Codeigniter url path - php

This is the most simple way I can ask this question as I have not fully understood what's going on, or what I am not doing right.
I'm having trouble with the url.
http://localhost/index.php/user is the same as http://localhost/
http://localhost/index.php/user/something is not the same as http://localhost/something
How do I make http://localhost/something work?
Does it have to be http://localhost/user/something, how do I make that work?

You need to understand how CodeIgniter's URLs work.
An URL consists of some segments. http://localhost/index.php/user/something/thing In this example user, something and thing are segments of the URL.
Segments of the URL indicate which controller and which method of that controller will run. http://localhost/index.php/user/something/thing In this example the method something from user controller is called and thing is passed to that method as a parameter.
The first segment of the URL indicates the controller.
The second segment of the URL indicates the method of that controller.
The following segments are sent to that method as parameters.
But there are some defaults.
If your URL is http://localhost/index.php/something, you have something specified as the controller, but because you have not specified any method, the default method which is index is called. So the above URL is the same as http://localhost/index.php/something/index
If your URL is http://localhost/index.php/, you don't have any segments specified (no controller and no method). So the default controller which is specified in application\config\routes.php is the loaded controller. Which method of that controller will be called? Of course the index method.
--You can set the default controller by changing $route['default_controller'] = "site"; to what ever fits your application in application\config\routes.php's file.
If you want http://localhost/user/something to be the same as http://localhost/index.php/user/something, you have to create custom routes for your application. More info on that here.

http://localhost/something indicates that you are calling the index method of the Something controller class
http://localhost/user/something indicates that you are calling the something method in the User controller class.
Does that make sense?

In order to make http://localhost/something work, you need a controller called something with an index method. This would be the same as accessing http://localhost/something/index.
Alternatively, http://localhost/user/something implies that you have a user controller with a method called something.
Does that help at all?

To remove index.php from your URL you have to use the mod_rewrite method described here
Then to remove the controller name (user) from the url, you need to use routes
In your case, you would add $route['^(something|something_else|etc)(/:any)?$'] = "user/$0"; to your routes.php file


Routing in CodeIgniter for (:any)

I'm trying to make my CodeIgniter application work similarly to WordPress.
I want to be able to make these kind of URLs:
My routing:
$route['(:any)'] = "core/index/$1";
Which will call my Core controller and pass the page name into the index function.
I then lookup in my database for the page name and display the page to the user. So far so good.
However, there will be times when I want to call another controller. For example:
Now I assume my route will just grab all these rules and send them into my Core controller. Is there a way to make an exception for certain pages? Or is it a good idea to do this check inside my Core controller.
For example,
if ($page not in DB) {
// Call controller/method
This seems a little redundant since I just want CodeIgniter to handle this.
The routing rule you using it is OK for your purpose.
If you use this link it will send you admin controller and edit_page method.It will not use routes any rule.
However you will get one problem if your link looks like this
It will try to go my-post-example controller and test method.
Again will use routes any rule, means it will redirect your to core controller instead of admin/index. In that case your url should be
Finally If you call your other link with controller/method name it will be OK using your any rule

Route::controller with optional parameters in Laravel 4

I'm just new to Laravel but I immediately fell in love with it. As a not so super experienced php developer I do find the official documentation, although very expansive, somewhat complicated to use and find everything I need.
My question is about the Routing component. As the documentation states you can assign a route to a controller with the Route::controller method. So if I want a Blog controller for all /blog/ routes I assign it like this:
Route::controller('blog', 'BlogController');
So then if I'd like to acces all my blog posts I acces the the getIndex method by or
But let's say I'd like to be able to display categories via a getCategory method. My url would look like and if, for example, I want to get the news category from the DB by slug, I'd like to use: as the URI.
My question now is, how do I pass the slug to the url and access it in the getCategory method? Do I need specify it via Route::get('blog/category/{slug}', 'BlogController#getCategory') or is there a way to use Route::controller('blog', 'BlogController') and to send and acces parameters from the URL in the getCategory method?
I already tried to find it via google and in the official documentation, but I couldn't find a crystal clear answer to this problem...
You can simply add parameters to your getCategory method:
public function getCategory($category) {
If you initialize it to null in the parameter list, it becomes optional. Alternatively, you can always pull parameters from the Input object but they would need to be passed in querystring format:
$category = Input::get('category');
With that said, I'd caution against using the Controller route. It's handy and mimics traditional MVC frameworks, but I believe it's planned to be deprecated -- and honestly, you miss out on some pretty flexible features.
using Route::controller('blog', 'BlogController'); allows you to define a single route to handle every action in a controller using REST naming conventions.then you have to add methods to your controller, prefixed with the HTTP verb they respond to. That means if you have a method called getIndex() it will be executed when there is a GET request to the url "".
To handle POST requests to the same url add a method prefixed with post(ex: postComment()) and so on for other http verbs PUT, PATCH and DELETE.
I think you want something more customized, so you can use a resource controller:
Route::resource('blog', 'BlogController');
This will generate some RESTful routes around the blog resource, run php artisan routes in your project folder to see the generated routes, it should be something like this:
Verb Path Action Route Name
GET /blog index blog.index
GET /blog/create create blog.create
POST /blog store
GET /blog/{blog} show
GET /blog/{blog}/edit edit blog.edit
PUT/PATCH /blog/{blog} update blog.update
DELETE /blog/{blog} destroy blog.destroy
in the action column are the functions that you should have in the controller.
If you want to define more routes you can simply do it with Route::get or Route::post in the routes.php file
I hope this will make it more clear for you, enjoy routing with Laravel!!!

