How to echo an array only if it has values in php? - php

I run a foreach loop, where some of the loops contain nothing into the following variables, they are empty.
However, the "hi world" is echoed always.
How can I show the "hello world" only if at least one of the $row['utm_source'],$row['utm_medium'],$row['utm_campaign'] has a value?
$arr = array($row['utm_source'],$row['utm_medium'],$row['utm_campaign']);
if (!empty($arr)) {
echo "hi world";

You an do it using count() and array_filter() :-
$arr = array($row['utm_source'],$row['utm_medium'],$row['utm_campaign']);
if (count(array_filter($arr))>0) {
echo "hi world";

You can use two methods:
1. implode + trim
implode joins the array items if they are strings together with the provided delimiter.
if( trim(implode("", $arr)) !== ""){
echo "hi world";
2. array_filter
array_filter returns the items which returns true to the provided callback function.
$arr = array_filter($arr, function($d) { return trim($d) !== ""; });
echo "hi world";

Here is a rough way you can do it
$row = array();
$row['utm_source'] = null;
$row['utm_medium'] = null;
$row['utm_campaign'] = 1;
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
echo 'Hello';
Here's the eval link
Also you can check it by
if (!empty($row['utm_source'])) {...}


Why is my php script not sorting an array?

I am trying to sort data held in a variable. I first convert it to an array then try to sort it in ascending order but it seems not to be working.
Here is my code
$str = '"10:A", "11:Q", "12:V", "13:A", "14:G", "15:I", "16:E", "17:D", "18:N", "19:R", "1:A", "20:U", "2:X", "3:C", "4:D", "5:R", "6:U", "7:V", "8:I", "9:S"';
$cars = (explode(",",$str));
$cars = array($cars);
sort($cars, 1);
echo $cars[$x];
echo "<br>";
Any workaround this?
try rsort
$str = '"10:A", "11:Q", "12:V"';
$cars = (explode(",",$str));
echo $cars[$x];
echo "<br>";
If you want to sort according to number try this:
function my_sort($a,$b)
$intval_a = filter_var($a, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$intval_b = filter_var($b, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if(intval($intval_a) > intval($intval_b))
return 1;
$str = '"10:A", "11:Q", "12:V", "13:A", "14:G", "15:I", "16:E", "17:D", "18:N", "19:R", "1:A", "20:U", "2:X", "3:C", "4:D", "5:R", "6:U", "7:V", "8:I", "9:S"';
$cars = explode(',',$str);
$cars = ($cars);
usort($cars, "my_sort");
echo $cars[$x];
echo "<br>";
There are a couple of things I've noticed. First, you've exploded the string which produces an array. You're then putting that array into another array and trying to sort that. You should remove the line $cars = array($cars);
I'd also recommend removing the quotes and spaces from the string before trying to sort them, so you are doing the sort on 10:A instead of "10:A", for example.
The other thing is the sort function should take a flag as the second parameter which defines the type of sort to perform. See the docs for the different flags you have available. I'm guessing you want it to be sorted
1:A, 2:X, 3:C...
instead of
1:A, 10:A, 11:Q...
in which case you should use the SORT_NATURAL flag. (Alternatively, you could use the natsort function).
These changes would give the following code:
$str = '"10:A", "11:Q", "12:V", "13:A", "14:G", "15:I", "16:E", "17:D", "18:N", "19:R", "1:A", "20:U", "2:X", "3:C", "4:D", "5:R", "6:U", "7:V", "8:I", "9:S"';
$str = str_replace(array('"', ' '), '', $str);
$cars = explode(",",$str);
sort($cars, SORT_NATURAL);
$clength = count($cars);
for($x = 0; $x < $clength; $x++) {
echo $cars[$x];
echo "<br>";
use natsort() function
$str = '"10:A", "11:Q", "12:V", "13:A", "14:G", "15:I", "16:E", "17:D", "18:N", "19:R", "1:A", "20:U", "2:X", "3:C", "4:D", "5:R", "6:U", "7:V", "8:I", "9:S"';
$cars = (explode(",",$str));
echo "<pre>"; print_r($cars);
foreach($cars as $car)
echo $car."<br>";
Check here
Hope this will help.

