execute query in zend framework - php

I want to execute below query in zend framework. can anyone tell me how can I do that?
(SELECT `msg`.`message_sender_id`, `msg`.`message_receiver_id`, `msg`.`message_content`, `msg`.`message_sent_on`, `usr`.`user_name` AS `sender_name`
FROM `sc_message` AS `msg` INNER JOIN `sc_user` AS `usr` ON `msg`.`message_sender_id` = `usr`.`user_id`
WHERE `msg`.`message_id` = 3 ORDER BY `msg`.`message_sent_on`)
(SELECT `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sender_id`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_receiver_id`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_content`, `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sent_on`, `usr`.`user_name` AS `sender_name`
FROM `sc_message_slave` AS `msg_slv` INNER JOIN `sc_user` AS `usr` ON `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sender_id` = `usr`.`user_id`
WHERE `msg_slv`.`message_id` = 3 ORDER BY `msg_slv`.`message_slave_sent_on`)
I have written below code
$Query_1 = $this ->select()
->from(array('msg' => 'sc_message'), array('msg.message_sender_id', 'msg.message_receiver_id', 'msg.message_content', 'msg.message_sent_on'))
->joinInner(array('usr' => 'sc_user'), 'msg.message_sender_id = usr.user_id', array('usr.user_name as sender_name'))
->where('msg.message_id = ?',$message_id)
$this->_name = "sc_message_slave";
$this->_primary = "message_slave_id";
$Query_2 = $this ->select()
->from(array('msg_slv' => 'sc_message_slave'), array('msg_slv.message_slave_sender_id', 'msg_slv.message_slave_receiver_id','msg_slv.message_slave_content', 'msg_slv.message_slave_sent_on'))
->joinInner(array('usr' => 'sc_user'), 'msg_slv.message_slave_sender_id = usr.user_id', array('usr.user_name as sender_name'))
->where('msg_slv.message_id = ?',$message_id)

Assuming you're working from some Zend_Db_Table method
//your code...
$unionSelect = $this->getAdapter()->select()->union(array($Query_1, $Query_2));
//no you can execute it
$rows = $this->getAdapter()->fetchAll($unionSelect);


Zend Framework 2 join the same table multiple times using alias

I'm struggling to implement multiple left JOINs into ZF2. I've got first one working, but when I add another one, it doesn't work.
This is the working SQL query which I should implement into zf2:
ac.ctr_id AS ctr_id,
ac.ctr_no AS ctr_no,
ac.ctr_marketer AS marketer,
ac.ctr_manager AS manager,
ac.ctr_recruiter AS recruiter,
l1.emp_realname AS marketer,
l2.emp_realname AS co_recruiter_manager,
l3.emp_realname AS recruiter
allcontracts AS ac
lstemployees AS le ON ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id
lstemployees AS l2 ON ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id
lstemployees AS l3 ON ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id
lstemployees AS l1 ON ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id
from my model:
$where = new Where();
$select = new Select($this->table);
$select->columns(array('*')); // TODO add columns from allcontracts table
// This one works
$select->join('lstemployees', 'allcontracts.ctr_recruiter = lstemployees.emp_id');
// When I add this one below it doesn't work
$select->join(array('l2' => 'lstemployees'), 'allcontracts.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', array('*'), 'left');
$where->like('ctr_no', '%LT');
if($id!='' && $id > 0)
$where->equalTo('ctr_id', $id);
$resultSet = $this->selectWith($select);
Any idea?
Here is what I propose:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
$select = new Select();
->from(['ac' => 'allcontracts '])
->join(['le' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id', [])
->join(['l1' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id', ['marketer' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l2' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', ['co_recruiter_manager' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l3' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id', ['recruiter' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT);
// to debug your query
// if you haven't $dbAdapter, replace by null but the result will be quoted.

How to use COUNT and DISTINCT together in zend framework?

I'm trying to rewrite the below query in zend
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CPS.supplier_id, CPS.manufacturerid,CPS.categories_id)
FROM suppliers_report AS CPS
INNER JOIN category_brand B ON B.categories_id = CPS.categories_id AND B.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid
INNER JOIN manufacturer m ON m.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid
WHERE s.isactive=1 AND CPS.flg = 2 AND CPS.categories_id = c.parent_id
I tried the above query in zend as
->from(array('CPS' => 'suppliers_report'), array('CPS.supplier_id', 'CPS.manufacturerid', 'CPS.categories_id'))
->join(array('B' => 'category_brand'), 'B.categories_id=CPS.categories_id' AND 'B.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid')
->join(array('m' => 'manufacturer'), 'm.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid')
->where('s.isactive=1 AND CPS.flg = 2 AND CPS.categories_id = c.parent_id AND CPS.manufacturerid=ctb.manufacturerid');
I'm stuck on how to include count and DISTINCT in the above case.Please help
You'll need to use Zend_Db_Expr for functions like COUNT(), try something like the following:
->from(array('CPS' => 'suppliers_report'), array(new Zend_Db_Expr('COUNT(DISTINCT CPS.supplier_id, CPS.manufacturerid,CPS.categories_id)')))
->join(array('B' => 'category_brand'), 'B.categories_id=CPS.categories_id' AND 'B.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid')
->join(array('m' => 'manufacturer'), 'm.manufacturerid = CPS.manufacturerid')
->where('s.isactive=1 AND CPS.flg = 2 AND CPS.categories_id = c.parent_id AND CPS.manufacturerid=ctb.manufacturerid');

