I'm trying to have a filter, to see if a file exists or not, and how many are: I'm trying to pick up the script with as follows:
$list = glob($filepath.$filenamePartial'*'.$ext);
Solved 1:
$list = glob($filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.'*'.$ext);
if (count($list) <= 0){
$FFileUPL = $filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext;
$event = move_uploaded_file($flTName, $FFileUPL);
echo 'this file Exist: '.$FsisName.'-'.$count.'-'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext.'<br>';
$event = false;
How can i retrive the name file in the iteratos?
Solved 2:
foreach($list as $fnames){
$eFile['smg'] .= basename($fnames).'<br>';
$list = glob($filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.'*'.$ext);
if (count($list) <= 0){
$FFileUPL = $filepath.$FsisName.'_'.$count.'_'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext;
$event = move_uploaded_file($flTName, $FFileUPL);
echo 'this file Exist: '.$FsisName.'-'.$count.'-'.$FileDate.'.'.$ext.'<br>';
$event = false;
foreach($list as $fnames){
$eFile['smg'] .= basename($fnames).'<br>';
Hi i am iterating over Episodes getting array of authors and inside this loop i want to gather information about each author. But there is problem, i just need the information about each author once.
This is my approatch, but wrong. and the code i am trying to make. Please help. I tried also in_array, and array_filter but without success.
$presentUsers = [];
$pUi = 0;
if ($isAuthor == true){
if ($project->getType() == 1) {
$episodes = $project->getComic()->getComicEpisodes();
foreach ($episodes as $comicEpisode) {
foreach ($comicEpisode->getProject()->getAccount() as $author) {
if ($author->getUser()->getId() == $this->getUser()->getId()) {
if (empty($presentUsers)){
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
if (!in_array($presentUsers, ['Id'=>$author->getUser()->getId()]))
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
die('You are not the author of this project.');
Okay i done it like this
if (empty($presentUsers)){
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
$found = 0;
foreach ($presentUsers as $presentUser){
if ($presentUser['Id'] == $author->getUser()->getId()){
$found = 1;
if ($found != 1)
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
I'm trying to build a script that will download users from a db table and attach a new random IP to each user based on his state.
The problem is that I wrote a lot of code and there is still much Copy/Paste job to be done if I keep it with this approach.
Can someone point me to the right direction on how to properly do that?
So first I have 50 of these:
$California_Text = file_get_contents('state/California.txt');
$California_textArray = explode("\n", $California_Text);
$Idaho_Text = file_get_contents('state/Idaho.txt');
$Idaho_textArray = explode("\n", $Idaho_Text);
$Illinois_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Illinois_textArray = explode("\n", $Illinois_Text);
$Indiana_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Indiana_textArray = explode("\n", $Indiana_Text);
$Iowa_Text = file_get_contents('state/Iowa.txt');
Then I have 50 of these:
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if (isset($row["state"])) {
foreach ($row as $value){
$California_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($California_textArray);
$p_California = $California_textArray[$California_randArrayIndexNum];
$Texas_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Texas_textArray);
$p_Texas = $Texas_textArray[$Texas_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alabama_textArray);
$p_Alabama = $Alabama_textArray[$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alaska_textArray);
$p_Alaska = $Texas_textArray[$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum];
$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Arizona_textArray);
$p_Arizona = $California_textArray[$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum];
Then I have 50 of these:
if ($row["state"] == "california") {
$stateip = $p_California;
else if ($row["state"] == "texas") {
$stateip = $p_Texas;
else if ($row["state"] == "alabama") {
$stateip = $p_Alabama;
else if ($row["state"] == "alaska") {
$stateip = $p_Alaska;
I'm pretty much sure that it's a bad approach.. Maybe there's a way to do all this with like 3 lines of foreach?
Something like this:
// holds your content
$state_content = [];
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
// check do we have state set
if (!empty($row["state"])) {
$stateip = getStateIpByName($row["state"]);
* Returns random IP
function getStateIpByName($state_name) {
$content = getStateContent($state_name);
return $content[array_rand($content)];
* Returns your's state content by state name
function getStateContent($state_name) {
// checks do we already have content for this state
if(!isset($state_content[$state_name])) {
// generate file name
$file_name = "state/";
$file_name .= str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($state_name));
$file_name .= ".txt";
$state_text = file_get_contents($file_name);
$state_content[$state_name] = explode("\n", $state_text);
return $state_content[$state_name];
There are probably some errors but you will get idea.
