I am trying to use PHPRETS to download RETS FEED Data and Images, I am successful in downloading data as CSV but, though images are created in the image folder properly, the size of each image is zero. I am attaching the code I am using here, please help me so that I can download images properly.
$rets_login_url = "http://retsgw.flexmls.com:80/rets2_0/Login";
$rets_username = "**********";
$rets_password = "**********";
// use http://retsmd.com to help determine the SystemName of the DateTime field which
// designates when a record was last modified
$rets_modtimestamp_field = "LIST_87";
// use http://retsmd.com to help determine the names of the classes you want to pull.
// these might be something like RE_1, RES, RESI, 1, etc.
$property_classes = array("B");
// DateTime which is used to determine how far back to retrieve records.
// using a really old date so we can get everything
$previous_start_time = "1980-01-01T00:00:00"; require_once("lib/phrets.php");
// start rets connection
$rets = new phRETS;
// only enable this if you know the server supports the optional RETS feature called 'Offset'
$rets->SetParam("offset_support", true);
echo "+ Connecting to {$rets_login_url} as {$rets_username}<br>\n";
$connect = $rets->Connect($rets_login_url, $rets_username, $rets_password);
if ($connect) {
echo " + Connected<br>\n";
else {
echo " + Not connected:<br>\n";
foreach ($property_classes as $class) {
echo "+ Property:{$class}<br>\n";
$file_name = strtolower("property_{$class}.csv");
$fh = fopen($file_name, "w+") or die("Can't open file");
$fields_order = array();
$query = "({$rets_modtimestamp_field}={$previous_start_time}+)";
// run RETS search
echo " + Resource: Property Class: {$class} Query: {$query}<br>\n";
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query, array('Limit' => 1000));
$get_id = $_REQUEST['LIST_1'];
if ($rets->NumRows($search) > 0) {
// print filename headers as first line
$fields_order = $rets->SearchGetFields($search);
fputcsv($fh, $fields_order);
// process results
while ($record = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
$this_record = array();
foreach ($fields_order as $fo) {
if ($fo == 'LIST_1') {
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[$fo], "*", 1);
foreach ($photos as $photo) {
if ($photo['Success'] == true) {
file_put_contents("photos/{$photo['Content-ID']}-{$photo['Object-ID']}.jpg", $photo['Data']);
$this_record[] = $record[$fo];
fputcsv($fh, $this_record);
echo " + Total found: {$rets->TotalRecordsFound($search)}<br>\n";
echo " - done<br>\n";
echo "+ Disconnecting<br>\n";
You have this line. It is returning the image URL, not the binary image data.
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[$fo], "*", 1);
The fifth argument should be a 0.
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[$fo], "*", 0);
According to the PHRETS documentation, a 1 returns the image URL and a 0 returns the binary image data.
Screen Shot of HTML Form.
Can you suggest me where am I doing mistakes in my Laravel app, each time i am uploading multiple files throug the form, files is uploading perfectly in given location, but only 1 records are being inserted into database table. Here is my code...
// Upload bg_certificateArr photo
if ($request->hasFile('bg_certificate')) {
foreach ($request->file('bg_certificate') as $key => $file) {
// Get image extention
$extention = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// Generate new image name
$bgCertImgName = 'ac-bg-cert-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i-s') . '.' . $extention;
$bgCertImgPath = 'accountant/images/bank_guarantee/' . $bgCertImgName;
// Upload Profile Image
// Insert data into bank guarantee table
$bg_amountArr = $data['bg_amount'];
$bg_numberArr = $data['bg_number'];
$bank_idArr = $data['bank_id'];
$bg_from_dateArr = $data['bg_from_date'];
$bg_to_dateArr = $data['bg_to_date'];
$bg_amount = $bg_amountArr[$key];
$bg_number = $bg_numberArr[$key];
$bank_id = $bank_idArr[$key];
$bg_from_date = $bg_from_dateArr[$key];
$bg_to_date = $bg_to_dateArr[$key];
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($bg_to_date);
// die();
$ac_bg->school_id = $schoolID;
$ac_bg->ledgers_id = $acLedger->id;
$ac_bg->bg_amount = $bg_amount;
$ac_bg->bg_number = $bg_number;
$ac_bg->bank_id = $bank_id;
$ac_bg->bg_from_date = $bg_from_date;
$ac_bg->bg_to_date = $bg_to_date;
$ac_bg->bg_certificate = $bgCertImgName;
initialize $ac_bg for every foreach loop.
