hi heres my attempted code, the first while statement works for the rows(works for the weights0, but i cant get it to work with the columns(heights). it works so if min_height input value is 20 and max_height is 50 the columns would look like this 20 25 30 35 40 45 50. my code currently works for the rows but not columns, can anyone help?
$rowiStep = 5;
$coliStep = 5;
// Get these
$iweightMin = $_GET["min_weight"];
$iweightMax = $_GET["max_weight"];
$iheightMin = $_GET["max_height"];
$iheightmax = $_GET["min_height"];
$iCur = $iweightMin;
$iCol = $iheightMin;
print('<table class="table">');
print('<tr ><td>Height/</br>Weight</td>');
while ($iCur <= $iweightMax) {
printf('<tr><td>%d</td></tr>', $iCur);
$iCur += $rowiStep;
$rowiCol = $iheightMin;
while ($iCol <= $iheightmax) {
printf('<tr><td></td>', $iCol);
$iCol += $rowiCol;
print ('</tr>');
If you're looking to print a height/weight matrix; try this:
$rowiStep = 5;
$coliStep = 5;
$output = array(
for( $row_val = $_GET['min_weight'], $row_max <= $_GET['max_weight'];
$row_val < $row_max;
$row_val += $rowistep )
$output[] = '<tr><td>' . $row_val . '</td>';
for( $col_val = $_GET['min_height'], $col_val <= $_GET['max_height'];
$col_val < $col_max;
$col_val += $colistep )
$output[] = '<td>' . $col_val . '</td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
$output[] = '</table>';
echo implode( "\n", $output );
This will produce output like this:
|min_weight |min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
|min_weight + rowIstep |min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
|min_weight + 2rowIstep|min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
What output are you looking for?
I wanted to make a simple calculations to summarized what I purchased.
Using $_GET every time the value is updated it should save in an array then when 'start' is executed, it gives the sum. Sorry the codes here are just googled and I'm not really a programmer. I don't know how to combine the two sets of code (array + sum).
$number = $_GET ['input'];
$arr = array ($number);
$data = array($arr);
foreach ($tareas as $tarea) {
$data[] = $tarea;
$sum = 0;
foreach($group as $key=>$arr) {
$sum+= $arr;
echo $sum;
So I got this code from withinweb.com and modified to make it simpler.
<?php session_start();
$products = array($_GET["prod"]);
$amounts = array($_GET ["cost"]);
if ( !isset($_SESSION["total"]) ) {
$_SESSION["total"] = 0;
for ($i=0; $i< count($products); $i++) {
// $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = 0;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0;
if ( isset($_GET['reset']) )
if ($_GET["reset"] == 'true')
unset($_SESSION["qty"]); //The quantity for each product
unset($_SESSION["amounts"]); //The amount from each product
unset($_SESSION["total"]); //The total cost
unset($_SESSION["cart"]); //Which item has been chosen
if ( isset($_GET["add"]) )
$i = $_GET["add"];
$qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i] + 1;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty;
$_SESSION["cart"][$i] = $i;
$_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty;
if ( isset($_GET["delete"]) )
$i = $_GET["delete"];
$qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i];
$_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty;
//remove item if quantity is zero
if ($qty == 0) {
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty;
if ( isset($_SESSION["cart"]) ) {
$total = 0;
foreach ( $_SESSION["cart"] as $i ) {
echo '' . $products[$_SESSION["cart"][$i]] . ' - ' . $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] . '<br>';
$total = $total + $_SESSION["amounts"][$i];
$_SESSION["total"] = $total;
Total : ' . $total . '
When I input ?add=0&prod=apple&cost=100, it gives me:
apple - 100
Total : 100
But when I add another session, ?add=1&prod=orange&cost=200 it doesn't give the right answer.
orange - 100
- 0
Total : 100
It should return me this value, I'm puzzled where could be the error.
apple - 100
orange - 200
Total : 300
Yes, I'm not a coder, but trying to solve a big problem.. :) Thanks for those who help.
I'm probably making a very basic error but I'm quite new to this.
I have a table where I need to edit what is displayed in each box using variables but I'm having trouble with getting the outputs into the table. Experimentation helped me work out the first box but I can't get the second one working because I think the function is written incorrectly. I need a conditional loop that displays all even numbers between 10 and 20 (the code below doesn't have anything to do with even numbers at the moment I'm just trying to get it to work)
$random = rand() . srand(3034);
function loop() {
for ($i = 10; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$loop = $i;
return $loop;
echo "<table border='1'>
<td>Box 1 - ".$random."</td>
<td>Box 2 - ".$loop."</td>
</table> ";
Any help is much appreciated.
You need to loop on the tags itself, because the return condition in the loop breaks it to only 1 iteration.
So you should do it like this:
echo "<tr>
<td>Box 1 - ".$random."</td>";
for ($i = 10; $i <= 20; $i++) {
echo "<td>Box 2 - ".$i."</td>";
Additionally to my comment here is some more code:
$random = rand() . srand(3034);
function loop($randomNumber) {
for ($loop = 10; $loop <= 20; $loop++) {
'<tr>' .
