PHP sum each loop value - php

I wanted to make a simple calculations to summarized what I purchased.
Using $_GET every time the value is updated it should save in an array then when 'start' is executed, it gives the sum. Sorry the codes here are just googled and I'm not really a programmer. I don't know how to combine the two sets of code (array + sum).
$number = $_GET ['input'];
$arr = array ($number);
$data = array($arr);
foreach ($tareas as $tarea) {
$data[] = $tarea;
$sum = 0;
foreach($group as $key=>$arr) {
$sum+= $arr;
echo $sum;

So I got this code from and modified to make it simpler.
<?php session_start();
$products = array($_GET["prod"]);
$amounts = array($_GET ["cost"]);
if ( !isset($_SESSION["total"]) ) {
$_SESSION["total"] = 0;
for ($i=0; $i< count($products); $i++) {
// $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = 0;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0;
if ( isset($_GET['reset']) )
if ($_GET["reset"] == 'true')
unset($_SESSION["qty"]); //The quantity for each product
unset($_SESSION["amounts"]); //The amount from each product
unset($_SESSION["total"]); //The total cost
unset($_SESSION["cart"]); //Which item has been chosen
if ( isset($_GET["add"]) )
$i = $_GET["add"];
$qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i] + 1;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty;
$_SESSION["cart"][$i] = $i;
$_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty;
if ( isset($_GET["delete"]) )
$i = $_GET["delete"];
$qty = $_SESSION["qty"][$i];
$_SESSION["qty"][$i] = $qty;
//remove item if quantity is zero
if ($qty == 0) {
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = 0;
$_SESSION["amounts"][$i] = $amounts[$i] * $qty;
if ( isset($_SESSION["cart"]) ) {
$total = 0;
foreach ( $_SESSION["cart"] as $i ) {
echo '' . $products[$_SESSION["cart"][$i]] . ' - ' . $_SESSION["amounts"][$i] . '<br>';
$total = $total + $_SESSION["amounts"][$i];
$_SESSION["total"] = $total;
Total : ' . $total . '
When I input ?add=0&prod=apple&cost=100, it gives me:
apple - 100
Total : 100
But when I add another session, ?add=1&prod=orange&cost=200 it doesn't give the right answer.
orange - 100
- 0
Total : 100
It should return me this value, I'm puzzled where could be the error.
apple - 100
orange - 200
Total : 300
Yes, I'm not a coder, but trying to solve a big problem.. :) Thanks for those who help.