Compare elements of two arrays php

So I have two arrays:
$badwords = array('bad-word', 'some-racist-term', 'nasty', 'bad-language');
$inputphrases = array('this-is-sentence-with-bad-word', 'nothing-bad-here', 'more-clean-stuff', 'this-is-nasty', 'this-contains-some-racist-term', 'one-more-clean', 'clean-clean', 'contains-bad-language');
I need to compare elements of input phrases array with bad words array and output new array with phrases WITHOUT bad words like this:
$outputarray = array('nothing-bad-here', 'more-clean-stuff','one-more-clean', 'clean-clean');
I tried doing this with two foreach loops but it gives me opposite result, aka it outputs phrases WITH bad words.
Here is code I tried that outputs opposite result:
function letsCompare($inputphrases, $badwords)
foreach ($inputphrases as $inputphrase) {
foreach ($badwords as $badword) {
if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $inputphrase)), strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $badword))) !== false) {
$result[] = ($inputphrase);
return $result;
$result = letsCompare($inputphrases, $badwords);
this is not a clean solution, but hope, you'll got what is going on. do not hesitate to ask for clearence. link
$inputphrases = array('this-is-sentence-with-bad-word', 'nothing-bad-here', 'more-clean-stuff', 'this-is-nasty', 'this-contains-some-racist-term', 'one-more-clean', 'clean-clean', 'contains-bad-language');
$new_arr = array_filter($inputphrases, function($phrase) {
$badwords = array('bad-word', 'some-racist-term', 'nasty', 'bad-language');
$c = count($badwords);
for($i=0; $i<$c; $i++) {
if(strpos($phrase, $badwords[$i]) !== false){
return false;
return true;

Checking if a list of words exisit in a string

Hi I'm trying to check if a list of words (or any one of them) exists in a string. I tried some of the examples i found here, but i still can't get it to work correctly.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
$ss3="How to make a book";
$words = array ("book","paper","page","sheet");
if (in_array($ss3, $words) )
echo "found it";
Loop over your array, check for each element if it exists in the string
$ss3="How to make a book";
$words = array ("book","paper","page","sheet");
foreach($words as $w){
if (stristr($ss3,$w)!==false)
echo "found $w \n";
You need to explode() your $ss3 string and then compare each item with your $words with loop
manual for in_array -
manual for explode() -
$matches = array();
$items = explode(" ",$ss3);
foreach($items as $item){
if(in_array($item, $words)){
$matches[] = $item; // Match found, storing in array
var_dump($matches); // To see all matches
This is how you will check for existence of a word from a string. Also remember that you must first convert the string to lowercase and then explode it.
$ss3="How to make a book";
$ss3 = strtolower($ss3);
$ss3 = explode(" ", $ss3);
$words = array ("book","paper","page","sheet");
if (in_array($ss3, $words) )
echo "found it";
You could use regular expressions. It would look something like this:
$ss3 = "How to make a book";
if (preg_match('/book/',$ss3))
echo 'found!!';
in_array will only check the complete string value in an array.
Now you can try this:
$string = 'How to make a book';
$words = array("book","paper","page","sheet");
foreach ($words as $val) {
if (strpos($string, $val) !== FALSE) {
echo "Match found";
return true;
echo "Not found!";
You can use str_word_count along with array_intersect like as
$ss3="How to make a book";
$words = array ("book","paper","page","sheet");
$new_str_array = str_word_count($ss3,1);
$founded_words = array_intersect($words,$new_str_array);
if(count($founded_words) > 0){
echo "Founded : ". implode(',',$founded_words);
echo "Founded Nothing";
This code will help you for better answer
$str="Hello World Good";
$strArray=explode(" ",$str);
foreach($strArray as $val){
echo $val."<br>";