Store all states in an array and do all operations within a foreach block
foreach($states as $state){
//Your code for one state
//Replace state name with $state variable
Assuming I try to save the following data and the Songs model's name attribute has a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validator\PresenceOf validator set on it
// Get an existing artist
$artist = Artists::findFirst('name = "Shinichi Osawa"');
// Create an album
$album = new Albums();
$album->name = 'The One';
$album->artist = $artist;
$songs = array();
// Create a first song
$songs[0] = new Songs();
$songs[0]->name = 'Star Guitar';
$songs[0]->duration = '5:54';
// Create a second song
$songs[1] = new Songs();
$songs[1]->name = '';
$songs[1]->duration = '4:29';
// Assign the songs array
$album->songs = $songs;
// Save the album + its songs
if (!$album->save()) {
foreach ($album->getMessages() as $message) {
$message->getModel(); // this returns null since model is new
I will get an error message saying that 'name' is required.
Question: is there a built in way of getting the related model on which the error occurred (in this case $songs[1]), or at least the alias/index of the error model (in this case songs/1)?
Didn't find a built-in solution but came up with this.
Base model
public function beforeValidation()
$session = $this->getService('session');
if (!$session->has('model:validation')) {
$validation = $indexes = [];
} else {
$modelName = get_called_class();
$validation = $session->get('model:validation');
if (!isset($validation[$modelName])) {
$validation[$modelName] = 0;
$indexes = $session->get('model:validation:relationIndex');
$indexes[] = $modelName;
} else {
// reset child indexes
$indexes = $session->get('model:validation:relationIndex');
$modelIndex = array_search($modelName, $indexes);
for ($i = $modelIndex + 1; $i < count($indexes); $i++) {
$modelName = $indexes[$i];
$indexes = array_values($indexes);
$session->set('model:validation:relationIndex', $indexes);
$session->set('model:validation', $validation);
$session = $this->getDI()->get('session');
if (!$this->save()) {
I'm currently facing a problem here, I have many different strings like these:
And so on.
I'm outputting this on an HTML page (Grabbing it through my database)
Anyways, what I want to achieve is to read those #00ff00 and output it as the color itself.
these are usernames, and most of the time they go like this: #ff0000#SomeName | Which I then want to turn into <span style="color: #ff0000">#SomeName</span> oh and the there are usernames with several colorcodes.
My friend gave me this code which solved my problem. :)
function colorCodesRenderProperly($name)
$name = htmlspecialchars($name);
if(preg_match('/^(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})+$/', $name) === 1)
return $name;
preg_match_all('/#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/', $name, $codes);
$replaced = array();
$codes_original = $codes;
$i = 0;
$count = 1;
foreach($codes[0] as &$code)
if(in_array($codes_original[0][$i], $replaced))
$code = sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[1].$code[2])/255*128)))
.sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[3].$code[4])/255*128)))
.sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[5].$code[6])/255*128)));
$name = str_replace($codes_original[0][$i], "<span style=\"color: #$code;\">", $name, $count);
$replaced[] = $codes_original[0][$i];
$count = 1;
while($i > 0)
$name .= "</span>";
return $name;
Try this:
var txt = document.createTextNode("he#00ff00llo"),
wrapper = document.createElement('span'),
regExp = /#[\da-f]{6}/i,
while(~(pos = txt.nodeValue.search(regExp))) {
txt = txt.splitText(pos);
var span = wrapper.cloneNode(false);
span.style.color = txt.nodeValue.substr(0,7);
txt.nodeValue = txt.nodeValue.substr(7);
// append wrapper to the DOM
i m using the php code to exectue the code using the cron. i have set the cron time and command in cpanel also.
