How to install Imagick extension on Windows PHP 7.0 - php

I need to install Imagic extension on my Apache - PHP 7.0 server. I followed very nice guide located here: Based on "php -i" out:
PHP Version => 7.0.13
Compiler => MSVC14 (Visual C++ 2015)
Architecture => x86
Thread Safety => enabled
extension_dir => D:\Program Files (x86)\PHP7\ext => D:\Program Files (x86)\PHP7\ext
I downloaded file
from I coppied all DLL files to D:\Program Files (x86)\PHP7\ext and I added
to my PHP.INI. When I restarted my Apache, Imagic extension was not loaded and Event viewer showed 2 same errors:
The description for Event ID 4 from source PHP-7.0.13 cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\Program Files (x86)\PHP7\ext\php_imagick.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe" -k runservice)
Please, could anybody tell me, what I am doing wrong?

This is the only tutorial that worked our for me:
I am using PHP version 7.1.9 with WampServer64 under Windows 7.

Follow the steps from the given tutorial:
The file I downloaded was
Install ImageMagick to a directory of your choice
Extract the whole of the bin directory from the ImageMagick zip file to a directory of your choice. I chose C:\ImageMagick-6.9.3-7
Then set system environment variables and reboot.

Follow the instructions on
downloading and unpacking two ZIP files
copy some files into the PHP installation
change php.ini
restart the web server

This step worked perfectly for me.
First of all, download from below link.
-Install the ImageMagick PHP extension in Windows
Extract from php_imagick-….zip to the ext directory the
php_imagick.dll file of your PHP installation
Extract from ImageMagick-….zip to the root PHP directory (where
php.exe resides) the DLL files that start with (and there are a TON):
Add this line to your php.ini file
And then to run a simple test (should output a 1):
php -r "print(class_exists('imagick'));"


