I am using Tank Auth library in Codeigniter with HMVC and the entire tank auth mvc files are in its own module called 'auth'. tank auth loads a view (domain.com/application/modules/auth/views/auth/login_form.php) found inside a folder (auth) using:
$this->load->view('auth/login_form', $data);
As far as I know the above code will load login_form.php inside the auth folder properly without HMVC. However with HMVC, I need the following code to get the view to load:
$this->load->view('auth/auth/login_form', $data);
Is there a setting that we should change so we dont have to refer to the view file by (module name)/(views folder name)/(view filename) ? Or is this perfectly normal and most people does it this way?
It seems troublesome that I have to add the module folder name 'auth' to every view() function call, and change all of them should I change the name of the module folder.
Assuming you're using Modular Extensions - HMVC:
If you have auth set up as a module already, you can just call:
$this->load->view('login_form', $data);
The file /views/login_form.php will be loaded from within the current module. This applies to models, language files, libraries etc. Think of the module as its own application, this is what you would normally do.
Additionally, to load a file from another module or a controller outside the module's directory, you can use $this->load->view('auth/login_form');
If the file is not found, it will check the other module paths including the default directory. This may or may not be the way other HMVC packages work, I'm not sure - but it's the way MX works.
I am in the process of installing SimpleSAML and in the php library, there is a folder called www that has index.php. According to the docs, there is an admin console within it. However, at the moment I am unable to access it via the url www.website.com/third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php.
I am supposed to use the admin console to generate some metadata so I'm just wondering if it is possible to route to a view from there?
I'm thinking that I create a controller and just hard link $this->load->view('url to www') but I'm not sure if that works.
In controller’s constructor add
include APPPATH . 'third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php';
to include the file in your project.
you can set base path in route file and instead of $this->load->view() you can use renderView() function to access view in codeigniter.
I have worked on yii framework before and I had possibility to create module folder and inside this put eg: news module which was included controllers, views and module
I'm new in laravel and trying to create same thing MODULE
i tried the following inside routing
file exist but i'm getting
Class /modules/news/controllers/NewsController does not exist
why ? what i'm doing wrong ?
The Route::get() function is looking for a (auto)loaded Class, not for a file on the disk to load, which is why you're getting these errors.
It's more Laravely (Laravelish?) to include:
Controllers in the /app/controllers/ directory
Views in /app/views/ directory
Models in the /app/models/ directory
And if you are starting out with Laravel, this might be the best way to get started. The autoloader knows where to look for your classes then, and everything gets handled automatically for you.
With the NewsController situated in /app/controllers/ you can do this:
// no need to start the route location with a slash:
Route::get('news', array('uses' => 'NewsController#index'));
You can "package" up functionality using Laravel's Packages, but it would be better to check out the excellent docs and then come back with specific questions..
Put your Laravel controllers in app/controllers, since that directory gets autoloaded, and it is where Laravel expects controllers to be.
Then you can use routes like this (example straight from the docs at http://laravel.com/docs/controllers#basic-controllers)
Route::get('user/{id}', 'UserController#showProfile');
I have been using the CodeIgniter i18n library by Jérôme Jaglale (http://maestric.com/en/doc/php/codeigniter_i18n), which works great for my project.
But since I need to write separate modules, I recently added CodeIgniter Modular Extensions ( https://bitbucket.org/wiredesignz/codeigniter-modular-extensions-hmvc ) and the navigation breaks.
How can I solve this issue please, I would love to use both the i18n library & Modular Extensions.
I think my application navigation fails to work because i18n library introduces adds a language segment in the site url, in my case my url is localhost/index.php/en/home and after adding Modular Extensions, my navigation/links stop working.
Thank you in advance.
Recently, I try to use HMVC with i18n and have similar problem. Below is my solution.
1.first you need to go to here HMVC select "Branches" to download HMVC extension, don't download the one on github it might not work.
2.Unzip HMVC extension inside the folder copy two files "MY_Loader.php" and "MY_Router.php" from core folder to Codeigniter's "application/core" after that copy "MX" folder from "third_party" to Codeigniter's "application/third_party". By this point your HMVC is installed, however it will not work because i18n cause the problem so if you run your website it might not display.
3.You need to get new version of i18n which support both HMVC and none HMVC, the old version of i18n seems not support HMVC. Go to here i18n download it and take time to read the description on github.
4.Before this step I suggest you to backup "application/core/MY_Config.php" and "application/core/MY_Lang.php" in case something goes wrong you can reverst back. Unzip i18n inside folder copy file "language.php" from config folder to Codeigniter's "application/config", copy two files "MY_Config.php" and "MY_Lang.php" from core folder to Codeigniter's "application/core", finally copy "MY_language_helper.php" from helpers folder to Codeigniter's "application/helpers". So far you have new i18n installed, but you need to configure it to make it work, otherwise you might get error message.
