FacebookMessenger API send messages but don't get - php

I'm currently developing a messenger BOT where the BOT is on an server A hidden with a vpn.
So I have a server B which gets the request and sends it to the server A.
The problem is that I'm able to send messages and quick replies with A when I send an http request directly. But A never get curl request from B.
The second problem and the main, is that the first server don't 'always' get the request from the Facebook server.
In my code I copy past the content of php://input to text.txt on both server A and B to investigate
if (($response = file_get_contents("php://input")) === FALSE) {
file_put_contents("text.txt", "error get");return false;
if (($json = json_encode($response)) === FALSE) {
file_put_contents("text.txt", "decode");return false;
file_put_contents("text.txt", $json);
when I do curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "linuxize", "email": "linuxize#example.com"}' myserver.com I always get the data on server B
But when I send message on messenger, and that I should get an HTTP request to B, I don't get the request OR I get an older request which is always with the same content except the "time". But the timestamp is the same.
If anyone understand/know why I don't always get the right data in php://input it would be awesome


How to get webhook response data using tradingview and php

I'm trying to get Tradingview signals to my remote php script using webhook and trading view alerts. I can't succeed . I'm following this way
In my trading view strategy I have this
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = "entry_long")
strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", limit=LONG_take_profit, stop=LONG_stop_loss, alert_message = "exit_long")
then I set the alert as follow
Then I set a PHP script as follow to receive the POST curl JSON data from Trading view
// fetch RAW input
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
// decode json
$object = json_decode($json);
// expecting valid json
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
die(header('HTTP/1.0 415 Unsupported Media Type'));
$servdate2 = time();
$servdate=date('d-M-Y H:i:s',$servdate2);
file_put_contents("/home/user/public_html/data.txt", "$servdate :".print_r($object, true),FILE_APPEND);
I receive the alert via email correctly but I do not receive data in /home/user/public_html/data.txt . What am I doing wrong ? How to send the Tradingview JSON data to my remote PHP script ?
I'm not familiar with PHP, but you've asked:
How to send the Tradingview JSON data to my remote PHP script ?
Your alert message as it is currently written in the alert_message argument, is not valid JSON and therefore it is sent as a txt/plain content type. If you want the alert to be sent as application/json you will need to have it in a valid JSON.
Webhooks allow you to send a POST request to a certain URL every time the alert is triggered. This feature can be enabled when you create or edit an alert. Add the correct URL for your app and we will send a POST request as soon as the alert is triggered, with the alert message in the body of the request. If the alert message is valid JSON, we will send a request with an "application/json" content-type header. Otherwise, we will send "text/plain" as a content-type header.
You can read more about it here.
You can make minor adjustments to your code, and it will be sent as JSON:
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = '{"message": "entry_long"}')
strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", limit=LONG_take_profit, stop=LONG_stop_loss, alert_message = '{"message": "exit_long"}')
Replace the script with:
file_put_contents("/home/user/public_html/data.txt", print_r([$_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER], true));
to better understand the incoming data.
Maybe the data are present in $_POST variable, if not, post the whole result here (via pastebin).
(also make sure the PHP script starts with <?php)

Issue with google calendar push notification

I tried implementing the google calendar push notification in my server.
Using the outhplayground, i was able to successfully subscribe to the service.
I am getting notifications to my registered url when a change takes place in the calendar.
The only issue is that the response that i receive doesnt have data. Its an empty response.
Could anyone tell me what the issue would be. I am using PHP code in the backend to access the request hitting my url.
authplayground code:
POST /calendar/v3/calendars/calendarname#gmail.com/events/watch HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-length: 161
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer access_token
"id": "01234267-89a6-cdef-0123456789ab", // Your channel ID.
"type": "web_hook",
"address": "https://example.com/response" // Your receiving URL.
Code to accept request:
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$request = json_decode($json, true);
$post_request = $_POST;
$get_request = $_REQUEST;
As I was getting an empty response, i tried writing the code to accept any possible way.
Google sends the response in the headers as an array.
Try this:
$response = apache_request_headers();
if($response) {
}else {
echo 'The apache_request_headers() did not find any headers.'; //Or google is not sending any.
You may also try:
if the apache_request_headers did not work.
Testing this can be difficult. You may want to set up a log that sends any data your page gets to a table on your database so that you can go back and inspect to see what type of progress you are making.
You can get the values like this:
if($channelId) {
file_put_contents('webhook.txt', $channelId.' ||| '.$resourceId);
You can get the different headers here: https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/push#understanding-the-notification-message-format

