Not getting output as expected in printing star pattern in php - php

I have tried this code and output i am getting is here
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo $i;
echo "<br/>";
but i want output like this, please tell where i am wrong

Just change echo $i to echo $k,
echo $k;

Since you work with HTML, you may want to wrap this logic into a function that could let you choose the number of lines to display. You can tweak it to fit your needs in term of CSS :
function numberTriangle($endNumber, $align_text = 'right') {
$max = intval($endNumber);
$align = strval($align_text);
$align = ( strlen(trim($align)) > 0 ) ? $align : 'right';
echo "<div style='text-align : $align; display : inline-block'>";
if( $max > 0 ) {
for( $i = 1; $i < $max + 1; $i++ ) {
for( $j = 1; $j < $i + 1; $j++ ) {
echo $j;
echo '<br />';
echo '</div>';
// Will display :
Thanks to this function you do not have to add manual spaces anymore, which is cleaner (and saves you headhaches !).


Star rating with half star support

I am running into a problem rendering a star rating and was hoping I can get some extra eyeballs on my problem. I have the normal rating working just fine with whole numbers but I am struggling to display the half star. For example I created a service that provides me with a rating 0-5 so I get a value like 2.5, 3 or 5 etc...
Before I go and create a switch case and create an svg for each variation I was hoping to get a little a pointer. Below is what I have currently, any tips would be greatly appreciated.
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRating; $i++) {
if($starRating < $i ) {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-empty.svg\">";
else {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star.svg\">";
Ideally I would like to add a condition at the end of the loop and check for the half and echo "";
There is probably an easier way to do it but this works, checks if $starRating is a float and then rounds it up and checks against $i to place the half star in the correct position.
$totalRating = 5;
$starRating = 2.5;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRating; $i++) {
if($starRating < $i ) {
if(is_float($starRating) && (round($starRating) == $i)){
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-half.svg\">";
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-empty.svg\">";
}else {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star.svg\">";
You can verify if the value of $starRating is an integer, doing something like this (considering only half values):
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRating; $i++) {
if ($starRating < $i ) {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-empty.svg\">";
} elseif(is_int($starRating) === false) {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star_half.svg\">";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star.svg\">";
If you want to show stars with a more precise value you can create images with the float values in the name, like "star-3.svg" (representing a .3 float value, and do something like this:
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRating; $i++) {
if ($starRating < $i ) {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-empty.svg\">";
} elseif(is_int($starRating) === false) {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star-" . floatval($starRating)) . ".svg\">";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"/icons/star.svg\">";
But in this case you need to take care to only receive float values with one number (2.2, 3.4, etc.).
I hope it helps...

how do i sum two variables in for each loop or while or for loop

is that possible to sum variable static values in the while or for loop? i have code and working on it but it sum variables only one time?
Here My Code
while($i= <$length)
For Example I want like this
$shipping2='280'; should be sum with every result of $newshipping1
`$newshipping1`= $shipping2='280' + $shipping3='680' = `$newshipping1`=960
+ $shipping2='280'??
'$newshipping1`=960+ $shipping2=280+ $shipping2=280+ $shipping2=280 .....
when ever new product1 enter it should be add $shipping2=280
in the result of `$newshipping1`
I have completed my code here my final code
for($i=0; $i <$length; $i++) {
if($i == 1) {
$newshipping = $shipping2+$shipping3;
} else if($i <= 100) {
$newshipping = $newshipping+$shipping2;
Your logic seems a bit confusing, however you can sum several integers. If you are trying to figure out the final amount of several iterations you should:
$shipping_one = 680;
$shipping_two = 260;
$shipping_three = 0;
$finalShipping = array();
while($i= <$length)
$finalShipping[] = $shipping_one + $shipping_two + $shipping_three;
$finalTotal = array_sum($finalShipping);
If you can clarify your question, I can clarify my answer.
this will be ((680) + (4 * 280)) like you explained in your last comment.
$length = 1;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 2;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 3;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 4;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 5;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
function getShippingTotal($length) {
$total = 0;
for($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if($i == 0) {
$total += $shipping2+$shipping3;
} else {
$total += $shipping2;
return $total;
I have tested it and it gave me:
Test with 1 : 960
Test with 2 : 1240
Test with 3 : 1520
Test with 4 : 1800
Test with 5 : 2080