Symfony2 Doctrine Count sub query

How can i implement this in Doctrine?
(SELECT count(*)
FROM article
JOIN comments ON article.id = comments.article_id
date(article.created) = '2015-02-06'
article.id = 1) as a,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM article
JOIN comments ON article.id = comments.article_id
date(article.created) = '2015-02-05'
article.id = 1) as b
FROM article
GROUP BY article.id
This is what i am trying so far
public function createMyQuery($cdate, $aid){
$parameters = array(
'cdate' => $cdate,
'aid' => $aid,
$q = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
->select(' ')
->from('ITJariSocialNetworkBundle:Article', 'a')
->where('article.created', ':cdate'))
->andWhere('article.id = :aid')
return $q->getQuery();
//then i am looping on the calling of the function as following:
for($i=0; $i<7; $i++){
$postDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("-" .$i."days"));
$query = $this->createMyQuery(postDate, $aid);
expecting to get the count of all the sub queries
however i am getting Exception error result
i thing the reason is i am doing the query in a wrong way

convert sql query to zend query

SELECT uls.prod_id,um.prod_image,um.prodname,SUM(msm.points)
FROM tbl_prod_selection AS uls
INNER JOIN tbl_prod_master AS um ON um.prod_id = uls.prod_id
INNER JOIN tbl_admin_prod_selection AS als ON als.user_id = uls.user_id
INNER JOIN tbl_prod_statistics_master AS msm ON (msm.user_id = uls.user_id AND msm.barcode_id = als.barcode_id)
WHERE uls.location_id = "18" AND uls.prod_code = "FLB"
GROUP BY uls.user_id;
can any one help to write zend query for this.
Thanks in Advance.
If you're using Zend_Db_Table, then you can assemble Zend_Db_Table_Select like below:
$select = $model->select()
->from(array('uls' => 'tbl_prod_selection'), array(
'sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(msm.points)'),
->join(array('um' => 'tbl_prod_master'), 'um.prod_id = uls.prod_id', array())
->join(array('als' => 'tbl_admin_prod_selection'), 'als.user_id = uls.user_id', array())
->join(array('msm' => 'tbl_prod_statistics_master'), 'msm.user_id = uls.user_id AND msm.barcode_id = als.barcode_id', array())
->where('uls.location_id = ?', '18')
->where('uls.prod_code = ?', 'FLB')

PHP: Active record table joins

I have an app that uses the codeigniter CXTags tagging library.
The database structure is as follows:
My query basically goes if $safe_tag is not null then join tags_ref on post.id = tags_ref.row_id, join tags on tags_ref.tag_id = tags.id, where tags_ref.table = 'posts' and tags.safe_tag = 'food'
JOIN tags_ref ON posts.id = tags_ref.row_id
JOIN tags ON tags_ref.tag_id = tags.id
WHERE tags.safe_tag = $safe_id
Unfortunately the query I've written in active record is not functioning properly. The query works perfectly when £safe_tag is null but when it's not I get wrong results.
function get_posts($id = NULL, $safe_tag = NULL) {
if($safe_tag != NULL){
echo $safe_tag;//debugging
$table = 'posts';
$this->db->join('tags_ref', 'posts.id = tags_ref.row_id');
$this->db->join('tags', 'tags_ref.tag_id = tags.id');
$this->db->where('tags_ref.table', $table);
//if an id was supplied
if ( $id != NULL ) {
// execute query
$query = $this->db->get('posts');
Here is the query with profiling on:
FROM (`posts`)
INNER JOIN `tags_ref` ON `posts`.`id` = `tags_ref`.`row_id`
INNER JOIN `tags` ON `tags_ref`.`tag_id` = `tags`.`id`
WHERE `tags_ref`.`table` = 'posts'
AND `tags`.`safe_tag` = 'food'
AND `posts`.`city_id` = '2'
Can someone have a look? I think I need a fresh set of eyes on it.
Your forgot to actually run the query inside your first if{}
if($safe_tag != NULL){
echo $safe_tag;//debugging
$table = 'posts';
$this->db->join('tags_ref', 'posts.id = tags_ref.row_id');
$this->db->join('tags', 'tags_ref.tag_id = tags.id');
$this->db->where('tags_ref.table', $table);
$this->db->get(); // here