if ($request->hasFile('bg_certificate')) {
foreach ($request->file('bg_certificate') as $key => $file) {
$ac_bg = new AccountBankGuarantee; // like this
// Get image extention
$extention = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// Generate new image name
$bgCertImgName = 'ac-bg-cert-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i-s') . '.' . $extention;
$bgCertImgPath = 'accountant/images/bank_guarantee/' . $bgCertImgName;
// Upload Profile Image
// Insert data into bank guarantee table
$bg_amountArr = $data['bg_amount'];
$bg_numberArr = $data['bg_number'];
$bank_idArr = $data['bank_id'];
$bg_from_dateArr = $data['bg_from_date'];
$bg_to_dateArr = $data['bg_to_date'];
$bg_amount = $bg_amountArr[$key];
$bg_number = $bg_numberArr[$key];
$bank_id = $bank_idArr[$key];
$bg_from_date = $bg_from_dateArr[$key];
$bg_to_date = $bg_to_dateArr[$key];
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($bg_to_date);
// die();
$ac_bg->school_id = $schoolID;
$ac_bg->ledgers_id = $acLedger->id;
$ac_bg->bg_amount = $bg_amount;
$ac_bg->bg_number = $bg_number;
$ac_bg->bank_id = $bank_id;
$ac_bg->bg_from_date = $bg_from_date;
$ac_bg->bg_to_date = $bg_to_date;
$ac_bg->bg_certificate = $bgCertImgName;
You haven't posted full code here, but I believe before loop you somehow set $ac_bg variable. So looking at your code you create one record and update it in every next loop iteration.
So to fix this you should probably do something like this:
foreach ($request->file('bg_certificate') as $key => $file) {
$ac = new Ac(); // don't know what's the exact model class here
Then in every loop iteration you will create new record instead of updating it.
I have a code below
/* Error display */
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
/* Requires */
require 'conn.php';
/* Parameters (DIM) */
$param_customer = $_POST['param_customer'];
$param_user = $_POST['param_user'];
/* Others */
$param_email = $_POST['email'];
$file_dump_area = "../general_sync/";
/* Array */
$jsonData = array();
$arr_result = array();
/******************************** Download customer *********************************/
$cur_filename = $file_dump_area . removeCharEmail($param_email) . "_" . $param_customer . ".csv";
$cur_file = fopen($cur_filename, "w");
$cur_sql = "CALL android_getCustomer('" .$param_email. "')";
$cur_result = mysqli_query($con,$cur_sql);
if ($cur_file && $cur_result) {
while ($row = $cur_result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
fputcsv($cur_file, array_values($row));
array_push($arr_result, array('done_process' => "done_cus"));
/******************************** Download user *********************************/
$cur_filename = $file_dump_area . removeCharEmail($param_email) . "_" . $param_customer . "1.csv";
$cur_file = fopen($cur_filename, "w");
$cur_sql = "CALL android_getCustomer('" .$param_email. "')";
$cur_result = mysqli_query($con,$cur_sql);
if ($cur_file && $cur_result) {
while ($row = $cur_result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
fputcsv($cur_file, array_values($row));
array_push($arr_result, array('done_process' => "done_user"));
$jsonData = array("received"=>$arr_result);
echo json_encode($jsonData,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
function removeCharEmail($val) {
$new_val1 = str_replace(".", "", $val);
$new_val2 = str_replace("#", "", $new_val1);
return $new_val2;
The target output of that code is to create 2 csv which is it does but the problem is the 2nd csv has no data although the query shows some it does not write. I tried to copy the 1st line of codes. it does create the file but it didnt write
Whats the problem?
Updated with help of Mr. Barmar
i got this error Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
The stored procedure is apparently returning two result sets. You need to fetch the next result set before you can start another query. Add:
After each loop that fetches the results. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/14561639/1491895 for more details.
I am pulling a report using the Adobe API from Omniture.
Here is the full script :
// Date
$end_date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 days"));
$start_date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-8 days"));
// Location of the files exported
$adobe_file = '/path/Adobe_'.$end_date.'.csv';
// List creation that will be updated with the fields and be put into my CSV file
$list = array
array('lasttouchchannel', 'product','visits','CTR(Clicks/PageViews)') // headers // ADD or DELETE metrics #
function GetAPIData($method, $data)
$username = "XXXX";
$shared_secret = "XXXX";
$postURL = "https://api3.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=";
// Nonce is a simple unique id to each call to prevent MITM attacks.
