php cron job issue? - php

i m using the php code to exectue the code using the cron. i have set the cron time and command in cpanel also.
1). But whenever cron runs i receive a mail
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `'/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php''
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: `include_once('/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php');'
i have set this command in cpanel "/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php"
i have also tried this PHP: Error trying to run a script via Cron job and added this command on the top of the file /usr/local/lib/php/ but it still not working
Here is the code of cron file getfeed.php
global $wpdb;
$xml = simplexml_load_file("/home/letsview/public_html/letsviewproperties.xml",'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$TotalPostadded = 0;
$TotalUseradded = 0;
foreach($xml as $child)
//Insert Post
$postdata = array();
$postdata['post_title'] = trim($child->title);
$postdata['post_content'] = trim($child->content);
//$postdata['guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postdata['post_status'] = 'publish';
$postdata['post_type'] = 'post';
$postdata['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Insert Post Meta
$postmetadata = array();
$addresstext = trim($child->FullAddress->address1);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address2);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address3);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address4);
$postmetadata['price'] = trim($child->price);
$postmetadata['property_type'] = trim($child->type);
$postmetadata['bed_rooms'] = trim($child->rooms);
$postmetadata['bath_rooms'] = trim($child->bathrooms);
$postmetadata['address'] = $addresstext;
$postmetadata['add_city'] = trim($child->city);
$postmetadata['add_state'] = trim($child->FullAddress->region);
$postmetadata['add_country'] = trim($child->FullAddress->country);
$postmetadata['add_zip_code'] = trim($child->postcode);
$postmetadata['other_guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postmetadata['post_from_feed'] = true;
//Insert Author(agent)
$authordata = array();
$authormetadata = array();
//Author data
$authordata['user_login'] = trim(pg_create_string($child->agent->agent_name));
$authordata['user_nicename'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['display_name'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['user_email'] = trim($child->agent->agent_email);
$authordata['user_url'] = trim($child->url);
$authordata['role'] = trim('agent');
$authordata['user_registered'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Author meta data
$authormetadata['user_phone'] = trim($child->agent->agent_phone);
$authormetadata['user_address'] = trim($child->agent->agent_address);
foreach($child->pictures as $pictures)
$postimagedata = array();
$imageloop = 0;
foreach($pictures as $picture)
$postimagedata[$imageloop] = (string)$picture->picture_url;
$postmetadata['post_from_feed_images'] = serialize($postimagedata);
if($postdata['post_title'] != ''){
$sql = "select count(post_title) as post from ".$wpdb->prefix."posts where post_title = '".$postdata['post_title']."' and post_status = '".$postdata['post_status']."'";
$sqlresult = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
foreach ( $sqlresult as $post ) {
if($post->post == 0)
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $authordata );
if(!empty($user_id) && empty($user_id->errors)){
echo "User added = ".$user_id."<br />";
foreach($authormetadata as $meta_key=>$meta_value){
add_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
echo "User Meta = ".$meta_key." Inserted<br />";
$userdata = get_user_by('email', $authordata['user_email']);
$user_id = $userdata->ID;
echo "User fetched = ".$user_id."<br />";
$postdata['post_author'] = $user_id;
$post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
echo "<br />"."Post Inserted = ".$post_id;
$properties_category_id = 109;
$cat = "INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships ( object_id, term_taxonomy_id ) VALUES ( '".$post_id."','".$properties_category_id."' )";
$catid = $wpdb->query($cat);
echo "<br />"."Post attached to Category ID = ".$properties_category_id."<br />";
foreach($postmetadata as $key=>$value){
add_post_meta($post_id, $key,$value, true);
echo "Post Meta = ".$key." Inserted<br />";
$cron = "<br />"."Corn Done";
$cron .= "<br />"."Total Post added = ".$TotalPostadded;
$cron .= "<br />Total User added = ".$TotalUseradded;
echo $cron;
mail('','Lets view Properties Corn',$cron);
function pg_create_string($text)
// replace all non letters or digits with -
$text = preg_replace('/\W+/', '-', $text);
// trim and lowercase
$text = strtolower(trim($text, '-'));
return $text;
Can any one help me??