extract values found in array from string

I am stuck. What I would like to do: In the $description string I would like to check if any of the values in the different arrays can be found. If any of the values match, I need to know which one per array. I am thinking that I need to do a function for each $a, $b and $c, but how, I don't know
if($rowGetDesc = mysqli_query($db_mysqli, "SELECT descFilter FROM tbl_all_prod WHERE lid = 'C2'")){
if (mysqli_num_rows($rowGetDesc) > 0){
while($esk= mysqli_fetch_array($rowGetDesc)){
$description = sanitizingData($esk['descFilter']);
$a = array('1:100','1:250','1:10','2');
$a = getExtractedValue($a,$description);
$b = array('one','five','12');
$b = getExtractedValue($b,$description);
$c = array('6000','8000','500');
$c = getExtractedValue($c,$description);
function getExtractedValue($a,$description){
I would be very very greatful if anyone could help me with this.
many thanks Linda
It would be better to create each array just once and not in every iteration of the while loop.
Also using the same variable names in the loop is not recommended.
if($rowGetDesc = mysqli_query($db_mysqli, "SELECT descFilter FROM tbl_all_prod WHERE lid = 'C2'")){
if (mysqli_num_rows($rowGetDesc) > 0){
$a = array('1:100','1:250','1:10','2');
$b = array('one','five','12');
$c = array('6000','8000','500');
while($esk= mysqli_fetch_array($rowGetDesc)){
$description = sanitizingData($esk['descFilter']);
$aMatch = getExtractedValue($a,$description);
$bMatch = getExtractedValue($b,$description);
$cMatch = getExtractedValue($c,$description);
Use strpos to find if the string exists (or stripos for case insensitive searches). See If the string exists it will return the matching value in the array:
function getExtractedValue($a,$description) {
foreach($a as $value) {
if (strpos($description, $value) !== false) {
return $value;
return false;
there s a php function for that which return a boolean.
or if you wanna check if one of the element in arrays is present in description, maybe you 'll need to iterate on them
foreach($array as element){
if(preg_match("#".$element."#", $description){
echo "found";
If your question is correctly phrased and indeed you are searching a string, you should try something like this:
function getExtractedValue($a, $description) {
$results = array();
foreach($a as $array_item) {
if (strpos($array_item, $description) !== FALSE) {
$results[] = $array_item;
return $results;
The function will return an array of the matched phrases from the string.
Try This..
if ( in_array ( $str , $array ) ) {
echo 'It exists'; } else {
echo 'Does not exist'; }

check in a string php

I have a string and it can contain values like this
$string = '1,2,3,4,5';
I wanna put a check that will see if the string contains 4 or 5
if it contains 4 or 5 then I want to echo success
otherwise if it contains 9 or 10 I wanna echo fail
I know there is a n in_array function but not sure how to use it
You can test for the number 4 like this:
if(in_array('4', explode(',', $string))) echo "it's in there";
or just by string searching:
if(strpos(',4,', ','.$string.',') !== false) echo "it's in there";
in_array won't help you here because you have a string, not an array. What you're looking for is the strpos() function:
Note that if it doesn't find what it's looking for in your string, it'll return false on its own, so all you have to do is check whether it returns a result or not to meet your conditions.
$set = array (1,2,3...,n); //you can use range() function if the numbers going one by one or explode if you have a string
Echo 'IS in ARRAY!';
} else {
Echo 'fail';
$goodString = '1,2,3,4,5';
$badString = '1,2,3,7,8,9,10';
function checkString($str) {
$arr = explode(',', $str);
$message = 'no message';
if (
in_array(4, $arr)||
in_array(5, $arr)
) {
$message = 'success';
} else if (
in_array(9, $arr)||
in_array(10, $arr)
) {
$message = 'fail';
echo $message;
checkString($goodString); // prints success
checkString($badString); // prints fail
you can use strpos() to check for the existence of a substring inside a string, like this:
if(strpos(','.$string.',', ','.$number_to_check_for.',') !== false) {
//success, substring was found
} else {
//error, substring was not found.
or you could explode it into an array then use in_array():
$array = explode(',',$string);
if(in_array($number_to_check_for, $array)) {
//success substring found
} else {
//error, substring not found
But I would recommend the first solution, as it is cleaner and more efficient.
Check all at once :)
if(in_array(array(4,5), explode(',', $string))) echo "success";
if(in_array(array(9,10), explode(',', $string))) echo "failure";
