I have a csv file containing about 3500 user's data. I want to import these users to my database and send them an email that they are registered.
I have the following code:
public function importUsers()
$allengagements = $this->engagement_model->getAll();
$filename = base_url() . 'assets/overdracht_users.csv';
$file = fopen($filename, "r");
$count = 0;
$totalImported = 0;
$importFails = array();
$mailFails = array();
while (($mappedData = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ";")) !== FALSE)
//Skip first line because it is the header
if ($count > 1) {
if (!empty($mappedData[0])) {
$email = $mappedData[0];
$user = $this->users_model->getByEmail($email);
if (!$user) {
$user = new stdClass();
$user->email = $mappedData[0];
$user->first_name = $mappedData[1];
$user->family_name = $mappedData[2];
$user->address_line1 = $mappedData[3];
$user->address_postal_code = $mappedData[4];
$user->address_city = $mappedData[5];
$user->address_country = 'BE';
$user->volunteer_location = $mappedData[5];
$user->volunteer_location_max_distance = 50;
$user->phone = $mappedData[6];
if (!empty($mappedData[7])) {
$user->birthdate = $mappedData[7] . "-01-01 00:00:00";
} else {
$user->birthdate = null;
foreach ($allengagements as $eng) {
if ($eng->description == $mappedData[8]) {
$engagement = $eng->engagement_id;
$user->engagement = $engagement;
if (!empty($mappedData[9])) {
$date_created = str_replace('/', '-', $mappedData[9]);
$date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date_created));
} else {
$date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user->created_at = $date_created;
if (!empty($mappedData[10])) {
$date_login = str_replace('/', '-', $mappedData[10]);
$date_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date_login));
} else {
$date_login = null;
$user->last_login = $date_login;
$user->auth_level = 1;
$user->is_profile_public = 1;
$user->is_account_active = 1;
$combinedname = $mappedData[1] . $mappedData[2];
$username = str_replace(' ', '', $combinedname);
if (!$this->users_model->isUsernameExists($username)) {
$uniqueUsername = $username;
} else {
$counter = 1;
while ($this->users_model->isUsernameExists($username . $counter)) {
$uniqueUsername = $username . $counter;
$user->username = $uniqueUsername;
$userid = $this->users_model->add($user);
if (!empty($userid)) {
//Add the user in the volunteer group in ACL
$aclData = [
'userID' => $userid,
'roleID' => 1,
'addDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
//Registration mail to volunteer
$mail_data['name'] = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->family_name;
$mail_data['username'] = $user->username;
$this->email->from(GENERAL_MAIL, 'Test');
$message = $this->load->view('mail/register/registration',$mail_data,TRUE);
$mailsent = $this->email->send();
if (!$mailsent) {
array_push($mailFails, $mappedData);
} else {
array_push($importFails, $mappedData);
if ($count % 50 == 0) {
var_dump("count is " . $count);
var_dump("we are sleeping");
$randSleep = rand($min,$max);
var_dump("end of sleep (which is " . $randSleep . "seconds long)");
} else {
array_push($importFails, $mappedData);
var_dump("Totale aantal rijen in het bestand (met header) : " . $count);
var_dump("Totale aantal geimporteerd in de database : " . $totalImported);
var_dump("Totale aantal gefaalde imports in de database : " . count($importFails));
var_dump("Deze zijn gefailed : ");
If I do not add the users in the database, or send out a mail, and just var_dump() the $user, i can see all 3500+ users being correctly created in php objects (so they should be able to be inserted correctly).
The problem is that I want to add in a random sleep, between 20 and 40 seconds after every 50 mails that I sent.
So I started doing some testing and after commenting out the insert and mail code, I started running the script, noticing that after some amount (not 50 at all), it just stops for a bit, then continues and shows me the the var_dumps in my if case at the bottom, it can be shown here in the screenshots below.
The first screenshot shows the code stopping for a bit (note that I am only var_dumping stuff, i am not adding something in the database or sending out an email yet).