The start of the file should be:
This assumes that your PHP binary is in the folder /usr/bin. If it isn't, then change the #! line appropriately.
Even better:
#!/usr/bin/env php
will almost certainly work as it uses the system's env command to work out where php is.

Add this to the very top of your file and chmod the file to execute rights (555 or 775) etc.
// your code
Where /usr/local/lib/php is the path to php.
Or if that doesn't work you can change the cron command:
/usr/local/lib/php /home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php

// php code
And you sure the php cli in /usr/local/lib


Using an If statement in PHP but not working

What I want to do is When I enter all my information (for client ID 199 in the picture) In my account being submit it, it goes into the database. BUT I want it to change to something and so i added an if statement
Here the code im adding to the existing code already at the BOTTOM of the code
if ($vpr_clid == 199) {
$vpr_cl_name = "Shelley Madsen And Associates";
if the ($vpr_clid = 199)
i want the clname to be "Shelley Madsen And Associates" then what is show in the table below instead of "Nice and White Smiles" (that an example of the results look like)
but when i chcek the database it not changing it and still show "Nice and White Smiles :(
I dont see any error, so it might be the placement of the code i have to put the IF statement in the huge php file? Dont know how to fix this issue
Thanks (the code below is the base code before i added the If statement)
I also insert the if statement before the function were called but still didnt work example
if ($vpr_clid == 199) {
$vpr_cl_name = "Shelley Madsen And Associates";
$result = InsertIntoPayReminder($link, $vars);
$result = GetVpr_Id($link, $vars);
if ($_SESSION['company'] != "ACB") {
// redirect to the logout page
$redirect = 'logout.php';
include './includes/redirect.php';
class variables_obj {
var $vpr_plan = '';
var $vpr_id = '';
var $vpr_clid = '';
var $vpr_cl_name = '';
var $vpr_cl_phone = '';
var $vpr_call_start_date = '';
var $vpr_db_account = '';
var $vpr_db_fname = '';
var $vpr_db_mname = '';
var $vpr_db_lname = '';
var $vpr_rp_fname = '';
var $vpr_rp_mname = '';
var $vpr_rp_lname = '';
var $vpr_rp_address = '';
var $vpr_rp_city = '';
var $vpr_rp_state = '';
var $vpr_rp_zipcode = '';
var $vpr_rp_phonenum = '';
var $vpr_rp_phonetype = '';
var $vpr_date_entered = '';
var $newrecdt = '';
var $vpl_day_offset = '';
var $vpl_action = '';
var $vpr_promocode = '';
function ScrubPhone($old_phone_num) {
$phone_length = strlen($old_phone_num);
$new_phone_num = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $phone_length; $i = $i + 1) {
if(is_numeric($old_phone_num[$i])) {
$new_phone_num .= $old_phone_num[$i];
return $new_phone_num;
function ScheduleCreated($link, $vars) {
$query = "UPDATE v_payreminder SET vpr_schedule_created = '1' WHERE vpr_id='".$vars->vpr_id."'";
if (!mysql_query($query,$link)) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
return true;
function CreateScheduleRow($link, $vars){
// echo "vpl_day_offset: ".$vars->vpl_day_offset."<br>";
// echo "vpl_action: ".$vars->vpl_action."<br>";
$plus_days = " +".$vars->vpl_day_offset." days";
// echo "plus days: ".$plus_days."<br>";
$date_offset = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($vars->vpr_date_entered)).$plus_days);
$date_offset = date("Y-m-d", $date_offset);
// echo "date_offset: ".$date_offset."<br>";
// $date_offset = strtotime(date("Y-m-d",strtotime($vars->vpr_date_entered))." +".$vars->vpl_day_offset." days");
// $date_offset = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +1 day");
// echo "date_offset: ".$date_offset."<br>";
$query = "INSERT INTO v_pr_schedule (
//echo "query: ".$query."<br>";
if (!mysql_query($query,$link)) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
return true;
function CreateSchedule($link, &$vars) {
$query = " SELECT vpl_day_offset, vpl_action, vpl_condition
FROM v_plan
WHERE vpl_plan = '".$vars->vpr_plan."'";
