multiple - same name radio - php

I'm starting to make a little quiz page, where there are 3 choices opportunities. I here by to find out about what it is right,
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[1]"><?php echo $svar1;?></p>
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[2]"><?php echo $svar2;?></p>
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[3]"><?php echo $svar3;?></p>
if($_POST["svar"][1] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
elseif($_POST["svar"][2] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
elseif($_POST["svar"][3] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
what I would like it / it must be outward is $ok is true with what comes from the database
if it shows like this:
$_POST["svar"][3] == $ok
then it will at the same time the $ok = 3
then it will also say that the content fits with what is being clicked by radio contents.
My Content from the database looks like this:
<form action="#" method="post">
if ($stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare('SELECT id, title, svar1, svar2, svar3, ok FROM quiz ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1')) {
$stmt->bind_result($id, $title, $svar1, $svar2, $svar3, $ok);
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
<h3><?php echo $title;?></h3>
<div style="padding:5px 10px;">
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[1]"><?php echo $svar1;?></p>
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[2]"><?php echo $svar2;?></p>
<p><input type="radio" name="svar[3]"><?php echo $svar3;?></p>
if($_POST["svar"][1] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
elseif($_POST["svar"][2] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
elseif($_POST["svar"][3] == $ok)
$_POST["rigtigok"] = 1;
} else {
echo 'Der opstod en fejl i erklæringen: ' . $this->mysqli->error;
<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Nyt Spørgsmål" class="new upload_boxxen">
echo print_r($_POST["svar"]);
if($_POST["rigtigok"] == 1)
echo "test";
How it is that I do not get anything out of $_POST["rigtigok"] to be the first me later that I can give my 3 points for his correct answer?


How can I show the output vertically after submitting the html form?

