Hosting Prestashop on iPage: Front office works, but can't log into back office, there is no error - php

Seems like people misunderstood my intention, I didn't mention iPage
before, but since I found my solution and it is somehow related to the
hosting provider I changed the title. Should anyone get into the same
problem as I did they would be searching this on the internet and find
this post which is exactly what I did before
I just migrated my prestashop from local host to a live server (iPage). Which means to a different domain. I've tried to follow the instruction from here Moving Prestashop Documentation. First I got problem with the backoffice ui because I used to put the installation in a folder. So I need to update the folder to '/' from my local, and I also update the domain to my own domain. After that I uploaded all my files and database to the server. And the front office works well. The backoffice login page also shows up. But when I try to login it does this:
Then it just freeze, it doesn't show any error report. Nothing.
There is no problem in the console, and the http requests seem fine too.
I've also turned on the debugging mode from the
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
I've increased the max_memory from php.ini to 256M
This is so frustrating, I don't know what to do anymore.
PHP Version 5.3, MySQL Version 5.5.44, and OS Ubuntu 12
Wait a minute, the http request return the entire login page for some reason. But there is no error message in the source. There is just this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var img_dir = '/img/';
var more_errors = 'There are some errors.';
var one_error = 'There is an error.';

I use iPage hosting and I checked the error log from the menu CGI and Scripted Language Support > Check Error Logs. It says:
PHP Warning: Unknown: POST Content-Length of 150 bytes exceeds the
limit of 120 bytes in Unknown on line 0
Then I found out that my post_max_size parameter in php.ini is messed up. It's finally fixed now. Thanks everyone...


Mamp Pro to phpMyAdmin gives blank page ...?

The URL of the blank page > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/?lang=en&language=English
Another try via > http://localhost:8888/MAMP/ to MySQL (phpMyAdmin) > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/ ... also a blank page ... !?
Mamp Pro 6.x
PHP 8.x
MacOS 12.6
What's happening here and can it be solved?
There could be many factors for the issue. First, clear your browser cache and try it again. If it does not help, I'd recommend trying following:
Examine the error logs: Inspect the Apache and PHP error logs for any
errors. By selecting the "Open Log" button in the "Apache" or "PHP"
tab of the MAMP interface, you can access the error logs.
Examine the configuration options: Make the "" file's
configuration values are accurate. The "phpMyAdmin" directory in the
MAMP application folder contains this file. The host, port, and login
credentials may need to be changed, among other variables.
Time limits: Increase the max execution time and memory limit values in the php.ini file.
If none of these help, you might want to reinstall MAMP and see.

FASTCGI process has failed frequently recently. Try the request again in a while

We have setup a Wordpress Website on IIS 10 which was working fine. But suddenly it stops working and i got this error
"FASTCGI process has failed frequently recently. Try the request again
in a while"
Restarting IIS fixed this problem.
Anybody tell me why this issue has occurred and how we can fix this ?
Open command prompt as administrator and navigate to the php-cgi.exe
Execute any PHP file from your application to know the exact error. In my case, I created a simple phpinfo.php page and executed
following command.
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v7.4.5>php-cgi.exe E:\Websites\mysite\phpinfo.php
It showed me the exact error saying 'vcruntime140.dll is not
compatible with this PHP build' & I have updated to 'Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019'. You can download it from here.
Once you identified and resolved the error(point 3), you need to restart IIS server and run your website. It will work as expected.
If you're running PHP 8 turn track_errors Off in php.ini . Track_errors have been deprecated since 7.2 and can cause a fatal error in IIS
Finally, i found the solution to the issue, It is due to the low value given to "Rapid Fails PerMinute" - see above image posted by German Martin.
From Microsoft's website the default value for "Rapid Fails PerMinute" is 90 but i reduced it 10 and then the error "FASTCGI process has failed frequently recently...." started showing up.
Once i set it back to the default value of 90 , the error stopped. This is what worked for me, in my case.
You need to maximize "Instance MaxRequest" at FASTCGI Configuration. Just clic en IIS root -> FastCGI Settings, select you php-cgi.exe for WP and clic Edit. Then increise Instance MaxRequests
[IIS FastCGI Settings]


I have Drupal7 site. It was running fine with no issues. But suddenly I am getting
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at http://localhost:8080/mysite/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Its not the issue in any specific browser, but same error with any browser.
Checked links:-
I tried reinstall, reimport database etc things but same error persists.
Its been now about 24hours getting this error.
What should I do now to get rid of this error & re-run my site smoothly.
Other Info
Drupal 7
wamp 2.5
Any help highly appreciated.
I was facing the same issues in xampp server on localhost.
I spend almost 2-3 hours to figure it out so i am sharing the solution to save someone else time. Below is the solution that work for me.
1) Edit the php.ini files of xampp/wampp
2) Enable the extension zlib.output_compression = On If it will be Off
3) Un-comment the code from ;zlib.output_compression = On to zlib.output_compression = On in commented using ";"
Error 330 seems to be linked to when a site's HTTP response headers claim that the content is gzip encoded, but it isn’t. Are you using gzip compression?
Try turning it on, or off via the htaccess file, or check here for other alternative ways to enable it.

