PHP Script Runs out of memory - php

My PHP code is supposed to generate 1000 random words with a random length between 3 and 7 chars. And then it is supposed to compare each word to all the words in my dictionary, engmix.txt, and place the matches into an array and all the nonmatches into another array. I know the code functions correctly, but it runs out of memory on both computers that I have tried running it on. I am using XAMPP as my webserver and even tested removing the memory limit to see if it would run. I would like advice on how to optimize this code.
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
function getRandomWord($len = 10) {
$word = range('a', 'z');
return substr(implode($word), 0, $len);
$words = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i++) {
$words[$i] = getRandomWord(rand(3, 7));
$matches = array();
$nonmatches = array();
$k = 0;
$dictionary = file("engmix.txt");
for ($i=0; $i < count($dictionary); $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($words); $j++) {
if ($dictionary[$i] == $words[$j]) {
$matches[$k] = $words[$j];
} else {
$nonmatches[$k] = $words[$j];
New fixed code:
function getRandomWord($len = 10) {
$word = range('a', 'z');
return substr(implode($word), 0, $len);
$words = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i++) {
$words[$i] = getRandomWord(rand(3, 7));
$matches = array();
$nonmatches = array();
$file = file("engmix.txt");
$i = 0;
$file_handle = fopen("engmix.txt", "r");
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
$line = fgets($file_handle);
$line = str_replace("\n", "", $line);
$line = str_replace("\r", "", $line);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++) {
if ($line == $words[$i]) {
$matches[] = $words[$i];
$nonmatches = array_diff($words, $file);


Unneccesary new line php

I have a PHP code. The code is supposed to print the output followed by a new line.
The code works fine but i have unneccesary new line at the end. There should be only one newline at the end, but my code prints several new lines. What could be the issue? Please help.
/* Read input from STDIN. Print your output to STDOUT*/
$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
//Write code here
$loop = 0;
$n = 0; $arr = [];
while(!feof($fp)) {
$arr = []; $n = 0;
if($loop == 0) {
$total = fgets($fp);
else {
if($loop%2 == 1) {
$n = fgets($fp);
else {
$arr = fgets($fp);
if($loop > 0 && $loop%2 == 0) {
$arr = explode(" ", $arr);
$m = [];
for($i = 0; $i < 1<<10; $i++) {
$m[$i] = -1;
$n = count($arr);
$r = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1<<10; $i++) {
$r = max($r, fd_sum($i, $m, $arr, $n));
echo $r."\n";
function fd_sum($i, $m, $arr, $n) {
if($i == 0) {
return $m[$i] = 0;
else if($m[$i] != -1) {
return $m[$i];
else {
$rr = 0;
for($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) {
$num = (int)$arr[$j];
$b = save($num);
if(($i | $b) == $i) {
$z = $i^save($num);
$y = fd_sum($z, $m, $arr, $n);
$v = ($y + $num);
$rr = max($v, $rr);
return $m[$i] = $rr;
function save($nm)
$x = 0;
for($i = 1; $nm/$i > 0; $i *= 10) {
$d = ($nm/$i) % 10;
$x = $x | (1 << $d);
return $x-1;
My input is
3 5 7 2
121 3 333 23 4
32 42 52 62 72 82 92
My output is
The expected output is
Note : I have used '-' to indicate a new line
What am i doing wrong? Please help.
The PHP interpreter is reading the new lines after the closing tags and just spitting it right back out as output. Removing the extra opening/closing tags should remove the extra new lines.
Also, php closing tags are not necessary and i recommend omitting them.
/* Read input from STDIN. Print your output to STDOUT*/
$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
//Write code here
$loop = 0;
$n = 0; $arr = [];
while(!feof($fp)) {
$arr = []; $n = 0;
if($loop == 0) {
$total = fgets($fp);
else {
if($loop%2 == 1) {
$n = fgets($fp);
else {
$arr = fgets($fp);
if($loop > 0 && $loop%2 == 0) {
$arr = explode(" ", $arr);
$m = [];
for($i = 0; $i < 1<<10; $i++) {
$m[$i] = -1;
$n = count($arr);
$r = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1<<10; $i++) {
$r = max($r, fd_sum($i, $m, $arr, $n));
echo $r."\n";
function fd_sum($i, $m, $arr, $n) {
if($i == 0) {
return $m[$i] = 0;
else if($m[$i] != -1) {
return $m[$i];
else {
$rr = 0;
for($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) {
$num = (int)$arr[$j];
$b = save($num);
if(($i | $b) == $i) {
$z = $i^save($num);
$y = fd_sum($z, $m, $arr, $n);
$v = ($y + $num);
$rr = max($v, $rr);
return $m[$i] = $rr;
function save($nm)
$x = 0;
for($i = 1; $nm/$i > 0; $i *= 10) {
$d = ($nm/$i) % 10;
$x = $x | (1 << $d);
return $x-1;

