How to get the result into a variable? - php

Might be a kinda noob question.
But I currently have this code:
$seconds = 1;
$h = (int)($seconds / 3600);
$m = (int)(($seconds - $h*3600) / 60);
$s = (int)($seconds - $h*3600 - $m*60);
if ($h > 1)
echo "$h hours ago";
else if ($m > 1)
echo "$m minutes ago";
else if ($s > 20)
echo "$s seconds ago";
else echo "a moment ago";
$ThisTime = result
Reminder: seconds is a variable that normally gets defined by an other variable.
What I want is:
for instance with "seconds = 1", the output is: "a moment ago". But i want that echo to be
$ThisTime, how can i do this.
Reminder 2: If the input is 400000, the output is: 111 hours ago. So it defines by multiple variables.
Stupid me:
$seconds = 1;
$h = (int)($seconds / 3600);
$m = (int)(($seconds - $h*3600) / 60);
$s = (int)($seconds - $h*3600 - $m*60);
if ($h > 1)
$Thistime = "$h hours ago";
else if ($m > 1)
$Thistime = "$m minutes ago";
else if ($s > 20)
$Thistime = "$s seconds ago";
else $Thistime = "a moment ago";
EDIT :::::
Ok, i found another problem.
The time is specified in a database.
And it displays there like this: "1407922779"
How can I cahnge this value to be x minutes ago?
Because if i enter that, it says like 30 years ago (something like that).
While it just has been made.

$seconds = 1;
$h = (int)($seconds / 3600);
$m = (int)(($seconds - $h*3600) / 60);
$s = (int)($seconds - $h*3600 - $m*60);
if ($h > 1) {
$result = "$h hours ago";
} elseif ($m > 1) {
$result = "$m minutes ago";
} elseif ($s > 20) {
$result = "$s seconds ago";
} else {
$result = "a moment ago";
$ThisTime = $result;


Convert timestamp like Facebook and Twitter

I am fetching time from server like this: 25-07-2015 12:25:28
Now I want to show it like this:
a few second ago
1 minute ago
30 minutes ago
1 Hour ago
12 Hours ago
and after 24 Hours ago
show me the date of that day like :
25 August 2015
the following code works. But no data validation done (eg: old>new)
$olddate = "25-08-2015 15:35:28"; //date as string
$now = time(); //pick present time from server
$old = strtotime( $olddate); //create integer value of old time
$diff = $now-$old; //calculate difference
$old = new DateTime($olddate);
$old = $old->format('Y M d'); //format date to "2015 Aug 2015" format
if ($diff /60 <1) //check the difference and do echo as required
echo intval($diff%60)."seconds ago";
else if (intval($diff/60) == 1)
echo " 1 minute ago";
else if ($diff / 60 < 60)
echo intval($diff/60)."minutes ago";
else if (intval($diff / 3600) == 1)
echo "1 hour ago";
else if ($diff / 3600 <24)
echo intval($diff/3600) . " hours ago";
else if ($diff/86400 < 30)
echo intval($diff/86400) . " days ago";
echo $old; ////format date to "2015 Aug 2015" format
Change the looping if you can. Logic remains same.
function timeago($timestamp){
$time_ago = strtotime($timestamp);
$current_time = time();
$time_difference = $current_time - $time_ago;
$seconds = $time_difference;
$minutes = round($seconds / 60); // value 60 is seconds
$hours = round($seconds / 3600); //value 3600 is 60 minutes * 60 sec
$days = round($seconds / 86400); //86400 = 24 * 60 * 60;
$weeks = round($seconds / 604800); // 7*24*60*60;
$months = round($seconds / 2629440); //((365+365+365+365+366)/5/12)*24*60*60
$years = round($seconds / 31553280); //(365+365+365+365+366)/5 * 24 * 60 * 60
if ($seconds <= 60){
return "Just Now";
} else if ($minutes <= 60){
if ($minutes == 1){
return "one minute ago";
} else {
return "$minutes minutes ago";
} else if ($hours <= 24){
if ($hours == 1){
return "an hour ago";
} else {
return "$hours hrs ago";
} else if ($days <= 7){
if ($days == 1){
return "yesterday";
} else {
return "$days days ago";
} else if ($weeks <= 4.3){
if ($weeks == 1){
return "a week ago";
} else {
return "$weeks weeks ago";
} else if ($months <= 12){
if ($months == 1){
return "a month ago";
} else {
return "$months months ago";
} else {
if ($years == 1){
return "one year ago";
} else {
return "$years years ago";
Have you looked at the Date function in php?