The who;e sequence(having operands , opertors and answer) in output is generating randomly which is perfect. but I want to show that in vertical manner
and this is the output I want to show after clicking on generate
then Q(2)will show up in the same way but after Q(1).
this is my html form.
<form action="" method="POST">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="qnum">Select no.of questions:</label>
<div class = "col-75"><input type="number" id="qnum" name="que" value="1" min="1" max="100"></div>
<br /><br />
<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="int">How many numbers You want in a sequence:</label></div>
<div class="col-75">
<select name="select" id="int">
<option value="2"> 2 </option>
<option value="3"> 3 </option>
<option value="4"> 4 </option>
<option value="5"> 5 </option>
<option value="6"> 6 </option>
<option value="7"> 7 </option>
<option value="8"> 8 </option>
<option value="9"> 9 </option>
<option value="10"> 10 </option>
<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="dig">Select no. of digits:</label></div>
<div class="col-75">
<select name="digits" id="dig">
<option value="1"> 1 digit</option>
<br /><br /><br /><br />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25"><label>Select operations:</label><br /></div>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="checkbox" id="mix" value="all" class="toggle-button"><label>All</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="add" name="operation[]" value="Addition" checked><label>Addition</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="sub" name="operation[]" value="Subtraction"><label>Subtraction</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="mult" name="operation[]" value="Multiplication"><label>Multiplication</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="div" name="operation[]" value="Division"><label>Division</label>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
</div><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Generate"><br>
<br />
<!---Toggle button to select all operations if user select checkbox named "All" -->
<script language="JavaScript">
$( '.col-75 .toggle-button' ).click( function () {
$( '.col-75 input[type="checkbox"]' ).prop('checked', this.checked)
Basically I generating a random sequence of arithmetic expressions which is working perfectly without any error.
But after clicking generate button the output is showing horizontally and I want to generate it vertically.
So how can I do that?
Below is my php code which is generating the sequence perfectly without any error. How can I generate the output vertically?
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
//validation for no of operation selected
$operation = $_POST['operation'];
echo "Please Select at least one operation <br/>";
$N = count($operation); //count selected operation
echo "<br />";
echo "You have selected $N operation(s):";
for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) //for loop for for operator array.
echo($operation[$i] . ", "); //display selected operation
echo "<br />";
//checkbox operations
if($N==1) //if only one operation is selected
$rOperators = array('+');
else if($operation[0]=='Subtraction')
$rOperators = array('-');
else if($operation[0]=='Multiplication')
$rOperators = array('*');
$rOperators = array('/');
else if ($N==2) //if only two operations are selected by the user
$rOperators = array('+','-');
else if($operation[1]=='Multiplication')
$rOperators = array('+','*');
$rOperators = array('+','/');
else if($operation[0]=='Subtraction')
$rOperators = array('-','*');
$rOperators = array('-','/');
$rOperators = array('*','/');
else if ($N==3) //if 3 operators gets selected by user
$rOperators = array('+','-','*');
$rOperators = array('+','-','/');
$rOperators = array('+','*','/');
$rOperators = array('-','*','/');
$rOperators = array('+','-','*','/');
//display sequence having only single digit numbers
if($_POST['digits'] == 1)
$q = $_POST['que'];
$previousInt = null; //Track the previous operand
$s = $_POST['select'];
for ($x = 1; $x<=$q; $x++) //for loop for no. of questions
$randomOperands = array();
$randomOperators = array();
// loop over $i n times
for ($i = 1; $i <=$s; $i++) //for loop for no. of integers user entered
$nextInt = rand(1, 9); // assign random operand to array slot
$randomOperands[] = $nextInt;
if($i < $s)
if($previousInt === 0) //No operator after last opearnd
//avoid division-by-zero
$randomOperators[] = $rOperators[rand(0, 2)];
$randomOperators[] = $rOperators[rand(0, $N-1)];
$previousInt = $nextInt;
// print array values
$exp = ''; //Generating the expression
foreach($randomOperands as $key=>$value1)
$exp .= $value1 . " " ;
$exp .= $randomOperators[$key] ." ";
$res = eval("return ($exp);");//evaluate the expression
//print expression
echo ("This is Q(".$x."):"), $exp."=". $res."<br>";
Modify the code in which you are generating the expression which you are using as the input to the eval() function. Create another string say $output_string which can be used to output your answer. In this newly created string use proper HTML tags along with the generated string, for formatting it the way you want your output to look like.
It should look something like this:
$exp = ''; //Generating the expression
$output_string = ''; // new string which can be used for generating the output string
foreach ( $randomOperands as $key => $value1 ) {
$exp .= $value1 . " " ;
$output_string .= $value1 . " <br>" ;
if ( isset($randomOperators[$key]) ) {
$exp .= $randomOperators[$key] ." ";
$output_string .= $randomOperators[$key] ." <br> ";
$res = eval("return ($exp);");//evaluate the expression
//print expression
echo ("This is Q(".$x."): <br>"), $output_string."= <br>". $res."<br>";