How to install php_imagick on wamp64

I've been trying to install php_imagick on wamp64 without any luck.
The desired goal is for WordPress to stop showing the error message:
The optional module, Imagick, is not installed or has been disabled.
You can also skip reading and view the images attached below.
My setup:
Wamp64 Windows 10 Release Version 64 Bits [Windows Build: 19041]
PHP Version: 7.4.9
Build Date: Aug 4 2020 11:45:36
Windows: NT *username* 10.0 build 19041 (Windows 10) AMD64
Compiler Visual: C++ 2017
Architecture: x64
Loaded Configuration File: C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.46\bin\php.ini
Thread Safety: enabled
I tried installing the following ImageMagick files:
1) ImageMagick-7.0.10-30-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exe
2) ImageMagick-7.0.10-30-Q16-x64-dll.exe
3) ImageMagick-6.9.3-7-Q16-x64-dll.exe (Current)
----A) (Current)
What I did:
I first installed the EXE file and then extracted from the zip file just the php_imagick.dll file into this folder:
Which matches my currently used PHP version (see images later for more information[php.ini]).
I tried restarting Wamp, rebuilding symlinks by switching PHP/Apache versions.
Will also be worth mentioning that I at one point tried extracting the full zip into the 'ext' folder under a folder named 'php_imagick' as shown below and did manage to get this error:
C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.4.9\ext\php_imagick\php_imagick.dll (The specified procedure could not be found.)
but mostly I receive these errors:
[25-Sep-2020 08:58:50 UTC] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_imagick.dll' (tried: c:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.4.9/ext/php_imagick.dll (The specified module could not be found.), c:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.4.9/ext/php_php_imagick.dll.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0
When I install Magick using the EXE, I make sure to check the install to the path, Change the folder to C:\ImageMagick, and install the legacy drivers if possible, as suggested on Stack OverFlow.
(I also make sure to uninstall the last version I tried each time)
I have Visual Studio installed and a bunch of redistributables and also both x86 and x64 versions of these:
Without any luck, I went ahead and read several Stack OverFlow posts and could not find a solution.
How to install ImageMagick with Wampserver 3.0.0 64?
step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP?
Installing php_imagick.dll PHP extension on wampserver 2.2
Unable to install php_imagick.dll on wamp
Imagick delegates installation on WAMP
How to install ImageMagick with Wampserver 3.0.0 64?
step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP?
Installing php_imagick.dll PHP extension on wampserver 2.2
Unable to install php_imagick.dll on wamp
Imagick delegates installation on WAMP
WAMP PHP Startup Error: Unable to load dynamic library
Installing ImageMagick extension with php/windows
Linker error when trying to use ImageMagick as static libraries with Visual Studio compiler
Installing Magick++ in Visual C++ 2010
Installing Magick++ in visual studio 2019
ImageMagick with Visual Studio
WampServer and Imagemagick, imagick php module not recogized
Cannot load imagick library
ImageMagick not working
What can I try next?
typo in line 955: .php=.dll
I hired a freelancer to fix this for us.
Uninstall any versions of WampServer and ImageMagick you have installed
Don't forget to backup your database and www folder before you uninstall
We are going to install a trustable software called Chocolatey that will help us fix a bunch of errors with Wamp64 and it's extensions as well as help us update those applications with one command.
For those of you who already fixed this before using Chocolatey and
now seeing this error message again simply update Wamp and ImageMagick
using the choco commands provided on their website and then read my
note under 4) for more information
Run PowerShell as Admin
Follow this guide to Download chocolatey
Use the same methods to Download Wamp64
Run Wamp from the newly created shortcut on your desktop
