Mamp Pro to phpMyAdmin gives blank page ...? - php

The URL of the blank page > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/?lang=en&language=English
Another try via > http://localhost:8888/MAMP/ to MySQL (phpMyAdmin) > http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin5/ ... also a blank page ... !?
Mamp Pro 6.x
PHP 8.x
MacOS 12.6
What's happening here and can it be solved?

There could be many factors for the issue. First, clear your browser cache and try it again. If it does not help, I'd recommend trying following:
Examine the error logs: Inspect the Apache and PHP error logs for any
errors. By selecting the "Open Log" button in the "Apache" or "PHP"
tab of the MAMP interface, you can access the error logs.
Examine the configuration options: Make the "" file's
configuration values are accurate. The "phpMyAdmin" directory in the
MAMP application folder contains this file. The host, port, and login
credentials may need to be changed, among other variables.
Time limits: Increase the max execution time and memory limit values in the php.ini file.
If none of these help, you might want to reinstall MAMP and see.


Apache in MAMP Pro 4 has stopped working, refuses to start

Have been using MAMP Pro for a fair while - version 3 primarily, upgraded to 4 a while ago.
I haven't had any unusual issues at all, but today the Apache service failed to start, telling me to check the error logs. The logs were blank unfortunately... I've made no system configuration changes, no changes to MAMP/MAMP Pro. Shut down my system yesterday, started today, it no longer works...
I've tried numerous suggestions found via Stack Overflow and Google without any success.
Even after completely uninstalling and re-installing MAMP Pro I am unable to get the service to start.
Nothing appears in the logs...
When starting it manually on the command line it comes up with a PHP related error:
$ Applications/MAMP/bin/apache2/bin/apachectl start
httpd: Syntax error on line 135 of /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf: Cannot load /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.2.17/modules/ into server: dlopen(/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.2.17/modules/, 10): image not found
The confusing thing is that I don't have PHP 5.2.17 specified anywhere, at all - according to MAMP Pro it should be using PHP 7.0.12.
If I add PHP 5.2.17 to MAMP using the appropriate MAMP Pro dialogs, Apache still fails to start via the MAMP Pro interface. I can now start it manually from the command line however, but none of my virtual hosts/etc seem to be loaded.
apachectl -V tells me it's using /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf, but there is nothing in that file that has any reference to any of the configs generated in /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf
It also looks like hosts entries aren't added to /etc/hosts.
Even if I tell /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf to do nothing but include /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf/httpd.conf (and manually add entries to /etc/hosts) it still doesn't seem to work at all...
I and my colleagues are at a complete loss, especially given it was working yesterday...
Has anyone had any issues like this?
I managed to fix the similar issue you had.
My Apache server was working fine and then following updating to 4.0.6 I experienced similar issues.
There were 2 things I did to fix the issue. I was getting the same error where it couldn't find a php file in 5.2.17. After fixing that by adding 5.2.17 to MAMP I experienced an apache error regarding user permissions.
(22)Invalid argument: getpwuid: couldn't determine user name from uid 4294967295, you probably need to modify the User directive
File > Edit Template > Revert ALL Templates to Default Settings.
Save & restarted the servers and all worked finally and all my hosts had retained as well.
I had previously entered a custom line in my httpd.conf file that for countless versions had copied across fine however it looks like the folder structure had changed and so couldn't locate it causing the unusual error about User permissions. I have since re-entered the custom line with the correct structure and all working fine again.
Hope this helps.

PostgreSQL install error "unable to write inside temp environment variable path"

I am installing PostgreSQL on Windows 7 64 .
I get the following error:
there has been an error. unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path
Everything I have found on the internet so far, i have tried. It includes:
Disabled all anti-virus software.
I have also stopped everything in the startup.
Checked file associations for .VBS scripts. Nothing irregular (Windows Script Host registered)
Windows Script Host is Enabled.
Changing the temporary folder on environment variables
I've tried installing as Administrator .
What else can I try?
Install log file:
efore you start messing with the registry, check if WSH is actually disabled or not. To do that run wscript.exe in the DOS box.
If you see a dialog box called "Windows Script Host Settings", WSH is enabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation must be related to something else. If you get an error box that says "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details", WSH is disabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation may be related to it (or may be not).
For me, my problem was related to Windows script. I resolved this by right-clicking on smadav icon in the hidden icons in the task bar and checked "Allow Windows-script and Office-Macro (Permanent)". Then double click on the PostgreSQL setup again.

OsTicket Blank Page after install (no data received)

I am trying to install osticket to my server (PHP 5.3, MYsql >5.0).
After I upload the 'upload' directory to my server, I go to and am taken to the install page. I fill out the form, and if I get no validation errors in the form, the page submits.
However, then I get an error (No data received in chrome) and if I refresh the page I am taking back to install.php to fill the form out again.
I should note that the app created tables in the database I gave it. I also enabled errors in bootstrap.php and I saw no errors there or in the error logs. I tried v 1.9.0 and 1.8.3.
Thank you!
Please change "max_execution_time=30" to "max_execution_time=120" in php.ini file
Increase the "MAX_EXECUTION_TIME" in the PHP.ini file of your web server installation.
I had the same problem and managed to resolve changing it from 30 to 180.
Yes it works after changing max_execution_time from 30 to 120

Wordpress installation - php and mysql are not talking to each other to access database?