How to access and return specific value of a foreach in PHP

So I have a request-response that looks like this
$json='[ {"item_cat":"Stationary","items":[{"item_name":"A4 Paper","qty":"2"},{"item_name":"Test Paper","qty":"6"}],"total":"2"},
{"item_cat":"Computer Accessory ","items":[{"item_name":"Power pack","qty":"2"}],"total":"1"},
I'm trying to get each item_name and qty so I can use them to manipulate my db. Here is what I've done
$data = json_decode($json, true);
$len = count($data);
for($i =0; $i< $len; $i++){
$item_length = count($data[$i]['items']);
for($c=0; $c < $item_length; $c++){
foreach ($data[$i]['items'][$c] as $key => $value ) {
$qty = '';
if($key == "qty"){
$qty = $data[$i]['items'][$c];
if($key == 'item_name'){
$item_name = "$value";
$sql= $db->query("SELECT `stock` from `inventory` WHERE `item_name` = '$item_name'");
while ($sql1 = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
$stock = $sql1['stock'];
if($stock > $qty ){
$stock_balance = $stock - $qty;
$quantity = (int)$qty;
$db->query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `stock` = (`stock` - '$quantity') WHERE `item_name` = '$item_name'");
echo "<h3> This Operation Not Allowed: Stock Balance Is Less Than The Request <h3>";
A non-numeric value encountered, which is as a result of $qty because I'm not able to return just qty value. I've tried several other means. I'm really exhausted. Would appreciate any help please. Cheers!
Let's decompose your code.
This is json:
"item_name":"A4 Paper",
"item_name":"Test Paper",
"item_cat":"Computer Accessory ",
"item_name":"Power pack",
Now the array loop without the SQL (to ensure that it works as expected):
$data = json_decode($json, true);
$len = count($data);
for($i =0; $i< $len; $i++){
$item_length = count($data[$i]['items']);
for($c=0; $c < $item_length; $c++){
foreach ($data[$i]['items'][$c] as $key => $value ) {
$qty = '';
if($key == "qty"){
$qty = $data[$i]['items'][$c];
if($key == 'item_name'){
$item_name = "$value";
The problems here are: un-human variable names and not correct working with JSON object.
First of all, let us rename variables to something readable.
$data[$i] will be $catalog_entry (object)
$data[$i]['items'] will be $catalog_entry_items (array)
$data[$i]['items'][$c] will be $catalog_entry_item (one item, object)
Let's change the code with new variables:
$data = json_decode($json, true);
$len = count($data);
for($i =0; $i< $len; $i++) {
$catalog_entry = $data[$i];
$catalog_entry_items = $data[$i]['items'];
for($c=0; $c < sizeof($catalog_entry_items); $c++) {
$catalog_entry_item = $data[$i]['items'][$c];
$qty = $catalog_entry_item['qty'];
$item_name = $catalog_entry_item['item_name'];
echo $item_name . ' : ' . $qty . "\n"; // <-- this is for testing
Run this code and see the expected result:
A4 Paper : 2
Test Paper : 6
Power pack : 2
T-Shirt : 3
Cap : 5
Good, now we have qty and item_name.
Let's make queries. First look at your code:
$sql= $db->query("SELECT `stock` from `inventory` WHERE `item_name` = '$item_name'");
while ($sql1 = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
$stock = $sql1['stock'];
Two strange things: 1) possible SQL injection, 2) replace $stock variable many times with new value (if we have more than 1 row for item in inventory).
Anyway, if this code is working (I can't check), then we come to next part:
if ($stock > $qty ) {
$stock_balance = $stock - $qty;
$quantity = (int)$qty;
$db->query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `stock` = (`stock` - '$quantity') WHERE `item_name` = '$item_name'");
} else {
echo "<h3> This Operation Not Allowed: Stock Balance Is Less Than The Request <h3>";
First, unnecessary cast to integer, so remove line $quantity = (int)$qty; and put $stock_balance into query. We will have:
if ($stock >= $qty ) {
$stock_balance = $stock - $qty;
$db->query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `stock` = $stock_balance WHERE `item_name` = '$item_name'");
} else {
echo "<h3> This Operation Not Allowed: Stock Balance Is Less Than The Request <h3>";
...well... not only you are exhausted, so I will end now. Ask if something is not correct or not understandable.

Magento memory leak in for loop

I can't figure out where all my memory is going, memory gets exhausted after about 28,000 loops. have tried several combinations of unset to no avail.
updateProduct() is only commented out to help me isolate the issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
include_once '../app/Mage.php';
//fetch all products
$res = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$db = $res->getConnection('catalog_read');
$productTable = $res->getTableName('catalog/product');
$sql = $db->select()->from($productTable,
//Returns about 162,000 rows
$rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
$rowcount = count($rows);
$progress = 0;
foreach($rows as $productRow)
$product_id = $productRow["entity_id"];
//memory leaks here.
echo "LOAD ERROR\n";
//echo memory_get_usage() . " 49\n";
if($progress % 500 == 0)
echo "$progress out of $rowcount complete\n";
echo memory_get_usage() . "\n";
updateProduct is matching discount to some layered navigation attributes:
function updateProduct($product_id)
global $off10,$off20,$off30,$off40,$off50;
//echo "$product_id\n";
$attribute = $product->getResource()->getAttribute('discount');
if ($attribute)
$discount_value += $attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product);
//Match discount to layered_nav_discount and all attributes < discount
if($discount_value < 10){
$value = "";
}elseif($discount_value < 20){
$value = "$off10";
}elseif($discount_value < 30){
$value = "$off10,$off20";
}elseif($discount_value < 40){
$value = "$off10,$off20,$off30";
}elseif($discount_value < 50){
$value = "$off10,$off20,$off30,$off40";
}elseif($discount_value >= 50){
$value = "$off10,$off20,$off30,$off40,$off50";
//Update layered_nav_discount
//$_product->addAttributeUpdate('layered_nav_discount', $value, 0);
You can add in top of file for increase memory and time limit.