Only 1 checkbox can be checked? PHP

I'm having an issue with checkboxes. I can check both checkboxes, but after submitting, only 1 checkbox is checked. I want them to both be checked after submitting.
Why are they not both checked after submit? What's going wrong in the process?
$id = $_GET["id"];
$stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT * FROM paginas WHERE id = ?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $id);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
Terugkeren naar mijn pagina's
<h1>Wijzig pagina: <?php echo $row["name"]; ?></h1>
if(isset($_POST["opslaan"])) {
if(empty($_POST["heading"])) {
echo '<p class="error">Titel kan niet leeg zijn</p>';
} elseif(empty($_POST["content"])) {
echo '<p class="error">Content kan niet leeg zijn</p>';
} else {
$heading = $_POST["heading"];
$content = $_POST["content"];
$updated = date("d-m-Y H:i:s");
$id = $row["id"];
$public = $_POST["public"];
$menu = $_POST["menu"];
$stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('UPDATE paginas SET heading = ?, content = ?, updated = ?, public = ?, menu = ? WHERE id = ?');
$stmt->bind_param('ssssss', $heading, $content, $updated, $public, $menu, $id);
echo '<p class="success">Wijzigingen zijn succesvol opgeslagen. Bekijken</p>';
} else {
<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="text" name="heading" id="fulltext" placeholder="Titel" value="<?php echo $row["heading"]; ?>">
<textarea id="fullbox" class="editor" name="content"><?php echo $row["content"]; ?></textarea>
<div class="pad"><input type="checkbox" name="public" id="public" value="<?php
if($row["public"] == "1") {
echo '0';
} else {
echo '1';
?>" <?php
if($row["public"] == "1") {
echo ' checked';
} else {
echo '';
?>><label for="public" class="checker">Gepubliceerd</label><input type="checkbox" name="menu" id="menu" value="<?php
if($row["menu"] == "1") {
echo '0';
} else {
echo '1';
?>" <?php
if($row["menu"] == "1") {
echo ' checked';
} else {
echo '';
?>><label for="menu" class="checker">Menu</label></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<p id="left">Laatst gewijzigd: <?php echo $row["updated"]; ?></p><input type="submit" value="Bewaar wijzigingen" name="opslaan" class="nomp">
<div class="clear"></div>
} else {
echo '<p>Deze pagina bestaat niet.</p>';
The value of the checkbox should always be 1 instead of the condition you have there, and when preparing to put it in the database you should do:
$public = isset($_POST['public']) ? 1 : 0;
Otherwise, you will be submitting the value 0 every other time, which will turn the value off even if you checked the box.
In addition to Niet the Dark Absol's answer above you should create dynamic names for each element or use name="public[] to capture all selected values.
You must set your input name with [] after the name. like check_list[].
For example:
<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="value 1">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="value 2">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="value 3">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="value 4">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="value 5">
<input type="submit" />
if(!empty($_POST['check_list'])) {
foreach($_POST['check_list'] as $check) {
echo $check; //echoes the value set in the HTML form for each checked checkbox.
//so, if I were to check 1, 3, and 5 it would echo value 1, value 3, value 5.
//in your case, it would echo whatever $row['Report ID'] is equivalent to.

Best Solution for this array

I am using checkboxes to query the database and I am struggling with this one, I am new to MySQL and PHP so sorry if this is simple!
Here is my code that I have...
<input type="checkbox" name="season2005" value="2005" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2005'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2005-06
<input type="checkbox" name="season2006" value="2006" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2006'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2006-07
<input type="checkbox" name="season2007" value="2007" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2007'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2007-08
<input type="checkbox" name="season2008" value="2008" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2008'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2008-09
