Replacing some string in an SWF/FLASH file using PHP - php

I have some flash swf files where i hard coded some variables to use with action script like
I want to replace the value of with a given string using a php script . I know this can be done using Binary operation, but it failed for me . Can anyone help me to find a solution using php 's built in functions only (No third party language) .

You can have PHP pass variables to the swf file using GET variables.
The magic line is this:
loadVariables("http://localhost/test.php", this, "GET");
After considering the options, you may want to store strings that are likely to change in an XML file and read the values at runtime.


extract info from jpeg with PHP

I want to extract variable lengths of information from a jpeg-file using PHP, but it is not exif-data.
If I open the jpeg with a simple text editor, I can see that the wanted informations are at the end of the file and seperated by \00.
Like this:
Now if I use PHP's file_get_contents() to load the file into a string, the dividers \00 are gone and other symbols show up.
Like so:
Could somebody please eplain:
Why do the \00 dividers vanish?
How to get the informations using PHP?
The question is solved, but for those seeking a smarter solution, here is the file I try to obtain the DATA parts from: (yes I know its corrupted)
Use instead $data = exif_read_data("PATH/some.jpg") it will give you all headers data about image, you can check its manual here -
I came up with a solution on my own. May not be pretty, but works for me.
Using urlencode(file_get_contents()) I was able to retrieve the \00 parts as %00.
So now it reads like this:
I can split the string at the %00 parts.
I am going to accept this answer, once SO lets me do so and nobody comes up with a better solution.

fopen pass variables to remote servers

I'm using fopen to allow webmasters to access data directly from my web servers soon. The problem is my server doesn't see a few things it normally see's when its loading through JavaScript.
So I want to pass a few variables using fopen or file_get_contents depending which is quicker performance once I do so benchmarks.
I'm using the example code below
$file = '';
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
but it doesn't pass the get variables through. I don't want to use cURL just encase they don't have it installed and it seems to be slow also. I'm trying to make it very simple for the webmasters. How would I go about passing the variables through?
I found if you have a space in the variable it stops sending the rest of the variable string. How do I allow spaces without it interrupting the rest of the variables? It also real buggy using multiple variables as it doesn't send them all for me.
On updated question - perhaps URL encoding the spaces in the variables - replace space with %20 may help.
In the past, I have used file_get_contents with URLs. Please check your PHP.ini to make sure that allow_url_fopen=On and also urlencode your variable, as mentioned in another question.
(don't just replace the ' ' to %20)

PHP - Syntax of exec() function to call another php file

This question is in reference to:
Free (preferably) PHP RTF to HTML converter?
I'm trying to execute that last line of code in my php:
exec(rtf2htm file.rtf file.html)
I understand what parameters need to go within the parentheses, I just do not know how to write it. I've looked at multiple examples along with the php documentation and still I remain confused, so could someone show me how it is written? rtf2htm refers to a PHP file which converts RTF to HTML.
Ultimately what I am trying to do is convert the content of numerous RTF docs to HTML, maintaining the formatting, while not creating tags such as<head> or <body> which programs like Word or TextEdit generate when converting to HTML.
rtf2htm is not a php script, it is a program installed on the server. exec() is used to call external applications.
EDIT: After looking up this script, it seems that it is indeed a php script. But it has been coded to be usable from the command line only.
This should work:
exec('php /path/to/rtf2htm /path/to/source.rtf /path/to/output.html');

Is there a php function for using the source code of another web page?

I want to create a PHP script that grabs the content of a website. So let's say it grabs all the source code for that website and I say which lines of code I need.
Is there a function in PHP that allows you too do this or is it impossible?
Disclaimer: I'm not going to use this for any illegal purposes at all and not asking you too write any code, just tell me if its possible and if you can how I'd go about doing it. Also I'm just asking in general, not for any specific reason. Thanks! :)
file('') returns an array of lines from a url.
so for the 24th line do this:
$lines = file('');
echo $lines[23];
This sounds like a horrible idea, but here we go:
Use file_get_contents() to get the file. You cannot get the source if the web server first processes it, so you may need to use an extension like .txt. Unless you password protect the file, obviously anybody can get it.
Use explode() with the \n delimiter to split the source code into lines.
Use array_slice() to get the lines you need.
eval() the code.
Note: if you just want the HTML output, then ignore the bit about the source in step 1 and obviously you can skip the whole eval() thing.

Permanently write variables to a php file with php

I need to be able to permanently change variables in a php file using php.
I am creating a multilanguage site using codeigniter and using the language helper which stores the text in php files in variables in this format:
$lang['title'] = "Stuff";
I've been able to access the plain text of the files using fopen() etc and I it seems that I could probably locate the areas I want to edit with with regular expressions and rewrite the file once I've made the changes but it seems a bit hacky.
Is there any easy way to edit these variables permanently using php?
If it's just an array you're dealing with, you may want to consider var_export. It will print out or return the expression in a format that's valid PHP code.
So if you had language_foo.php which contained a bunch of $lang['title'] = "Stuff"; lines, you could do something along the lines of:
$lang['title2'] = 'stuff2';
$data = '$lang = ' . var_export($lang, true) . ';';
file_put_contents('language_foo.php', '<?PHP ' . $data . ' ?>');
Alternatively, if you won't want to hand-edit them in the future, you should consider storing the data in a different way (such as in a database, or serialize()'d, etc etc).
It looks way easier to store data somewhere else (for instance, a database) and write a simple script to generate the *.php files, with this comment on top:
I once faced a similar issue. I fixed it by simply adding a smarty template. The way I did it was as follows:
Read the array from the file
Add to the array
Pass the array to smarty
Loop over the array in smarty and generate the file using a template (this way you have total control, which might be missing in reg-ex)
Replace the file
Let me know if this helps.
Assuming that
You need the dictionary file in a human-readable and human-editable form (no serializing etc.)
The Dictionary array is an one-dimensional, associative array:
I would
Include() the dictionary file inside a function
Do all necessary operations on the $lang array (add words, remove words, change words)
Write the $lang array back into the file using a simple loop:
foreach ($lang as $key => $value)
fwrite ($file, "\$lang['$key'] = '$value';\n";
this is an extremely limited approach, of course. I would be really interested to see whether there is a genuine "PHP source code parser, changer and writer" around. This should be possible to do using the tokenizer functions.
If it also is about a truly multilingual site, you might enjoy looking into the gettext extension of PHP. It falls back to a library that has been in use for localizing stuff for many years, and where tools to keep up with the translation files have been around for almost quite as long. This makes supporting all the languages in later revisions of the product more fun, too.
In other news, I would not use an array but rather appropriate definitions, so that you have a file
switch ($lang) {
case 'de':
define('BYE','Auf wiedersehen.');
case 'fr':
define('BYE','Au revoir.');
case 'en':
define ('HELLO','Hello.');
define ('BYE','Bye.');
And I'd also auto-generate that from a database, if maintenance becomes a hassle.
Pear Config will let you read and write PHP files containing settings using its 'PHPArray' container. I have found that the generated PHP is more readable than that from var_export()
