Only allow URL's specified in routes to be seen in Codeigniter - php

If I have a controller called articles, which has a method called view_articles, a user can type in and have it return a page.
I have specified a route to be How can I make it so that only the URL specified in the route is visible? Is there a way for articles/view_articles/some-post to show a 404 instead of showing the same page as the route URL?
I am trying to prevent duplication for SEO purposes.

You can always make default routing to a 404 page by correctly defining routes in your routes.php file:
$routes['article/(:any)'] = 'articles/view_articles/$1';
$routes['(:any)'] = 'main/e404';
As stated by CodeIgniter user guide:
Routes will run in the order they are defined. Higher routes will always take precedence over lower ones.
So you can basically define all you want to be seen at the beginning of the file and block everything else on the last line.
As for your main(can be any other) controller's 404 method -
function e404() {

Use $this->uri->segment(n) as part of the URI class inside of view_articles to redirect traffic to your route if the URI contains view_articles as it's second segment.

I'v done that in other tricky way, first of all you should add some code to __construct function in sys/core/Controller.php
you can check whether the requested url is in routes or not by this code
show_404(); // Or whatever you want ...


When to use: redirect('/') vs. redirect()->route('home') vs. redirect()->home()?

When I have this named route:
Route::get('/', 'IndexController#index')->name('home');
Then in any action method of any Controller; when I need to redirect to the named route home; any of these statements redirects properly to the intended route:
return redirect('/');
return redirect()->route('home');
return redirect()->home();
When to use each?
What are the differences?
Are there any benefits of using one over the others?
As the documentation mention :
When you call the redirect helper with no parameters, an instance of
Illuminate\Routing\Redirector is returned, allowing you to call any
method on the Redirector instance. For example, to generate a
RedirectResponse to a named route, you may use the route method
As you can see in the API methods(link below) there is a lot of methods that you can use and also there is one specific helper method home() it's just a shortcut for redirect()->route('home') as highlighted by #ceejayoz.
Now the we will talk about return redirect('/'); and return redirect()->route('home'); the two of them redirects properly to the intended route as you said BUT the second one is really useful if in the future.
Why ?
Because if you want to change the URL structure in the routes file all you would need to change is the route only for example :
Route::get('/', 'IndexController#index')->name('home');
Will be :
Route::get('/home_page', 'IndexController#index')->name('home');
and all the redirects would refer to that route and there is no other thing that you should change => all redirects will still work perfectly.
If you choose to use the first one (i mean return redirect('/');) then after the change in the route you will need to parse all your controllers to check if there is some redirects that uses then changed route and the change them :p
redirect()->home() is simply a shortcut for redirect()->route('home'). The source code can be seen here.
Named routes are generally better than raw URLs for maintainability purposes. The home route isn't all that likely to change location, but it is possible that you might host a Laravel app in a subfolder, or move the home page from / to /app to make room for a marketing landing page at the root.
It redirects you to the base URL.
Redirects to the route named home.
See More about named routes here.
Alternative way to redirect to named route.Redirects to 'home' route as well. It does the same thing as above but with slightly different syntax.
I preferred named routes over raw URLs, because if you decide to change the URL later on, you have to make changes into your routes file only.
When you are passing a string it will redirect a user to the domain plus the string you pass.
http://localhost:3000 + string
It will also add / if you forget it, now if you name your routes like you did then you can call it by the name.
An advantage of using named routes is in case you want to change the URI you can do it without worrying about changing a bunch of ahref in your view, redirects in your controllers, etc.
home() is a method from Laravel's Redirector or redirect() so, I don't think you can just call a named route as a method.

