I'm struggling to implement multiple left JOINs into ZF2. I've got first one working, but when I add another one, it doesn't work.
This is the working SQL query which I should implement into zf2:
ac.ctr_id AS ctr_id,
ac.ctr_no AS ctr_no,
ac.ctr_marketer AS marketer,
ac.ctr_manager AS manager,
ac.ctr_recruiter AS recruiter,
l1.emp_realname AS marketer,
l2.emp_realname AS co_recruiter_manager,
l3.emp_realname AS recruiter
allcontracts AS ac
lstemployees AS le ON ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id
lstemployees AS l2 ON ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id
lstemployees AS l3 ON ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id
lstemployees AS l1 ON ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id
from my model:
$where = new Where();
$select = new Select($this->table);
$select->columns(array('*')); // TODO add columns from allcontracts table
// This one works
$select->join('lstemployees', 'allcontracts.ctr_recruiter = lstemployees.emp_id');
// When I add this one below it doesn't work
$select->join(array('l2' => 'lstemployees'), 'allcontracts.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', array('*'), 'left');
$where->like('ctr_no', '%LT');
if($id!='' && $id > 0)
$where->equalTo('ctr_id', $id);
$resultSet = $this->selectWith($select);
Any idea?
Here is what I propose:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
$select = new Select();
->from(['ac' => 'allcontracts '])
->join(['le' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = le.emp_id', [])
->join(['l1' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_marketer = l1.emp_id', ['marketer' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l2' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_manager = l2.emp_id', ['co_recruiter_manager' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT)
->join(['l3' => 'lstemployees'], 'ac.ctr_recruiter = l3.emp_id', ['recruiter' => 'emp_realname'], Select::JOIN_LEFT);
// to debug your query
// if you haven't $dbAdapter, replace by null but the result will be quoted.
SELECT uls.prod_id,um.prod_image,um.prodname,SUM(msm.points)
FROM tbl_prod_selection AS uls
INNER JOIN tbl_prod_master AS um ON um.prod_id = uls.prod_id
INNER JOIN tbl_admin_prod_selection AS als ON als.user_id = uls.user_id
INNER JOIN tbl_prod_statistics_master AS msm ON (msm.user_id = uls.user_id AND msm.barcode_id = als.barcode_id)
WHERE uls.location_id = "18" AND uls.prod_code = "FLB"
GROUP BY uls.user_id;
can any one help to write zend query for this.
Thanks in Advance.
If you're using Zend_Db_Table, then you can assemble Zend_Db_Table_Select like below:
$select = $model->select()
->from(array('uls' => 'tbl_prod_selection'), array(
'sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(msm.points)'),
->join(array('um' => 'tbl_prod_master'), 'um.prod_id = uls.prod_id', array())
->join(array('als' => 'tbl_admin_prod_selection'), 'als.user_id = uls.user_id', array())
->join(array('msm' => 'tbl_prod_statistics_master'), 'msm.user_id = uls.user_id AND msm.barcode_id = als.barcode_id', array())
->where('uls.location_id = ?', '18')
->where('uls.prod_code = ?', 'FLB')
In ZF1 it worked like this:
$selectColumns = array(
'orders_total' => "(".$db->select()->from("orders", array("COUNT(*)"))->where("orders.parent_id=mytable.id").")",
$select = $db->select()->from('mytable', $selectColumns);
How to do this in the ZF2? Thanks.
Please try this.
$sql = new Sql($this->_adapter);
$mainSelect = $sql->select()->from('mytable');
$subQry = $sql->select()
->columns(array('orderCount' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('COUNT(orders.id)')));
'orders_total' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('?', array($subQry)),
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($mainSelect);
$comments = $statement->execute();
$resultSet = new ResultSet();
return $resultSet->toArray();
Link: ZF2 - subqueries
You can try this:
// Make your query here using the builder if you wish,
// but we will need to convert to string for the Expression
$sub = new Select('orders');
$sub->columns(array(new Expression('COUNT(*) as total')))
->where(array('id' => 4))
// You could just create an expression..
$subquery = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("({$sub->getSqlString()})");
$select = new \Zend\Db\Sql\select('tablename'); // this is inside a
$select->columns(array('*', 'orders_total' => $subquery));
the output will be something like this:
(SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM "orders" WHERE "id" = '4') AS orders_total
FROM tablename
I haven't figured out a nice way of using the query builder to perform these kind of queries without having to use raw queries.
