OsTicket Blank Page after install (no data received) - php

I am trying to install osticket to my server (PHP 5.3, MYsql >5.0).
After I upload the 'upload' directory to my server, I go to mydomain.com/osticket and am taken to the install page. I fill out the form, and if I get no validation errors in the form, the page submits.
However, then I get an error (No data received in chrome) and if I refresh the page I am taking back to install.php to fill the form out again.
I should note that the app created tables in the database I gave it. I also enabled errors in bootstrap.php and I saw no errors there or in the error logs. I tried v 1.9.0 and 1.8.3.
Thank you!

Please change "max_execution_time=30" to "max_execution_time=120" in php.ini file

Increase the "MAX_EXECUTION_TIME" in the PHP.ini file of your web server installation.
I had the same problem and managed to resolve changing it from 30 to 180.

Yes it works after changing max_execution_time from 30 to 120


Mamp Pro to phpMyAdmin gives blank page ...?

The URL of the blank page > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/?lang=en&language=English
Another try via > http://localhost:8888/MAMP/ to MySQL (phpMyAdmin) > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/ ... also a blank page ... !?
Mamp Pro 6.x
PHP 8.x
MacOS 12.6
What's happening here and can it be solved?
There could be many factors for the issue. First, clear your browser cache and try it again. If it does not help, I'd recommend trying following:
Examine the error logs: Inspect the Apache and PHP error logs for any
errors. By selecting the "Open Log" button in the "Apache" or "PHP"
tab of the MAMP interface, you can access the error logs.
Examine the configuration options: Make the "config.inc.php" file's
configuration values are accurate. The "phpMyAdmin" directory in the
MAMP application folder contains this file. The host, port, and login
credentials may need to be changed, among other variables.
Time limits: Increase the max execution time and memory limit values in the php.ini file.
If none of these help, you might want to reinstall MAMP and see.

Backend cannot be reached after Typo3 login screen

I am trying to install Typo3 on my Windows 10 computer and everthing goes well. Right after the installation (right before the Typo3 backend is supposed to open up for the first time) I get to the Login Page, type in the correct username and password and then tries to connect me to the Typo3 backend. However, all that I see is "localhost\index.php..." could not be reached.
I have tried the installation process on two seperate computers and I get the same problem with both.
Help is much appreciated!
I have finally figured it out!
Go to the file
httpd.conf should be here --> C:\xampp\apache\conf
Add these lines
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
I can finally log into the backend. Thanks for your help!
In the windows, probably you will get internal server error while you try to get the login to the backend.
Open SSL is not enabled in the local environment.
Solution 1:
If you're using XAMPP server, I have created the proper configuration here: https://gist.github.com/GhanshyamBhava/41d3a34acc11cec2a4828b0d4b2c840f
Solution 2:
You can go ahead and set the login security level to normal instead of RSA in the typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php:
'BE' => [
'loginSecurityLevel' => 'rsa', // change it to normal
I would suggest create proper SSL configuration at live for better securiry
Other solution links
Can't reach localhost using XAMPP (typo3)
How to install Typo3 in Windows 10 with XAMPP?
Typo3 Version 8 login loop
Hope this will help you!

Prestashop 1.7 Transplant a Module Page Temporarily Unavailable Error

I recently started experiencing a strange error every single time I try to visit the transplant a module page. From the design > positions page3 I click on the "transplant a module" button on the top right and it takes a really long time to load, but then it does not load at all. I get a blank page with the following error:
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
5cb0af3eb5bd6096ecb4dce014d6635a 3a1c22abc23c754c0fb7be3b7c58431e 159cf03490b9d26b556696ed897a7daa
I contacted my server provider and they explained to me that the server I was using was reaching the max amount of files allocated, and that I needed to get a new server just for this particular site. So I did. I then cloned the site and database and brought it over to the new server....but I'm still getting this error everytime I try to transplant a module.
Any one ever encountered this issue? Any one have any ideas as to what could be causing this? Any suggestions on what I can do to troubleshoot this error further?
I have turned on debug mode, and it does not give any more information than what's above.
Thank you all,
Maybe you are facing the following known bug. It will be fixed in 1.7.5 (coming soon)
Sometimes module have some issues, I've a problem one day and this help me :
In config/xml copy the 2 files "must_have_modules_list.xml" and "default_country_modules_list.xml" on your PC in case,
And then delete the two files from your site,
This "refresh" the cache of your module config
Hope will help you
The "Transplant a module" page is now working after I changed the file AdminModulesPositionsController.php in /root/controllers/admin folder.
In line 449 changed:
$all_modules_controllers = Dispatcher::getModuleControllers($type);
$all_modules_controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers($type);
Try this, it's working for me.

After Joomla update from 3.5.1. to 3.6.0 I get the following error: JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_BAD_RESPONSE

When I Update my current Joomla from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 the update process starts as expected. But at the end the browser switches to a blank white site. Afterwards when i call the admininstration or the frontend i get following error message: JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_BAD_RESPONSE
Anybody able to help me with this? When i check the apache error.log, nothing is shown.
Thanks in advance
The only solution i found right now is the following:
I restored a backup of the entire site with the data of yesterday.
Then I entered the administration panel
Switched to configuration and server and disabled the FTP-Layer (which was enabled before)
Now i called the component "Joomla Update"
I started the installation process für 3.6.0
The system finished the process wihtouht problems
So my opinion is to be very careffully with the update when the ftp-layer is switched on.

Hosting Prestashop on iPage: Front office works, but can't log into back office, there is no error

Seems like people misunderstood my intention, I didn't mention iPage
before, but since I found my solution and it is somehow related to the
hosting provider I changed the title. Should anyone get into the same
problem as I did they would be searching this on the internet and find
this post which is exactly what I did before
I just migrated my prestashop from local host to a live server (iPage). Which means to a different domain. I've tried to follow the instruction from here Moving Prestashop Documentation. First I got problem with the backoffice ui because I used to put the installation in a folder. So I need to update the folder to '/' from my local, and I also update the domain to my own domain. After that I uploaded all my files and database to the server. And the front office works well. The backoffice login page also shows up. But when I try to login it does this:
Then it just freeze, it doesn't show any error report. Nothing.
There is no problem in the console, and the http requests seem fine too.
I've also turned on the debugging mode from the defines.inc.php
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
I've increased the max_memory from php.ini to 256M
This is so frustrating, I don't know what to do anymore.
PHP Version 5.3, MySQL Version 5.5.44, and OS Ubuntu 12
Wait a minute, the http request return the entire login page for some reason. But there is no error message in the source. There is just this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var img_dir = '/img/';
var more_errors = 'There are some errors.';
var one_error = 'There is an error.';
I use iPage hosting and I checked the error log from the menu CGI and Scripted Language Support > Check Error Logs. It says:
PHP Warning: Unknown: POST Content-Length of 150 bytes exceeds the
limit of 120 bytes in Unknown on line 0
Then I found out that my post_max_size parameter in php.ini is messed up. It's finally fixed now. Thanks everyone...
