showing columns from joined tables in CGridView - php

I joined some tables in model by CDbCriteria my code is something like this :
$crt = new CDbCriteria();
$crt->alias = 'so';
$crt->select = ', u.first_name, u.last_name';
$crt->join = " inner join " . Flow::model()->tableName() . " as fl on = so.flow_id";
$crt->join .= " inner join " . RoleUser::model()->tableName() . " as ru on = fl.receiver_role_user_id";
$crt->join .= " inner join " . User::model()->tableName() . " as u on ru.user_id=";
$crt->compare('sms_outbox_group_id', $smsOutboxGroupId);
$crt->compare('fl.kind', Flow::KIND_SMS);
$crt->group = '';
$smsOutBox = new SmsOutbox();
return new CActiveDataProvider($smsOutBox, array(
'criteria' => $crt,
'sort' => array(
'defaultOrder' => ' DESC',
how can I show my selected column in CGridView? is there any possible way to show first_name and last_name without defining relation in model?

I've found the solution using Sudhanshu Saxena answer. beside using aliases for first_name and last_name I've added two property to model with same names as aliases : receiverFirstName and receiverLastName. in this way my problem was solved and besides that it provide search functionality on this two property.
my final code is like this :
Model :
public $receiverFirstName;
public $receiverLastName;
creating criteria :
$crt = new CDbCriteria();
$crt->alias = 'so';
$crt->select = ', as userId, u.first_name as receiverFirstName, u.last_name as receiverLastName, so.status';
$crt->join = " inner join " . Flow::model()->tableName() . " as fl on = so.flow_id";
$crt->join .= " inner join " . RoleUser::model()->tableName() . " as ru on = fl.receiver_role_user_id";
$crt->join .= " inner join " . User::model()->tableName() . " as u on ru.user_id=";
$crt->compare('sms_outbox_group_id', $smsOutboxGroupId);
$crt->compare('u.first_name', $this->receiverFirstName, true);
$crt->compare('u.last_name', $this->receiverLastName, true);
$crt->compare('so.status', $this->status);
$crt->compare('fl.kind', Flow::KIND_SMS);
$crt->group = 'userId';
$crt->order = '';
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
'criteria' => $crt,
and finally in CgridView I did this :
'columns' => array(
'header' => Yii::t('app', 'Row'),
'value' => '$this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->currentPage * $this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize + ($row+1)',
'name' => 'receiverFirstName',
'value' => '$data->receiverFirstName',
'name' => 'receiverLastName',
'value' => '$data->receiverLastName',
'name' => 'status',
'value' => 'SmsOutbox::getStatusTitle($data->status)',
'filter' => CHtml::listData(SmsOutbox::getStatusList(), 'id', 'title')

Use the alias and call it in CgridView like this
$crt->select = ', u.first_name as fname, u.last_name as lastname';
In your Grid call it.
array('name'=>'name' or 'header'=>'some header','value'=>'$data->fname')


Cakephp AND constraint for array in query operation

I have a Table schedules that needs to be joined in my Query.
$joins[] = array(
'table' => 'schedules',
'alias' => 'Schedule',
'conditions' => array(
'Schedule.provider_id =',
'Schedule.endtime > "' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '"',
'Schedule.starttime' => $startTimes,
'type' => 'INNER'
$starttimesis an array consisting of DateTime Objects.
Providers can have multiple schedules and I want to get all providers, which match at least all starttimes from the $starttimesarray.
Thanks to ndm I got the solution. What I was missing was the group stetement:
$group = ' HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT = ' . count($startTimes);

How to give alias name to table in bonfire..?

I am using Ci-bonfire and I want to give alias name of table when I have join multiple table at that time it will give column ambiguous so how to give alias name of table
Here is my code example..
$select = array(
$this->table_name . '.*',
$join = array(
'bf_countries' => array(
'condition' => 'bf_countries.country_id = ' . $this->table_name . '.country_id',
'type' => 'left'
$order = array(
$config = array(
"req_data" => $req_data,
return $this->grid->get_result();
Suppose I want to give alias name of bf_countries table so what to do for that..?