This screenshot shows what happens after the script reaches 200:
The script just completely stops from this point on. I have tried this 3 times, and every single time it stops exactly on 200.
What is happening here??
Most likely you're hitting default PHP limits. temporarily remove PHP default limits with:
then, rerun the script and check your output.
There can be multiple reasons, but to know the exact one please enable error output with.
and if limits are not the problem, the errors will tell you more.
HINT: using logs are still better than outputting errors to the visitors, but my guess is you're testing this on your computer.
I have the following code which works great to do what it is meant to do. It scrapes bodys of all e-mails in the inbox at an e-mail address using IMAP and retrieves the unique code sent inside the body and stores it in a database with the amount paid. I'm hoping to make it so when a user purchases something they can send an Interac e-transfer and then enter the code that both of us receive via e-mail in the website and it will apply the credit of the e-transfer to their account/purchase.
However; after setting it up on a cron job to cycle every few minutes so the content in the database stays fresh it eventually exceeds the bandwidth for the account within a day or so (not positive on how long it took but it didn't take long). Now, like I said the code works it's just very resource intensive apparently.
I do not pipe the script because the e-mail account has already been set up a while ago and we do use the account for other e-transfers which I review manually for other transactions.
Is there anyway to clean it up so it works the same but uses less resources/bandwidth?
Would it be better to run it when a user enters their payment code? Depending on the number of users running it this could also lead to bandwidth troubles.
Is there any improvements or what ideas do you have?
define("MAX_EMAIL_COUNT", $_POST['maxcount']);
/* took from https://gist.github.com/agarzon/3123118 */
function extractEmail($content) {
$regexp = '/([a-z0-9_\.\-])+\#(([a-z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-z0-9]{2,4})+/i';
preg_match_all($regexp, $content, $m);
return isset($m[0]) ? $m[0] : array ();
function getAddressText(&$emailList, &$nameList, $addressObject) {
$emailList = '';
$nameList = '';
foreach ($addressObject as $object) {
$emailList .= ';';
if (isset($object->personal)) {
$emailList .= $object->personal;
$nameList .= ';';
if (isset($object->mailbox) && isset($object->host)) {
$nameList .= $object->mailbox . "#" . $object->host;
$emailList = ltrim($emailList, ';');
$nameList = ltrim($nameList, ';');
function processMessage($mbox, $messageNumber) {
global $db;
// get imap_fetch header and put single lines into array
$header = imap_rfc822_parse_headers(imap_fetchheader($mbox, $messageNumber));
$timestamp = strtotime($header->Date);
$fromEmailList = '';
$fromNameList = '';
if (isset($header->from)) {
getAddressText($fromEmailList, $fromNameList, $header->from);
$toEmailList = '';
$toNameList = '';
if (isset($header->to)) {
getAddressText($toEmailList, $toNameList, $header->to);
$body = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $messageNumber, 1);
//echo "<pre>".print_r($body,true)."</pre>";
/* Find Reference Number */
//echo "<pre style='background-color: #A2A2A2; border: 1px solid black'>$body</pre>";
$searchfor = 'Reference Number';
// get the file contents, assuming the file to be readable (and exist)
$contents = $body;
// escape special characters in the query
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
// finalise the regular expression, matching the whole line
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
// search, and store all matching occurences in $matches
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
$reference = trim(str_replace('Reference Number : ','',$matches[0][0]));
/* Find Amount Paid */
//echo "<pre style='background-color: #A2A2A2; border: 1px solid black'>$body</pre>";
$searchfor = 'has sent you a money transfer for the amount of';
// get the file contents, assuming the file to be readable (and exist)
$contents = $body;
// escape special characters in the query
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
// finalise the regular expression, matching the whole line
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
// search, and store all matching occurences in $matches
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
$amount = trim(preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", "",$matches[0][0]),'.');
$bodyEmailList = implode(';', extractEmail($body));
// Delete all messages older than one year (31557600 seconds). Divide it by two for six months.
