I have worked on yii framework before and I had possibility to create module folder and inside this put eg: news module which was included controllers, views and module
I'm new in laravel and trying to create same thing MODULE
i tried the following inside routing
file exist but i'm getting
Class /modules/news/controllers/NewsController does not exist
why ? what i'm doing wrong ?
The Route::get() function is looking for a (auto)loaded Class, not for a file on the disk to load, which is why you're getting these errors.
It's more Laravely (Laravelish?) to include:
Controllers in the /app/controllers/ directory
Views in /app/views/ directory
Models in the /app/models/ directory
And if you are starting out with Laravel, this might be the best way to get started. The autoloader knows where to look for your classes then, and everything gets handled automatically for you.
With the NewsController situated in /app/controllers/ you can do this:
// no need to start the route location with a slash:
Route::get('news', array('uses' => 'NewsController#index'));
You can "package" up functionality using Laravel's Packages, but it would be better to check out the excellent docs and then come back with specific questions..
Put your Laravel controllers in app/controllers, since that directory gets autoloaded, and it is where Laravel expects controllers to be.
Then you can use routes like this (example straight from the docs at http://laravel.com/docs/controllers#basic-controllers)
Route::get('user/{id}', 'UserController#showProfile');
I have just started exploring laravel but I have one confusion . I know how to create own custom function file and make it available globally using compose.json file but I was trying to figure out how laravel's helper function like route() , view() are accessible without including there source file and I can't find any auto discovery in composer.json file neither in any Service Provider .
PS : I have only checked in in Providers/ Directory.
Can anyone tell me how this thing works?
Through composer Laravel has defined which files should be autoloaded. With the line in the composer.json file in Laravel/framework it specifies what should be autoloaded.
It loads the following file.
You can create similar autoloaders if you prefer, but having to much logic in such helpers could easily become an anti pattern. As the logic, is a little more hidden than class based logic, when people have to look through your projet.
On your composer.json file on the root directory of your laravel app, look for the entry autoload.
This means all methods on those directories are autoloaded.
That is why if you have (newly) created a method / function within those directory and it doesn't work (or not found) as expected, you need to run composer dump-autoload to make sure that everything has been loaded.
That's also where I put my custom helper file:
"files": [
All function here will then be available on all controllers, traits and views.
I'm using bitfumes/laravel-multiauth Admin, I added my routes to the routes/admin.php but it shows me this error that it can't find my contoller.
Target class
[Bitfumes\Multiauth\Http\Controllers\admin\DashboardController] does
not exist.
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController#index');
should I move my controllers to path specified in the vendor ?
Btw, this my first time for using this package, so I don't know how to deal with it.
I followed all the instructions in github.But now I'm trying to modify it in order to make it work for my project.
My controllers only work only if add them to the vendor directroy :
But this is not practical if I published the project or pushed the project to github that folder will be ignored with the vendor folder.
I found the solution for this Problem
In routes/admin.php
Add path to your controller :\App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PlaceController
I've been looking at all the related questions of this topic and none of the solutions provided (usually App::import() ) have worked for me, maybe because I have a different configuration, which is the following:
I have a regular cake installation which loads components from an external folder (so outside this installation). That works perfectly, even for the component I'm trying to use now (it works fine until I try to load the Vendor class). This Vendor class I want to have it outside the Cake installation as well (same as with the components). This is how this installation looks:
................... [cakephp typical folder structure]
In my site's bootstrap.php file I have App::build(array('Controller/Component' => array(dirname(ROOT) . '/shared_resources/CakePHP/Component/'))); in order to be able to load that component in any controller, which works fine, any component I put in that folder loads and works without issues.
Now, I'm trying to load the MyVendor class in the MyCustom component, but I can't get it to work, no matter what I try I keep getting class not found errors when trying to instantiate it.
I've tried using php's and Cake's require(), import(), App::import() and App::uses() with all possible combinations of paths (absolute and relative) without any success, puttin them before the declaration of the component class and inside the method that actually uses the vendor class. The last one I've tried is App::import('Vendor', '/absolute/path/to/shared_resources/Vendor/MyVendor/MyVendor.php'); for example.
I've also tried using App::build(array( 'Vendor' => array(dirname(ROOT) . '/shared_resources/CakePHP/Vendor/'))); in the bootstrap file, like with the components.
I don't know what else to try, any help would be much appreciated!!!
Oh, I've check with PHP that the file Vendor class file exists in that path too.
According to your folder structure,
To access your MyVendor.php, you should write like this
App::import('Vendor', 'MyVendor', array('file' => 'MyVendor/MyVendor.php'));
For more information, read http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/app.html
I am using Tank Auth library in Codeigniter with HMVC and the entire tank auth mvc files are in its own module called 'auth'. tank auth loads a view (domain.com/application/modules/auth/views/auth/login_form.php) found inside a folder (auth) using:
$this->load->view('auth/login_form', $data);
As far as I know the above code will load login_form.php inside the auth folder properly without HMVC. However with HMVC, I need the following code to get the view to load:
$this->load->view('auth/auth/login_form', $data);
Is there a setting that we should change so we dont have to refer to the view file by (module name)/(views folder name)/(view filename) ? Or is this perfectly normal and most people does it this way?
It seems troublesome that I have to add the module folder name 'auth' to every view() function call, and change all of them should I change the name of the module folder.
Assuming you're using Modular Extensions - HMVC:
If you have auth set up as a module already, you can just call:
$this->load->view('login_form', $data);
The file /views/login_form.php will be loaded from within the current module. This applies to models, language files, libraries etc. Think of the module as its own application, this is what you would normally do.
Additionally, to load a file from another module or a controller outside the module's directory, you can use $this->load->view('auth/login_form');
If the file is not found, it will check the other module paths including the default directory. This may or may not be the way other HMVC packages work, I'm not sure - but it's the way MX works.
For the following application directory structure under / in Kohana 3:
And the urls be: /controller1 and /admin/controller2?
I seem to be missing something though because I keep getting a 404 error with the /admin/controller. What am I doing incorrectly?
The exact error is:
HTTP_Exception_404 [ 404 ]: The requested URL admin/borrowers was not found on this server.
And I don't have any custom routes setup. This is a very vanilla K3 install at this point.
The directory structure seems to be a little of.
Using a module doesn't automatically means you have a subdirectory. The default route defines the following url structure:
So for the directory structure that you have given, you get the following:
The action can be left out, but it will default to index.
If you want a special admin subdirectory, you would first have to create that subdirectory in you modules classes directory like this:
Then you would have to add another route that handles the subdirectory. You can find more information about that in the userguide