How to Implement this Mysql query into Zend framework 1 using dbSelect

CONCAT(us.user_id,' ',,
UPPER(sc.so_number) Order_no ,
sh.upc UPC,re.label Error,
(SELECT count(*) FROM order_checker_scan scan WHERE scan.so_number =sh.so_number and scan.upc=sh.upc and scan.user_id!=0
and DATE_FORMAT(scan_time,'%Y-%m-%d') >= '2015-11-01' ) AS
(select CONCAT(u.user_id,' ', from users u,picklist_history p where u.user_id=p.user_id and
p.so_number=sh.so_number limit 1) as picker,
sh.item_key Times,
DATE_FORMAT(sc.date_started,'%b%d %Y %h:%i%p') datetime,sh.qty_required QTY
order_checker_short sh,
sc,order_checker_short_reason re,
users us
WHERE sh.so_number=sc.so_number AND
sh.reason_id=re.reason_id AND
sc.created_by=us.user_id And
sc.created_by!=0 AND
DATE_FORMAT(date_started,'%Y-%m-%d') between '2015-11-16' and '2015-11-17' AND
sh.reason_id !=0 AND
sh.upc !=1
GROUP BY sc.so_number,sh.upc
ORDER BY sc.date_started DESC, sc.so_number DESC , sh.upc ASC
Please test the following:
// 1st subselect
$prevDataSelect = $db->select()
->from(array('scan' => 'order_checker_scan'), array('count(*)'))
->where('scan.so_number = sh.so_number')
->where('scan.upc = sh.upc')
->where('scan.user_id != 0')
->where("DATE_FORMAT(scan_time,'%Y-%m-%d') >= '2015-11-01'");
// 2nd subselect
$pickerSelect = $db->select()
->from(array('u' => 'users', 'p' => 'picklist_history'), array("CONCAT(u.user_id,' ',"))
->where('u.user_id = p.user_id')
->where('p.so_number = sh.so_number')
// Main selection
$mainSelect = $db->select()
// tables
'sh' => 'order_checker_short',
'sc' => 'order_checker_header',
're' => 'order_checker_short_reason',
'us' => 'users',
// columns
'SomeName' => "CONCAT(us.user_id, ' ',",
'Order_no' => 'UPPER(sc.so_number)',
'UPC' => 'sh.upc',
'Error' => 're.label',
'prev_data' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $prevDataSelect . ')'),
'picker' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(' . $pickerSelect . ')'),
'Times' => 'sh.item_key',
'datetime' => "DATE_FORMAT(sc.date_started,'%b%d %Y %h:%i%p')",
'QTY' => 'sh.qty_required',
// AND WHERE clauses
->where('sh.so_number = sc.so_number')
->where('sh.reason_id = re.reason_id')
->where('sc.created_by = us.user_id')
->where('sc.created_by != 0')
->where("DATE_FORMAT(date_started, '%Y-%m-%d') between '2015-11-16' and '2015-11-17'")
->where('sh.reason_id != 0')
->where('sh.upc != 1')
// GROUP BY clause
->group(array('sc.so_number', 'sh.upc'))
->order(array('sc.date_started DESC', 'sc.so_number DESC', 'sh.upc ASC'));
If doesn't work please tell me what's the output of $mainSelect->assemble()