// echo "query: ".$query."<br>";
$qresult = mysql_query($query);
if (!$qresult) {
if ($qresult && mysql_num_rows($qresult) > 0 ) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$vars->vpl_day_offset = $row['vpl_day_offset'];
$vars->vpl_action = $row['vpl_action'];
if ($row['vpl_condition'] == 'OO') {
CreateScheduleRow($link, $vars);
return true;
function InsertIntoPayReminder($link, &$vars) {
$vars->vpr_cl_name = strtr($vars->vpr_cl_name, "'", " ");
//echo "Client Name: ".$vars->vpr_cl_name."<br><br>";
$sql="INSERT INTO v_payreminder (
vpr_date_entered) VALUES (
if (!mysql_query($sql,$link)) {
die('Error2: ' . mysql_error());
return true;
function GetVpr_Id($link, &$vars) {
// Find out what vpr_id is
$query = "SELECT vpr_id FROM v_payreminder ";
$query .= "WHERE vpr_clid = '".$vars->vpr_clid."' AND vpr_date_entered = '".$vars->vpr_date_entered."'";
$qresult = mysql_query($query);
if (!$qresult) {
if ($qresult && mysql_num_rows($qresult) > 0 ) {
$row = mysql_fetch_array($qresult, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$vars->vpr_id = $row['vpr_id'];
function InsertInActivity($link, $vars) {
$vaction_desc = 'PATIENT ENTERED';
$sql = "INSERT INTO v_pr_activity (
if (!mysql_query($sql,$link)) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
include './includes/dblogin.php';
$vars = new variables_obj();
$vars->vpr_plan = 'VP01';
$vars->vpr_clid = $_SESSION['userid'];
// No commas can be in client name or they will
// mess up the Global Connect CSV file.
$vpr_cl_name = $_SESSION['username'];
$vpr_cl_name = str_replace(",", " ", $vpr_cl_name);
$vars->vpr_cl_name = $vpr_cl_name;
$vars->vpr_cl_phone = ScrubPhone($_SESSION['uphone']);
$vars->vpr_call_start_date = '0000-00-00';
$vars->vpr_db_account = $_POST['ndaccnum'];
$vars->vpr_db_fname = $_POST['ndfreqname'];
$vars->vpr_db_mname = $_POST['ndmname'];
$vars->vpr_db_lname = $_POST['ndlreqname'];
$vars->vpr_rp_fname = $_POST['ndrfreqname'];
$vars->vpr_rp_mname = $_POST['ndrmname'];
$vars->vpr_rp_lname = $_POST['ndrlreqname'];
$vars->vpr_rp_address = '';
$vars->vpr_rp_city = '';
$vars->vpr_rp_state = $_POST['ndrstatereqname'];
$vars->vpr_rp_zipcode = $_POST['ndrreqzipcode'];
$phonenumber = $_POST['1ndrreqphone'].$_POST['2ndrreqphone'].$_POST['3ndrreqphone'];
$vars->vpr_rp_phonenum = $phonenumber;
$vars->vpr_rp_phonetype = $_POST['treqphone'];
$vars->vpr_date_entered = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$vars->newrecdt = date('Ymd');
$vars->vpr_promocode = $_POST['promocode'];
// echo "vpr_plan: ".$vars->vpr_plan."<br>";
// echo "vpr_date_entered: ".$vars->vpr_date_entered."<br>";
// echo "newrecdt: ".$vars->newrecdt."<br>";
// echo "vpr_clid: ".$vars->vpr_clid."<br>";
// echo "vpr_id: ".$vars->vpr_id."<br>";
$result = InsertIntoPayReminder($link, $vars);
$result = GetVpr_Id($link, $vars);
$result = InsertInActivity($link, $vars);
$result = CreateSchedule($link, $vars);
$result = ScheduleCreated($link, $vars);
// echo "vpr_id: ".$vars->vpr_id."<br>";
// redirect
$redirect = 'vpayremind.php';
include './includes/redirect.php';
okay referencing the following lines..
if ( $vpr_clid == 199 ) {
$vpr_cl_name = "Shelley Madsen And Associates";
$result = InsertIntoPayReminder($link, $vars);
...and then:
function InsertIntoPayReminder($link, &$vars) {
$vars->vpr_cl_name = strtr($vars->vpr_cl_name, "'", " ");
so on and so forth... }
it doesnt seem as if you are actually setting the value of the class object. You seem to be setting some arbitrary php variable to the name you want, and then passing a totally different ' $vars ' object into the function. I don't see any reason to believe that the ' $vars ' you are passing into the function call contains the name value you want it to contain. You should be assigning the value of ' $vars ' before passing it in.
For instance:
if ( $vpr_clid == 199 ) {
$vars[ 'vpr_cl_name' ] = "Shelley Madsen And Associates";
then you can get rid of this line all together:
$vars->vpr_cl_name = strtr($vars->vpr_cl_name, "'", " ");