Without any more info you could try:
$selectColumns = array(
'orders_total' => "(".$db->select()->from("orders", array("COUNT(*)"))->where("orders.parent_id", "mytable.id").")",
$select = $db->select()->from('mytable', $selectColumns);
You will need to add at top with the use statements:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Where;
You can try restructuring your SQL to something like:
SUM(IF(O.parent_id IS NULL, 0, 1)) AS orders_total
FROM mytable
LEFT JOIN orders O ON mytable.id = O.parent_id
Which you can represent using Zend Framework 2 as:
$select = new Select('mytable');
'orders_total' => new Expression("SUM(IF(O.parent_id IS NULL, 0, 1))")
$select->join(array('O', 'orders'),
"mytable.id = O.parent_id",
$result = $dbh->selectWith($select);
Assuming $dbh is your database adapter.
Using Zend DB. I am trying to figure out how to write this query using the DB Class.
from orgTable org
join userTable user on org.userid = user.userid
where org.orgid = 'generated-id'
from the documents I understand or think I understand how to do it with one definition using an AS like condition, but even then Im still not sure. Eventually this will branch out into a multi table join, based on cross table conditions so not sure how to achieve this to begin with.
I think this is what are you looking for
$db = Zend_Db::factory( ...options... );
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('org' => 'orgTable'),
'orgid' => 'org.orgid',
'role' =>'org.role',
'userid' =>'user.userid',
'firstname' =>'user.firstname'
->join(array('user' => 'userTable'),
'org.userid = user.userid',array())
->where('org.orgid = ?',$generated_id);
Here is a Zend_Db_Select that returns the result you are looking for.
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('org' => 'orgTable'), array('orgid', 'role'))
->join(array('user' => 'userTable'), 'org.userid = user.userid', array('userid', 'firstname'))
->where('org.orgid = ?', 'generated-id');
You can use the array notation for table names to get the aliased names in the query.
Hope that helps.
In zend framework 2 , the following code helps you what are you looking for
$generated_id = 1 ;
$select = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Select( array('org' =>'orgTable'));
$select->columns(array('orgid','role') )
->join( array('user' => 'userTable'),
'org.userid = user.userid',
)->where( array('org.orgid' => $generated_id ) );
if your adapter platform is mysql, then for printing sql
$mysqlPlatform = new \Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\Mysql();
echo $select->getSqlString( $mysqlPlatform );
which print sql as
`org`.`orgid` AS `orgid`,
`org`.`role` AS `role`,
`user`.`userid` AS `userid`,
`user`.`firstname` AS `firstname`
`orgTable` AS `org`
INNER JOIN `userTable` AS `user`
ON `org`.`userid` = `user`.`userid`
`org`.`orgid` = '1'
I have a table that contains events, to list these events I loop through the event table, check the event type and look up it's value in it's specific table with it's eventId.
At the moment this uses one query to get the 20 events and then up to 3 queries to get the data on those events. I currently have it coded procedurally but need to change it so that at the end it just returns the data in array form.
Here's a Pseduo code example of what I need to achieve:
if commentQueryResult;
$array .= commentQueryResult;
if forumPostQueryResult;
$array .= forumPostQueryResult;
if uploadItemQueryResult;
$array .= uploadItemQueryResult;
return $array; // Combined returned results as one array
I will then be able to access the data and just foreach loop through it.
I'm just not sure the best way to combine multiple result sets into an array?
OR you could try and combine them into one query ...
$eventResult = mysql_query(
'SELECT userevent.event, userevent.eventId, userevent.friendId
FROM userevent
WHERE userevent.userId = 1 OR userevent.friendId = 1
ORDER BY userevent.id DESC
while ($eventRow = mysql_fetch_row($eventResult)){
if($eventRow[0] == 1){
$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("
SELECT forumRooms.id, forumRooms.title
FROM forumPosts
INNER JOIN forumRooms ON forumPosts.`forumTopic` = forumRooms.`id`
WHERE forumPosts.id = '$eventRow[1]'"));
elseif($eventRow[0] == 2){
$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("
SELECT game.id, game.uriTitle, game.title
FROM usergamecomment
INNER JOIN game ON usergamecomment.`gameId` = game.id
WHERE usergamecomment.id = $eventRow[1]"));
elseif($eventRow[0] == 4){
$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("
SELECT usercomment.comment, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(usercomment.TIME), `user`.id, `user`.username, `user`.activate
FROM usercomment
INNER JOIN `user` ON usercomment.`userId` = `user`.id
WHERE usercomment.id = $eventRow[1]
AND `user`.activate = 1"));
elseif($eventRow[0] == 5){
$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("
SELECT game.id, game.title, game.uriTitle
FROM game
WHERE game.id = $eventRow[1]"));
// Combined Results as array
I'm in the process of converting all of these to PDO, that's the next step after working out the best way to minimise this.
Challenge accepted. ;)
Since you are actually only interested in the results inside the while loop, you could try this single query. Due to the LEFT JOINS it might not be faster, pretty much depends on your database. The final $result contains all elements with their respective fields.