How to run subqueries in cakephp

Cakephp 2.6
I have a Model, Temps, which has many tickets. In the index view of Temps I want to return for each record, the ticket with the date closest to the current date.
In mySQL it can be done as
'SELECT expiry_date FROM uploads WHERE expiry_date > CURDATE() ORDER BY expiry_date ASC LIMIT 1'
But I don't know how to run this as a sub query. My Current query to generate my results is as follows: (bearing in mind this has been configured for datatables) Tickets is an alias for the Upload Model
public function getAjaxIndexData($data) {
$tokens = explode(" ", $data['searchString']);
$conditions = array(
$this->alias . '.deleted' => false,
'OR' => array(
'CONCAT(' . $this->alias . '.first_name," ",' . $this->alias . '.last_name) LIKE' => '%' . implode(' ', $tokens) . '%',
$fields = array(
$order = array(
$data['orderField'] => $data['order']
$contain = array(
$options = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => $fields,
'order' => $order,
'contain' => $contain,
'limit' => $data['limit'],
'offset' => $data['start']
$optionsNoFields = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => $contain,
$result['draw'] = $data['draw'];
$result['recordsTotal'] = $recordTotal = $this->find('count');
$result['recordsFiltered'] = $this->find('count', $optionsNoFields);
$result['data'] = $this->find('all', $options); //standard search
$result['data'] = $this->formatTable($result['data']);
return json_encode($result);
Within this query I would like to add a field that shows the nearest expiry date for each Temp.
How would I construct this?
Dynamically create a virtual field:
$this->virtualFields['nearest'] = '(SELECT expiry_date FROM uploads WHERE expiry_date > CURDATE() AND uploads.owner_id = '.$this->alias.'.ticket_id ORDER BY expiry_date ASC LIMIT 1')';
Then adjust your fields array
$fields = array(
Also, the query could be rewritten as ("temp" needs to be replaced with the model alias)
SELECT MIN(expiry_date)
FROM uploads
WHERE expiry_date > CURDATE()
AND uploads.owner_id = temp.ticket_id;
Which means that a potentially better performing query would be to move that subquery out of the columns of the SELECT statement to a JOIN. For example:
FROM temp
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MIN(expiry_date) AS expiry,owner_id
FROM uploads
WHERE expiry_date > CURDATE())
GROUP BY owner_id) AS next_dates
ON next_dates.owner_id = temp.ticket_id;

CakePHP Retrieving data from multiple tables with select conditions

I am building an application using CakePHP and I am stuck on a problem retrieving data using a series of joins. In the simplified example below the join with the alias Delivery could have more than record and I want to bring back the record with a max value in a particular field in that table.
$inv_conditions = array( 'Invoice.invoice_date >=' => $DateFormatter->dateForDB($dateFrom),
'Invoice.invoice_date <=' => $DateFormatter->dateForDB($dateTo),
' >' => 385380 );
$join = array(array(
'table' => 'jobs',
'alias' => 'Jobs',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array('Invoice.job_id = Jobs.JOB_ID' )
'table' => 'functional',
'alias' => 'Delivery',
'type' => 'LEFT'
'conditions'=> array('AND ' => array('Invoice.job_id = Delivery.JOB',
'Delivery.TYPE_STAGE = 1')
$invoices = $this->Invoice->find("all", array(
"fields" => array(
"conditions" => $inv_conditions,
"joins" => $join
I can do this with SQL no problem as follows:
FROM jobs JOIN functional ON
jobs.JOB_ID = 'M201409180267'
functional.JOB = jobs.JOB_ID
functional.TYPE_STAGE = 0
functional.JOB_LINE_ORDER =
WHERE functional.JOB = 'M201409180267' AND functional.TYPE_STAGE = 0)
I have tried using the following to the conditions array:
'conditions' => array('AND ' =>
array( 'Invoice.job_id = Delivery.JOB',
'Delivery.TYPE_STAGE = 1'
This does bring back results but not the correct ones and the resulting SQL generated by Cake does have a select in the where clause. Is there a way of doing this when retrieving data in cake where the sql statement created will have a select in the where clause.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use subquery to generate the select in the where clause. You can create a method in your model that does this and call it from your controller.
$subQuery = $db->buildStatement(
'fields' => array(''),
'table' => $db->fullTableName($this),
'alias' => 'aliasName',
'limit' => null,
'offset' => null,
'joins' => array(),
'conditions' => $conditionsArray,
'order' => null,
'group' => null
$subQuery = ' <<YOUR MAIN QUERY CONDITION (' . $subQuery . ') >>';
$subQueryExpression = $db->expression($subQuery);
$conditions[] = $subQueryExpression;
return $this->Model->find('list', compact('conditions'));