I'm trying to get a wordpress local install working on my Mac.
I've recently set up a database, username and password using the MySQL client as per the instructions in the wordpress codex. That part is ok.
When I go to the local site on my computer I'm prompted by wordpress to set up the wp-config.php file. Putting in the same details that definitely work with the MySQL client returns an error.
Manually updating these details in the 'wp-config-sample.php' file and renaming it as 'wp-config.php' also doesn't work - I'm now greeted with a big bold message: "Error establishing a database connection".
From what I can gather, php and mysql are not communicating with each other properly.
I've changed the apache 2 configuration file found in 'etc/apache2/httpd.conf' and uncommented the line which loads the php5 module: LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
and restarted the apache server. This has still not fixed my problem. I'm stuck on what to do next... help appreciated please!
It's been fixed now.
php was looking in the wrong place for the mysql.sock file, and couldn't communicate with the mysql database, meaning wordpress couldn't be set up.
On the command line I typed
ps aux | grep mysql
to bring up as much info about mysql that I could. From this I saw that the mysql socket on my computer is being used at /tmp/mysql.sock
Meanwhile, in the "wp-config.php" file, I changed the line define('WP_DEBUG', false); to define('WP_DEBUG', true); and refreshed my web browser that was showing my localhost setup. This now said a lot more info than "Error establishing a database connection" - infact I could see that the mysql.sock was not configured correctly at all.
Creating a 'phpinfo.php' file with just the single line of code <?php phpinfo(); ?> was the pivotal turning point for me.
Putting that 'phpinfo.php' file in my localhost directory and then viewing it from my web browser not only definitely confirmed that the mysql.sock file was not configured properly, but it also showed where the configurations were being loaded from on my machine: '/private/etc/php.ini'
The next thing I did was open up the 'php.ini' file in a text editor and doing a quick find and replace to update the correct location of mysql.sock.
Finally, a restart of the local apache server needed to be done to fully update all the new settings that I'd been fiddling about with.
sudo apachectl restart
Now everything works fine!
The Error-Message "Error establishing a database connection" indicates clearly, that the php-script can not establish the connection. This can have one of the following reasons:
Your host in the wp-config.php is not correct.
The mysql-server does not listen on that host
The user you set up in the mysql has no privileges to connect the way you are trying
The firewall blocks the access of the php-script to your mysql-host
Try to connect the database with the same settings of your wordpress using Sequel Pro (or any other GUI to connect a mysql database). If the connection works, the problem 2. and 3. isn't your problem.
Look in your firewall-log to make sure 4. is also not your problem.
If all problems are excluded (even 1. after a final check), try to run something like phpMyAdmin to connect your database, to make sure your php-installation has the needed drivers.

Running PHP in IIS6

i am using IIS to run my php website and i configure IIS to work with php as its explained the following tutorial
but when i run any php page is give me the following error
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.
i follow this
now i am getting the following error message
FastCGI Error
The FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.
Error Details:
Could not find entry for "php" on site 67761686 in [Types] section.
Error Number: 1413 (0x80070585).
Error Description: Invalid index.
HTTP Error 500 - Server Error.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
here is my updated fcgiext.ini
now i am getting this error message
The FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.
Error Details:
The FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout
Error Number: 258 (0x80070102).
Error Description: The wait operation timed out.
I hope this link would help
Open iis.msc again, go back to the Home Directory tab, and select the “Scripts only” option >from the Execute Permissions menu. Restart the server.
The server should now be correctly processing .php files.
PHP pages return a 404 error on IIS
I was installing PHP 5 on an IIS 6 server when I ran into what turns out to be a pretty common problem. PHP appeared to be installed correctly, but browsing to any page with a .php extension returned a 404 Page Not Found error. While the steps below fixed this for me, I had to piece them together from a few different sources, and a number of other suggestions (like copying the php.ini file to C:/WINDOWS/) didn’t work and were not necessary.
Open your IIS management console at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc.
Drill down to your web site, right-click and select Properties.
Select the Home Directory tab, then click on the Configuration button.
Select the Mappings tab.
If you don’t see a .php extension listed, click the Add button. Browse to the PHP 5 DLL (which may be at C:\Program Files\PHP\php5isapi.dll). Type .php into the Extension field and leave everything else at the default values. Click OK. The extension and executable path will be filled out and under Verbs you should see “All”.
I should point out that I didn’t have anything listed under the ISAPI Filters tab.
Stop and restart your IIS server and browse to a .php file. (To restart your IIS server, open the IIS management console, right-click the local computer in the left pane, hover on All Tasks and choose Restart IIS.) Chances are, you’re no longer getting the 404 error, but are now seeing a 403.1 message, like:
The page cannot be displayed
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.
Please try the following:
* Contact the Web site administrator if you believe this directory should allow execute access.
HTTP Error 403.1 – Forbidden: Execute access is denied.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Open iis.msc again, go back to the Home Directory tab, and select the “Scripts only” option from the Execute Permissions menu. Restart the server.
The server should now be correctly processing .php files.
Take a look at my answer on Server Fault for a fairly bulletproof way to install PHP in under ten minutes:
Error When Installing PHP5 on IIS6
If you follow all of the steps in the correct order you'll have PHP up and running in no time.
As per your comment and question update, edit your fcgiext.ini file so that it only contains the following lines:
Execute the following from the command prompt:
cd c:\Windows\system32\inetsrv
c:\Windows\system32\inetsrv>cscript fcgiconfig.js -add -section:"PHP" -extension:php -path:"c:\php\php-cgi.exe"