Time ago function php

I'm trying to do a time ago function only going back 24 hours. So the values returned will be random like;
7 mins ago;
2 hours 39 mins ago;
5 hours ago;
I'm trying to amend this function but don't know how to limit how to limit only going back 24 hours.
function timeAgo($time_ago){
$cur_time = time();
$time_elapsed = $cur_time - $time_ago;
$seconds = $time_elapsed ;
$minutes = round($time_elapsed / 60 );
$hours = round($time_elapsed / 3600);
// Seconds
if($seconds <= 60){
echo "$seconds seconds ago";
else if($minutes <=60){
echo "one minute ago";
echo "$minutes minutes ago";
else if($hours <=24){
echo "an hour ago";
echo "$hours hours ago";
How do i solve this?
You do not need such complex things.
This is enough:
$hours = rand(0, 3);
$mins = rand(0, 59);
$secs = rand(0, 59);
$text = '';
if ($hours) $text = $hours . ' hours';
if ($mins) $text .= $mins . ' mins';
if ($secs) $text .= $secs . ' secs';
// The following is almost impossible to happen, but anyway...
if (!$hours && !$mins && !$secs) $text = rand(1, 59) . ' mins';
$text .= 'ago';
After the line $hours = round($time_elapsed / 3600);, add if($hours > 24) return;, then you can limit the hours fewer than 24.
Use DateTime.diff and use the properties for DateInterval
function timeAgo(DateTime $time_ago){
$cur_time = new DateTime();
$time_elapsed = $cur_time.diff($time_ago);
$seconds = $time_elapsed.s;
$minutes = $time_elapsed.i;
$hours = $time_elapsed.h;
$days = $time_elapsed.d;
if($days > 1){
echo "one day ago";
echo "$days days ago";
else if($hours > 1){
echo "an hour ago";
echo "$hours hours ago";
else if($minutes > 0){
echo "one minute ago";
echo "$minutes minutes ago";
// Seconds
else if($seconds> 0){
echo "$seconds seconds ago";

How can I modify this countdown to not go below zero?

I have a PHP page which just makes a countdown to a date and time. Once it hits 0, it currently goes to negative time. How can I modify this code so that when it hits 0 it outputs "SomeText" instead?
$rem = strtotime('2014-07-26 01:00:00') - time();
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if($day) echo "$day Days ";
if($hr) echo "$hr Hours ";
if($min) echo "$min Minutes ";
if($sec) echo "$sec Seconds ";
Basically, I’ve just added a test to check whether the time remaining ($rem) is greater than zero. If so, proceed as before; otherwise output the text you requested.
I have also slightly tidied the code to fit my coding style.
$rem = strtotime('2014-07-26 01:00:00') - time();
if ($rem > 0) {
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if ($day) {
echo $day . ' Days ';
if ($hr) {
echo $hr . ' Hours ';
if ($min) {
echo $min . ' Minutes ';
if ($sec) {
echo $sec . ' Seconds ';
} else {
echo 'Some text';

Convert mysql datetime into simple text

I have a MySql datetime value like "2012-04-17 20:48:29". I want to convert this to a simple text like "10 days ago". I want to do this in either php or javascript! I tried to create my own algorithm to do this. But is there an already available solution for doing this?
you could use this pattern
$date = "2012-04-17 20:48:29";
$seconds = time() - strtotime($date);
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds -= $days * 86400;
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds -= $hours * 3600;
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$seconds -= $minutes * 60;
echo "$days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes, $seconds seconds ago";
you should of course add some conditions before echoing the result. to only show 1 minute ago, or 3 hours ago, or 10 days ago...
With this function you'll get outputs like:
1 minute
5 minutes
15 hours
4 days
2 months
1.5 years
function time_ago_in_words($time) {
$from_time = strtotime($time);
$to_time = strtotime(gmd());
$distance_in_minutes = round((($to_time - $from_time))/60);
if ($distance_in_minutes < 0)
return (string)$distance_in_minutes.'E';
if (between($distance_in_minutes, 0, 1))
return '1 minute';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 2, 44))
return $distance_in_minutes.' minutes';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 45, 89))
return '1 hour';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 90, 1439))
return round($distance_in_minutes/60).' hours';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 1440, 2879))
return '1 day';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 2880, 43199))
return round($distance_in_minutes/1440).' days';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 43200, 86399))
return '1 month';
elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 86400, 525959))
return round($distance_in_minutes/43200).' months';
elseif ($distance_in_minutes > 525959)
return number_format(round(($distance_in_minutes/525960), 1), 1).' years';
So you could do:
// Last time you logged in: 15 days ago.
Last time you logged in: <?php echo time_ago_in_words($user['last_logged_in']) ?> ago.
// We haven't seen you for 15 days!
We haven't seen you for <?php echo time_ago_in_words($user['last_logged_in']) ?>!
With PHP, you can call strftime to get different out put. Look here for more details.
There is also a jQuery plugin that you might look at as well: jQuery-dateFormat
Have fun!
I use this function:
function duration($integer)
$minutes = 0;
$hours = 0;
$days = 0;
$weeks = 0;
$return = "";
if ($seconds/60 >=1)
if ($minutes/60 >= 1)
{ # Hours
if ($hours/24 >= 1)
{ #days
if ($days/7 >=1)
{ #weeks
if ($weeks>=2) $return="$weeks Weeks";
else $return="$weeks Week";
} #end of weeks
if ($weeks>=1 && $days >=1) $return="$return, ";
if ($days >=2) $return="$return $days days";
if ($days ==1) $return="$return $days day";
} #end of days
if ($days>=1 && $hours >=1) $return="$return, ";
if ($hours >=2) $return="$return $hours hours";
if ($hours ==1) $return="$return $hours hour";
} #end of Hours
if ($hours>=1 && $minutes >=1) $return="$return, ";
if ($minutes >=2) $return="$return $minutes minutes";
if ($minutes ==1) $return="$return $minutes minute";
} #end of minutes
if ($minutes>=1 && $seconds >=1) $return="$return, ";
if ($seconds >=2) $return="$return $seconds seconds";
if ($seconds ==1) $return="$return $seconds second";
return $return;
echo duration(time() - strtotime($date));