<input type="checkbox" name="season2009" value="2009" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2009'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2009-10
<input type="checkbox" name="season2010" value="2010" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2010'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2010-11
<input type="checkbox" name="season2011" value="2011" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2011'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2011-12
<input type="checkbox" name="season2012" value="2012" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2012'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2012-13
<input type="checkbox" name="season2013" value="2013" <?php if(isset($_POST['season2013'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> > 2013-14
if (#$_POST['season2005'] == ""){ $season2005 = "0000"; } else { $season2005 = "2005"; }
if (#$_POST['season2006'] == ""){ $season2006 = "0000"; } else { $season2006 = "2006"; }
if (#$_POST['season2007'] == ""){ $season2007 = "0000"; } else { $season2007 = "2007"; }
if (#$_POST['season2008'] == ""){ $season2008 = "0000"; } else { $season2008 = "2008"; }
if (#$_POST['season2009'] == ""){ $season2009 = "0000"; } else { $season2009 = "2009"; }
if (#$_POST['season2010'] == ""){ $season2010 = "0000"; } else { $season2010 = "2010"; }
if (#$_POST['season2011'] == ""){ $season2011 = "0000"; } else { $season2011 = "2011"; }
if (#$_POST['season2012'] == ""){ $season2012 = "0000"; } else { $season2012 = "2012"; }
if (#$_POST['season2013'] == ""){ $season2013 = "0000"; } else { $season2013 = "2013"; }
$seasons = array($season2005,$season2006,$season2007,$season2008,$season2009,$season2010,$season2011,$season2012,$season2013);
$seasonpick = implode(",",$seasons);;
$matcharrays = array("AND season in ($seasonpick)");
At the moment all of the data is being queried to the database, so if nothing is selected them then part of query from this is "AND season in (0000,0000,0000,0000) etc
How would I go about only getting those selected into the array and if none are selected then the array would be blank.
Hope you understand what I mean!
Here is a working form with some checkboxes that will allow you to test and get the sql you intended.
$dateSearch=implode(",", $dateArr);
$sql=".... and season in (".$dateSearch.")";
echo $sql;
<form action="?" method="post">
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"season[]\" value=\"".($i+2005)."\"> ".($i+2005);
<input type="submit">
Output when 2009, 2010 and 2011 selected:
.... and season in (2009,2010,2011)
Okay, so how it works:
Checkboxes are best used when they all have the same name ending in a []. This makes it a nice array on it's own.
If post data is set, we then quickly throw an array unique over it (good habit for the most part in these types of queries) so that there are no duplicate values.
Then simply implode it into a string and pop it into the SQL query.
Edit: Added functionality to re-check checkboxes when submitted.
$dateSearch=implode(",", $dateArr);
$sql=".... and season in (".$dateSearch.")";
echo $sql;
<form action="?" method="post">
if(in_array($i+2005, $_POST['season']))
$chk=" checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"season[]\" ".$chk." value=\"".($i+2005)."\"> ".($i+2005);
<input type="submit">
Edit 2: Just add quotes in the right places :)
$dateSearch=implode("', '", $dateArr);
$sql=".... and season in ('".$dateSearch."')";
echo $sql;
<form action="?" method="post">
if(in_array(($i+2005)."i", $_POST['season']))
$chk=" checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"season[]\" ".$chk." value=\"".(($i+2005)."i")."\"> ".($i+2005)."i";
<input type="submit">
Edit 3: I feel like this is starting to really answer much more than one question :)
You can simply check the textbox to make sure it isn't empty and then append to a SQL string:
$sql.=" and ftgf>= ".$_POST['text1']." ";
Having said that, I would strongly suggest that you NEVER allow the user to enter in parts of the actual SQL you will run - unless it is a closed/secure environment, which means NOT an ope website.
Insert the below code
$seasons = array($season2005,$season2006,$season2007,$season2008,$season2009,$season2010,$season2011,$season2012,$season2013);
$seasons2 = array();
foreach ($seasons as $season)
$seasonpick = implode(",",$seasons2);

