fopen pass variables to remote servers - php

I'm using fopen to allow webmasters to access data directly from my web servers soon. The problem is my server doesn't see a few things it normally see's when its loading through JavaScript.
So I want to pass a few variables using fopen or file_get_contents depending which is quicker performance once I do so benchmarks.
I'm using the example code below
$file = '';
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
but it doesn't pass the get variables through. I don't want to use cURL just encase they don't have it installed and it seems to be slow also. I'm trying to make it very simple for the webmasters. How would I go about passing the variables through?
I found if you have a space in the variable it stops sending the rest of the variable string. How do I allow spaces without it interrupting the rest of the variables? It also real buggy using multiple variables as it doesn't send them all for me.

On updated question - perhaps URL encoding the spaces in the variables - replace space with %20 may help.

In the past, I have used file_get_contents with URLs. Please check your PHP.ini to make sure that allow_url_fopen=On and also urlencode your variable, as mentioned in another question.
(don't just replace the ' ' to %20)


PHP comment character escaping

I made a .htaccess file that redirects, for example, link:
As # is the PHP comment declarer, I get a problem when need to load:
$bootstrap->init($url) // $url = module#controller;
I tried to use addslashees($url);, but still when I:
echo $url;
I still get an output of:
How I should clear that string, to treat the # sign as part of the string?
$url = module#controller; is not valid PHP.
$url = 'module#controller'; will (correctly) not treat the # as a comment initiator.
Additionally, a # in a URL isn't going to work the way you expect. That's the marker for the URL hash/anchor, which is not passed to the web server. This is likely why you get output of module - your problem is at the browser level, not PHP.
The hashtag fragment identifier is a client-side concept only. The browser would never send a hashtag value to the server.
If you are relying on this functionality, your are going to be disappointed as server has absolutely no way to do redirection based on the hashtag, as it never even sees the hashtag.

Remove double-quotes from a json_encoded string on the keys

I have a json_encoded array which is fine.
I need to strip the double-quotes on all of the keys of the json string on returning it from a function call.
How would I go about doing this and returning it successfully?
I do apologise, here is a snippet of the json code:
{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}
Just to add a little more info:
I will be retrieving the JSON via an AJAX request, so if it would be easier, I am open to ideas in how to do this on the javascript side.
EDITED as per anubhava's comment
$str = '{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}';
$str = preg_replace('/"([^"]+)"\s*:\s*/', '$1:', $str);
echo $str;
This certainly works for the above string, although there maybe some edge cases that I haven't thought of for which this will not work. Whether this will suit your purposes depends on how static the format of the string and the elements/values it contains will be.
TL;DR: Missing quotes is how Chrome shows it is a JSON object instead of a string. Ensure that you have Header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF8'); in PHP's AJAX response to solve the real problem.
A common reason for wanting to solve this problem is due to finding this difference while debugging the processing of returned AJAX data.
In my case I saw the difference using Chrome's debugging tools. When connected to the legacy system, upon success, Chrome showed that there were no quotes shown around keys in the response according to the debugger. This allowed the object to be immediately treated as an object without using a JSON.parse() call. Debugging my new AJAX destination, there were quotes shown in the response and variable was a string and not an object.
I finally realized the true issue when I tested the AJAX response externally saw the legacy system actually DID have quotes around the keys. This was not what the Chrome dev tools showed.
The only difference was that on the legacy system there was a header specifying the content type. I added this to the new (WordPress) system and the calls were now fully compatible with the original script and the success function could handle the response as an object without any parsing required. Now I can switch between the legacy and new system without any changes except the destination URL.

Replacing some string in an SWF/FLASH file using PHP

I have some flash swf files where i hard coded some variables to use with action script like
I want to replace the value of with a given string using a php script . I know this can be done using Binary operation, but it failed for me . Can anyone help me to find a solution using php 's built in functions only (No third party language) .
You can have PHP pass variables to the swf file using GET variables.
The magic line is this:
loadVariables("http://localhost/test.php", this, "GET");
After considering the options, you may want to store strings that are likely to change in an XML file and read the values at runtime.

cutting special chars in folder name when using GET

I've been visiting for a long time and always found the solution to my problem. But this time it's different. That's why I'm posting my first question here.
The situation looks like this: My website provides a directory explorer which allows users to download whole directory as a zip file. The problem is I end up with error when I want to download a dir containg special characters in it's name, i.e. 'c++'. I don't want to force users to NOT name their folders with those special chars, so I need a clue on this one. I noticed that the whole problem comes down to GET protocol. I use ajax POST for example to roll out the directory content, but for making a .zip file and downloading it I need GET:
var dir_clicked = $('path'); //let's say it equals '/c++'
window.location = 'myDownloadSite.php?directory_path='+dir_clicked;
I studied whole track of dir_clicked variable, step by step, and it seems that the variable in adress is sent correctly (I see the correct url in browser) but typing:
echo $_GET['directory_path']
in myDownloadSite.php prints
instead of
Why the GET protocol is cutting my pluses?
You can use:
encodeURIComponent() //to get the url then use
decodeURIComponent() //to decode and access ur filename.
Use urlencode() and urldecode() on server side.
Try encoding your URI with encodeURI(url) JavaScript function.
window.location = encodeURI('myDownloadSite.php?directory_path=' + dir_clicked);
Maybe use encodeURIComponent() and then remove all %xx occurrences?
When the information is posted it is encoded with special chars, sounds like you just need to decode them before using the information.
You can use php function urldecode() to decode the folder names before using them...

mysql_real_escape_string() -> stripslashes() -> jquery.append()

im letting my users type in texts, then take them to server side php and process them, and if everything goes as it should, i just append the text with jquery without the page having to load all over again.
This is the procedure:
$post_text = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['post_text']));
some logic...
everything ok!
stripslashes(str_replace("\\n", "", $post_text))
and then i send all the nessesary data witj json
echo json_encode($return);
on the client side i append the html chunk saved in a variable from the server side.
this seems to work on localhost, it removes all the slashes and so on, but online it just doenst remove the slashes, and they keep coming up, when i hit refresh they dissapear becouse then its a
written out with php straight from the database. Is it the json that adds some extra stuff? i dont get it becouse it works perfectly on localhost.
best of regards,
The additional slashes might be magic quotes. You shouldn’t rely on them and disable them.
Additionally, mysql_real_escape_string should only be used to prepare strings to be put into a string context in an MySQL statement. Similar applies to htmlspecialchars that should only be used for sanitizing data to be put into an HTML context.
It may be, that on your server and your localhost the magic_quotes_gpc directive is set differently, so your string is double encoded on server side.
Try it without stripslashes, json_encode should handle that. All you need to do is use mysql_real_escape once, before your string touches your database.
