I have a website in wordpress.
when i run my website. it says wating for support.imagecd.net....
what does exactly it means that.
Please anybody explain me
It's a malware. I had the same problem and I found a weird code including "support.imagecd.net" in my WP template's header.php file. Try finding it yourself, otherwise order a scan of your site with your hosting provider.
I am using Wordpress Images Gallery and each time I try to add new images I get this error in the console:
GET ...
Everything worked perfectly until recently and I really don't know what could be the cause. I do not have a lot of experience using Wordpress, so I am not sure what other information could be relevant. Also, the error seems kind of vague to me. I will provide further details if required.
I suspect there are too many scripts to load and that gives the error.
Thank you.
I disabled script concatenation in config and everything works. Thanks.
I am new to Magento and here I am facing issue with Google AdWords.
There is a script file which is causing the issue
when I am running in local this script file is not coming but in the server, this file is coming in all the pages.
I checked my project but didn't find the mage.js file and have no idea where it is coming from
Please guide me on this ...
any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance ...
This is a known credit card scraping malware. And unfortunately, it is very successful. See my blog on removal instructions for this specific skimmer.
And use MageReport or the Magento Malware Scanner to periodically scan your site for this kind of malicious code.
ok Miscellaneous Scripts are loaded on every page.
Check the miscellaneous scripts section for configuration, it should be there.
Also, don't forget to clear your Magento cache: System > Cache Management > Flush Magento Cache
That doesn't sound like a regular file. If you can't find it in the filesystem, I would recommend checking the miscelllaneous scripts section of configuration and check the following link.
My website has been hacked again. There are many foreign url such as here.
I've checked the database and there is nothing strange in my database. Does anyone know what kind of hacked attack like this?
Then I have to execute all files with exit (); and I quit "on /libraries/import.legacy.php".
If I give exit () under
JLoader :: register ('JRoute', JPATH_PLATFORM. '/joomla/application/route.php');
The result my website is still able to walk with the strange link.
but if I give exit() in the above
JLoader :: register ('JRoute', JPATH_PLATFORM. '/joomla/application/route.php')
The result is the website stops.
Are you running the newest version of Joomla? It's very important to keep a CMS updated as security issues are regularly discovered and patched. The same applies for all the extra plugins you're using.
Note that once your file system has been breached, it's very hard to make sure nothing else has been modified. You might think everything is clean, but you surely could have missed things. Often a clean install is the best option.
I'd suggest to find someone with experience in website security to find out what kind of attack is being used and how they have been using it. We don't have enough information to find out the problem for you.
I am working on a site now that seems to have an infinite loop for the wp-cron.php file. My host recently limited my account because they said that a certain query to my database was creating 1GB of error logs every 15 seconds. I am not sure why this is happening.
I wanted to know if anyone has encountered and successfully solved this issue. We were working on this site on a dev server with no problems, but now since we've moved to our production environment we've been getting this issue. I am thinking that maybe some files were lost in the transfer, however it does not seem so.
OK So I have found a solution for this, and I figure that it would help to let everyone on here know as well.
Basically, after a lot of research, I have found that the MailChimp Archives plugin apparently fires off the naughty cron job in question every time someone visits the site. For whatever reason, it got thrown into an infinite loop which was creating huge log files (64MB in about 3 seconds). Once I discovered exactly where the issue was coming from, I did the following:
Disabled the plugin
Found a Wordpress function that removes selected hook that schedules the runaway cron job (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_clear_scheduled_hook).
Used that function to remove the hook in question, by inserting it into my theme's functions.php file, and reloading the page.
Removed the function once I reloaded the page a few times.
Found the corresponding data in the database, which was in the wp_options table. I just searched the name of that same hook that caused the problem, and found that the option value field contained 9.5MB of text in it! Obviously the cause of the massive slowdown, since this 9.5MB of text needed to be loaded and parsed every time someone visited the page. I removed this completely from the database.
Once this was done, I started to notice incremental increases in performance on my Wordpress site over about a half hour or so. I also did another test to see if the log files were accumulating, and they were now only fluctuating between 3-4Kb, which was way better.
I hope this helps. Even though this seems to be a fairly common problem, I don't see many detailed solutions for it, so let this be the first.
I believe there was an issue where if the server would go into an infinite loop if you didn't have the wp_cron.php file, since returning the error calls the file again. It's worth checking for in this case.
It's also possible that a variant might be happening - you try to access a file from wp-cron, and the file isn't found.
Even if all the files were copied, their paths might not have been copied correctly.
The cron jobs of Wordpress were causing a high CPU consumption on the server. Even defining define ('DISABLE_WP_CRON', 'true'); does not work. Without using a plugin the way I found it was to include this in the theme's functions.php:
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->update("wp_options", array("option_value"=>""), array("option_name"=>"cron"));
I have a problem with a wordpress site and I really can't figure out what causes it.
All the pages in the site load perfectly fine, they are quite stuffed with content but the load time is ok and so is memory usage as they have no problem with a 32M memory limit set in wp-settings.php.
The problem comes with the home page. It takes several seconds to load (excluding other content, just the main request) and fails (where 'fails' stands for blank page shown) unless I raise the memory limit above 300M.
Possible suggestion 1: check index.php code
Done. I replaced it with a blank page only containing the word TEST, still same slow loading and blank page.
Possible suggestion 2: disable all plugins
Done. Disabled each and every plugin and still same exact behaviour.
My current workaround
The only thing that I could find to temporarily solve the issue, is redirecting (via wordpress' internal rewrite) any request for / to a custom page which is linked to index.php. This way I have the homepage working fine, quickly and under the 32M memory limit.
Now, this works but it's a horribly dirty hack, so how can I find out what wordpress is doing when I ask for the home page before loading the template given that it has nothing to do with plugins?
If you've tried replacing index.php with just plain text then i would definitely check your .htaccess file for errors, extra characters, or some type of invalid configuration. Disable it and see if that helps for starters.
To see if anything comes out try adding WP_DEBUG=true to wp-config.php
Might show you if something else is erroring earlier
But otherwise yes kachegrind or xdebug definately
Also if on unix and you have access try strace command on the apache process
Not easy to tell, but there is a way to find out: use the xdebug profiler, and then use kcachegrind or its windows port to view its results. It will show you lots of data, including a visual chart, which will hopefully be very helpful in identifying where is PHP spending most of its time...
Is the server itself doing any pre/post processing on the homepage?
Turning on PHP errors may shed some light on the process as will looking at the httpd error log.
Out of curiosity, are you positive your site hasn't been hijacked?