$nonce = md5(uniqid(php_uname('n'), true));
// The current timestamp in ISO-8601 format
$nonce_ts = date('c');
/* The Password digest is a concatenation of the nonce, it is timestamp and your password
(from the same location as your username) which runs through SHA1 and then through a base64 encoding */
$digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $nonce_ts . $shared_secret));
$rc = new SimpleRestClient();
$rc -> setOption(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username=\"$username\", PasswordDigest=\"$digest\", Nonce=\"$nonce\", Created=\"$nonce_ts\""));
$rc -> postWebRequest($postURL .$method, $data);
return $rc;
$method = 'Report.Queue';
$data ='
$rc=GetAPIData($method, $data);
if($rc -> getStatusCode() == 200) // status code 200 is for 'ok'
$counter = 0;
if($counter>0){sleep($sleep = 120);}
$return = GetAPIData('Report.Get', $rc->getWebResponse());
}while($return -> getStatusCode() == 400 && json_decode($return->getWebResponse())->error == 'report_not_ready'); // status code 400 is for 'bad request'
foreach ($json->report->data as $el)
echo $el->name.":".$el->counts[0].":".$el->counts[1]."\n";
// Adding the data in the CSV file without overwriting the previous data
array_push($list, array($el->name, $el->name, $el->counts[0], ($el->counts[1])/($el->counts[2])));
echo "Wrong";
$fp = fopen($adobe_file, 'w');
foreach ($list as $fields)
// Save the data into a CSV file
fputcsv($fp, $fields);
How can I get the names of the metrics and elements in order to use them in this script? There is no way. I searched with all the possible tags on google and nothing worked !
I need the metrics and elements for this part of the code :
$data ='
I cannot find 'date' as an element which is crucial. I cannot find all the other metrics as well. In Google Analytics we had this link :
Google Analytics Query
but in Adobe there is not any. I want something like that :
You would json_decode() as $data contains a JSON string. For example:
$data ='
$json = json_decode($data, true);
echo $json['reportDescription']['dateFrom'];
I have a basic online visitors counter. I get it from here. It works verry well but I have a issue. I use it on online game and I have multiple servers. I use it for server online counter. I did add counter pages to the servers via iframe and it counts very well.
But the problem is, I want to display that numbers on index (index.php) page. But when I use :
<?php include("server1.php");?>
it counts index page users as well. I don't want this. How can I make it don't count IP's from index.php?
Here, my codes
Counter (server1.php)
$dbfile = "game/database/1.db"; // path to data file
$expire = 100; // average time in seconds to consider someone online before removing from the list
if(!file_exists($dbfile)) {
die("Error: Data file " . $dbfile . " NOT FOUND!");
if(!is_writable($dbfile)) {
die("Error: Data file " . $dbfile . " is NOT writable! Please CHMOD it to 666!");
function CountVisitors() {
global $dbfile, $expire;
$cur_ip = getIP();
$cur_time = time();
$dbary_new = array();
$dbary = unserialize(file_get_contents($dbfile));
if(is_array($dbary)) {
while(list($user_ip, $user_time) = each($dbary)) {
if(($user_ip != $cur_ip) && (($user_time + $expire) > $cur_time)) {
$dbary_new[$user_ip] = $user_time;
$dbary_new[$cur_ip] = $cur_time; // add record for current user
$fp = fopen($dbfile, "w");
fputs($fp, serialize($dbary_new));
$out = sprintf("%03d", count($dbary_new)); // format the result to display 3 digits with leading 0's
return $out;
function getIP() {
elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
else $ip = "0";
return $ip;
$visitors_online = '0'+CountVisitors();
Iframe (I use it on server pages)
<iframe name="visitors" src="../1.php" width="1" hidden="true" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
php include (index.php)
Server 7 - Online Players:<?php include("7.php");?>
make a server2.php with this code
$dbfile = "game/database/1.db"; // path to data file
$expire = 100;
if(!file_exists($dbfile)) {
die("Error: Data file " . $dbfile . " NOT FOUND!");
if(!is_writable($dbfile)) {
die("Error: Data file " . $dbfile . " is NOT writable! Please CHMOD it to 666!");
function CountVisitors() {
global $dbfile, $expire;
$cur_time = time();
$dbary_new = array();
$dbary = unserialize(file_get_contents($dbfile));
if(is_array($dbary)) {
while(list($user_ip, $user_time) = each($dbary)) {
if(($user_time + $expire) > $cur_time) {
$dbary_new[$user_ip] = $user_time;
$out = sprintf("%03d", count($dbary_new)); // format the result to display 3 digits with leading 0's
return $out;
$visitors_online = '0'+CountVisitors();
and use it like server1.php
Am a trying to create a PHP (PHrets) script that downloads all real estate listing information from a specific area and saves all of the listings data (CSV file and photos) on my web server.
Note: A single listing may have up to 20 photos.
I am using PHrets to retrieve MLS listing data and it works great for creating a CSV of data. However, I would like to modify this code to loop through each listing's photos and download them onto my web server with the following name convention: MLSID-PHOTOID.
