Inject Blade Array into script using HTML data attribute - php

I have a blade template, which has a script included in it. That script needs access to language strings, which are accessible in a #lang('intro') variable. I am wondering if there is way of injecting the whole array into the script via a html data attribute, and then retrieve it in the script using jquery.
So far I have the following:
return [
'step1' => 'Welcome',
'step2' => 'Step 2',
return [
'step1' => 'Willkommen',
'step2' => 'Schritt 2',
In the blade template I am injecting each string:
<script data-id="intro-script"
src="{{ mix('js/intro.js') }}">
And retrieve it using jQuery in the script intro.js:
This works so far, but isn't great for many more strings. I am wondering if its possible to combine data-introStep1 and data-introStep2 in a single data attribute which contains the whole #lang('intro') array, not just a single string per attribute.

Your translation file can be packed as JSON encoded string like so:
<script data-id="intro-script"
src="{{ mix('js/intro.js') }}"
Then, retrieve using Javascript.
const intro = JSON.parse(


disable encode html in activeform field dropdown yii2

How can disable encode html in ActiveForm::Dropdown active form Yii2?
I want to create a select html tag that shows multilevel data so that children make fixed padding than its parents. So, I create an array like this:
$items = [
' Hardware'
' Software',
' Programming'
'&nbps; C#'
But space is removed and &nbps; encoded and both not worked. We can use pure html tag, but how can create it using Yii2::ActiveField?
Note that we can encode items before calling widget based on our conditions.
There is any idea?!
To retain the spaces,
echo $form->field($model, 'attribute')->dropDownList($data, [
'encodeSpaces' => true,

How to use dynamic observable variable names in html files in knockoutjs

I am using knockjs and I have created dynamic observableArrays in js file.
Ex. product+productid which creates a dynamic observableArrays as product123.
I want to use this in a data bind foreach loop and want to create this variable dynamically again in html file.
Something like : data-bind="foreach: { data: "product"}
So this "product" binding should call my product123() array.
How can I achieve this?
Hey it worked with vm['product']
You can use $data to refer to the current context, and use array notation to index your dynamically-named element.
vm = {
product: ko.observable('123'),
product123: ko.observableArray([
'one', 'two', 'three'
<script src=""></script>
<div data-bind="foreach: $data['product'+product()]">
<div data-bind="text: $data"></div>

Yii php: Displaying a widget in a Tab

i've been using Yii framework for some time now, and i've been really having a good time especially with these widgets that makes the development easier. I'm using Yii bootsrap for my extensions..but i'm having a little trouble understanding how each widget works.
My question is how do i display the widget say a TbDetailView inside a tab?
i basically want to display contents in tab forms..however some of them are in table forms...some are in lists, detailviews etc.
I have this widget :
that i want to put inside a tab
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbWizard', array(
'tabs' => $tabs,
'type' => 'tabs', // 'tabs' or 'pills'
'options' => array(
'onTabShow' => 'js:function(tab, navigation, index) {
var $total = navigation.find("li").length;
var $current = index+1;
var $percent = ($current/$total) * 100;
$("#wizard-bar > .bar").css({width:$percent+"%"});
and my $tabs array is declared like this :
$tabs = array('studydetails' =>
'label' => 'Study Details',
'content' =>//what do i put here?),
when i store the widget inside a variable like a $table = $this->widget('boots....);
and use the $table variable for the 'content' parameter i get an error message like:
Object of class TbDetailView could not be converted to string
I don't quite seem to understand how this works...i need help..Thanks :)
You can use a renderPartial() directly in your content, like this:
'content'=>$this->renderPartial('_tabpage1', [] ,true),
Now yii will try to render a file called '_tabpage1.php' which should be in the same folder as the view rendering the wizard. You must return what renderPartial generates instead of rendering it directly, thus set the 3rd parameter to true.
The third parameter that the widget() function takes is used to capture output into a variable like you are trying to do.
from the docs:
public mixed widget(string $className, array $properties=array ( ), boolean $captureOutput=false)
$this->widget('class', array(options), true)
Right now you are capturing the object itself in the variable trying to echo out an object. Echo only works for things that can be cast to a string.

Write the values of the ajaxoptions array dynamically using Yii

I'm calling CHtml::ajaxlink like so:
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Add to a list',
'onclick'=>'$("#addToListDialog").dialog("open"); return false;',
'data' => 'js:{"product_id" : $("#productID").val()}'
I don't know how to write the values of the AJAX options array dynamically. I'm using a workaround to get the value using JavaScript, $("#productID").val() and a hidden field.
I want to write something like:
'data' => 'js:{"product_id" : "$model->product_id"}'
But "$model->product_id" is entered as a literal string.
Can anyone give me a way to do this? My method won't actually solve the problem since I need to write this AJAX link multiple times on the fly.
Assuming your $model instance is available, you should be able to append it dynamically like below:
'data' => "js:{'product_id' : '{$model->product_id}'}"

Mustache php gettext()

I am experimenting with kostache, "mustache for kohana framework".
Is there any way I can use simple PHP functions in mustache template files.
I know logic and therefore methods are against logic-less design principle, but I'm talking about very simple functionality.
For example:
gettext('some text') or __('some text')
get the base url; in kohana -> Url::site('controller/action')
Bobthecow is working on an experimental feature that will allow you to call a function as a callback.
Check out the higher-order-sections branch of the repository and the ticket to go with it.
You could use "ICanHaz"
and then you can declare your mustache templates as
<script id="welcome" type="text/html">
<p>Welcome, {{<?php echo __('some text') ?>}}! </p>
Well, you can do this now with Bobthecow's implementation of Mustache Engine. We need anonymous functions here, which are passed to the Template Object along with other data.
Have a look at the following example:
$mustache = new Mustache_Engine;
# setting data for our template
$template_data = [
'fullname' => 'HULK',
'bold_it' => function($text){
return "<b>{$text}</b>";
# preparing and outputting
echo $mustache->render("{{#bold_it}}{{fullname}}{{/bold_it}} !", $template_data);
In the above example, 'bold_it' points to our function which is pasalong withwith other data to our template. The value of 'fullname' is being passed as a parameter to this function.
Please note that passing parameters is not mandatory in Mustache. You can even call the php function wothout any parameters, as follows:
# setting data for our template
$template_data = [
'my_name' => function(){
return 'Joe';
# preparing and outputting
echo $mustache->render("{{my_name}} is a great guy!", $template_data); # outputs: Joe is a great guy!