PHP Countdown to Date

How could set a date and get a countdown in PHP? For example if I set the date as 3 December 2PM it would tell me how many days and hours are remaining.
No need for user inputs for the date as it will be hard coded.
You can use the strtotime function to get the time of the date specified, then use time to get the difference.
$date = strtotime("December 3, 2009 2:00 PM");
$remaining = $date - time();
$remaining will be the number of seconds remaining. Then you can divide that number to get the number of days, hours, minutes, etc.
$days_remaining = floor($remaining / 86400);
$hours_remaining = floor(($remaining % 86400) / 3600);
echo "There are $days_remaining days and $hours_remaining hours left";
Let me play around like this:
$rem = strtotime('2012-08-01 14:00:00') - time();
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if($day) echo "$day Days ";
if($hr) echo "$hr Hours ";
if($min) echo "$min Minutes ";
if($sec) echo "$sec Seconds ";
echo "Remaining...";
Try this at your leisure... :-)
NOTE: There is no if() test for echo "Remaining...", just coz you wont process this in case when $rem <= 0. Isn't it?
PHP 5.3 allows this:
$dt_end = new DateTime('December 3, 2009 2:00 PM');
$remain = $dt_end->diff(new DateTime());
echo $remain->d . ' days and ' . $remain->h . ' hours';
It's not as trivial as subtracting strtotime() results, since there are daylight savings and time would be mathematically correct, but not physically. Anyway, for these purposes you should use gmdate() function, which has no daylight savings:
$date = gmdate('U', strtotime('2009-12-03 14:00'));
// Get difference between both dates without DST
$diff = $date - gmdate('U');
// Days (in last day it will be zero)
$diff_days = floor($remaining / (24 * 60 * 60));
// Hours (in the last hour will be zero)
$diff_hours = floor($remaining % (24 * 60 * 60) / 3600);
Using #Izhar Aazmi solution, you could set this up nicely for display, as such:
public function countdown($time, $h = true, $m = true, $s = true) {
$rem = $time - time();
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if ( $day && !$h ) {
if ( $hr > 12 ) $day++; // round up if not displaying hours
$ret = Array();
if ( $day && $h ) $ret[] = ($day ? $day ." day".($day==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $day && !$h ) $ret[] = ($day ? $day . " day" . ($day == 1 ? "" : "s") : "");
if ( $hr && $h ) $ret[] = ($hr ? $hr ." hour" . ($hr==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $min && $m && $h ) $ret[] = ($min ? $min ." minute". ($min==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $sec && $s && $m && $h ) $ret[] = ($sec ? $sec ." second".($sec==1?"":"s") : "");
$last = end($ret);
$string = join(", ", $ret)." and {$last}";
return $string;
I hope this helps! It's a nice clean way or displaying the countdown.
Did this countdown until the end of the semester:
$endOfSemester = mktime(15,30,0,5,21,2015);
$now = time();
$secondsRemaining = $endOfSemester - $now;
define('SECONDS_PER_MINUTE', 60);
define('SECONDS_PER_HOUR', 3600);
define('SECONDS_PER_DAY', 86400);
$daysRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_DAY); //days until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($daysRemaining * SECONDS_PER_DAY); //update variable
$hoursRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_HOUR); //hours until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($hoursRemaining * SECONDS_PER_HOUR); //update variable
$minutesRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); //minutes until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($minutesRemaining * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); //update variable
echo("<h3>There are $daysRemaining days, $hoursRemaining hours, $minutesRemaining minutes, $secondsRemaining seconds until the end of the semester</h3>"); //print message
For those looking for a function capable of handling larger and smaller time span (php >5.3) :
* Return a textual representation of the time left until specified date
function timeleft(DateTime $date){
$now = new DateTime();
if($now > $date){
return '0 second';
$interval = $date->diff($now);
return $interval->format("%y year").($interval->y > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->m){
return $interval->format("%m month").($interval->m > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->d){
return $interval->format("%d day").($interval->d > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->h){
return $interval->format("%h hour").($interval->h > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->i){
return $interval->format("%i minute").($interval->i > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->s) {
return $interval->format("%s second").($interval->s > 1 ? 's':'');
} else {
return 'milliseconds';