if($timestamp < time()-31557600) {
if(imap_delete($mbox,$messageNumber)) {
/*echo "<strong>";
print_r($messageNumber . ' , ' . date("F j, Y g:i A",$timestamp).' , ' . 'Deleted' . "\n");
echo "</strong>";*/
else {
if(!empty($reference) && !empty($amount)) {
if($fromNameList == "catch#payments.interac.ca" && $toNameList!='etransfers#example.com') {
$query = "SELECT * FROM `".$db->prefix."payments_etransfer` WHERE `reference_id` = '".$reference."'";
$select = $db->select($query);
if($db->num_rows($select) > 0) {
else {
$do = $db->insert_sql("INSERT INTO `".$db->prefix."payments_etransfer` SET
`email_id` = '".$messageNumber."',
`timestamp` = '".$timestamp."',
`reference_id` = '".$reference."',
`amount` = '".$amount."',
`sender` = '".$fromEmailList."'");
if($do) {
else {
echo "Error<br><blockquote><pre>";
print_r($messageNumber . ',' . $timestamp. ',' . $reference . ',$' . $amount .
',' . $fromEmailList . ',' . $fromNameList
. ',' . $toEmailList . ',' . $toNameList
. ',' . $bodyEmailList . "\n"
echo "</pre></blockquote>";
// imap_timeout(IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT, 300);
// Open pop mailbox
if (!$mbox = imap_open($_POST['mailbox'], $_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) {
die('Cannot connect/check pop mail! Exiting');
if ($hdr = imap_check($mbox)) {
$msgCount = $hdr->Nmsgs;
} else {
echo "Failed to get mail";
/* echo "<pre>";
echo 'emails count=' . $msgCount . "\n\n\n";
echo "record number,from emails list,from names list,to emails list, to names list,extracted from body\n";
/* might improve performance according to
for ($X = $msgCount; $X > 0; $X--) {
if($X > 0) {
processMessage($mbox, $X);
/*echo "</pre>";*/
I'm trying to build a script that will download users from a db table and attach a new random IP to each user based on his state.
The problem is that I wrote a lot of code and there is still much Copy/Paste job to be done if I keep it with this approach.
Can someone point me to the right direction on how to properly do that?
So first I have 50 of these:
$California_Text = file_get_contents('state/California.txt');
$California_textArray = explode("\n", $California_Text);
$Idaho_Text = file_get_contents('state/Idaho.txt');
$Idaho_textArray = explode("\n", $Idaho_Text);
$Illinois_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Illinois_textArray = explode("\n", $Illinois_Text);
$Indiana_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Indiana_textArray = explode("\n", $Indiana_Text);
$Iowa_Text = file_get_contents('state/Iowa.txt');
Then I have 50 of these:
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if (isset($row["state"])) {
foreach ($row as $value){
$California_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($California_textArray);
$p_California = $California_textArray[$California_randArrayIndexNum];
$Texas_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Texas_textArray);
$p_Texas = $Texas_textArray[$Texas_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alabama_textArray);
$p_Alabama = $Alabama_textArray[$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alaska_textArray);
$p_Alaska = $Texas_textArray[$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum];
$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Arizona_textArray);
$p_Arizona = $California_textArray[$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum];
Then I have 50 of these:
if ($row["state"] == "california") {
$stateip = $p_California;
else if ($row["state"] == "texas") {
$stateip = $p_Texas;
else if ($row["state"] == "alabama") {
$stateip = $p_Alabama;
else if ($row["state"] == "alaska") {
$stateip = $p_Alaska;
I'm pretty much sure that it's a bad approach.. Maybe there's a way to do all this with like 3 lines of foreach?