Change the PHP version to 7.4.9 or the latest and only then move
to the other steps
Don't worry about the fact the folder is named Wamp and not Wamp64. It's still the 64bit version. You can check this in the about section of Wamp
Note: If that doesn't work, they probably updated again. Just try the same methods using newer versions then these. I will first try more recent versions of php_imagick instead of replacing the ImageMagick core DLL files. One thing I will not do is give up.
Extract And Copy all CORE_RL and IM_MOD_RL DLL files into C:\wamp\bin\php\php7.4.9 where php.exe is located
(Do not run any EXE file from here as we already installed ImageMagick)
Extract and Copy just the php_imagick.dll file to C:\wamp\bin\php\php7.4.9\ext
Open your php.ini file by left-clicking Wamp->PHP->php.ini and then make sure you delete all leftovers and add below any extention= line the code below:
(Apparently, New PHP versions require writing it without the "php_"...".dll" parts)
Restart Wamp by closing it and reopening it from its shortcut
This is by far the only solution I could get running.
Google =
2019 =
2018 =
I use wampserver 3.2.3 64bit together with PHP 7.3.
Copying the CORE_RL and IM_MOD_RL DLLs into the PHP root direcory as orr burgel recommended in item #5 did not work for me.
I had to copy these DLLs into c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\bin.

Compile a third-party DLL to use in PHP

I am trying to compile a third party library into a dll to use in PHP5.6.31. By following the php build directions here, and the dll's reference guide (select 'Using lpsolve from PHP' from the index and scroll down to the compile section). This is what i did.
Downloaded the PHP source from here.
Downloaded the binary tools from here.
Downloaded the php libraries deps-5.6-vc11-x86.7z from here.
Set up the build directory and extracted both the source files and the deps to this directory C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\.
Downloaded lp_solve_5.5.2.5_dev_win32.ziphere and extracted them to C:\lp_solve_5.5.
Downloaded lp_solve_5.5.2.5_PHP_source.tar.gz here and extracted it, then from the extracted files copied this folder lp_solve_5.5\extra\PHP to C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\php-5.6.31-src\ext\lp_solve_5.5.
Opened VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt that came with Visual Studio 2012.
Ran C:\php-sdk>bin\phpsdk_setvars.bat then C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\php-5.6.31-src>buildconf.
Ran C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\php-5.6.31-src>cscript /nologo configure.js --without-xml --without-wddx --without-simplexml --without-dom --without-libxml --disable-zlib --without-sqlite3 --disable-odbc --disable-cgi --enable-cli --without-iconv --enable-phplpsolve55=shared --with-phplpsolve55path="C:\lp_solve_5.5".
Ran nmake php_phplpsolve55.dll which created a dll named php_phplpsolve55 in this directory C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\php-5.6.31-src\Release_TS.
I then copied php_phplpsolve55 to my wampserver php extensions folder C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.31\ext.
Added this line to my php.ini file extension=php_phplpsolve55.dll.
Then I restarted Wampserver, but the php_lpsolve55 extension does not show up in the loaded extensions. I checked the php_error log and this is the error.
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.6.31/ext/php_phplpsolve55.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
Are there any other ways to troubleshoot this other than the php_error log?
From other posts I read maybe this is a compiler compatibility issue?
Here is my WampServer version.
WampServer version 3.1.0 - 32bit
Apache version: 2.4.27
PHP version: 5.6.31
And here are a few properties from phpinfo()
Compiler: MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012)
PHP Extension Build: API20131226,TS,VC11
Thread Safety: enabled
Note: I changed line 5 of C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc11\x86\php-5.6.31-src\ext\lp_solve_5.5\PHPmod.c to static zend_function_entry php_phplpsolve55_functions[] = { I got this from this post.