Getting error in console : Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

I have refresh my application page and getting this error in console
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
I have tried to re-install the XAMPP version but this doesnt work for me.
I think you are using chrome.
The problem is the certificate mismatch or the expiration of the certificate.Check your certificate properly.
Just visit here for more information.
I'm using chrome too and facing same problem on my localhost.
I did a lot of things like clear using CCleaner and restart OS. But my problem was solved with clearing cookie.
In order to clear cookie:
Go to Chrome settings > Privacy > Content Settings > Cookie > All cookie and Site Data > Delete domain problem
Right Click > Inspect Element > Tab Resources > Cookie (Left Menu) > Select domain > Delete All cookie One By One (Right Menu)
I had a similar issue using Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.
My client sent a lot of requests when refreshing (hard reloading) my application page in the browser and every time some of the last requests resulted in this error in console:
It turned out that my client was reaching the maximum amount of threads that was allowed. The threads exceeding this configured ceiling are simply not handled by Apache at all resulting in the connection reset error response.
The amount of threads can be easily raised by setting the ThreadsPerChild value for the module in question.
The easiest way to make such change is to uncomment the Server-pool management config file conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf and then editing the preset values in the file to desired values.
1) Uncomment the Server-pool management file
# Server-pool management (MPM specific)
Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
2) Open and edit the file conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf and raise the amount of threads
In my case I had to change the threads for the mpm_winnt_module:
# raised the amount of threads for mpm_winnt_module to 250
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadsPerChild 250
MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
A comprehensive explanation on these Server-pool management configuration settings can be found in this post on StackOverflow.
Try it with the browser in incognito mode first. If incognito works it's probably an extension or settings issue with the browser(s) and not a server issue. Hopefully this saves someone the headache I just went through.
I had the same error with Symfony on wamp and PHP 7.0.0.
None of the JS and CSS dependencies was loaded on the "dev" environnement, with error Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
It's effectively a certificate problem in php.ini.
You need to set the property curl.cainfo to a valid certificate in the line :
curl.cainfo = C:\your\wamp\path\bin\cacert\cacert.pem
Turning off my VPN resolved the issue.
For me, this error was happening on localhost, but it disappeared when routing it through ngrok and was replaced with a MUCH more helpful error (net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING) that led me here:
Basically, the Kestrel server I was using was saying it was chunked output, but not terminating it properly. I double checked it with Fiddler which confirmed the error.
In my case i have used .woff files from git repository, and i noticed git has changed my binary files. That with some null character at the file endings.
I have rechanged to the orgnal .woff source files and it has corrected!
Also i have understood visual studio controller sending corrupted error like ERR_CONNECTION_RESET from the controller when it gots null character
I shared for all who live this problem
(Short) In my case :
My URL redirected to https://localhost instead of http://localhost
Just try to click the first link and you will know about HOW?
As extra, I add summary about this situation Based on Timing breakdown phases from eg:
DNS Lookup
Initial connection (TCP,SSL)
Request sent
ServiceWorker Preparation
Request to ServiceWorker
Waiting (TTFB)
Content Download
Receiving Push
Reading Push
Right click on page
Click Inspect
Clik Network
Clik on your Trouble URL
Clik Timing tab
Click on Explanation, and there a solution based on your case.
In my case Stalled: and explained in that document:
Here its 2 phase for my case:
Queueing. The browser queues requests when:
There are higher priority requests.
There are already six TCP connections open for this origin, which is
the limit. Applies to HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 only.
The browser is briefly allocating space in the disk cache
Stalled. The request could be stalled for any of the reasons described in Queueing.
Just read, information on that Timing Tab and I hope this can help anyone who experinced similar problem

Roundcube Server Error Forbidden

I have installed roundcube mail on my web server on rackaspace cloud sites. It worked fined till today morning it just started popping up with the Server 403 Error.
The result in the ajax call comes as Invalid Request.
The only change i made was, i changed the timezone on there server to Sydney/Australia which is by default set to America because the server is located there.
I know I'm digging up the deads, but it could help some people getting the same problem in the future. In my case (Debien Wheezy), it was a wrong setting (I don't know which one...) on my php.ini file. When I updated PHP and my config file was replaced with the one from Debian, everything suddenly went right.
