Hello Everyone I am posting this question because I don't find this anywhere so please try to provide solution for this problem.
This is my route and i want to remove 'product' from url and make my url like. www.example.com/productCat_Slug/ProductSubCat_Slug and want to access all related products but when i do this other routes effected.
Make sure your other routes (those affected by your changes) come before this route in routes/web.php, so they are "hit" first.
Route::get('/test', 'TestController#test');
Route::get('/{user}', 'TestController#user');
instead of
Route::get('/{user}', 'TestController#user');
Route::get('/test', 'TestController#test');
Try this
After that you will be able to access the values contained in Cat_Slug and Catsub_slug in your controller and make the query you want.
You also have a syntax error close to the route name. use ->name('myRouteName') instead of >name('myRouteName')
it appears that when I created a new route, I receive the 404 error when trying to access the url, which is funny,. because all of my other routes are working just fine.
My web.php looks like so:
Route::post('follow/{user}', 'FollowsController#store');
Route::get('/acasa', 'HomeController#index')->name('acasa');
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Route::get('/profil/{user}/edit', 'ProfilesController#edit')->name('editareprofil');
Route::patch('/profil/{user}', 'ProfilesController#update')->name('updateprofil');
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
Route::get('/alerte/url/{user}', 'UrlsController#index')->name('editurl');
Route::post('/alerte/url/{user}', 'UrlsController#store')->name('updateurl');
The one that is NOT working when I am visiting is:
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
The controller looks like so:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Auth;
class PaginaAlerte extends Controller
public function __construct() {
public function index(User $user)
return view('alerte');
I am banging my head around as I cannot see which is the problem. It is not a live website yet, I am just developing on my Windows 10 pc using WAMP.
Moved my comment to a little bit explained answer.
So, in your route collection, you have two conflicting routes
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
Imagine that Laravel is reading all routings from top to bottom and it stops to reading next one after the first match.
In your case, Laravel is thinking that alerte is a username and going to the ProfilesController#index controller. Then it tries to find a user with alerte username and returning 404 because for now, you don't have a user with this username.
So to fix 404 error and handle /alerte route, you just need to move the corresponding route before /{username} one.
But here is the dilemma that you got now. What if you will have a user with alerte username? In this case, the user can't see his profile page because now alerte is handling by another route.
And I'm suggesting to use a bit more friendly URL structure for your project. Like /user/{username} to handle some actions with users and still use /alerte to handle alert routes.
The following route catches the url /alerte as well
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Since this one is specified before
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
The /alerte will go the the ProfilesController instead.
To fix this change the order of the url definitions or change either of the urls to have nesting e.g. /alerte/home or /user/{user}
Maybe this is too late, but I have all week dealing with this problem.
I made my own custom.php file and add it in the routes path of my Laravel project, and none of the routes were working at all.
This is how I solved it:
You must remember to edit the RouteServiceProvider.php file located in app\Providers path. In the map() function, you must add your .php file. That should work fine!
To avoid unexpected behaviors, map your custom routes first. Some Laravel based systems can "stop" processing routes if no one of the expected routes rules were satisfied. I face that problem, and was driving me crazy!
I would wish suggest to you declare your URL without the "/", like your first "post" route, because sometimes, I have been got this kind of errors (404).
So, my first recomendation is change the declaration of the route. After that, you should test your middleware, try without the construct, and try again.
Good luck!
I created the following route
Now I'm trying to create a custom route
When the link posts/trashed is clicked, it goes to the PostController#trashed, but the controller shows blank page without any errors.
So changed the custom route to
by simply changing the posts/trashed to post/trashed and the controller works fine.
Can someone explain what the issue is.
Figured it out. Solution was hidden deep inside the Laravel Documentation . https://laravel.com/docs/5.0/controllers#restful-resource-controllers
If it becomes necessary to add additional routes to a resource controller beyond the default resource routes, you should define those routes before your call to Route::resource:
Re-ordering will solve the issue.
The resource route has some routes inside it own.
So this route:
contains this route :
So it has conflict with your route
Solution 1:
bring your route upper than resource
I mean:
Route::get('posts/trashed','PostController#trashed')->name('posts.trashed'); <-- first
Solution 2:
As you mentioned use another url (like post/trushed)
Solution 3 :
Add exception for resource.