$result = array();
$q = 'SELECT userevent.event AS userevent_event,
userevent.eventId AS userevent_eventId,
userevent.friendId AS userevent_friendId,
forumRooms.id AS forumRooms_id,
forumRooms.title AS forumRooms_title,
game.id AS game_id,
game.uriTitle AS game_uriTitle,
game.title AS game_title,
usercomment.comment AS usercomment_comment,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(usercomment.TIME) AS usercomment_time,
user.id AS user_id,
user.username AS user_username,
user.activate AS user_activate,
g2.id AS game2_id,
g2.uriTitle AS game2_uriTitle,
g2.title AS game2_title
FROM userevent
LEFT JOIN forumPosts ON forumPosts.id = userevent.eventId
LEFT JOIN forumRooms ON forumPosts.forumTopic = forumRooms.id
LEFT JOIN usergamecomment ON usergamecomment.id = userevent.eventId
LEFT JOIN game ON usergamecomment.gameId = game.id
LEFT JOIN usercomment ON usercomment.id = userevent.eventId
LEFT JOIN user ON usercomment.userId = user.id
LEFT JOIN game g2 ON userevent.eventId = g2.id
WHERE (userevent.userId = 1 OR userevent.friendId = 1)
AND userevent.eventId >= (SELECT userevent.eventId
WHERE userevent.userId = 1 OR userevent.friendId = 1
ORDER BY userevent.id DESC LIMIT 1,20);';
$r = mysql_query($q);
while ( $o = mysql_fetch_row($r) ) {
switch($o['userevent_event']) {
case 1:
$result[] = array(
'id' => $o['forumsRooms_id'],
'title' => $o['forumsRooms_title'],
case 2:
$result[] = array(
'id' => $o['game_id'],
'uriTitle' => $o['game_uriTitle'],
'title' => $o['game_title'],
case 4:
$result[] = array(
'comment' => $o['usercomment_comment'],
'time' => $o['usercomment_time'],
'id' => $o['user_id'],
'username' => $o['user_username'],
'activate' => $o['user_activate'],
case 5:
$result[] = array(
'id' => $o['game2_id'],
'uriTitle' => $o['game2_uriTitle'],
'title' => $o['game2_title'],
Note: Eventually, the query has to be edited slightly, I just wrote that out of my head w/o testing. Optimization can surely be done if I'd knew more about the db structure.
Also, this is merely a proof of concept that it can indeed be done with a single query. ;)
Apologies for all this code, anyhow Im re-working a query into the Zend query way of working, this is what I have so far:
$db = Zend_Registry::get ( "db" );
$stmt = $db->query('
SELECT recipe_pictures.picture_id, recipe_pictures.picture_filename, course.course_name, cuisines.name, recipes.id, recipes.Title, recipes.Method, recipes.author, recipes.SmallDesc, recipes.user_id, recipes.cuisine, recipes.course, recipes.Created_at, recipes.vegetarian, recipes.Acknowledgements, recipes.Time, recipes.Amount, recipes.view_count, recipes.recent_ips, guardian_writers.G_item, guardian_writers.G_type
FROM recipes
LEFT JOIN course ON recipes.course = course.course_id
LEFT JOIN recipe_pictures ON recipes.id = recipe_pictures.recipe_id
LEFT JOIN cuisines ON recipes.cuisine = cuisines.id
LEFT JOIN guardian_writers ON recipes.author = guardian_writers.G_author
WHERE recipes.id = ?', $id);
$recipes = $stmt->fetchAll();
return $recipes;
That one above works, trying to get the Zend version properly, my effort is below.
$db = Zend_Registry::get ( "db" );
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('r' => 'recipes'))
->join(array('c' => 'course'),
'r.course = c.course_id')
->join(array('rp' => 'recipe_pictures'),
'r.id = rp.recipe_id')
->join(array('cui' => 'cuisines'),
'r.cuisine = cui.id')
->join(array('gw' => 'guardian_writers'),
'r.author = gw.G_author')
->where(' id = ? ', $id);
$recipes = $db->fetchRow($select);
return $recipes;
If anyone can spot an error Id be very grateful, thanks
Use joinLeft instead of join to produce left joins.
To fetch specific columns from a table, rather than all (*) use this:
->from(array('r' => 'recipes'), array('id', 'title', 'method'))
->joinLeft(array('rp' => 'recipe_pictures'),
'r.id = rp.recipe_id',
array('picture_id', 'picture_filename')
To fetch no columns from a table, pass an empty array as the third parameter.
The join method provides an sql INNER JOIN. If you want to get a LEFT JOIN you should use joinLeft.