Something like this:
// holds your content
$state_content = [];
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
// check do we have state set
if (!empty($row["state"])) {
$stateip = getStateIpByName($row["state"]);
* Returns random IP
function getStateIpByName($state_name) {
$content = getStateContent($state_name);
return $content[array_rand($content)];
* Returns your's state content by state name
function getStateContent($state_name) {
// checks do we already have content for this state
if(!isset($state_content[$state_name])) {
// generate file name
$file_name = "state/";
$file_name .= str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($state_name));
$file_name .= ".txt";
$state_text = file_get_contents($file_name);
$state_content[$state_name] = explode("\n", $state_text);
return $state_content[$state_name];
There are probably some errors but you will get idea.
Store all states in an array and do all operations within a foreach block
foreach($states as $state){
//Your code for one state
//Replace state name with $state variable
I have a project where i need to send GPS coordinates via. socket in every 6 seconds. The coordinates are stored in a MYsql database. I run a query every 6 seconds and if the last position is different from the current position the application sends the data to the remote server. In the browser it works like a charm but in the terminal i can't use Sessions.
I tried apc_add but according to the PHP manual it is removed a long time ago.
What is the most common way to do a comparsion like that? Store the last coordinates into the database or a text file? Or is there a way to sotore it in run time?
**Here is my main code: **
require 'bootstrap.php';
use App\Libs\appServiceProvider;
use App\Libs\socketServiceProvider;
use Socket\Raw\Factory;
use App\Models\Koordinata;
$app = new appServiceProvider;
if (empty($_SESSION['lat']) || empty($_SESSION['lon'])) {
$_SESSION['lat'] = 0;
$_SESSION['lon'] = 0;
$lastLat = $_SESSION['lat'];
$lastLon = $_SESSION['lon'];
$currentLat = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lat;
$currentLon = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lon;
if ($lastLat != $currentLat && $lastLon != $currentLon) {
$factory = new Factory();
$socket = $factory->createClient('REMOTEADDRESSE');
echo "Kapcsolat létrehozva\n";
echo "Üzenet elküldve\n";
var_dump("Válasz: " . $socket->read(8192));
} else {
echo "Idle";
$log->addDebug("GPS data NOT CHANGED! STATUS IDLE!");
$_SESSION['lat'] = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lat;
$_SESSION['lon'] = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lon;
Okay, I did it with database and works fine. Here is the code:
require 'bootstrap.php';
use App\Libs\appServiceProvider;
use App\Libs\socketServiceProvider;
use Socket\Raw\Factory;
use App\Models\Koordinata;
use App\Models\TempKoordinata;
$app = new appServiceProvider;
$last = TempKoordinata::find(1);
if(!empty($last)) {
$lastLat = $last->lat;
$lastLon = $last->lon;
} else {
$temp = new TempKoordinata();
$temp->id = 1;
$temp->lat = 0;
$temp->lon = 0;
$log->addDebug('No data to compare! Empty tempCoordinate table! Set values to ZERO!');
$currentLat = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lat;
$currentLon = $app->getAllCoordinatesByFszgId($application['fszgId'])->last()->lon;
if ($lastLat != $currentLat && $lastLon != $currentLon) {
/*$factory = new Factory();
$socket = $factory->createClient('REMOTE');
echo "Kapcsolat létrehozva\n";
echo "Üzenet elküldve\n";
var_dump("Válasz: " . $socket->read(8192));
echo "Sending\n";
} else {
echo "Idle\n";
$log->addDebug("GPS data NOT CHANGED! STATUS IDLE!");
//Elmentjük a mostani GPS koordinátát
$count = TempKoordinata::all();
//Ha üres az adatbázis akkor elmentjük a koordinátákat
if ($count->count() == 0) {
$temp = new TempKoordinata();
$temp->id = 1;
$temp->lat = $currentLat;
$temp->lon = $currentLon;
} else {
$log->addDebug("More than one item in the temp table!");
At our company we pull a .CSV file from the suppliers FTP server and update our product data (price, stock,..) each morning.
We wrote a cron for this task as it should run automatically.
The current script is working in most cases. However, sometimes we recieve an error: 'Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75 bytes)'.