install ext-zmq for ratchet push integration

I'm trying to install ZeroMQ for the push integration on Ratchet, I have successfully integrated Ratchet unto my Laravel 5 app. I downloaded and install the zeroMQ software and in the PHP binding instruction page, I followed the set up instruction for windows section since I'm on windows 10
Download the latest snapshot from
Copy libzmq.dll into your php directory (e.g.
Copy the appropriate version of php_zmq.dll to your php extension
directory (e.g. C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.8\ext)
Add the following line to your php.ini:
since is a broken link so I look around the internet for other source and I found this link and downloaded the one. I copy the libzmq.dll to C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12 as instructed as well as the php_zmq.dll to C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\ext and then I add
to my php ini and restarted my wamp server but it throws me this warning,
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/php_zmq.dll' - The specified module
could not be found
Any ideas, help please?
I downloaded the correct file from here that match unto my php version and then restart my computer and now its working.
Get the version from here:
In my case, the correct version that works was 1.1.2

Imagick php windows

I am trying to use iMagick in Symfony2.
I am using PHP 5.4.16 and all i have done :
1-Copy php_imagick_nts.dll from php5-4 directory from the extracted to php/ext .
2-Rename it to php_imagick.dll and add the “extension=php_imagick.dll” to php.ini
3-Create a page like this :
$a = new Imagick();
but i receive this :
Fatal error: Class ‘Imagick’ not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\info.php
When I tried to use this in a symfony controller, the error occur again:
FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'Imagick' not found
Unfortunately the details about imagick extension not appear in output of "phpinfo()"
Is this version is incompatible with PHP 5.4.16 ?! If yes,what version i must use? Where? Thank for any help...
After trying many solutions, none seemed to work.
I managed to install it on Windows 10 64-bit, Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.6, but I think it should work for all versions.
Hopefully you will have no problem installing Imagick for PHP.
Step 1) Gather information
First of all you should gather some information of your PHP environment.
You can easily see your PHP information with the function phpinfo()
The information you need:
Architecture: x86(32-bit) or x64(64-bit)
PHP-version: you can find this in the header of the phpinfo() output.
PHP Extension Build: This string contains 2 important parts:
VCx (like VC11)
Loaded Configuration File: the path to your used php.ini file.
Step 2) Download Binary
You can download the binary from the official site of ImageMagick. I recommend you to read the small introduction under the "Windows Binary Release" to be certain which "bits-per-pixel" to choose from(8 or 16).
Downloading the latest version should be just fine.
Make sure this binary is the same architecture as your PHP architecture that you have gathered in step 1.
Step 3) Install Binary
Install the binary to your phpx.x.xx\bin file. For example: C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.16\bin. (This can be any folder, but for the convenience I put in here)
Make sure "Add application directory to your system path" is checked. Should be checked by default though.
Step 4) Download PHP extension
The DLL PHP extension is available through the windows pecl php site
Again, you can just click the latest version.
Next of, choose the right version based on the gathered information.
For example:
This can be stripped into components:
php_imagick-3.4.1 - This is the php imagick extension with the version. This is not important.
5.6 - This is your PHP version and should be equal to the PHP-version you are using, which you have determed in step 1.
NTS - This should be equal to the information of your PHP Extension Build that you have gathered in step 1.
VC11 - This should also be equal to the information of your PHP Extension Build that you have gathered in step 1.
x64 - This the architecture of the extension and should be equal to your PHP architecture that you have gathered in step 1.
Step 5) Extract PHP Extension
After you have downloaded the file, you should open the .zip file and look for a file named: php_imagick.dll.
Extract this file to phpx.x.xx\ext.
Make sure the .dll file is fully accessable by you. Sometimes you need to explicity unblock the file.
Step 6) Activate PHP extension
To activate the extension in PHP, you should state in your php.ini file that you want to use this extension.
You have gathered the path to your used php.ini file in step 1.
Add the line extension=php_imagick.dll to your php.ini
Step 7) Restart your PC
Just to make sure, restart your PC so all Environment Paths will be correctly loaded.
This should install Imagick correctly with the latest versions and the right architecture.
Imagick should also be listed in phpinfo() with the appropriate "ImageMagick supported formats" (Just make sure it is not empty).
I spent many hours trying to make Imagick work, finally I got it.
My installation instructions