Routing in CodeIgniter for (:any)

I'm trying to make my CodeIgniter application work similarly to WordPress.
I want to be able to make these kind of URLs:
My routing:
$route['(:any)'] = "core/index/$1";
Which will call my Core controller and pass the page name into the index function.
I then lookup in my database for the page name and display the page to the user. So far so good.
However, there will be times when I want to call another controller. For example:
Now I assume my route will just grab all these rules and send them into my Core controller. Is there a way to make an exception for certain pages? Or is it a good idea to do this check inside my Core controller.
For example,
if ($page not in DB) {
// Call controller/method
This seems a little redundant since I just want CodeIgniter to handle this.
The routing rule you using it is OK for your purpose.
If you use this link it will send you admin controller and edit_page method.It will not use routes any rule.
However you will get one problem if your link looks like this
It will try to go my-post-example controller and test method.
Again will use routes any rule, means it will redirect your to core controller instead of admin/index. In that case your url should be
Finally If you call your other link with controller/method name it will be OK using your any rule

Incorrect routing via /config/routes.php

I have the following (basic) route set up in a CI-based web app:
$route['sms/resend/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'sms/resend/$1/$2';
The controller + 'resend' method:
class Sms extends CI_Controller {
public function resend($to, $message) {
// my code
Logically speaking, anything that doesn't fit the route should be directed to a 404 page instead of the resend() method within the sms controller. This isn't the case, however. The following URL, for example, isn't redirected correctly, it goes to the same controller+method:
What could be the problem?
After a bit of digging, I've come to understand that CI's default routing does not get deactivated when a default route related to a specific controller/method pair is added. That being said, if a URL does not fit the route $route['sms/resend/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'sms/resend/$1/$2', then the same URL is run through CI's default routing mechanism as a fallback, so it still takes me to the resend method of the sms controller. To prevent this from happening, I needed to add another custom route that follows all others related to the sms resending, that redirects any other url to a different controller+method. If this controller doesn't exist, you get the default 404 page.
So the final /config/routes.php file:
$route['sms/resend/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'sms/resend/$1/$2';
$route['sms/checkoperator/(:num)'] = 'sms/checkoperator/$1';
$route['sms/(:any)'] = 'somewhereovertherainbow';
I think the rout file is just for rerouting. Your URL don't fits the routing Conditions so it don't gets rerouted! So it goes the normal way wich is the same (in this case!)
Something like this could work!
(! :num) /(:any) '] = error page (or not existing page)
So every request wich doesn't start with a number gets redirected to the error page!
The syntax might be wrong!
This would work great :
$route['sms/resend/[^0-9]/(:any)'] = 'errorpage';
You have to replace the error page by something ;)

Codeigniter url path

This is the most simple way I can ask this question as I have not fully understood what's going on, or what I am not doing right.
I'm having trouble with the url.
http://localhost/index.php/user is the same as http://localhost/
http://localhost/index.php/user/something is not the same as http://localhost/something
How do I make http://localhost/something work?
Does it have to be http://localhost/user/something, how do I make that work?
You need to understand how CodeIgniter's URLs work.
An URL consists of some segments. http://localhost/index.php/user/something/thing In this example user, something and thing are segments of the URL.
Segments of the URL indicate which controller and which method of that controller will run. http://localhost/index.php/user/something/thing In this example the method something from user controller is called and thing is passed to that method as a parameter.
The first segment of the URL indicates the controller.
The second segment of the URL indicates the method of that controller.
The following segments are sent to that method as parameters.
But there are some defaults.
If your URL is http://localhost/index.php/something, you have something specified as the controller, but because you have not specified any method, the default method which is index is called. So the above URL is the same as http://localhost/index.php/something/index
If your URL is http://localhost/index.php/, you don't have any segments specified (no controller and no method). So the default controller which is specified in application\config\routes.php is the loaded controller. Which method of that controller will be called? Of course the index method.
--You can set the default controller by changing $route['default_controller'] = "site"; to what ever fits your application in application\config\routes.php's file.
If you want http://localhost/user/something to be the same as http://localhost/index.php/user/something, you have to create custom routes for your application. More info on that here.
http://localhost/something indicates that you are calling the index method of the Something controller class
http://localhost/user/something indicates that you are calling the something method in the User controller class.
Does that make sense?
In order to make http://localhost/something work, you need a controller called something with an index method. This would be the same as accessing http://localhost/something/index.
Alternatively, http://localhost/user/something implies that you have a user controller with a method called something.
Does that help at all?
To remove index.php from your URL you have to use the mod_rewrite method described here
Then to remove the controller name (user) from the url, you need to use routes
In your case, you would add $route['^(something|something_else|etc)(/:any)?$'] = "user/$0"; to your routes.php file