Array counting with different keys

What I need is putting this array in a loop, but I can't get it to work because week is 1 - 9 and the key is 0 - 8. So i getting a error with a undefined offset i know why the does that but I don't know how to do this properly.
Before people ask me why not just change week1 to week0 and start counting from there. I can't because I did a calculating that is based on 1 - 52 and it will mess up my calculating if I start on 0 - 51
$totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10] = $totaal["week1"][0] + // = 0.46
$totaal["week2"][1] + // = 2.87
$totaal["week3"][2] + // = 4.97
$totaal["week4"][3] + // = 4.35
$totaal["week5"][4] + // = 3.02
$totaal["week6"][5] + // = 2.03
$totaal["week7"][6] + // = 1.41
$totaal["week8"][7] + // = 1.12
$totaal["week9"][8]; // = 1.13
// Should be total 21,36
This is my loop I got until now but it gives me the wrong answer plus 2 errors
for($week = 1; $week < 9; $week++)
for($sw = 0; $sw <= 8; $sw++)
$totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10] += $totaal["week".$week][$sw];
echo $totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10]; // Outputs 170.89
foreach($totaal as $total)
echo $totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10];
You should sum with this this loop
$i = 1;
$result = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if (isset($totaal['week' . $i]) && isset($totaal['week' . $i][$i - 1])) {
$result += floatval($totaal['week' . $i][$i - 1]);
$totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10] = $result;
$sum = 0;
foreach(array_values($totaal) as $index=>$item)
$sum += reset($item);
echo $sum; // 21.36
$totaal_vruchtzetting_week[10] = $sum;
Not sure if I got your question, but did you consider foreach? It iterates over every array regardless of the keys.

How to get max value in loop

ok so im working with this loop and getting information from DB:
for($i0 = 0; $i0 < $total0; $i0 ++) {
$id = $oconecta->retrieve_value($i0, "id_tam_product");
$price = $oconecta->retrieve_value($i0, "price_tam_product");
echo $id; // RESULTS: 312, 313, 314
echo $price; // RESULTS: 180.00, 250.00, 300.00
i was wondering how can i get the MAX value for that loop:
echo $id; //RESULTS: 314
echo $price; //RESULTS: 300.00
$maxID = 0;
$maxPrice = 0;
$maxID = max($id, $maxID);
$maxPrice = max($price, $maxPrice);
echo "MAX ID: $maxID - Max PRICE: $maxPrice";
Use the max() function to determine the highest number of a set.
Either you use SQL's MAX() if you can modify your SQL query, or keep the max value in a variable in each loop, and reassign it everytime:
$firstLoop = true;
$maxId = 0;
$maxPrice = 0;
for ($i0 = 0; $i0 < $total0; $i0++)
$id = $oconecta->retrieve_value($i0, "id_tam_product");
$price = $oconecta->retrieve_value($i0, "price_tam_product");
if ($firstLoop) {
$firstLoop = false;
$maxId = $id;
$maxPrice = $price;
else {
$maxId = max($maxId, $id);
$maxPrice = max($maxPrice, $price);
(the boolean is here if you have negative values it wouldn't work if $maxPrice and $maxId are initiliazed with 0)

how do i sum two variables in for each loop or while or for loop

is that possible to sum variable static values in the while or for loop? i have code and working on it but it sum variables only one time?
Here My Code
while($i= <$length)
For Example I want like this
$shipping2='280'; should be sum with every result of $newshipping1
`$newshipping1`= $shipping2='280' + $shipping3='680' = `$newshipping1`=960
+ $shipping2='280'??
'$newshipping1`=960+ $shipping2=280+ $shipping2=280+ $shipping2=280 .....
when ever new product1 enter it should be add $shipping2=280
in the result of `$newshipping1`
I have completed my code here my final code
for($i=0; $i <$length; $i++) {
if($i == 1) {
$newshipping = $shipping2+$shipping3;
} else if($i <= 100) {
$newshipping = $newshipping+$shipping2;
Your logic seems a bit confusing, however you can sum several integers. If you are trying to figure out the final amount of several iterations you should:
$shipping_one = 680;
$shipping_two = 260;
$shipping_three = 0;
$finalShipping = array();
while($i= <$length)
$finalShipping[] = $shipping_one + $shipping_two + $shipping_three;
$finalTotal = array_sum($finalShipping);
If you can clarify your question, I can clarify my answer.
this will be ((680) + (4 * 280)) like you explained in your last comment.
$length = 1;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 2;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 3;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 4;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
$length = 5;
echo "Test with $length : ".getShippingTotal($length)." <br />";
function getShippingTotal($length) {
$total = 0;
for($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if($i == 0) {
$total += $shipping2+$shipping3;
} else {
$total += $shipping2;
return $total;
I have tested it and it gave me:
Test with 1 : 960
Test with 2 : 1240
Test with 3 : 1520
Test with 4 : 1800
Test with 5 : 2080
