referencing the correct sidebar.
It is possible that the theme you started with might have that function buried within a few includes...so some refactoring might be needed.

Edit WP html code, but cannot find the page

I am new to Word Press and I have been assigned to change something at work in our homepage.
I am always worked with raw HTML/CSS/php files, so I am a bit out of place here.
The page in question is the following: GAN Integrity Solutions Products
Inspecting the html I found where the CSS is (in the theme folder).
If I go in word press under pages, and I choose Products (which is the page I want) there is not content in it even in the text or visual editor. (but the page does indeed have content)
I installed the plugin called "Always edit in HTML" but it only removes the Visual tab and does not really replace it with the HTML tab (like I have seen a friend of mine has).
Also I am currently using WP v. 3.7.1 and I have not update because I still had to learn what happens when one updates (does it screw up my site? I can't afford to screw it up).
Anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong or how I can solve this?
Btw the different "products" are created individually under "Portfolio" but what I would like to edit is that first link page html. What I need to do is instead of having pictures in the "squares" and then text as ones mouse over them, the reverse.
I would appreciate it!
Can you try to login in Wordpress?
You should go to pages and search for the product page.
Then check the template part.
Go to your themes map again and search for that template.
Your code should be there.
This is my first comment. Hope it is helpfull.

How can I edit a default function on WordPress?

I should edit the dynamic_sidebar() function on wordpress (hiding some categories, editing the template).
Is it possible? I read "you need to edit the core", but I don't have understand where is this "core" :)
Never edit the core. The reason is that if you change the default behaviour, themes you install might not work and updates to the wordpress engine will break your changes.
To change the way your wordpress behaves, create a child theme. Then add a functions.php file and in it create a widget that has your desired behaviour.
You can also register a new type of sidebar and a page templates that shows only that type of sidebar.
See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes and https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_sidebar_widget
Personally, you sound like your just starting out so I will give you some advice. Never edit the core.
It's tempting for a quick fix. Everyone has done it when they didn't know any better, but you have the opportunity to learn the right way.
Approach your problem logically. What are you trying to edit it for? Hiding some categories? Use the internal widget system in the CMS and take them off. Delete the categories, or hide them with CSS {display:none;}.
Good luck my young Padawan. I hope you take some advice and heed it well.
Best way is to probably make a Child template using the plugin One-click child theme. Copy the file containing the function to the child template (using ftp) and edit it there. This way you can update your template and still keep your changes.