Route::resource('posts', 'PostController')->except([
I got this 2 routes in my routes file (web)
Route::get('management/special-fees/add/{userId}', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#create')->name('management/special-fees/add');
Route::post('management/special-fees/add', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#store')->name('management/special-fees/add');
They both share the same name but one is GET and the other is POST, so far so good. But now I want to make an url in my view to open the form, for that I use the method route() like this
route('management/special-fees/add',$user->id )
but when trying to go to the url I get this route
there is a question mark instead of a "/" so the route is invalid.
I made some tests and I figured out that happens because is trying to go to the POST route instead of the GET one if I change the POST route's url in the web file like this
Route::get('management/special-fees/add/{userId}', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#create')->name('management/special-fees/add');
Route::post('management/special-fees/addSSSS', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#store')->name('management/special-fees/add');
I will in fact get this url
So why is the route() method generating a url for the POST route over the GET one? how do I make it to choose the GET route first?
In laravel the routing is prioritized by in the order it is written in your route.php file.
In this case you're writing the Route::post last, which in turn tells Laravel that that one should have the highest priority. Try switching them and the Route::get will have the higher priority.
Like so:
Route::post('management/special-fees/addSSSS', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#store')->name('management/special-fees/add');
Route::get('management/special-fees/add/{userId}', 'Management\SpecialFeeController#create')->name('management/special-fees/add');
I may be wrong, but I think you'll have to re-think route naming. One of the problems route naming helps eliminate is redundant and complex names. For example, if you looked at route:list for Route::resource('something', 'SomethingController') it will have something.index, something.store as route names for Route::get('something') and Route::post('something').
If it's the same name, it will always resolve to the first one and will probably never hit the second route; in your case will hit the POST route and never the GET route.
?5 means 5 is an argument for your get route.
try this
for get route insted of
route('management/special-fees/add',$user->id )
everyone. Need a bit of help here.
I'm setting up a Laravel project(5.2), inside Laravel's /public folder i have created a /public/blog.
If i access example.com/blog/ - it works fine and returns the blog's home page.
But if i click any article inside the blog, the url is example.com/blog/article_name/ -- This gives an error. It's 404 page/route not found error from Laravel.
Any help would be great, Thank you.
you want to define the route in /routes/web.php
I think Route Parameter helps you.
Sometimes you will need to capture segments of the URI within your route. For example, you may need to capture a user's ID from the URL. You may do so by defining route parameters:
Route::get('user/{id}', function ($id) {
return 'User '.$id;
In the same way you can use article name.
I am trying to name my routes so I can easily generate urls instead of using the url helper function in which I have to type myself.
I am doing this:
Route::get('logout', 'PageController#logout')->name('pc');
When I do php artisan route:list I don't get this named route, instead name column is empty.
What I want is that, whatever views I target through this controller. I want to generate their urls like this.
route('pc.logout') OR route('pc.some_other_action')
So even if I change the verb to access this controller from the URL address, I don't have to change my url generator. Is this even possible in Laravel? Please also tell how to do this for resource routes.
I am using Laravel 5.3.
EDIT: Next day 1/11/2017
What I am expecting is that like ASP.NET MVC routing, if I tell it to generate a url with given controller and actions, it will generate the possible route to it regardless of the verb or string used to name the route.
For example
If I make a url like this
Outputs /users
but if I change the string name users to u, instead of giving me error that name 'users' doesn't exist it should auto generate a url output like this:
Output: /u
This is a part of ASP.NET MVC routing system, I am expecting to see this here as well.
You should write this This will solve your problem
Route::get('logout', array('as' =>'pc.logout' ,'uses' => 'PageController#logout'));
This might solve your problem
you can define the named route as this
Try this:
name('pc.logout') OR name('pc.some_other_action')
You can try this one.
It is much simpler way to use:
Route::get('logout', 'PageController#logout')->name('pc.logout');
Or like this:
Route::get('logout', 'PageController#logout')->name('pc.some_other_action');
can you explain further if this is wrong.