How get bitfumes/laravel-multiauth to know my controllers? - php

I'm using bitfumes/laravel-multiauth Admin, I added my routes to the routes/admin.php but it shows me this error that it can't find my contoller.
Target class
[Bitfumes\Multiauth\Http\Controllers\admin\DashboardController] does
not exist.
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController#index');
should I move my controllers to path specified in the vendor ?
Btw, this my first time for using this package, so I don't know how to deal with it.
I followed all the instructions in github.But now I'm trying to modify it in order to make it work for my project.
My controllers only work only if add them to the vendor directroy :
But this is not practical if I published the project or pushed the project to github that folder will be ignored with the vendor folder.

I found the solution for this Problem
In routes/admin.php
Add path to your controller :\App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PlaceController


Unable to list laravel routes because target class not found

I am currently working on an API only laravel application. In the controllers folder, there is an API folder that holds all controllers. The ForgotPasswordController is in the API folder as well.
When I run the command php artisan route:list I get the error below
Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException : Target class [App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController] does not exist.
There is actually no ForgotPasswordController in the Auth folder. How do I handle this issue?
You have to make sure you are doing php artisan route:cache priority.
If the problem still persists, can you disable the auth provider and try?
For the sake of time considering that the project is live and I need to churn out a couple of features, I have moved both ForgotPassword and ResetPassword controllers back into the Auth folder. Ran a test to make sure nothing has been broken (everything works fine) and now I am able to list out the routes.
If you have Auth::routes() or Route::auth() in your routes file that would be generating routes to the ForgotPasswordController.
You would need to not be calling that or you would need to pass the proper option to it to have it not register those routes:
Auth::routes(['reset' => false]);
Depending on the version you are using this may not work. If that is the case you will have to not use this method at all and register the routes you want/need yourself.

Remove server.php from Laravel routes

I just installed laravel following the instruction on Larvel docs. I chose to use install via composer create project command.
In the routes. php i created a dummy route
Route::get('/', function(){
return 'Front Page';
When i access http://localhost/mysite/ It shows directory listing of mysite folder. However when i use http://localhost/mysite/server.php It runs my route closure.
I also tried alternate .htaccess code provided at Laravel's docs but that doesn't work either.
I want to remove the server.php from url.
Thanks in advance for help.
This behavior is expected and this is how Laravel works. The public folder is meant for assets and is also (supposed to be) the webservers root directory.
If you are working on localhost that is not the case and the root directory contains multiple projects.
In order to get rid of public you would have to change virtual host settings.
As mentioned here in the site.
The problem with doing virtual hosts is that other projects in localhost will become inaccessible.

laravel 4 workbench routing to the package

I have been working with laravel 4 for some time now and i needed to create an admin area so i decided to use a package to keep things all organized and separated from the rest of the application.
So i created a package with composer as 'vendor/admin'.
then i added those lines as documemented on laravel site
public function boot()
$this->package('vendor/admin', 'admin');
include __DIR__.'/../../routes.php';
public function register()
I also created a routes.php file in vedor/admin/ directory to route all admin area in this file.
following i run the 'php artisan dump-autoload' and i finalized with this commend on artisan 'php artisan config:publish vendor/admin'
now i wanna be able use this package for route and i want the routes.php file in the package to render the routing for that URI, to do that:
Do i need to modify my app/routes.php?
How can i make vendor/admin/src/routes.php file to do the routing for all routes?
No you don't need to edit app/routes.php. As long as it doesn't contain any admin routes that could collide with the ones in your package you can leave it that way.
The routes file in a package can be used like the "normal" app/routes.php. An easy way to deal with admin routes is to have a prefix group:
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin'), function(){
// all your admin routes. for example:
Route::get('dashboard', '...');
// will match GET /admin/dashboard
Besides that, make sure you're package gets loaded correctly! One part being registering the service provider. Assuming the namespace of your package is Admin you need to add Admin\AdminServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php. More information

laravel 4 create module and put controller , module and view inside module

I have worked on yii framework before and I had possibility to create module folder and inside this put eg: news module which was included controllers, views and module
I'm new in laravel and trying to create same thing MODULE
i tried the following inside routing
file exist but i'm getting
Class /modules/news/controllers/NewsController does not exist
why ? what i'm doing wrong ?
The Route::get() function is looking for a (auto)loaded Class, not for a file on the disk to load, which is why you're getting these errors.
It's more Laravely (Laravelish?) to include:
Controllers in the /app/controllers/ directory
Views in /app/views/ directory
Models in the /app/models/ directory
And if you are starting out with Laravel, this might be the best way to get started. The autoloader knows where to look for your classes then, and everything gets handled automatically for you.
With the NewsController situated in /app/controllers/ you can do this:
// no need to start the route location with a slash:
Route::get('news', array('uses' => 'NewsController#index'));
You can "package" up functionality using Laravel's Packages, but it would be better to check out the excellent docs and then come back with specific questions..
Put your Laravel controllers in app/controllers, since that directory gets autoloaded, and it is where Laravel expects controllers to be.
Then you can use routes like this (example straight from the docs at
Route::get('user/{id}', 'UserController#showProfile');

registering Bundle to symfony kernel

Instead of Using composer I download zip file of a bundle and extract this bundle to my symfony project. I change all relative address for example I change all namespace Trsteel\CkeditorBundle; to namespace Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle; for doing this I searched the downloaded directory for every Trsteel\CkeditorBundle and change all of them to Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle now when I want to use this Bundle on my project I register this bundle to my appKernel.php of symfony project But I reached this error
Error: Class 'Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle\TrsteelCkeditorBundle' not found in /Users/kingkong/Documents/workspace/dev/Project/SRC/app/AppKernel.php line 45
File names should be the same as namespace structure, capitalization may be an issue, so check that.
You may want to place the bundle in this way - "Acme\Trsteel\CkeditorBundle\CkeditorBundle"
Check whether you have actually changed the folder structure from Trsteel\CkeditorBundle to Acme\TrsteelCkeditorBundle. And also check your routing files as well. (I assume you have done the routing part as the error won't say that it can't get to that location.)