PHP - How to create all possibility from a string

Here, there is a example string "XjYAKpR" .. how to create all new string possibility with that string ??
I've tried before
function containAllRots($s, $arr) {
$n = strlen($s);
$a = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n ; $i++) {
$rotated = rotate(str_split($s), $i);
$a[] = $rotated;
if (array_diff($arr, $a)) {
return True;
return False;
I make 2 function rotate and generate
function rotate($l, $n) {
$b = $l[$n];
$sisa = array_values(array_diff($l, array($b)));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sisa) ; $i++) {
$random[] = generate($sisa, $b);
$hasil = $l[$n] . implode("",$random);
return $hasil;
function generate($sisa, $b) {
$string = implode("",$sisa);
$length = count($sisa);
$size = strlen($string);
$str = '';
for( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
$str .= $string[ rand( 0, $size - 1 ) ];
Here there is a pair of functions that lets you calculate a permutation set
(no repetitions are taken in account)
function extends_permutation($char, $perm) {
$result = [];
$times = count($perm);
for ($i=0; $i<$times; $i++) {
$temp = $perm;
array_splice($temp, $i, 0, $char);
array_push($result, $temp);
array_push($result, array_merge($perm, [$char]));
return $result;
function extends_set_of_permutations($char, $set) {
$step = [];
foreach ($set as $perm) {
$step = array_merge($step, extends_permutation($char, $perm));
return $step;
you can use them to generate the required set of permutations. Something like this:
$seed = "XjYAKpR";
// the first set of permutations contains only the
// possible permutation of a one char string (1)
$result_set = [[$seed[0]]];
$rest = str_split(substr($seed,1));
foreach($rest as $char) {
$result_set = extends_set_of_permutations($char, $result_set);
$result_set = array_map('implode', $result_set);
At the end of the execution you will have the 5040 permutations generated by your string in the result_set array (sorted in alphabetical order).
Add a char and you will have more than 40000 results.
The functions are quite naive in implementation and naming, both aspects can be improved.

Replacing char with number

There is this code that I am doing
Example a string of this value
I want to generate it
... until 0129
... until 1129
until 9129 , its sort of like two four loop, but I got no idea how to implement this.
and the issue is z can be anywhere and it can be zzzz
where it will be
0000 until 9999
or it could also be z0z0, z could be anywhere. What kind of method should I use for such.
I am doing it with php
for every occurance of letter 'z' , i will need do a for loop to generate the possible number, from 0 to 9, you can say z is a for loop for 0 to 9, e.g z555 will yield 0555,1555,2555,3555,4555,5555,6555,7555,8555,9555 , issue is z can occur with a possibility of 0 to 4, like z555 , zz55,zzz5, zzzz, and z position is random , I need generate the possible z number output
z position could be 55z5 , 5z55 , 5zz5 . its does not have a fix position.
$numbers = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++){
for ($j = 120; $j <= 129; $j++){
$numbers[] = $i . $j;
A better answer that take the z char is:
function strReplaceNth($search, $replace, $subject, $nth)
$found = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($search) . '/', $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if (false !== $found && $found > $nth) {
return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $matches[0][$nth][1], strlen($search));
return $subject;
function cleanup($numbers, $char)
$tmp = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($numbers); $i++){
if (strpos($numbers[$i], $char) === false){
$tmp[] = $numbers[$i];
return $tmp;
function generateNumber($numbers, $char)
if (!is_array($numbers)){
if (strpos($numbers, $char) === false){
return array($numbers);
} else {
$tmp = $numbers;
$numbers = array();
for ($j = 0; $j <= 9; $j++){
$numbers[] = strReplaceNth($char, $j, $tmp, 0);
return generateNumber($numbers, $char);
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($numbers); $i++){
if (strpos($numbers[$i], $char) === false){
return cleanup($numbers, $char);
} else {
$numbers = array_merge($numbers, generateNumber($numbers[$i], $char));
return generateNumber($numbers, $char);
function getCharPos($string, $char)
$pos = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
if (substr($string, $i, 1) == $char){
$pos[] = $i;
return $pos;
$string = 'z12z';
$char = 'z';
$occurences = getCharPos($string, $char);
$numbers = array();
if (count($occurences) > 0){
$numbers = generateNumber($string, $char);
} else {
$numbers[] = $string;