php session vars

I'm working on news archive page for my website, search over archive is done with start date, end date and news category as search parameters. Form values are stored in $_SESSION var, and then they are passed around as an array for pagination and other purposes.
My question would be how to prevent displaying search results on main archive search page if user for some reason goes again to it to make a new search.
here's the code
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//get data from the form
$archFld_1 = $_POST['archiveFld1'];
$archFld_2 = $_POST['archiveFld2'];
$archFld_3 = $_POST['archiveFld3'];
//just some check on fields
if (strlen($archFld_1) > 10) { $archFld_1 = ""; }
if (strlen($archFld_2) > 10) { $archFld_2 = ""; }
//save them as a array and store to session var
$_archValues = array($archFld_3, $archFld_1, $archFld_2);
$_SESSION['storeValues'] = $_archValues;
if (isset($_SESSION['storeValues'])) {
//check params for search
//set cat for query
if ($_SESSION['storeValues'][0] > 0) { $valCat = "AND newsCat=". $_SESSION['storeValues'][0] ." "; } else { $valCat = ""; }
//set date for query
if(($_SESSION['storeValues'][1] != "" ) && ($_SESSION['storeValues'][2] == "")) {
$DateStart = $_SESSION['storeValues'][1];
$valDate = " AND STR_TO_DATE(newsDate, '%d-%m-%Y') >= STR_TO_DATE('$DateStart', '%d-%m-%Y') ";
if(($_SESSION['storeValues'][2] != "") && ($_SESSION['storeValues'][1]=="")) {
$DateEnd = $_SESSION['storeValues'][2];
$valDate = " AND STR_TO_DATE(newsDate, '%d-%m-%Y') <= STR_TO_DATE('$DateEnd', '%d-%m-%Y') ";
if(($_SESSION['storeValues'][1]!="") && ($_SESSION['storeValues'][2] != "")) {
$DateStart = $_SESSION['storeValues'][1];
$DateEnd = $_SESSION['storeValues'][2];
$valDate = " AND STR_TO_DATE(newsDate, '%d-%m-%Y') BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('$DateStart', '%d-%m-%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE('$DateEnd', '%d-%m-%Y') ";
//query string and stire it to session
$archQuery_string = $valCat.$valDate;
$_SESSION['storeQuery'] = $archQuery_string;
//pagination start
$page = $_GET['id'];
$perPage = 10;
$result = wbQuery("SELECT * FROM wb_news WHERE newsLang=1 ". $_SESSION["storeQuery"] ."ORDER BY newsId DESC");
$totalPages = mysql_num_rows($result);
$page = 1;
$start = ($page - 1)*$perPage;
<div id="sps_middle">
<div class="sps_cnt">
<div id="sps_middle_ly1">
<div class="sps_cnt_small">
<div class="sps_page_title"><h3><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArchiveTitle']; ?></h3></div>
<div class="sps_pages_cnt" style="padding-top: 10px; float: left; margin-bottom: 15px;">
<div class="sps_middle_col01">
<div style="float: left;">
<?php echo $wb_lng['txtArchiveInfo']; ?>
<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post" name="archiveForm" class="archiveForm">
<input name="archiveFld1" type="text" id="archiveFld1" value="<?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_01']; ?>" />
<input name="archiveFld2" type="text" id="archiveFld2" value="<?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_02']; ?>" />
<select name="archiveFld3">
<option value="0"><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_07']; ?></option>
<option value="0" ><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_06']; ?></option>
<option value="1"><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_03']; ?></option>
<option value="2"><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_04']; ?></option>
<option value="3"><?php echo $wb_lng['txtArhivaFld_05']; ?></option>
<li style="float: right;">
<input name="reset" type="reset" class="sps_archiveform_btn" value="<?php echo $wb_lng['txtArchiveFormReset']; ?>"/>
<input name="submit" type="submit" class="sps_archiveform_btn" value="<?php echo $wb_lng['txtArchiveFormSend']; ?>"/>
<hr />
//perform db query
$result = wbQuery("SELECT * FROM wb_news WHERE newsLang=1 ". $_SESSION['storeQuery'] ."ORDER BY newsId DESC LIMIT $start, $perPage");
//count rows
$totalnews = mysql_num_rows($result);
$count = 1;
if($totalnews == 0) {
//no results, say to the user
echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"cil_news_text_big\">\n\t\t\t\t".$wb_lng['txtArchiveNoEntries']."\n\t\t\t</div>\n";
} else {
//we have results, yeeeeeeeeey
while($ROWnews = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
//set link extensions by the news cat
switch ($ROWnews->newsCat) {
case 1:
$newsCat_link = "news";
case 2:
$newsCat_link = "statements";
case 3:
$newsCat_link = "events";
//text summary
if (strlen($ROWnews->newsShort) > 0 ) {$newsShortTxt = strip_tags($ROWnews->newsShort);
if ($lang_id==2) { $newsShortTxt = wbTranslit($newsShortTxt); }
} else {
$newsShortTxt = strip_tags($ROWnews->newsFull);
if ($lang_id==2) { $newsShortTxt = wbTranslit($newsShortTxt); }
$newsShortTxt = wbShorTxt($newsShortTxt, 210, "... <a title=\"".$wb_lng['txtShowMore']."\" href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".$lang_link."/".$newsCat_link."/".$ROWnews->newsId."/full/\">".$wb_lng['txtShowMore']."...</a>");
//show news
echo "\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_list\">\n";
echo "\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_l\">\n";
echo "\t\t\t<img alt=\"\" src=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/content/images/news/_thumb/".$ROWnews->newsImageThumb."\" />\n";
echo "\t\t</div>";
echo "\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_r\">\n";
//transliterate title
if ($lang_id==2) { $newsTitle = wbTranslit($ROWnews->newsTitle); } else { $newsTitle = $ROWnews->newsTitle; }
echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_title\">\n\t\t\t\t<a title=\"".$newsTitle."\" href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".$lang_link."/".$newsCat_link."/".$ROWnews->newsId."/full/\">".$newsTitle."</a>\n\t\t\t</div>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_date\">\n\t\t\t\t".$ROWnews->newsDate."\n\t\t\t</div>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"sps_news_text_sh\">\n\t\t\t\t".$newsShortTxt."\n\t\t\t</div>\n";
echo "\t\t</div>";
echo "\t\t</div>";
//show <hr /> based on $count
if($totalnews != $count) { echo "\t\t\t<hr />\n"; }
//pagination check
if($totalPages>$perPage) {
<hr />
<div class="sps_pagginate">
<?PHP wbPageTurnFront($PHP_SELF."/".$lang_link."/archive/", $totalPages, $page, $perPage); ?>
Any ideas?
Tnx :)
If user goes to make it a new search then you can clear the session at that time.