How to set controller/action to Page Not Found

I have a controller and action which I'm accessing through a custom URL. The original route is still accessible though at the default location
How can I change this to simulate a "Page not found" when the user tries to access this URL? Is it possible?
If the action handler is used to respond to both URLs, you would first have to detect which URL is being requested (using $this->_request->getRequestUri()). If the default URL is detected I think the easiest way to create a "page not found" would be to use
and set up a controller and action to respond.
This won't actually send an HTTP 404, though. To do that, I think you would have to raise an exception within your action handler. I don't know what the official "zendy" way of doing this is, but this seems to work:
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Not Found', 404);
You could change the main controller script to redirect a certain controller name and action name to a new page. But it's probably easier to add a new rule to the .htaccess file, indicating that this specific URL should be redirected to an error page. Example:
RewriteRule ^controller/action/?$ / [R=404,L]
Or redirect the page to an error page within your site:
RewriteRule ^controller/action/?$ /error/page-not-found/ [L]
You need to use:
And build your own 404 view
$this->view->message = 'Page not found';
Or you could forward to an error controller for example
$this->_forward('page-not-found', 'error');
Finally, if you have in your error controller
switch ($errors->type) {
case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
// 404 error -- controller or action not found
$this->view->message = 'Page not found';
You can just do as #bogeymin said:
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Not Found', 404);
If you are looking other solutions than mod_rewrite based, you may create a Regex Route to match the actions you need to hide.
The other solution is to restrict access to Actions using Zend_Acl, treating each action as an ACL resource.
But the simplest and most lightweight solution is still mod_rewrite in .htaccess.
As you can see, this may be done in numerous ways. But probably, you will need some kind of the switch, to still allow somehow to access the "hidden" action. In this case, use:
mod_rewrite for quick implementation (switching requires the person to know the .htaccess rules)
Zend_Router - the person who knows the right route can still access the feature
Zend_Acl + Zend_Auth for scalable and secure solution.
If you don't need to have authenticated users, Zend_Acl combined with Zend_Router might be the solution.
For smart handling the exceptions and building ACL's, see this (and other posts on this blog):
Handling errors in Zend Framework | CodeUtopia - The blog of Jani Hartikainen
By default the router includes default routes for :module/:controller/:action/ and :controller/:action/. You can disable these with:
then only routes you setup will work. If you still want to use the default routes for some other things, you'll either have to go with one of the other answers posted or add your own 'default' routes which will match all but the modules/controllers you have custom routes for.
If you don't want to remove the default route as #Tim Fountain suggests, you should do something like this in your controller (either preDispatch or whateverAction methods)
$router = $this->getFrontController()->getRouter();
$route = $router->getCurrentRouteName();
// if we reached this controller/action from the default route, 404
if ($route == 'default')
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Not Found', 404);
I think, all answers above are incorrect. Those show ways to achieve the same thing, but present logic at the wrong place in your application, which eventually can cause trouble later on.
The correct part of your route logic is, how extremely simple, in the routes. What is missing is that the default route Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module does not allow you to add exceptions to specific routes. So what you need to do, is remove the default route from your routes, and add a new custom route (which should function exactly as the default route, but allows excludes) at it's place.
You can write the new route by extending the class of the default route.
class My_Custom_Route extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
protected $_excludes = array();
public function exclude($abc)
//add to $_excludes here the controller/action you want to exclude
public function match($abc)
//add functionality here that denies if the mod/contr/action is in $_excludes
//you can also add this in a separate method
//re-use parent code
You can now add add the excludes for example in a config file, and load + add the excludes at the place you initiate the new Route (and add it to the router). Off you go.