We use CodeIgniter with DataMapper ORM. A possible design error might be the fact that the script is working with objects instead of array's...
Each time 49000 rows are checked.
Can anyone help us find another way of doing this?
The following script is the function that runs after the files are copied.
// Include auth connection params
$udb = $this->_completeParams($db);
// Check if an update was downloaded
$supplier = new Supplier(NULL,$udb);
$cronStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cronStartDate = date('Y-m-d');
//mail($this->adminMail, 'CRON', 'Gestart:' .$cronStart, $this->headerMail);
//$message .= '1: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if($supplier->import_found) {
//if(true) {
$rows = 0;
$updated = 0;
$new = 0;
//$aAvailable = array();
$message .= '<h3>Start: '.$cronStart.'</h3>' . "\r\n";
$object = new Supplier_product(NULL,$udb);
$cat = new Supplier_category(NULL, $udb);
$manu = new Supplier_manufacturer(NULL, $udb);
$auvibel = new Supplier_auvibel(NULL, $udb);
$bebat = new Supplier_bebat(NULL, $udb);
$recupel = new Supplier_recupel(NULL, $udb);
$reprobel = new Supplier_reprobel(NULL, $udb);
$files = glob($this->tempDir.'XXXXX/prices/*');
foreach($files as $file) {
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$data = ($ext == 'txt')?$this->_csvToArray($file, ';'):false;
// If the CSV data is in $data
if($data !== false) {
$totalCount = count($data);
for($i = 0; $i <= $totalCount; $i++) {
//$aAvailable[] = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
//$message .= 'loop start: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
$auvibel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$auvibel->value = ($auvibel->exists())?$auvibel->value:0;
$bebat->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$bebat->value = ($bebat->exists())?$bebat->value:0;
$recupel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$recupel->value = ($recupel->exists())?$recupel->value:0;
$reprobel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$reprobel->value = ($reprobel->exists())?$reprobel->value:0;
$intrastat = 0;
$data[$i]['LP_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['LP_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['LP_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['DE_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['DE_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['DE_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['D1_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['D1_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['D1_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['D1_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['D2_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['D2_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['BackorderDate'] = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '')?date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data[$i]['BackorderDate'])):NULL;
$data[$i]['ModifDate'] = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '')?date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data[$i]['ModifDate'])):NULL;
if($object->exists()) {
if($object->allow_cron_update) { //if($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != $object->modified) {
// Check if category group exists
'supplier_id' => $supplier->id,
'name_a' => $data[$i]['Class1'],
'name_b' => $data[$i]['Class2'],
'name_c' => $data[$i]['Class3'],
if(!$cat->exists()) {
// Category should be added
$cat->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$cat->name_a = $data[$i]['Class1'];
$cat->name_b = $data[$i]['Class2'];
$cat->name_c = $data[$i]['Class3'];
// Log as notification: New supplier categorie
$this->_notify('Niewe categorie',array(
'body' => $supplier->name.' heeft "'.$cat->name_a.' - '.$cat->name_b.' - '.$cat->name_c.'" als nieuwe categorie toegevoegd.',
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'new_supplier_category',
'url' => base_url().'leveranciers/item/'.$supplier->id.'/categorien',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// Check if manufacturer exists
'name' => $data[$i]['PublisherName']
if(!$manu->exists()) {
// Manufacturer should be added
$manu->name = $data[$i]['PublisherName'];
// Add the product to the database
$object->art_id = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
$object->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$object->supplier_category_id = $cat->id;
$object->supplier_manufacturer_id = $manu->id;
$object->part_id = $data[$i]['PartID'];
$object->ean_code = $data[$i]['EanCode'];
$object->name = $data[$i]['Description'];