'<td>Box 1 - ' . $randomNumber . '</td>' .
'<td>Box 2 - ' . $loop . '</td>' .
'<table border="1">' .
loop($random) .
Try this:
function loop(){
$return = '';
for($i = 10; $i <=20; $i++){
$random = rand() . srand(3034);
<td>Box 1 - '.$random.'</td>
<td>Box 2 - '.$i.'</td>
return $return;
echo '<table>'.loop().'</table>';
I have a problem and that is I want to create a link on a website like people can click the link to show certain products only depending on percentage. like for example, i have a column in my database with discount percentage and it will show min discount and max discount. assuming we have min and max discount. $min=12 and $max=94; and I want to put them in links to show only products with certain discounts only like filtering. below is the example of the link.
<a href="#">12% to 20%</a
21% to 30%
31% to 40% and so on until it reaches
81% to 90% and the last will be
91% to 94%
smallest and largest numbers will be coming from a column from database and they can change frequently. i came up with solution and its working fine but my code is too long and its like I took to many steps which could be done in few lines of code. I have pasted my working code below but I am sure this can be reduced to few lines of code.
$catsql25 = "SELECT MAX(down_percentage) as largest FROM hot_deals";
$catquery25 = mysqli_query($conn, $catsql25);
while ($row25 = mysqli_fetch_array($catquery25, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$largest_number = $row25['largest'];
$catsql26 = "SELECT MIN(down_percentage) as smallest FROM hot_deals";
$catquery26 = mysqli_query($conn, $catsql26);
while ($row26 = mysqli_fetch_array($catquery26, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$smallest_number = $row26['smallest'];
$array_tens = array(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100);
foreach ($array_tens as $value){
if(($value - $smallest_number <= 10) && ($value - $smallest_number > 0)){
echo '<a href="/exp.php?fst='.$smallest_number.'&lst='.$value.'"><div class="lfmen2">';
echo $smallest_number." to ".$value."</div></a>";
$next_num = $value + 1;
$next_ten = 9;
$stop_num = floor($largest_number / 10);
$stop_num2 = $stop_num * 10;
//echo $stop_num2.'<br>';
$num_rounds = $stop_num2 - $value;
$num_rounds2 = $num_rounds / 10;
//echo $num_rounds2;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rounds2; $i++){
$end_num = $next_num + $next_ten;
echo '<a href="/exp.php?fst='.$next_num.'&lst='.$end_num.'"><div class="lfmen2">';
echo $next_num;
echo " to ";
echo $end_num;
echo "</div></a>";
$next_num += 10;
$end_num += 10;
foreach ($array_tens as $value2){
if(($largest_number - $value2 < 10) && ($largest_number - $value2 > 0)){
$lsst = $value2 + 1;
if($lsst != $largest_number){
echo '<div class="lfmen2">'.$lsst." to ".$largest_number."</div>";
elseif($lsst == $largest_number){
echo '<div class="lfmen2">'.$largest_number.'</div>';
I know its all mess but..
First thing you could do is only one SQL Query :
$catsql = "SELECT MAX(down_percentage) as largest, MIN(down_percentage) as smallest FROM hot_deals";
And then you'll need only one loop :
$catquery = mysqli_query($conn, $catsql);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($catquery, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$largest_number = $row['largest'];
$smallest_number = $row['smalest'];
After that, you could make only one foreach loop. The two "if" conditions could be in the same loop :
foreach ($array_tens as $value) {
if (($value - $smallest_number <= 10) && ($value - $smallest_number > 0)) {
echo '<a href="/exp.php?fst='.$smallest_number.'&lst='.$value.'"><div class="lfmen2">';
echo $smallest_number." to ".$value."</div></a>";
$next_num = $value + 1;
$next_ten = 9;
$stop_num = floor($largest_number / 10);
$stop_num2 = $stop_num * 10;
//echo $stop_num2.'<br>';
$num_rounds = $stop_num2 - $value;
$num_rounds2 = $num_rounds / 10;
//echo $num_rounds2;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rounds2; $i++) {
$end_num = $next_num + $next_ten;
echo '<a href="/exp.php?fst='.$next_num.'&lst='.$end_num.'"><div class="lfmen2">';
echo $next_num;
echo " to ";
echo $end_num;
echo "</div></a>";
$next_num += 10;
$end_num += 10;
if (($largest_number - $value < 10) && ($largest_number - $value > 0)) {
$lsst = $value + 1;
if ($lsst != $largest_number) {
echo '<div class="lfmen2">'.$lsst." to ".$largest_number."</div>";
} elseif ($lsst == $largest_number) {
echo '<div class="lfmen2">'.$largest_number.'</div>';
To make it more readable, you could also comment your code to know what do what.
This and a good indentation and you're right.
Hope it helps.
