I want to select all prices to show and next I want to update all price. I can write sub query in MySQL but how Can I do this in zend framework query style?
MySQL query is
SELECT price FROM mag1.catalog_product_option_type_price where option_type_id in
(SELECT option_type_id FROM mag1.catalog_product_option_type_value where option_id in
(SELECT option_id FROM mag1.catalog_product_option where product_id= 11));
To write your query exactly :
$select1 = new Select();
->where(array('product_id' => 11));
$where2 = new Where();
$select2 = new Select();
->where($where2->in('option_id', $select1);
$where = new Where();
$select = new Select();
->where($where->in('option_type_id', $select2);
But why not try
$select = new Select();
$select->from(array('p' => 'catalog_product_option_type_price'))
->join(array('v' => 'catalog_product_option_type_value'), 'p.option_type_id = v.option_type_id', array())
->join(array('o' => 'catalog_product_option'), 'v.option_id = o.option_id', array())
->where(array('o.product_id' => 11));
This should give the same result.
I'm struggling to implement multiple left JOINs into ZF2. I've got first one working, but when I add another one, it doesn't work.
This is the working SQL query which I should implement into zf2:
ac.ctr_id AS ctr_id,
ac.ctr_no AS ctr_no,
ac.ctr_marketer AS marketer,
ac.ctr_manager AS manager,
ac.ctr_recruiter AS recruiter,
l1.emp_realname AS marketer,
l2.emp_realname AS co_recruiter_manager,
l3.emp_realname AS recruiter
allcontracts AS ac
lstemployees AS le ON ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id
lstemployees AS l2 ON ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id
lstemployees AS l3 ON ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id
lstemployees AS l1 ON ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id
from my model:
$where = new Where();
$select = new Select($this->table);
$select->columns(array('*')); // TODO add columns from allcontracts table
// This one works
$select->join('lstemployees', 'allcontracts.ctr_recruiter = lstemployees.emp_id');
// When I add this one below it doesn't work
$select->join(array('l2' => 'lstemployees'), 'allcontracts.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', array('*'), 'left');
$where->like('ctr_no', '%LT');
if($id!='' && $id > 0)
$where->equalTo('ctr_id', $id);
$resultSet = $this->selectWith($select);
Any idea?
Here is what I propose:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
$select = new Select();
->from(['ac' => 'allcontracts '])
->join(['le' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id', [])
->join(['l1' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id', ['marketer' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l2' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', ['co_recruiter_manager' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l3' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id', ['recruiter' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT);
// to debug your query
// if you haven't $dbAdapter, replace by null but the result will be quoted.
How to get the sum of 2 columns for each row in zend. My code is-
$fieldArray = array('Jan','Feb', 'total'=>'Jan+Feb');
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $db->select()
But it prints the query-
SELECT Customer.Jan, Customer.Feb, Customer.Jan+Feb AS total FROM Customer
and it gives error.
How to write the statement to get the result?
you can try this :
$fieldArray = array('Jan','Feb', 'total'=>new Zend_Db_Expr('Jan+Feb'));
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $db->select()
the query should be like
SELECT Customer.Jan, Customer.Feb, Customer.Jan+Customer.Feb AS total FROM Customer
In ZF1 it worked like this:
$selectColumns = array(
'orders_total' => "(".$db->select()->from("orders", array("COUNT(*)"))->where("orders.parent_id=mytable.id").")",
$select = $db->select()->from('mytable', $selectColumns);
How to do this in the ZF2? Thanks.
Please try this.
$sql = new Sql($this->_adapter);
$mainSelect = $sql->select()->from('mytable');
$subQry = $sql->select()
->columns(array('orderCount' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('COUNT(orders.id)')));
'orders_total' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('?', array($subQry)),
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($mainSelect);
$comments = $statement->execute();
$resultSet = new ResultSet();
return $resultSet->toArray();
Link: ZF2 - subqueries
You can try this:
// Make your query here using the builder if you wish,
// but we will need to convert to string for the Expression
$sub = new Select('orders');
$sub->columns(array(new Expression('COUNT(*) as total')))
->where(array('id' => 4))
// You could just create an expression..
$subquery = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("({$sub->getSqlString()})");
$select = new \Zend\Db\Sql\select('tablename'); // this is inside a
$select->columns(array('*', 'orders_total' => $subquery));
the output will be something like this:
(SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM "orders" WHERE "id" = '4') AS orders_total
FROM tablename
I haven't figured out a nice way of using the query builder to perform these kind of queries without having to use raw queries.
