Magento-1.9 mage.js file issue with Google Adwords - php

I am new to Magento and here I am facing issue with Google AdWords.
There is a script file which is causing the issue
when I am running in local this script file is not coming but in the server, this file is coming in all the pages.
I checked my project but didn't find the mage.js file and have no idea where it is coming from
Please guide me on this ...
any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance ...

This is a known credit card scraping malware. And unfortunately, it is very successful. See my blog on removal instructions for this specific skimmer.
And use MageReport or the Magento Malware Scanner to periodically scan your site for this kind of malicious code.

ok Miscellaneous Scripts are loaded on every page.
Check the miscellaneous scripts section for configuration, it should be there.
Also, don't forget to clear your Magento cache: System > Cache Management > Flush Magento Cache

That doesn't sound like a regular file. If you can't find it in the filesystem, I would recommend checking the miscelllaneous scripts section of configuration and check the following link.


Why i am getting waiting for support?

I have a website in wordpress.
when i run my website. it says wating for
what does exactly it means that.
Please anybody explain me
It's a malware. I had the same problem and I found a weird code including "" in my WP template's header.php file. Try finding it yourself, otherwise order a scan of your site with your hosting provider.

Yeoman and php files?

Is there any way to configure Yeoman (latest version: v0.9.6) to serve php files?
I found this but couldn't get it working.
Installed, and made the required updates to Yeoman as shown here:
All i got is the browser downloading each php file instead of rendering it.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Yeoman 1.0 has been launched. I haven't tried using php with it yet but would still like to know if it is possible.
I just wrote a blog post on Using Yeoman 1.0beta3 with PHP.
It seems is not updated for yeoman 1.0.
My code is available on Github.
You can look into the git commit for the whole set of changes required for serving php files.
Currently I updated only for connect/livereload tasks.
I am working on updating it for build, usemin and other tasks.
It seems there is an easy workaround with grunt-php.
I haven't used it, but will update once I used it.
I might be wrong but your problem seems more a webserver issue. You have to make sure that the webserver processes the files instead of serving them.
If your are using a vhost to map your server this can be a nice read.
Please tell me if this is your problem.

PHP un-editable pdf/file export option

I am developing an application in the Kohana PHP framework that assesses performance. The end result of the process is a webpage listing the overall scoring and a color coded list of divs and results.
The original idea was to have the option to save this as a non-editable PDF file and email the user. After further research I have found this to be non as straight forward as I hoped.
The best solution seemed to be installing the unix application wkhtmltopdf but as the destination is shared hosting I am unable to install this on the server.
My question is, what's the best option to save a non editable review of the assessment to the user?
Thank you for help with this.
I guess the only way to generate a snapshot, or review how you call it, is by storing it on the server side and only grant access via a read only protocol. So basically by offering it as a 'web page'.
Still everyone can save and modify the markup. But that is the case for every file you generate, regardless of the type of file. Ok, maybe except DRM infected files. But you don't want to do that, trust me.
Oh, and you could also print the files. Printouts are pretty hard to be edited. Though even that is not impossible...
I found a PHP version that is pre-built as a Kohana Module -

Site keeps getting hacked and .htaccess changed

I have found that I have a similar attack to the one mentioned here
giant regex hack
The file keeps getting recreated and I cannot see from where its coming. How can I fix this? Anyone with a similar experience? I am running joomla 1.5.25
How can I trace the script that includes this file? How do I secure the site?
Its always recommended that you keep the permission of your .htaccess file as readable only.
chmod 0555 .htaccess
But regarding the hack being created again and again, there could be just numerous reasons. Like the host not properly configured, such that, on a shared hosting, a script running for a different domain can access scripts for your own domain.
Also check, what kind of files do you allow to upload, whether it's Admin or Frontend. Make sure, its not just any file upload is allowed. Executable files like PHP should not be allowed to be uploaded.
Yikes, that's not a good situation. I've seen it happen a few times and more often than not the solution was to recreate the website from a clean Joomla install, copy over the data and reinstall components.
However first check that the permissions are ok (no 666, 777, etc) and definitely check the VEL to see if any of your extensions have know vulnerabilities
You could also check on the Inj3ctor database .
Most hacks like these happen via out of date extensions, open permissions, or as linuxeasy mentioned a poorly configured host.
Would highly recommend installing jhackguard or eyesite on the website. Eyesite will monitor your files and notify you when changes occur -

My -tpl file won't update!

I am running the site at, it's a linux server and the site has a backend editor. It's a smarty/php site, and when I try to update a few of the .tpl's (two or three) they don't update. I have tried uploading through FTP and that doesn't work either.
It runs on the livecart system.
any ideas?
Most likely, Smarty is fetching the template from the cache and not rebuilding it. If it's a one-time thing, just empty the cache directory or directories (templates_c). If it happens more often, you may have to adjust smarty's caching behaviour in the configuration (among others, $smarty->cachingand $smarty->cache_lifetime)
Are you saying that when you attempt to upload a new version it isn't updating the file? Or it's updating the file but the browser output does not conform to the new standards?
If it's the latter problem, delete all the files in your template_c directory. If it's the former problem, er, might want to check out ServerFault or SuperUser.