php insert string into html after 500 words? include html tags

How to insert some string into html after 500 words? (do not break html tags)
function insert_string($text,$length,$insert) {
foreach($m as $i=>$o){
$t=substr(strtok($o[0][0]," \t\n\r\0\x0B>"),1);
// ... can not think how to write continue.
return $output;
echo insert_string($text,'500','<strong> related tags </stong>');
It should be regexp each html tags into loop, remember a certain position and strlen() the text length , then determined where to insert some sting. But i can not think how to write continue. needs for help. thanks.
I just found out that I had a more or less similar issue once. I modified my coding so it (hopefully) solves your problem.
It is not perfect but it worked for me:
//start 'config
$string = '<div id="mw-content-text"><p>Lorem ipsum</p><p><b>dolor</b> sit</p><p>amet</p></div>';
$words = array();
$insert_after_x_words = 3;
$insert_string = '<br>INSERT YOUR STUFF HERE<br>';
//end 'config'
$needle = '<';
$positions_tagopen = array();
$lastPos = 0;
while (($lastPos = strpos($string, $needle, $lastPos))!== false) {
array_push($positions_tagopen, $lastPos);
$lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($needle);
$needle = '>';
$positions_tagclose = array();
$lastPos = 0;
while (($lastPos = strpos($string, $needle, $lastPos))!== false) {
array_push($positions_tagclose, $lastPos);
$lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($needle);
$current_pos = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($positions_tagopen); $i++)
$current_substring = substr($string,$current_pos,$positions_tagopen[$i]-$current_pos);
$tmp = explode(" ",$current_substring);
for($i2 = 0; $i2 < count($tmp); $i2++)
$tmp[$i2] = $tmp[$i2]." ";
array_push($words, $tmp[$i2]);
array_push($words, html_escape(substr($string,$positions_tagopen[$i], $positions_tagclose[$i]-$positions_tagopen[$i]).'>'));
$current_pos = $positions_tagclose[$i]+1;
for($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++)
if(($i)%$insert_after_x_words == 0 && $i > 0)
echo $insert_string;
echo $words[$i];

PHP Random Number

I want to generate a random number in PHP where the digits itself should not repeat in that number.
Is that possible?
Can you paste sample code here?
Ex: 674930, 145289. [i.e Same digit shouldn't come]
Here is a good way of doing it:
$amountOfDigits = 6;
$numbers = range(0,9);
for($i = 0;$i < $amountOfDigits;$i++)
$digits .= $numbers[$i];
echo $digits; //prints 217356
If you wanted it in a neat function you could create something like this:
function randomDigits($length){
$numbers = range(0,9);
for($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++)
$digits .= $numbers[$i];
return $digits;
function randomize($len = false)
$ints = array();
$len = $len ? $len : rand(2,9);
if($len > 9)
trigger_error('Maximum length should not exceed 9');
return 0;
$current = rand(0,9);
$ints[] = $current;
if(count($ints) == $len)
return implode($ints);
echo randomize(); //Numbers that are all unique with a random length.
echo randomize(7); //Numbers that are all unique with a length of 7
Something along those lines should do it
function genRandomString() {
$length = 10; // set length of string
$characters = '0123456789'; // for undefined string
$string ="";
for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))];
return $string;
$s = genRandomString(); //this is your random print var
function rand_string( $length )
$chars = "0123456789";
$size = strlen( $chars );
for( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ )
$str .= $chars[ rand( 0, $size – 1 ) ];
return $str;
$rid= rand_string( 6 ); // 6 means length of generate string
$result= "";
$numbers= "0123456789";
$length = 8;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length)
$char = substr($numbers, mt_rand(0, strlen($numbers)-1), 1);
//prevents duplicates
if (!strstr($result, $char))
$result .= $char;
This should do the trick. In $numbers you can put any char you want, for example: I have used this to generate random passwords, productcodes etc.
The least amount of code I saw for something like this was:
function random_num($n=5)
return rand(0, pow(10, $n));
But I'm assuming it requires more processing to do this than these other methods.