$object->description = NULL;
$object->version = $data[$i]['Version'];
$object->language = $data[$i]['Language'];
$object->media = $data[$i]['Media'];
$object->trend = $data[$i]['Trend'];
$object->price_group = $data[$i]['PriceGroup'];
$object->price_code = $data[$i]['PriceCode'];
$object->eur_lp = $data[$i]['LP_Eur'];
$object->eur_de = $data[$i]['DE_Eur'];
$object->eur_d1 = $data[$i]['D1_Eur'];
$object->eur_d2 = $data[$i]['D2_Eur'];
$object->eur_personal = $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'];
$object->stock = $data[$i]['Stock'];
$object->backorder = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['BackorderDate']))?$data[$i]['BackorderDate']:NULL;
$object->modified = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['ModifDate']))?$data[$i]['ModifDate']:NULL;
$object->flag = 'MODIFIED';
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
elseif(($object->auvibel != $auvibel) || ($object->bebat != $bebat) || ($object->recupel != $recupel) || ($object->reprobel != $reprobel)) {
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
else {
// Check if category group exists
'supplier_id' => $supplier->id,
'name_a' => $data[$i]['Class1'],
'name_b' => $data[$i]['Class2'],
'name_c' => $data[$i]['Class3'],
if(!$cat->exists()) {
// Category should be added
$cat->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$cat->name_a = $data[$i]['Class1'];
$cat->name_b = $data[$i]['Class2'];
$cat->name_c = $data[$i]['Class3'];
// Log as notification: New supplier categorie
$this->_notify('Niewe categorie',array(
'body' => $supplier->name.' heeft "'.$cat->name_a.' - '.$cat->name_b.' - '.$cat->name_c.'" als nieuwe categorie toegevoegd.',
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'new_supplier_category',
'url' => '[hidden-url]'.$supplier->id.'/categorien',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// Check if manufacturer exists
'name' => $data[$i]['PublisherName']
if(!$manu->exists()) {
// Manufacturer should be added
$manu->name = $data[$i]['PublisherName'];
// Add the product to the database
$object->art_id = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
$object->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$object->supplier_category_id = $cat->id;
$object->supplier_manufacturer_id = $manu->id;
$object->part_id = $data[$i]['PartID'];
$object->ean_code = $data[$i]['EanCode'];
$object->name = $data[$i]['Description'];
$object->description = NULL;
$object->version = (($data[$i]['Version'] != '')?$data[$i]['Version']:NULL);
$object->language = (($data[$i]['Language'] != '')?$data[$i]['Language']:NULL);
$object->media = (($data[$i]['Media'] != '')?$data[$i]['Media']:NULL);
$object->trend = (($data[$i]['Trend'] != '')?$data[$i]['Trend']:NULL);
$object->price_group = (($data[$i]['PriceGroup'] != '')?$data[$i]['PriceGroup']:NULL);
$object->price_code = (($data[$i]['PriceCode'] != '')?$data[$i]['PriceCode']:NULL);
$object->eur_lp = (($data[$i]['LP_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['LP_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_de = (($data[$i]['DE_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['DE_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_d1 = (($data[$i]['D1_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['D1_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_d2 = (($data[$i]['D2_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['D2_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_personal = $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'];
$object->stock = $data[$i]['Stock'];
$object->backorder = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['BackorderDate']))?$data[$i]['BackorderDate']:NULL;
$object->modified = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['ModifDate']))?$data[$i]['ModifDate']:NULL;
$object->flag = NULL;
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
//$message .= 'loop end A: '.memory_get_usage().' - '.$i."\r\n";
//$message .= 'loop end B: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if(is_file($file)) {
//$message .= 'BEFORE MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
* Mark products as EOL when not found in file
$eolCount = 0;
$eol = $object
->where('flag IS NULL')
->or_where('flag !=', 'EOL')
->where('supplier_id', $supplier->id)
->group_start()->where('updated IS NOT NULL')->where('updated <',$cronStart)->group_end()
->or_group_start()->where('updated IS NULL')->where('created <',$cronStart)->group_end()
$p = new Product(NULL,$udb);
foreach($eol as $i => $product) {
$product->flag = "EOL";
if($product->art_id != NULL) {
// The 'copied' products should be marked eol in the webshop!