How to receive JSON data from a HTTP POST web request using WebHooks IFTTT

basically I want to know how to receive the JSON data from IFTTT when sending a web request to a specific URL on my web server.
I know that IFTTT will send a web request with the JSON data to my .php file which is a public hosted web page (92.123.xxx.xxx:8089/MyPhpFile.php), but how would I know if that web request was actually sent or not because when I try running my PHP script on my web browser it just says nothing ie no POST data was received.
Basic Flow Of IFTTT Setup:
Tell google home (google assistant) to switch TV1 to Xbox.
Run WebHook Applet which sends a web request to the 92.123.xxx.xxx:8089/MyPhpFile.php using method POST, content type application/json and body {“token”:”mseries”,”command”: “{{NumberField}}”, ”test”: “data”}
???? This is where I become confused because I need to Receive JSON data and execute the proper python scripts to send telnet commands to my matrix switcher.
$token = "mseries";
# Capture JSON content
$input=json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
# Check if correct TOKEN passed or else echo nothing
if($input['token'] != $token) {
echo "nothing";
switch ($input['test']) {
case 'data':
echo print_r($data);

HTTP Responses, Webhooks and Json

I have been asked to write a program that takes a list of numbers and sends a post to ms.4url.eu via JSON/HTTP Post in format:
it receives a JSON Response,
I have been told I can use ngrok for the webhook and I have to send a HTTP Response 200 within 1s.
I should receive a Webhook Response:
"errorDesc":"Abscent Subscriber"
How would I go about grabbing the data from the JSON response and Responding with a HTTP 200 in order to receive the second response with the data?
I can get the first response in curl but I am unable to get the webhook working to a php file using ngrok and HTTP response sent to request the main information in the second response.
Edited :
I have executed the curl command,
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"username":"a", "password":"b", "msisdn":"07123123124","webhook":"http://example.com/"}' \
of which I get the first response "status ok". I would like to know how to get the response(Json format) in php using http post to the URL and the using a webhook to respond with 1second with a http 200 response to receive the further information from the API URL.
I ended up using ngrok and viewing the Raw POST response and getting the JSON and viewing the Raw data I still had more code to do in order t make this question valid as there are too many points to answer.

How to stimulate cURL request to a request using postman

I am using the following cURL request to localhost which runs fine:
curl -u admin:e4d4face52f2e3dc22b43b2145ed7c58ce66e26b384d73592c -d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"feed.list\", \"id\": 1}" http://localhost/minifluxR/jsonrpc.php
But when I send the same request using Postman instead of cURL, I am getting:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":null,"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error"}}
In Postman I used a GET request and sent the following as headers:
method: feed.list
The following is the PHP function I am trying to trigger:
$server = new Server;
\Model\Config\get('username') => \Model\Config\get('api_token')
// Get all feeds
$server->register('feed.list', function () {
return Model\Feed\get_all();
Please help me to correct these errors.
When using cURL, the -u option (or --user) is used to supply the credentials for HTTP Basic authentication. This sets the Authorization header to contain the necessary data to authenticate with the server.
These steps apply to Postman's packaged app. For steps for the legacy app, view this of revision this answer.
To use HTTP Basic authentication as you were in your cURL command, click the Authorization tab and enter your credentials. Clicking Update Request will add the necessary Authorization header for you.
To submit the JSON data in the same way that you did with cURL, use a POST request, select raw under the Body tab, and enter your data like so:
To debug this I used Fiddler - a free web debugging proxy.
I used cURL's --proxy option to make it send its requests through Fiddler like so:
curl \
--proxy http://localhost:8888 \
-u foo:bar \
-d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"feed.list\", \"id\": 1}" \
Now that the request goes through Fiddler, I can select it from the session list, and use the "raw" inspector to see the raw request:
This shows me that the cURL is making a POST request with HTTP Basic authentication and application/x-www-form-urlencoded content. This type of data normally consists of keys and values, such as foo=bar&hoge=fuga. However, this cURL request is submitting a key without a value. A call to var_dump($_POST) will yield the following:
With a = at the end of the data (like so: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.list", "id": 1}=) the var_dump will yield the following:
However, it seems that JsonRPC will use file_get_contents('php://input') in your case. This returns the data that was submitted with the request, including a =, if the data ends with it. Because it will try to parse the input data as a JSON string, it will fail if the string ends with a =, because that would be invalid JSON.
Using the FoxyProxy extension for Chrome, I created a proxy configuration for Fiddler (, which allowed me to easily debug the data being sent by Postman's POST request. Using x-www-form-urlencoded with a key of foo with no value, the data sent was actually foo=, which would result in your JSON string being invalid.
However, using "raw" input will allow for the specified data to be sent without a = being added to the end of it, thus ensuring the data is valid JSON.
Curl is using HTTP Basic authentication by default. Your headers set in Postman are something different. Try using Basic Auth in Postman. It is in top panel, you fill in username and password and authorization header will be generated.