Install WAMP 32bit (even if you running 64bit system you must use 32bit version of WAMP)
Install ImageMagick to C:/imagemagick, use this file:
Put DLL with Imagick into extension folder of PHP, e.g. D:\wamp32\bin\php\php5.4.16\ext, I used this file:
In php.ini put line "SetEnv MAGICK_HOME C:/imagemagick" without quotes
Better restart PC
I use Wamp 2.4, PHP 5.4.16, Apache 2.4.4, ImageMagick 6.8.0-3 2012-10-24 Q16, Imagick 3.1.0RC2 - all 32bit, OS Win8 64bit
Now it should work and you should see Imagick extension loaded in phpinfo.
I tried a lot of versions of ImageMagick, but newer versions didn't work, 6.8.0-3-Q16-windows-dll works fine.
In Symfony2 use Imagick like this:
$im = new \Imagick('image.jpg');
I'm quite sure this is to do with not having the module loaded correctly or the .dll being placed in a improper location.
You can use PHP's internal function extension_loaded() to check prior to using the class,
if (!extension_loaded('Imagick')) {
//Load some error.
That's a method you can check if the module is even being reconsigned by PHP at all.
PHP also provides a function to view your current extensions get_loaded_extensions():
* Get an Array of current
* PHP extensions for debugging
print_r( get_loaded_extensions() );
Make sure you do:
Check your correct extension library folder location within your phpinfo()
Perform a hard restart of your xmapp/wamp server.
If you're on PHP 5.4 or upwards (Like yourself!), see site below for the updated binaries
After researching too, Imagick does seem to have trouble with PHP 5.3 or upwards; Download new DLL's from this site below (Unofficial):
Also found other StackOverFlow Articles that have the same problem:
Stackoverflow: Trying to get imagick running on PHP 5.4.3 at Windows x64
Alternatively you're able to use the GD extension to more or less accomplish some of the same functions you require. I do believe GD is a more widely supported module/extension in more recent versions of PHP.
For those using Windows 10 with PHP 7 the following might help:
determine whether your Windows is threadsafe (see the output of phpinfo()) and 32 or 64 bits.
This page contains matching sets for each php version and threadsafe and 32/64 settings. Download both the Imagick and the Imagemagick files.
Follow for Imagick the instructions at the bottom of that page.
For ImageMagick the instructions on that page are not correct. You can put the dll files anywhere but you need to refer to them with the MAGICK_HOME windows environment variable. You may need to reboot for the change of the environment to have effect.
I use :Wamp 2.4, PHP 5.4.16, Apache 2.4.4, ImageMagick 6.8.0-3 2012-10-24 Q16, Imagick 3.1.0RC2 - all 32bit, OS Win7 32bit
Instructions given by fmstoun worked for me perfectly.
Since I spent a lot of hours trying to make the dll work, I wanted to add on to steps given by fmstoun.
Do restart your PC.
Use the full path to the image, for example:
$image = new Imagick($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/images/test.jpg');
Make sure your system environment has 1 single entry for : C:/imagemagick and no more environment variables for imagemagick. If any previous installations have the path, then remove those paths and restart your PC
Make sure http : / / localhost/ of wamp shows 'imagick' as loaded extension
If extension is loaded properly, it has to show up in phpinfo() also as:
imagick module | enabled
ImageMagick version|ImageMagick 6.8.0-3 2012-10-24 Q16 and some more information about imagemagick.
Considering the date of this post, the latest version of imagemagick provided on the official site is: ImageMagick-6.8.8-1-Q16-x86-dll.exe
which fails to load the extension (as seen in apache error logs after a restart).
Hence use the version mentioned by fmstoun.
Hope this answer saves couple of hours of effort and saves time required to go through around 15 SO questions on same topic and also different forums.
UPDATE for those 2019 also using WAMP, a much more simplier method of ImageMagick are as follows:
Go to
Grab a copy of the .dll extension file of your appropriate setup, choose a "Threads Safe" version.
Grab the corresponding ImageMagick using the link on the same row and install it.
Copy only the .dll file to the extensions folder of your install of WAMP, usually C:\wamp\bin\apache2.4\ext\
Restart apache.
Hope this helps.
Sorry for my bad english:
1º Install Appserv
Filename: "appserv-win32-2.5.10.exe"
URL download: h*ttp:// (without *)
Apache port: 8080
2º Download PHP 5.3(Apache 2.2 doesn't support superior)
Filename: ""
How?: Thread Safe
URL Download: h*ttp:// (without *)
3º Stop Apache
4º Delete all contents in the folder "..\AppServ\php5"
5º Copy the zip contents to "..\AppServ\php5"
6º Add line
date.timezone = "America/Buenos_Aires" (This is my zone, find yours in php page)
to the "php.ini" in "c:\Windows\php.ini"
to avoid date error in PHP
7º Start Apache
IMAGIC(Once PHP 5.3 is installed)
1º Instalññ Image magic 6.7(Not superior, PHP 5.3 doesn't support)
Filename: "ImageMagick-6.7.9-9-Q16-windows-dll.exe"
URL download:
2º Download Imagic
Filename: ""
URL download:
3º In the dir "php5/ext" add the file "php_imagick.dll" from the last zip download(other files doesn't care)
4º Add line
to the "php.ini" in "c:\Windows\php.ini"
5º Restart Apache