$p->where('art_code',$product->art_id)->where('supplier_product_id', $product->id)->get();
if($p->exists()) {
$p->eol = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//$message .= 'INSIDE MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
//$message .= 'AFTER MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if($eolCount > 0) {
// Log as notification: supplier products marked EOL
$this->_notify('EOL melding',array(
'body' => "Er ".(($eolCount == 1)?'is een product':'zijn '.$eolCount.' producten')." gemarkeerd als EOL",
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'eol_supplier_product',
'url' => '[hidden-url]'.$supplier->id.'/artikels',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// After looping files build e-mail.
$message .= 'Totaal: '.$rows. "\r\n";
$message .= 'new: '.$new. "\r\n";
$message .= 'updated: '.$updated. "\r\n";
$message .= 'EOL: '.$eolCount. "\r\n";
$subject = 'Import XXXXX Update';
// No updates found
else {
$subject = 'Import XXXXX No Update Found';
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= '<h3>Einde: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'</h3>' . "\r\n";
mail($this->adminMail, $subject, $message, $this->headerMail);
// Remove import_found marker for supplier
$supplier->import_found = false;
We had a similar situation. After a lot of attempts at making the script better, we decided that we needed another approach to make our import work and not take ~10 hours.
What we did was dump all the PHP code, and instead use mysqlimport to load the contents of the CSV file directly into a table. That table now contains everything we need, but not in a form that's useful for us (no structure, some fields need some processing, etc.)
However, because everything is now in the database, we can do everything we want with a query.
For example, deleting all data that is no longer in the import file, thats just DELETE FROM structured_table AS st LEFT JOIN unstructured_table AS ut ON st.someField = ut.someField WHERE ut.someField IS NULL;, updating existing records is just UPDATE structured_table AS st INNER JOIN unstructured_table AS ut ON st.someField = ut.someField SET st.anotherField = CONCAT(ut.aField, ' ', ut.yetAnotherField);.
Obviously, for a complex import script, your queries will be more complex and you'll need more of them. You might even need to throw some stored procedures in to do processing on individual fields. But if you can take this kind of approach you'll end up with a process that can handle a lot of data and is very scalable.
I have a similar situation... Compare around 20M records every day to update a few records with changes and add / remove the delta. Data source is CSV as well. I use perl, while I think php also work.
Each record must have a linking key, SKU of product? Or something like that. May already be the primary key /unique key in your DB table.
You know the lst of fields that you want to compare and update.
Step 1: read ALL records from DB, store in an array using the linking key as named index.
1.1: value is concat of all fields need to compare, or md5() of the concat result to save memory.
Step 2: loop through the CSV file, extract the linking key and new values per row.
2.1: if linking key is NOT in the array, INSERT action to DB.
2.2: isset() return true so compare the values (or md5() of the value concat), if different, UPDATE action to DB.
2.3: delete this entry from the array.
Step 3: by the end of reading the CSV, the entries remains in the array were records to DELETE.
In my case, it use less than 2GB RAM for the process and runs around 3 minutes, which should be feasible and acceptable.
i m using the php code to exectue the code using the cron. i have set the cron time and command in cpanel also.