Without any more info you could try:
$selectColumns = array(
'orders_total' => "(".$db->select()->from("orders", array("COUNT(*)"))->where("orders.parent_id", "mytable.id").")",
$select = $db->select()->from('mytable', $selectColumns);
You will need to add at top with the use statements:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Where;
You can try restructuring your SQL to something like:
SUM(IF(O.parent_id IS NULL, 0, 1)) AS orders_total
FROM mytable
LEFT JOIN orders O ON mytable.id = O.parent_id
Which you can represent using Zend Framework 2 as:
$select = new Select('mytable');
'orders_total' => new Expression("SUM(IF(O.parent_id IS NULL, 0, 1))")
$select->join(array('O', 'orders'),
"mytable.id = O.parent_id",
$result = $dbh->selectWith($select);
Assuming $dbh is your database adapter.
Using Zend DB. I am trying to figure out how to write this query using the DB Class.
from orgTable org
join userTable user on org.userid = user.userid
where org.orgid = 'generated-id'
from the documents I understand or think I understand how to do it with one definition using an AS like condition, but even then Im still not sure. Eventually this will branch out into a multi table join, based on cross table conditions so not sure how to achieve this to begin with.
I think this is what are you looking for
$db = Zend_Db::factory( ...options... );
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('org' => 'orgTable'),
'orgid' => 'org.orgid',
'role' =>'org.role',
'userid' =>'user.userid',
'firstname' =>'user.firstname'
->join(array('user' => 'userTable'),
'org.userid = user.userid',array())
->where('org.orgid = ?',$generated_id);
Here is a Zend_Db_Select that returns the result you are looking for.
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('org' => 'orgTable'), array('orgid', 'role'))
->join(array('user' => 'userTable'), 'org.userid = user.userid', array('userid', 'firstname'))
->where('org.orgid = ?', 'generated-id');
You can use the array notation for table names to get the aliased names in the query.
Hope that helps.
In zend framework 2 , the following code helps you what are you looking for
$generated_id = 1 ;
$select = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Select( array('org' =>'orgTable'));
$select->columns(array('orgid','role') )
->join( array('user' => 'userTable'),
'org.userid = user.userid',
)->where( array('org.orgid' => $generated_id ) );
if your adapter platform is mysql, then for printing sql
$mysqlPlatform = new \Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\Mysql();
echo $select->getSqlString( $mysqlPlatform );
which print sql as
`org`.`orgid` AS `orgid`,
`org`.`role` AS `role`,
`user`.`userid` AS `userid`,
`user`.`firstname` AS `firstname`
`orgTable` AS `org`
INNER JOIN `userTable` AS `user`
ON `org`.`userid` = `user`.`userid`
`org`.`orgid` = '1'
I want to execute below query in zend framework. can anyone tell me how can I do that?
(SELECT `msg`.`message_sender_id`, `msg`.`message_receiver_id`, `msg`.`message_content`, `msg`.`message_sent_on`, `usr`.`user_name` AS `sender_name`
FROM `sc_message` AS `msg` INNER JOIN `sc_user` AS `usr` ON `msg`.`message_sender_id` = `usr`.`user_id`
WHERE `msg`.`message_id` = 3 ORDER BY `msg`.`message_sent_on`)
(SELECT `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sender_id`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_receiver_id`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_content`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sent_on`, `usr`.`user_name` AS `sender_name`
FROM `sc_message_slave` AS `msg_slv` INNER JOIN `sc_user` AS `usr` ON `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sender_id` = `usr`.`user_id`
WHERE `msg_slv`.`message_id` = 3 ORDER BY `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sent_on`)
I have written below code
$Query_1 = $this ->select()
->from(array('msg' => 'sc_message'), array('msg.message_sender_id', 'msg.message_receiver_id', 'msg.message_content', 'msg.message_sent_on'))
->joinInner(array('usr' => 'sc_user'), 'msg.message_sender_id = usr.user_id', array('usr.user_name as sender_name'))
->where('msg.message_id = ?',$message_id)
$this->_name = "sc_message_slave";
$this->_primary = "message_slave_id";
$Query_2 = $this ->select()
->from(array('msg_slv' => 'sc_message_slave'), array('msg_slv.message_slave_sender_id', 'msg_slv.message_slave_receiver_id','msg_slv.message_slave_content', 'msg_slv.message_slave_sent_on'))
->joinInner(array('usr' => 'sc_user'), 'msg_slv.message_slave_sender_id = usr.user_id', array('usr.user_name as sender_name'))
->where('msg_slv.message_id = ?',$message_id)
Assuming you're working from some Zend_Db_Table method
//your code...
$unionSelect = $this->getAdapter()->select()->union(array($Query_1, $Query_2));
//no you can execute it
$rows = $this->getAdapter()->fetchAll($unionSelect);