1). But whenever cron runs i receive a mail
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `'/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php''
/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php: line 3: `include_once('/home/letsview/public_html/wp-config.php');'
i have set this command in cpanel "/home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php"
i have also tried this PHP: Error trying to run a script via Cron job and added this command on the top of the file /usr/local/lib/php/ but it still not working
Here is the code of cron file getfeed.php
global $wpdb;
$xml = simplexml_load_file("/home/letsview/public_html/letsviewproperties.xml",'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$TotalPostadded = 0;
$TotalUseradded = 0;
foreach($xml as $child)
//Insert Post
$postdata = array();
$postdata['post_title'] = trim($child->title);
$postdata['post_content'] = trim($child->content);
//$postdata['guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postdata['post_status'] = 'publish';
$postdata['post_type'] = 'post';
$postdata['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Insert Post Meta
$postmetadata = array();
$addresstext = trim($child->FullAddress->address1);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address2);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address3);
if($addresstext != ''){
$addresstext .= ', ';
$addresstext .= trim($child->FullAddress->address4);
$postmetadata['price'] = trim($child->price);
$postmetadata['property_type'] = trim($child->type);
$postmetadata['bed_rooms'] = trim($child->rooms);
$postmetadata['bath_rooms'] = trim($child->bathrooms);
$postmetadata['address'] = $addresstext;
$postmetadata['add_city'] = trim($child->city);
$postmetadata['add_state'] = trim($child->FullAddress->region);
$postmetadata['add_country'] = trim($child->FullAddress->country);
$postmetadata['add_zip_code'] = trim($child->postcode);
$postmetadata['other_guid'] = trim($child->url);
$postmetadata['post_from_feed'] = true;
//Insert Author(agent)
$authordata = array();
$authormetadata = array();
//Author data
$authordata['user_login'] = trim(pg_create_string($child->agent->agent_name));
$authordata['user_nicename'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['display_name'] = trim($child->agent->agent_name);
$authordata['user_email'] = trim($child->agent->agent_email);
$authordata['user_url'] = trim($child->url);
$authordata['role'] = trim('agent');
$authordata['user_registered'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Author meta data
$authormetadata['user_phone'] = trim($child->agent->agent_phone);
$authormetadata['user_address'] = trim($child->agent->agent_address);
foreach($child->pictures as $pictures)
$postimagedata = array();
$imageloop = 0;
foreach($pictures as $picture)
$postimagedata[$imageloop] = (string)$picture->picture_url;
$postmetadata['post_from_feed_images'] = serialize($postimagedata);
if($postdata['post_title'] != ''){
$sql = "select count(post_title) as post from ".$wpdb->prefix."posts where post_title = '".$postdata['post_title']."' and post_status = '".$postdata['post_status']."'";
$sqlresult = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
foreach ( $sqlresult as $post ) {
if($post->post == 0)
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $authordata );
if(!empty($user_id) && empty($user_id->errors)){
echo "User added = ".$user_id."<br />";
foreach($authormetadata as $meta_key=>$meta_value){
add_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
echo "User Meta = ".$meta_key." Inserted<br />";
$userdata = get_user_by('email', $authordata['user_email']);
$user_id = $userdata->ID;
echo "User fetched = ".$user_id."<br />";
$postdata['post_author'] = $user_id;
$post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
echo "<br />"."Post Inserted = ".$post_id;
$properties_category_id = 109;
$cat = "INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships ( object_id, term_taxonomy_id ) VALUES ( '".$post_id."','".$properties_category_id."' )";
$catid = $wpdb->query($cat);
echo "<br />"."Post attached to Category ID = ".$properties_category_id."<br />";
foreach($postmetadata as $key=>$value){
add_post_meta($post_id, $key,$value, true);
echo "Post Meta = ".$key." Inserted<br />";
$cron = "<br />"."Corn Done";
$cron .= "<br />"."Total Post added = ".$TotalPostadded;
$cron .= "<br />Total User added = ".$TotalUseradded;
echo $cron;
mail('xxxxxx#xxxxx.com','Lets view Properties Corn',$cron);
function pg_create_string($text)
// replace all non letters or digits with -
$text = preg_replace('/\W+/', '-', $text);
// trim and lowercase
$text = strtolower(trim($text, '-'));
return $text;
Can any one help me??
The start of the file should be:
This assumes that your PHP binary is in the folder /usr/bin. If it isn't, then change the #! line appropriately.
Even better:
#!/usr/bin/env php
will almost certainly work as it uses the system's env command to work out where php is.
Add this to the very top of your file and chmod the file to execute rights (555 or 775) etc.
// your code
Where /usr/local/lib/php is the path to php.
Or if that doesn't work you can change the cron command:
/usr/local/lib/php /home/letsview/public_html/getfeed.php
// php code
And you sure the php cli in /usr/local/lib