1). But whenever cron runs i receive a mail
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `'/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php''
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: `include_once('/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php');'
i have set this command in cpanel "/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php"
i have also tried this PHP: Error trying to run a script via Cron job and added this command on the top of the file /usr/local/lib/php/ but it still not working
Here is the code of cron file getfeed.php
global $wpdb;
$xml = simplexml_load_file("/home/letsview/public_html/letsviewproperties.xml",'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$TotalPostadded = 0;
$TotalUseradded = 0;
foreach($xml as $child)
//Insert Post
$postdata = array();
$postdata['post_title'] = trim($child->title);
$postdata['post_content'] = trim($child->content);
//$postdata['guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postdata['post_status'] = 'publish';
$postdata['post_type'] = 'post';
$postdata['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Insert Post Meta
$postmetadata = array();
$addresstext = trim($child->FullAddress->address1);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address2);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address3);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address4);
$postmetadata['price'] = trim($child->price);
$postmetadata['property_type'] = trim($child->type);
$postmetadata['bed_rooms'] = trim($child->rooms);
$postmetadata['bath_rooms'] = trim($child->bathrooms);
$postmetadata['address'] = $addresstext;
$postmetadata['add_city'] = trim($child->city);
$postmetadata['add_state'] = trim($child->FullAddress->region);
$postmetadata['add_country'] = trim($child->FullAddress->country);
$postmetadata['add_zip_code'] = trim($child->postcode);
$postmetadata['other_guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postmetadata['post_from_feed'] = true;
//Insert Author(agent)
$authordata = array();
$authormetadata = array();
//Author data
$authordata['user_login'] = trim(pg_create_string($child->agent->agent_name));
$authordata['user_nicename'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['display_name'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['user_email'] = trim($child->agent->agent_email);
$authordata['user_url'] = trim($child->url);
$authordata['role'] = trim('agent');
$authordata['user_registered'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Author meta data
$authormetadata['user_phone'] = trim($child->agent->agent_phone);
$authormetadata['user_address'] = trim($child->agent->agent_address);
foreach($child->pictures as $pictures)
$postimagedata = array();
$imageloop = 0;
foreach($pictures as $picture)
$postimagedata[$imageloop] = (string)$picture->picture_url;
$postmetadata['post_from_feed_images'] = serialize($postimagedata);
if($postdata['post_title'] != ''){
$sql = "select count(post_title) as post from ".$wpdb->prefix."posts where post_title = '".$postdata['post_title']."' and post_status = '".$postdata['post_status']."'";
$sqlresult = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
foreach ( $sqlresult as $post ) {
if($post->post == 0)
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $authordata );
if(!empty($user_id) && empty($user_id->errors)){
echo "User added = ".$user_id."<br />";
foreach($authormetadata as $meta_key=>$meta_value){
add_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
echo "User Meta = ".$meta_key." Inserted<br />";
$userdata = get_user_by('email', $authordata['user_email']);
$user_id = $userdata->ID;
echo "User fetched = ".$user_id."<br />";
$postdata['post_author'] = $user_id;
$post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
echo "<br />"."Post Inserted = ".$post_id;
$properties_category_id = 109;
$cat = "INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships ( object_id, term_taxonomy_id ) VALUES ( '".$post_id."','".$properties_category_id."' )";
$catid = $wpdb->query($cat);
echo "<br />"."Post attached to Category ID = ".$properties_category_id."<br />";
foreach($postmetadata as $key=>$value){
add_post_meta($post_id, $key,$value, true);
echo "Post Meta = ".$key." Inserted<br />";
$cron = "<br />"."Corn Done";
$cron .= "<br />"."Total Post added = ".$TotalPostadded;
$cron .= "<br />Total User added = ".$TotalUseradded;
echo $cron;
mail('xxxxxx#xxxxx.com','Lets view Properties Corn',$cron);
function pg_create_string($text)
// replace all non letters or digits with -
$text = preg_replace('/\W+/', '-', $text);
// trim and lowercase
$text = strtolower(trim($text, '-'));
return $text;
Can any one help me??
The start of the file should be:
This assumes that your PHP binary is in the folder /usr/bin. If it isn't, then change the #! line appropriately.
Even better:
#!/usr/bin/env php
will almost certainly work as it uses the system's env command to work out where php is.
Add this to the very top of your file and chmod the file to execute rights (555 or 775) etc.
// your code
Where /usr/local/lib/php is the path to php.
Or if that doesn't work you can change the cron command:
/usr/local/lib/php /home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php
// php code
And you sure the php cli in /usr/local/lib