I have tried this code and output i am getting is here
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo $i;
echo "<br/>";
but i want output like this, please tell where i am wrong
Just change echo $i to echo $k,
echo $k;
Since you work with HTML, you may want to wrap this logic into a function that could let you choose the number of lines to display. You can tweak it to fit your needs in term of CSS :
function numberTriangle($endNumber, $align_text = 'right') {
$max = intval($endNumber);
$align = strval($align_text);
$align = ( strlen(trim($align)) > 0 ) ? $align : 'right';
echo "<div style='text-align : $align; display : inline-block'>";
if( $max > 0 ) {
for( $i = 1; $i < $max + 1; $i++ ) {
for( $j = 1; $j < $i + 1; $j++ ) {
echo $j;
echo '<br />';
echo '</div>';
// Will display :
Thanks to this function you do not have to add manual spaces anymore, which is cleaner (and saves you headhaches !).
I'm really frustrated.. I really need to show this table right. How can I set this code to show table vertically like this:
1 - 4 - 7
2 - 5 - 8
3 - 6 - 9
And not like this:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
5 - 6 - 7 - 8
9 - ... ect
$PNG_WEB_DIR = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'temp/';
$cols = $this->settings['cols'];
$rows = $this->settings['rows'];
$label_number = 0;
// die($_GET['order_ids']);
$order_ids = explode(',',$_GET['ids']);
$order_count = count($order_ids);
$labels_per_page = $cols*$rows;
$page_count = ceil(($order_count)/$labels_per_page);
for ($page=0; $page < $page_count; $page++) {
echo '<table class="address-labels" width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0">';
$last_height = 0;
$current_height = $current_width = 0;
$current_row = 0;
for ($label=0; $label < $labels_per_page; $label++) {
$current_col = (($label_number-1) % $cols)+1;
if ($current_col == 1) {
$last_height = $current_height;
$last_width = 0;
echo '<tr class="label-row">';
if ( $label_number > $this->offset && isset($order_ids[$label_number - $this->offset - 1]) ) {
$order_id = $order_ids[$label_number - $this->offset - 1];
} else {
$order_id = '';
$current_width = round( $current_col * (100/$cols) );
$width = $current_width - $last_width;
$last_width = $current_width;
$current_height = round( $current_row * (100/$rows) );
$height = $current_height - $last_height;
printf('<td width="%s%%" height="%s%%" class="label"><div class="label-wrapper">', $width, $height);
// because we are also looping through the empty labels,
// we need to check if there's an order for this label
if (!empty($order_id)) {
// get label data from order
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
// replace placeholders
$label_data = isset($this->settings['address_data'])? nl2br( $this->settings['address_data'] ): '[shipping_address]';
$label_data = $this->make_replacements( $label_data, $order );
echo '<div class="address-block">';
echo '<div class="addrress_show">';
// process label template to display content
echo $label_data;
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="clearb"></div>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo ' ';
echo '</div></td>';
if ($current_col == $cols) {
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
// shpt_after_page hook
do_action( 'shpt_after_page' );
Since I can't know your raw data structure which you use to loop through it and produce the table, I presumed it as one-dimensional array and you want to print the table as 3 columns as you said, to see in action here's a PHP Fiddle - hit run to execute it - this will work for any array length as long as columns is 3, the rows is dynamic
PHP: Updated for naming purpose
$table = '<table class="address-labels" width="30%" border="0" cellpadding="0">';
$dataArr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17);
$colNum = 3;
$rowNum = ceil(count($dataArr)/$colNum);
for($i=0; $i < $rowNum; $i++){
$x1 = isset( $dataArr[$i] ) ? $dataArr[$i] : '-';
$x2 = isset( $dataArr[$i + $rowNum] ) ? $dataArr[$i + $rowNum] : '-';
$x3 = isset( $dataArr[$i + 2 * $rowNum] ) ? $dataArr[$i + 2 * $rowNum] : '-';
$table .= '<tr><td>' . $x1 . '</td><td>' . $x2 . '</td><td>' . $x3 . '</td></tr>';
$table .= '</table>';
echo $table;
Now if you want to change the column number, like set it to 5 for example, you need to do the following:
1st - set $colNum = 5;
2nd - add more variables to hold the values like, *considering it is 5 columns:
$x4 = isset( $dataArr[$i + 3 * $rowNum] ) ? $dataArr[$i + 3 * $rowNum] : '-';
$x5 = isset( $dataArr[$i + 4 * $rowNum] ) ? $dataArr[$i + 4 * $rowNum] : '-';
and don't forget to increase the multiplier * $rowNum
then for each extra column you add you need to add <td></td> like:
'<td>' . $x4 . '</td><td>' . '</td><td>' . $x5 . '</td><td>' . '</td>'
Here's another PHP Fiddle showing the above for 5 columns.
Try this. It's in pure php
$cols = 3;
$data = range(1,29);
// classic
$index = 1;
foreach($data as $el)
echo $el.' '; if ($index % $cols ==0) echo '<br/>';
echo '<br/><br/>';
// special
$rows = $cols ;
$cols = floor(count($data)/$cols);
for($row = 0 ; $row < $rows; $row++){
for ($index = $row; $index < count($data); $index += $rows)
echo $data[$index].' ';
echo '<br/>';