Routing in codeigniter

I am confused with codeigniter routing. I am implementing URL masking in my project by using router in codeigniter.
From this I got confusion about the routing.routes has given below.
My question is when I called the controller shareToFacebook what does route will do?
whether controller profile will be invoke or the controller shareToFacebook will be invoke?
Note: Routes will run in the order they are defined. Higher routes will always take precedence over lower ones.
CodeIgniter user guide: Routing
You will always be sent to shareToFacebook, but you will be sent to any of these routes only if you pass some parameters so when you will call the controller it will open it's index method regardless, if you won't pass any arguments.
when I called the controller shareToFacebook what does route will do?
The method 'shareToFacebook' will accept 1 parameter ex.
if you call ex. localhost/yourproject/profile/shareToFacebook/1 <- will be passed on the method shareToFacebook
public function shareToFacebbok($value)
and you can do what ever you want with that value.
whether controller profile will be invoke or the controller shareToFacebook will be invoke?
profile will still call its index method

Only allow URL's specified in routes to be seen in Codeigniter

If I have a controller called articles, which has a method called view_articles, a user can type in and have it return a page.
I have specified a route to be How can I make it so that only the URL specified in the route is visible? Is there a way for articles/view_articles/some-post to show a 404 instead of showing the same page as the route URL?
I am trying to prevent duplication for SEO purposes.
You can always make default routing to a 404 page by correctly defining routes in your routes.php file:
$routes['article/(:any)'] = 'articles/view_articles/$1';
$routes['(:any)'] = 'main/e404';
As stated by CodeIgniter user guide:
Routes will run in the order they are defined. Higher routes will always take precedence over lower ones.
So you can basically define all you want to be seen at the beginning of the file and block everything else on the last line.
As for your main(can be any other) controller's 404 method -
function e404() {
Use $this->uri->segment(n) as part of the URI class inside of view_articles to redirect traffic to your route if the URI contains view_articles as it's second segment.
I'v done that in other tricky way, first of all you should add some code to __construct function in sys/core/Controller.php
you can check whether the requested url is in routes or not by this code
show_404(); // Or whatever you want ...

Custom routing in code ingniter

I want to use codeigniter for an ecommerce project I'm working on but I think I need some custom routing and I'm not sure if this is possible. I want to be able to use this url:
By default in CI this would call the mens function in the store class. What I actually want is it to call a generic function in the store class and feed in 'mens' as a paremeter. The reason for this is that this site needs to have a mens,womens and childrens section.
Is this possible?
Also When I get further down the line...i.e
how do I make Ci work with this?
Simply define a custom route in application/config/routes.php
Something like, for your url
$route['store/(:any)'] = "store/customfunction/$1";
This way all requests will be mapped to your "customfunction" method, which takes the parameter "mens"
You might also want to consdere the __remap() function, which overrides the methods (as opposed to the routing, which overrides the whole URI) Quoting from the manual:
If your controller contains a function named __remap(), it will always
get called regardless of what your URI contains. It overrides the
normal behavior in which the URI determines which function is called,
allowing you to define your own function routing rules.
So you can use a __remap() function in your controller store, and anything will be redirected to that. Any segments after the method name are passed into __remap() as second parameter, and you can use this array with call_user_func_array().
This could come in handy for your second examples of URI. Might be something like
function __remap('mymethod',$array = array())
return call_user_func_array('mymethod',$array);
and in your method "mymethod" you pick the array element and do what you need to do