The error below is coming from the GetObject loop at the end of the code:
ERROR Message: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
Thanks in advance!
$rets_login_url = "http://maxebrdi.rets.fnismls.com/Rets/FNISRETS.aspx/MAXEBRDI/login?&rets-version=rets/1.5";
$rets_username = "MyUser";
$rets_password = "MyPass";
// use http://retsmd.com to help determine the SystemName of the DateTime field which
// designates when a record was last modified
$rets_status_field = "L_StatusCatID";
$rets_city_field = "L_City";
// use http://retsmd.com to help determine the names of the classes you want to pull.
// these might be something like RE_1, RES, RESI, 1, etc.
$property_classes = array("LR_5");
// DateTime which is used to determine how far back to retrieve records.
// using a really old date so we can get everything
$listing_status = 1;
$listing_city = "OAKLAND";
// start rets connection
$rets = new phRETS;
echo "+ Connecting to {$rets_login_url} as {$rets_username}<br>\n";
$connect = $rets->Connect($rets_login_url, $rets_username, $rets_password);
if ($connect) {
echo " + Connected<br>\n";
else {
echo " + Not connected:<br>\n";
foreach ($property_classes as $class) {
echo "+ Property:{$class}<br>\n";
$file_name = strtolower("property_{$class}.csv");
$fh = fopen($file_name, "w+");
$maxrows = true;
$offset = 1;
$limit = 1000;
$fields_order = array();
while ($maxrows) {
$query = "({$rets_status_field}={$listing_status}),({$rets_city_field}={$listing_city})";
// run RETS search
echo " + Query: {$query} Limit: {$limit} Offset: {$offset}<br>\n";
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query, array("Limit" => $limit, "Offset" => $offset, "Format" => "COMPACT", "Select" => "L_ListingID,L_Class,L_Type_,L_Status,L_AskingPrice,L_Keyword2,L_Keyword3,L_Keyword4,L_SquareFeet,L_Remarks,L_Address,L_City,L_State,LO1_OrganizationName,LA1_AgentLicenseID,LA1_UserFirstName,LA1_UserLastName,L_PictureCount", "Count" => 1));
if ($rets->NumRows() > 0) {
if ($offset == 1) {
// print filename headers as first line
$fields_order = $rets->SearchGetFields($search);
fputcsv($fh, $fields_order);
// process results
while ($record = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
$this_record = array();
foreach ($fields_order as $fo) {
$this_record[] = $record[$fo];
fputcsv($fh, $this_record);
$offset = ($offset + $rets->NumRows());
$maxrows = $rets->IsMaxrowsReached();
echo " + Total found: {$rets->TotalRecordsFound()}<br>\n";
echo " - done<br>\n";
//This code needs to be fixed. Not sure how to include the listing array correctly.
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[ListingID], "*", 1);
foreach ($photos as $photo) {
$listing = $photo['Content-ID'];
$number = $photo['Object-ID'];
if ($photo['Success'] == true) {
echo "{$listing}'s #{$number} photo is at {$photo['Location']}\n";
else {
echo "Error ({$photo['Content-ID']}-{$photo['Object-ID']}
//ERROR Message: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was //encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
echo "+ Disconnecting<br>\n";
I modified your while loop that processes each record to also get the photos for that record. I also tested this on a RETS server.
while ($record = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
$this_record = array();
foreach ($fields_order as $fo) {
if ($fo == 'L_ListingID') {
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[$fo], "*", 1);
foreach ($photos as $photo) {
if ($photo['Success'] == true) {
file_put_contents("photos/{$photo['Content-ID']}-{$photo['Object-ID']}.jpg", $photo['Data']);
$this_record[] = $record[$fo];
fputcsv($fh, $this_record);
One thing I found is you have ListingID on this line:
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[ListingID], "*", 1);
But then in your search query you refer to ListingID as L_ListingID. Maybe the above line should have L_ListingID.
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query, array("Limit" => $limit, "Offset" => $offset, "Format" => "COMPACT", "Select" => "L_ListingID,L_Class,L_Type_,L_Status,L_AskingPrice,L_Keyword2,L_Keyword3,L_Keyword4,L_SquareFeet,L_Remarks,L_Address,L_City,L_State,LO1_OrganizationName,LA1_AgentLicenseID,LA1_UserFirstName,LA1_UserLastName,L_PictureCount", "Count" => 1));
What if the last parameter of GetObject is "0" :
$photos = $rets->GetObject("Property", "Photo", $record[$fo], "*", 1);
in this case "1" is for retreiving the location. some servers this is switched off and return the actual image I believe - that would require a different method.