Error when loading scripts in Wordpress admin - php

I am using Wordpress Images Gallery and each time I try to add new images I get this error in the console:
GET ...
Everything worked perfectly until recently and I really don't know what could be the cause. I do not have a lot of experience using Wordpress, so I am not sure what other information could be relevant. Also, the error seems kind of vague to me. I will provide further details if required.
I suspect there are too many scripts to load and that gives the error.
Thank you.

I disabled script concatenation in config and everything works. Thanks.


Blank Admin page / unable to save any settings

I am having an extremely frustrating issue occuring in my theme. I was doing some dev work on my theme and suddenly, I started experienceing an issue where I was unable to save any changes made in the wordpress customizer.
I restarted thinking it was my browser, I tried to log back in and .../wp-admin was blank, .../wp-login got me a 404 error. Going to my URL the site was sitll live without any issues with the changes I tried to push through live and working. If I keep a second browser window open and make changes to the customizer they occur but it says it can't save.
I tried the following:
renamed plugins folder - didnt work
back out of all the code i added in my dev session (to my knowldegde)
Only thing that made my admin page and login page work was changing my theme.
This is the frustrating thing about it, I cannot figure out what is causing these errors, chrome dev console is giving no unusual errors, the php error log is giving me nothing I havent already seen prior.
This is my last ditch effort to save a months worth of work I dont know what to do, I have not been searching for a solution for 8 hours with 0 progress.
How could I find out what is causing this bug?
Please help
You said you think you removed all of your recent changes, but you must have missed something. Do you have any other backup versions of the theme, even fairly old ones? If so, you could try adding in parts, piece by piece, until you find the problematic code.

Joomla 3.5: page displayed source until cache is cleared

I have a weird issue where the browser returns the unformatted source code of the requested page instead of the html. The content type is set as application/rss+xml when it should be text/html. I'm running Joomla 3.5.1. As far as I know, there are no RSS feeds for the site.
This is resolved when clearing the Joomla cache, however, I haven't been able to find a way to replicate the issue so it's proving difficult to debug.
I'm not sure what other information I can provide.
Any ideas would be great.
This is an odd problem. The fact that the backend is running fine and that "sometimes" the frontend has this problem (while the backend is fine) makes it more complicated. Does the problem happen if you disable the cache completely on your Joomla website? Also, is the problem happening on all the pages?
I suggest the next time you have this problem is to contact your host or your developer immediately, and hopefully they will be able to fix the problem. It's very hard to suggest a solution here without more context.
Note: If you were able to solve it, then please post back the solution here as it will help others.

Why i am getting waiting for support?

I have a website in wordpress.
when i run my website. it says wating for
what does exactly it means that.
Please anybody explain me
It's a malware. I had the same problem and I found a weird code including "" in my WP template's header.php file. Try finding it yourself, otherwise order a scan of your site with your hosting provider.

MediaWiki Main_Page not shown

I've messed up a little bit with my php cms insallation and now I've problems loading the mediawiki Main_Page and I don't exactly know why. The error thrown by the server is a simple 404, so it doesn't explain that much to me. The only thing that could help me find out the solution is that I changed the virtual host configuration a couple of times in the server (Apache 2.4).
I'm guessing the problem is there but I don't have any further clue about how to solve it.
Has anyone experienced something like this?
I've to add that this is not a short URL problem, as i'm not trying to redirect the articles pages to a specific url, so this shouldn't be useful in my case.
From the information you provided, i guess you got some error in your pathing.
Have you tried running it locally via e.g. Mamp ?
Play around with you local_settings especially $wgScriptPath and $wgStylePath.
The error can usually be found in there, and fixed in there. I have been working with MediaWiki the last couple of weeks. If you provide some more info, i might be able to help you some more.

Joomla 3 mysql error SQL Error = 0?

im using joomla3 for my new site , i used 3.2.2 and currently update to 3.2.3. but its always giving me mysql errors form several tables when browsing ste also saving values from backe end
Error displaying the error page: SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM sltdb_template_styles: SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM sltdb_template_styles
How to overcome this .. please advice ?
It looks like database connectivity
Try to access the database from the application server using the command line. or try to access your database via PHPAdmin
If still no chance:
Here is fix - i got for google
Use Extension manager->Discover and Install, possibly followed by an Extension manager->Database and Fix when needed.
Joomla requires a proper working infrastructure. Something must have failed otherwise the update should have succeeded. The above steps are normal procedure for fixing when something went wrong. An alterative would be to restore and try again.
Also, Joomla allows you to break down the steps. Using the Extension manager install from directory is the least resourceful way to update. It requires you to download, extract and copy it to the webserver yourself.
Hopefully this will help someone. I had this issue after a server move and it turned out that it was due to a module (wp_posts) that had old db credentials in it, i corrected the credentials which fixed the issue.
Unrelated but one other thing to check if you have this type of issue is can you update things in admin, I had a secondary issues with was that APC cache was not enabled on the new webserver, i discovered that by trying to update things in admin and viewing errors.
The error 0 message is very unhelpful, it seems this could be module specific though rather than joomla itself but it seems quite poor that a module can block the entire site form working, some error trapping needed me thinks!
Cannot comment, yet ... (as a comment to logicc's answer)
Well, the "Error: 0" is indeed not very helpful, but with debugging turned on, you at least get a good idea of where the problem might be coming from:
24 JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() /.../modules/mod_wpposts/helper.php:91
25 JDatabaseDriverMysql->connect() /.../libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1312
About the module blocking the entire page - that might make sense in some cases (a module so important that you would rather have the page not render, at all, than in part?), but it certainly seems like a bad default. For now, I think modules should take care of that themselves with some try-catch-ing.