step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP?

There don't seem to be any concise tutorials/walk throughs for installing ImageMagick on WAMP for use with PHP.
I've tried dozens of combinations of their binary releases with different php extension dll files. I can get imagemagick working fine from the command line, and I can get it to show as ticked in the WAMP extensions, but can't actually use it.
Has anyone come across a good guide for installing this ball ache piece of software?
I've followed with no luck...
Update: this is what happens when I follow the steps in PHP farmer's answer on windows7. My php.ini is setup as follows:
extension_dir = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/ext/"
I reboot and get these two errors in this order
and here is the dll file where it should be:
I know this is old post but I spend my all day to make it work, so here are the steps that helped me:
Download ImageMagick Binary Release -
Install in C:\imagemagick, on last step check "Add application directory to your system path"
Download Imagick DLL: PHP5.6.x version from (I have 5.6+ version installed on my localhost
Copy php_imagick.dll to C:\wamp\bin\php\ext
Download PHP 5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86 version from
Copy CORE_RL_* files to C:\wamp\bin\apache\bin\
Edit php.ini file in C:\wamp\bin\apache\bin\php.ini, add extension=php_imagick.dll line in extensions section
Copy all files from C:\imagemagick\modules\coders and C:\imagemagick\modules\filters to C:\imagemagick to load ImageMagick supported formats
Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables -> New System Variable -> MAGICK_HOME = C:\imagemagick
Restart Wamp server and check phpinfo() for imagick plugin
If last step does not work, restart Windows
I have improved fsasvari answer to cater general scenarios and versions. All credits to him.
Install Imagick in WAMP
Open your phpinfo() page
Check the below
PHP version (mine : 5.5.12)
Compiler (mine : MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012) )
Architecture : (mine : x64)
Thread Safety : enabled
Loaded Configuration File (mine : C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\php.ini)
extension_dir : (mine : c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/)
Apache Bin (Not in phpinfo() page) : C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\
Get the latest release match to your architecture from here (for me it was ImageMagick-x86_64-pc-windows.exe).
Copy all files from C:\imagemagick\modules\coders and C:\imagemagick\modules\filters to C:\imagemagick to load ImageMagick supported formats
Install in C:\imagemagick, on last step check "Add application directory to your system path"
Download the PECL matching to your architecture
(for me : 5.5 Thread Safe (TS) x64)
Extract it and copy all the CORE_RL_* files to apache bin folder (mine : C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin)
Copy php_imagick.* files to extension dir (mine : c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/)
Edit php.ini file (mine : C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\php.ini)
add extension=php_imagick.dll line in extensions section
Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables -> New System Variable -> MAGICK_HOME = C:\imagemagick
Restart Wamp server and check phpinfo() for imagick plugin
If last step does not work, restart Windows (Specially if you have previously installed imagemagick in different folder/version)
For WAMPSERVER 3.1.9 64bit, PHP Version: 7.3.5
I had a lot of trouble with this as well and some things I did wrong was that I doubted ImageMagick would load on my new php version. But you have to believe it will work and don't try with older php versions :)
So this was my approach, remember to follow it with your own settings and versions/folders.
Before you start, make sure you running the php version you want to run. If you installed Wampserver 3, you may click the wamp icon and go to php version and activate the one you want to run.
Get latest ImageMagick version for your system here:
(I got the ImageMagick-x86_64-pc-windows.exe in the bottom)
Install ImageMagick in C:/imagemagick (I put it in lower cases),
You will be asked for some stuff during install, just make sure the path thingy is ticked.
You should also tick the convert thingy if it allows you.
Then after install you can run CMD and type convert -version to see if imagick is installed.
Run <?php phpinfo(); ?> And find out these settings:
PHP Version: 7.3.5
System: Windows
Compiler: MSVC15 (Visual C++ 2017) ([VC15])
Architecture: x64 (or maybe you have x86)
Thread Safety: enabled ([TS] else [NTS])
You probably have other settings, but you need to remember yours to download the proper php_imagick.dll
Get the php_imagick.dll you want for your php version from here:
I got mine from here: for php 7.3
Remember your info from the phpinfo(), it has to match, else it won't work.
After you unzip it, copy the php_imagick.dll and paste it in C:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.3.5/ext/
Then copy all the other .dll files from that folder into C:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.39/bin/
Yes it's dirty but you will get it working like this.
Add extension=php_imagick.dll in C:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.3.5/phpForApache.ini
I added it after the other extensions in the file.
Restart all Wamp services.
If you been messing around earlier with installs, you might have to restart the computer due to some weird cache stuff.
Check phpinfo() again if imagick shows up and try something like $im = new Imagick();
Click the Wamp icon -> php -> extensions, php_imagick should be listed.
Good luck! :)
PHP 5.4 php_imagick.dll is here: .
I read somewhere that 64bit php doesnt work with php_imagick. That might be the case when you get this error in apache_error.log
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/php_imagick.dll' -
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
As mentioned above, it was also necessary to add this into httpd.conf (also, i read you cant have spaces/dashes/dots):
SetEnv MAGICK_HOME C:/imagemagick"
If you dont, you might get this error:
"PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/php_imagick.dll' -
The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0"
In the end, this article might partially help:
This was a headache for me as well, but unfortunately I installed this quite awhile ago. The instructions from that link you posted seem accurate. Have you ran phpinfo(); to see if it is installed in the Apache Environment? It should be listed as MAGICK_HOME.
Make sure "SetEnv MAGICK_HOME C:/imagemagick" is set at the end of your httpd.conf file. Assuming imagemagick is installed in that directory.
Be sure that you have the extension "php_imagick.dll" in your php.ini file as well.
It should work just fine if you have all those set.
On another note, here is a nice little library someone built to make imagick easier to use.
I hope that helps! Good luck!
I've never used WAMP but I have found that sometimes installing PHP extensions on Windows I need to ensure that any dll's that the extension relies on is in the Windows system PATH. If there is more than the one dll packaged with the imagemagick extension, try adding the directory that the dll's reside in to the Windows system PATH then REBOOT (to ensure that the web server gets a copy of the NEW environment).
I know this is an old question but i guess this will help someone someday out there....
If you are on WAMPP and have PHP 5.4.x installed , go here
and download appropriate files as instructed. It will work.
Please see this answer already on StackOverflow:
Installing ImageMagick extension with php/windows
I answered this question some time ago. This solves the DLL mismatch error.