5.Open "application/core/MY_Config.php" and replace the line require_once APPPATH . "libraries/MX/Config.php"; to require_once APPPATH . "third_party/MX/Config.php"; then open "application/core/MY_Lang.php" replace the line require APPPATH . "libraries/MX/Lang.php"; to require APPPATH . "third_party/MX/Lang.php";. Why? because it point to the wrong directory, the MX folder is located in "third_party" not "libraries" in case you don't know, if you don't change it you might get error message.
6.To add new language(Not create language file) you need to open "application/config/language.php". You see at top the code block with comment says "Supported Languages" there already have English and Russian language configure for you just need to copy the template and change to the language you want, it's very easy. Be aware folder's name must exactly the same as folder in "application/language".
7.According to i18n github description you need to add these line
$route['^(en|de|fr|nl)/(.+)$'] = "$2";
$route['^(en|de|fr|nl)$'] = $route['default_controller'];
to the "application/config/routes.php". Be aware this line $route['^(en|de|fr|nl)/(.+)$'] = "$2"; in old i18n probably is $route['^(en|de|fr|nl)/(.+)$'] = "$1"; the difference is "$1" have to change to "$2", otherwise you will got problem.
8.To create language file is same as the method you did in old i18n. Now test your website with multi-language to make sure everything work fine.
9.Create your module. How? Create a folder name "modules" inside Codeigniter's application folder, inside modules folder you can start to create your module. That's say you want to create a module call foo, you just need to create a folder name it "foo" and then inside foo folder you can create three folders controllers, models and views. Create a php file with name foo with the code below
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Foo extends MX_Controller
public function index()
echo "<h1>class foo this is module test</h1>";
Enter url to run your module, if you see "class foo this is module test" then it work.
Remember module class must extends from MX_Controller.
If you still encounter any problem just ask.
I am using xampp and my document root in apache is set to htdocs directory by default. I download Codeigniter and unzip the project into this directory. It runs fine. Now I would like to use CI to create my own project. In the controllers folder I would like to create a folder named “myproject” and in the views folder of application folder, I would like to create a folder named “myproject_view” in which I will store all of my view files. My problem is I don’t know how to reset my config file (especially the route.php) for my project to work then.
CodeIgniter documentation doesn’t have a section to specify how to do this, the information given in URI Routing chapter is not enough for readers to understand this at all. Plus, What if I also would like to store my controler files in a nested folder (controllers > somefolder > someanotherfolders > etc) ? Thank you very much.
If you only leave all controller in controllers folder, and view files in the views folder, then things work out easily, what if you create a folder in teh controllers and a folder for view in the views folder. I guess you need to change your default route configuration. I would like to know HOW ?
CodeIgniter's documentation covers Sub-Folders for Controllers.
Views on the other hand, are always loaded from controllers. Therefore, you can write:
Routes are not required here.
I'm trying to get my head around the Zend Framework.
I've created a custom route
resources.router.routes.helloworld.route = /helloworld
resources.router.routes.helloworld.defaults.module = default
resources.router.routes.helloworld.defaults.controller = helloworld
resources.router.routes.helloworld.defaults.action = display
In my hellowrold controller class I have changed the indexAction() name to displayAction().
when I try to load the page in a browser I get the following error message:
'script'xxx/display.phtml' not found in path(C:/:blah blah blah)'
What am I doing wrong here?
By default Zend Framework controller actions use the ViewRenderer Controller helper. This helper reads a .phtml file related to the action as the View Script of the related action.
The controller accesses models and in the end passes the result data to view scripts, so view scripts could present the data. This is the "V" in the "MVC" abbreviation.
For your case, you have specified that your default action is named "display" instead of "index".
But I think you have forgotten to create a view script file for this action.
By default the view scripts are located in the APPLICATION_PATH/application/views/scripts directory, with these assumptions:
APPLICATION_PATH is where your application structure and public directory reside in, (for example /var/www/ on Debain Linux or C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs on Windows).
You are keeping the source code of your application (including your models, controllers, modules, etc.) in the directory called application
If you are having modules in your application and for example your modules are defined in application/modules; then the view/scripts directory is located in each module directory instead of the root of the application structure.
In the above directory, each controller should have a related subdirectory, and each action have a view script file in .phtml extension.
You should create a directory called "helloworld" in there, and then create a file named "display.phtml" in that directory, so the ViewRendere controller helper class could load it and use it as the view of this action.
If you do not want to have a view script, you should prevent the ViewRendere helper from searching for a view script file. to do so, add this code to your action in the controller code:
This code tells the view renderer action helper not to search for a view script file.
Please not that all the above are mentioned for a default configured Zend Framework application, but could be changed by configuring your application, resources and helper objects.