phpscript stops after 4th sleep

I have a csv file containing about 3500 user's data. I want to import these users to my database and send them an email that they are registered.
I have the following code:
public function importUsers()
$allengagements = $this->engagement_model->getAll();
$filename = base_url() . 'assets/overdracht_users.csv';
$file = fopen($filename, "r");
$count = 0;
$totalImported = 0;
$importFails = array();
$mailFails = array();
while (($mappedData = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ";")) !== FALSE)
//Skip first line because it is the header
if ($count > 1) {
if (!empty($mappedData[0])) {
$email = $mappedData[0];
$user = $this->users_model->getByEmail($email);
if (!$user) {
$user = new stdClass();
$user->email = $mappedData[0];
$user->first_name = $mappedData[1];
$user->family_name = $mappedData[2];
$user->address_line1 = $mappedData[3];
$user->address_postal_code = $mappedData[4];
$user->address_city = $mappedData[5];
$user->address_country = 'BE';
$user->volunteer_location = $mappedData[5];
$user->volunteer_location_max_distance = 50;
$user->phone = $mappedData[6];
if (!empty($mappedData[7])) {
$user->birthdate = $mappedData[7] . "-01-01 00:00:00";
} else {
$user->birthdate = null;
foreach ($allengagements as $eng) {
if ($eng->description == $mappedData[8]) {
$engagement = $eng->engagement_id;
$user->engagement = $engagement;
if (!empty($mappedData[9])) {
$date_created = str_replace('/', '-', $mappedData[9]);
$date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date_created));
} else {
$date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user->created_at = $date_created;
if (!empty($mappedData[10])) {
$date_login = str_replace('/', '-', $mappedData[10]);
$date_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date_login));
} else {
$date_login = null;
$user->last_login = $date_login;
$user->auth_level = 1;
$user->is_profile_public = 1;
$user->is_account_active = 1;
$combinedname = $mappedData[1] . $mappedData[2];
$username = str_replace(' ', '', $combinedname);
if (!$this->users_model->isUsernameExists($username)) {
$uniqueUsername = $username;
} else {
$counter = 1;
while ($this->users_model->isUsernameExists($username . $counter)) {
$uniqueUsername = $username . $counter;
$user->username = $uniqueUsername;
$userid = $this->users_model->add($user);
if (!empty($userid)) {
//Add the user in the volunteer group in ACL
$aclData = [
'userID' => $userid,
'roleID' => 1,
'addDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
//Registration mail to volunteer
$mail_data['name'] = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->family_name;
$mail_data['username'] = $user->username;
$this->email->from(GENERAL_MAIL, 'Test');
$message = $this->load->view('mail/register/registration',$mail_data,TRUE);
$mailsent = $this->email->send();
if (!$mailsent) {
array_push($mailFails, $mappedData);
} else {
array_push($importFails, $mappedData);
if ($count % 50 == 0) {
var_dump("count is " . $count);
var_dump("we are sleeping");
$randSleep = rand($min,$max);
var_dump("end of sleep (which is " . $randSleep . "seconds long)");
} else {
array_push($importFails, $mappedData);
var_dump("Totale aantal rijen in het bestand (met header) : " . $count);
var_dump("Totale aantal geimporteerd in de database : " . $totalImported);
var_dump("Totale aantal gefaalde imports in de database : " . count($importFails));
var_dump("Deze zijn gefailed : ");
If I do not add the users in the database, or send out a mail, and just var_dump() the $user, i can see all 3500+ users being correctly created in php objects (so they should be able to be inserted correctly).
The problem is that I want to add in a random sleep, between 20 and 40 seconds after every 50 mails that I sent.
So I started doing some testing and after commenting out the insert and mail code, I started running the script, noticing that after some amount (not 50 at all), it just stops for a bit, then continues and shows me the the var_dumps in my if case at the bottom, it can be shown here in the screenshots below.
The first screenshot shows the code stopping for a bit (note that I am only var_dumping stuff, i am not adding something in the database or sending out an email yet).
This screenshot shows what happens after the script reaches 200:
The script just completely stops from this point on. I have tried this 3 times, and every single time it stops exactly on 200.
What is happening here??
Most likely you're hitting default PHP limits. temporarily remove PHP default limits with:
then, rerun the script and check your output.
There can be multiple reasons, but to know the exact one please enable error output with.
and if limits are not the problem, the errors will tell you more.
HINT: using logs are still better than outputting errors to the visitors, but my guess is you're testing this on your computer.