PHP form not processing

Hi there's a live version of the code below (taken from a tutorial) at my website below
The page has a form that allows you to edit the subjects in the navigation bar down the left hand side. For example, you could click on "About Widget Corp" and the name "About Widget Corp" will appear in the subject text field, at which point your supposed to be able to edit it (i.e. change its name if you like) then click "edit subject" and it will update the new name in the navigation down the left hand side.
That's what it's supposed to do, according to the tutorial. However, if I try to edit one of the names, and then click "edit subject" it doesn't change anything. I'm guessing it's not updating the database and thereafter not outputting the correct/new data to the navigation bar
Do you see anything in the code below which would explain why it's not updating the navigation bar once I click "edit subject"?
//1.Create a database connection
$connection = mysql_connect("", "username", "password");
if (!$connection) {
die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error());
$db_select = mysql_select_db("C263430_testorwallo" ,$connection);
if (!$db_select) {
die("Database selection failed: " . mysql_error());
<?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?>
if (intval($_GET['subj']) == 0) {
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$errors = array();
$required_fields = array('menu_name', 'position', 'visible');
foreach($required_fields as $fieldname) {
if (!isset($_POST[$fieldname]) || (empty($_POST[$fieldname]) && $_POST[$fieldname] !=0)) {
$errors[] = $fieldname;
$fields_with_lengths = array('menu_name' => 30);
foreach($fields_with_lengths as $fieldname => $maxlength ) {
if (strlen(trim(mysql_prep($_POST[$fieldname]))) > $maxlength) {
$errors[] = $fieldname; }
if (empty($errors)){
//Perform Update
$id = mysql_prep($_GET['subj']);
$menu_name = mysql_prep($_POST['menu_name']);
$position = mysql_prep($_POST['position']);
$visible = mysql_prep($_POST['visible']);
$query = "UPDATE subjects SET
menu_name = '{$menu_name}',
position = {$position},
visible = {$visible}
WHERE id = {$id}";
$result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
} else {
} else {
// Errors occurred
} //end: (isset($_POST['submit']))
<?php find_selected_page();?>
<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
<table id="structure">
<td id="navigation">
<?php echo navigation($sel_subject, $sel_page); ?>
<td id="page">
<h2>Edit Subject <?php echo $sel_subject ['menu_name'];?></h2>
<form action="edit_subject.php?subj=<?php echo urlencode($sel_subject['id']);?>" method="post">
<p>Subject name: <input type="text" name="menu_name" value="<?php echo $sel_subject['menu_name']; ?>" id="menu_name" /></p>
<select name="position">
$subject_set = get_all_subjects();
$subject_count = mysql_num_rows($subject_set);
//$subject_count +1 because we are adding a subject
for($count=1; $count <= $subject_count+1; $count++) {
echo "<option value=\"{$count}\"";
if ($sel_subject['position'] == $count) {
echo " selected";
echo ">{$count}</option>";
<input type="radio" name="visible" value="0"<?php
if ($sel_subject['visible'] == 0) { echo " checked";}
<input type="radio" name="visible" value="1"<?php
if ($sel_subject['visible'] == 1) { echo " checked"; }
?>/> Yes
<input type="submit" name"submit" value="Edit Subject"/>
<?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>
//5. Close connection
Ok, saw the page code and it's likely that (see comment above).
<input type="submit" name"submit" value="Edit Subject"/>
You forgot the = sign, correct it to name="submit". That's why it doesn't see the form as submitted (if $_POST['submit']...)