If value is greater/lesser than xyz

I have a value as a number. For instance, 502.
I want to write a php if statement that will display some text if the value is lesser or greater than certain numbers, or between a range.
number is 502, text will say: "Between 500-600"
number is 56, text will say: "Between 0-60"
So far I have this:
<?php $count=0;?>
<?php $board = getUserBoard($userDetails['userId']);?>
<?php if(is_array($board)):?>
<?php $boardCount = count($board);?>
<?php foreach($board as $key=>$value):?>
$boardPin = getEachBoardPins($value->id);
$count = $count + count($boardPin);
<?php endforeach?>
<?php endif?>
And that gives me a number:
<?php echo $count;?>
I have tried writing...
<?php if(($count)): => 500 ?>
Over 500
<?php endif ?>
But I keep running into errors.
I'd like to create a list if possible with elseif statements denoting various number ranges.
0-50, 51-250, 251-500 etc.
Can anyone help me?
The sanest, neatest and most widely used syntax for if conditions in PHP is:
if($value >=500 && $value <=600 )
echo "value is between 500 and 600";
if ($count >= 0 && $count < 100) {
echo 'between 0 et 99';
} elseif ($count < 199) {
echo 'between 100 and 199';
} elseif { ...
}elseif ($count < 599) {
echo 'between 500 and 599';
} else {
echo 'greater or equal than 600';
I wrote something like this a few years back (might be a better way to do it):
function create_range($p_num, $p_group = 1000) {
$i = 0;
while($p_num >= $i) {
$i += $p_group;
$i -= $p_group;
return $i . '-' . ($i + $p_group - 1);
print 'The number is between ' . create_range(502, 100) . '.';
It'll say 500-599, but you can adjust it to your needs.
I'm not sure what you need, but here is what I understand you ask:
function getRange($n, $limit = array(50, 250, 500)) { // Will create the ranges 0-50, 51-250, 251-500 and 500-infinity
$previousLimit = 0;
foreach ($limits as $limit) {
if ($n < $limit) {
return 'Between ' . ($previousLimit + 1) . ' and ' . $limit; //Return whatever you need.
$previousLimit = $limit;
return 'Greater than ' . $previousLimit; // Return whatever you need.
echo getRange(56); // Prints "Between 51 and 250"
echo getRange(501); // Prints "Greater than 500"
echo getRange(12, array(5, 10, 15, 20)); // Prints "Between 11 and 15"
function getRange($number){
if ($r1>$number){
return ''.$number.' value is between '.$r2.'-'.$r1;
else {
return ''.$number.' value is between '.$r1.'-'.$r2;
Try this.

PHP I want to create a html table using php

hi heres my attempted code, the first while statement works for the rows(works for the weights0, but i cant get it to work with the columns(heights). it works so if min_height input value is 20 and max_height is 50 the columns would look like this 20 25 30 35 40 45 50. my code currently works for the rows but not columns, can anyone help?
$rowiStep = 5;
$coliStep = 5;
// Get these
$iweightMin = $_GET["min_weight"];
$iweightMax = $_GET["max_weight"];
$iheightMin = $_GET["max_height"];
$iheightmax = $_GET["min_height"];
$iCur = $iweightMin;
$iCol = $iheightMin;
print('<table class="table">');
print('<tr ><td>Height/</br>Weight</td>');
while ($iCur <= $iweightMax) {
printf('<tr><td>%d</td></tr>', $iCur);
$iCur += $rowiStep;
$rowiCol = $iheightMin;
while ($iCol <= $iheightmax) {
printf('<tr><td></td>', $iCol);
$iCol += $rowiCol;
print ('</tr>');
If you're looking to print a height/weight matrix; try this:
$rowiStep = 5;
$coliStep = 5;
$output = array(
for( $row_val = $_GET['min_weight'], $row_max <= $_GET['max_weight'];
$row_val < $row_max;
$row_val += $rowistep )
$output[] = '<tr><td>' . $row_val . '</td>';
for( $col_val = $_GET['min_height'], $col_val <= $_GET['max_height'];
$col_val < $col_max;
$col_val += $colistep )
$output[] = '<td>' . $col_val . '</td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
$output[] = '</table>';
echo implode( "\n", $output );
This will produce output like this:
|min_weight |min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
|min_weight + rowIstep |min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
|min_weight + 2rowIstep|min_height|min_height+colIStep|min_height+2colIstep|...|
What output are you looking for?

Random number of divs with random number of elements with PHP

I need to generate random number of divs with five items per div (and remaining items in the last div) from random number of $totalItems and also not all the items satisfy $OKItems... Hopefully the code explains better than me.
My problem is that this script generates empty divs with no content in them.
$OKItems = 0;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
echo ($OKItems == 0 || $OKItems % 5 == 0) ? 'div open<br />' : '';
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
echo '1';
echo ($OKItems % 5 == 0 || $i+1 == $totalItems) ? '<br />div close<br />' : '';
This is what I might get:
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
And this is what I would have wanted in this case:
div open
div close
div open
div close
const N = 5;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
$items = array() ;
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
$items[] = 1 ;
if( N == sizeof($items) || (($i == $totalItems - 1) && 0 < sizeof($items)) ) {
echo "<div>" . join(",", $items) . "</div>";
$items = array() ;
I think you need a bit more structure to your code.
My approach would be to break it up into several stages, as opposed to trying to do all the logic in the loop that outputs data.
What I'd suggest:
Decide how many items to be tested
Test each item and only copy the ones that pass into a new array
Partition this new array into sets of 5
Output each partition as a div
Code (untested):
// Decide how many items to test
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
// Test these items and add them to an accepted array
$items = Array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) { $items[] = "1" }
//Partition them into sections
$partitions = array_chunk($items,5);
//Output as divs
foreach($partitions as $partition):
echo 'div open <br />';
foreach($partition as $item):
echo $item . "<br />";
echo 'div close <br />';
When you split up the code into logical steps, it becomes much easier to maintain and debug.
$OKItems = 0;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
echo ($OKItems == 0 || $OKItems % 5 == 0) ? 'div open<br>' : '';
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
echo '1';
if($OKItems % 5 == 0 || $i+1 == $totalItems) {
echo '<br>div close<br>';
$OKItems = 0;
That should be working ;)
I changed your check line for an if function that also resets your $OKItems. The problem you had (i think) was that you got a 0 as the random value and that would keep $OKitems on 5.