know the existence of files equal to a partial name + extention

I'm trying to have a filter, to see if a file exists or not, and how many are: I'm trying to pick up the script with as follows:
$list = glob($filepath.$filenamePartial'*'.$ext);
Solved 1:
$list = glob($filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.'*'.$ext);
if (count($list) <= 0){
$FFileUPL = $filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext;
$event = move_uploaded_file($flTName, $FFileUPL);
echo 'this file Exist: '.$FsisName.'-'.$count.'-'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext.'<br>';
$event = false;
How can i retrive the name file in the iteratos?
Solved 2:
foreach($list as $fnames){
$eFile['smg'] .= basename($fnames).'<br>';
$list = glob($filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.'*'.$ext);
if (count($list) <= 0){
$FFileUPL = $filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext;
$event = move_uploaded_file($flTName, $FFileUPL);
echo 'this file Exist: '.$FsisName.'-'.$count.'-'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext.'<br>';
$event = false;
foreach($list as $fnames){
$eFile['smg'] .= basename($fnames).'<br>';

UDP Tracker Scraping 1 script working other Not

While using this script my tracker only update seeds & leechers from http tracker only 1st Tracker of my torrent.
print("<tr><td class='desc'><b>" .T_("Torrent Stats"). ": </b></td><td valign='top' class='lista'>");
$seeders1 = $leechers1 = $downloaded1 = null;
$tres = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT url FROM announce WHERE torrent=$id");
while ($trow = mysql_fetch_assoc($tres)) {
$ann = $trow["url"];
$tracker = explode("/", $ann);
$path = array_pop($tracker);
$oldpath = $path;
$path = preg_replace("/^announce/", "scrape", $path);
$tracker = implode("/", $tracker)."/".$path;
if ($oldpath == $path) {
continue; // Scrape not supported, ignored
// TPB's tracker is dead. Use openbittorrent instead
if (preg_match("/", $tracker) || preg_match("/", $tracker)) {
$tracker = "";
$stats = torrent_scrape_url($tracker, $row["info_hash"]);
if ($stats['seeds'] != -1) {
$seeders1 += $stats['seeds'];
$leechers1 += $stats['peers'];
$downloaded1 += $stats['downloaded'];
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE `announce` SET `online` = 'yes', `seeders` = $stats[seeds], `leechers` = $stats[peers], `times_completed` = $stats[downloaded] WHERE `url` = ".sqlesc($ann)." AND `torrent` = $id");
} else {
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE `announce` SET `online` = 'no' WHERE `url` = ".sqlesc($ann)." AND `torrent` = $id");
Please correct It I haven't been able to solve this trouble.
In first code I think trouble is here
$tres = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT url FROM announce WHERE torrent=$id");
$tres = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT url FROM announce WHERE torrent=$id");
$tres = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT url FROM announce WHERE torrent=".$id.";");
This should work if $id is a php variable
The problem is that you are sending a http-scrape to an UDP-tracker.
UDP-tracker uses an entirely diffrent protocol:

Eliminating HTML escape sequences from string with PHP

I am working on a php script to pull quest data from wowhead, particularly what starts and ends the quest, whether it is an item or a npc, and what its id or name is, respectively. This is the relevant portion of the whole script, with the rest involving database insertion. This is the completed snippet of code I came up with if anyone is interested. Also, seeing as this will run about 15,000 times, is this the best method of obtaining/storing the data?
$quests = array();
//$questlimit = 14987;
$questlimit = 5;
$currentquest = 1;
$questsprocessed = 0;
while($questsprocessed != $questlimit)
echo "<br>";
echo " Start of iteration: ".$questsprocessed." ";
echo "<br>";
echo " Attempting to process quest: ".$currentquest." ";
echo "<br>";
$quests[$currentquest] = array();
$baseurl = '';
$fullurl = $baseurl.$currentquest;
$data = drupal_http_request($fullurl);
$queststartloc1 = strpos($data->data, 'quest_start');
$queststartloc2 = strpos($data->data, 'quest_end');
{$currentquest++; echo "No data for this quest"; echo "<br>"; continue;}
$questendloc1 = strpos($data->data, 'quest_end');
$questendloc2 = strpos($data->data, 'x5DDifficulty');
$startcaptureLength = $queststartloc2 - $queststartloc1;
$endcaptureLength = $questendloc2 - $questendloc1;
$quest_start_raw = substr($data->data,$queststartloc1, $startcaptureLength);
$quest_end_raw = substr($data->data, $questendloc1, $endcaptureLength);
$startDecoded = preg_replace('~\\\\x([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})~e', 'chr("0x$1")', $quest_start_raw);
$endDecoded = preg_replace('~\\\\x([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})~e', 'chr("0x$1")', $quest_end_raw);
$quests[$currentquest]['Start'] = array();
$quests[$currentquest]['End'] = array();
if(strstr($startDecoded, 'npc'))
$quests[$currentquest]['Start']['Type'] = "npc";
preg_match('~npc=(\d+)~', $startDecoded, $startmatch);
$quests[$currentquest]['Start']['Type'] = "item";
preg_match('~item=(\d+)~', $startDecoded, $startmatch);
$quests[$currentquest]['Start']['ID'] = $startmatch[1];
if(strstr($endDecoded, 'npc'))
$quests[$currentquest]['End']['Type'] = "npc";
preg_match('~npc=(\d+)~', $endDecoded, $endmatch);
$quests[$currentquest]['End']['Type'] = "item";
preg_match('~item=(\d+)~', $endDecoded, $endmatch);
$quests[$currentquest]['End']['ID'] = $endmatch[1];
echo " End of iteration: ".$questsprocessed." ";
echo "<br>";
echo " Processed quest: ".$currentquest." ";
echo "<br>";
These are called "escape sequences". Normally, they're used to represent characters not printable otherwise, but can encode any character. In php, you can decode them like this:
$text = '
$decoded = preg_replace('~\\\\x([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})~e', 'chr("0x$1")', $text);
Which gives you a string similar to this:
quest_start]Start: [item=16305][/icon][/li][li][icon name=quest_end]End: [url=/npc=12696]Senani Thunderheart[/url][/icon][/li][li]Not sharable[/li][li
(obviously, some kind of BB-code). To remove all bbcodes, yet one replacement is necessary:
$clean = preg_replace('~(\[.+?\])+~', ' ', $decoded);
