I tried implementing the google calendar push notification in my server.
Using the outhplayground, i was able to successfully subscribe to the service.
I am getting notifications to my registered url when a change takes place in the calendar.
The only issue is that the response that i receive doesnt have data. Its an empty response.
Could anyone tell me what the issue would be. I am using PHP code in the backend to access the request hitting my url.
authplayground code:
POST /calendar/v3/calendars/calendarname#gmail.com/events/watch HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-length: 161
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer access_token
"id": "01234267-89a6-cdef-0123456789ab", // Your channel ID.
"type": "web_hook",
"address": "https://example.com/response" // Your receiving URL.
Code to accept request:
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$request = json_decode($json, true);
$post_request = $_POST;
$get_request = $_REQUEST;
As I was getting an empty response, i tried writing the code to accept any possible way.
Google sends the response in the headers as an array.
Try this:
$response = apache_request_headers();
if($response) {
}else {
echo 'The apache_request_headers() did not find any headers.'; //Or google is not sending any.
You may also try:
if the apache_request_headers did not work.
Testing this can be difficult. You may want to set up a log that sends any data your page gets to a table on your database so that you can go back and inspect to see what type of progress you are making.
You can get the values like this:
if($channelId) {
file_put_contents('webhook.txt', $channelId.' ||| '.$resourceId);
You can get the different headers here: https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/push#understanding-the-notification-message-format
I tried to create a webhook for a task in Asana but the only response I'm getting is this:
"errors": [
"message": "Could not complete activation handshake with target URL. Please ensure that the receiving server is accepting connections and supports SSL",
"help": "For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors: https://asana.com/developers/documentation/getting-started/errors"
(Status: 400 Bad Request)
I am sending a POST Request via Postman to https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/webhooks with following content:
"resource": 123456789012345,
"target": "https://example.com/asana.php"
The asana.php looks something like this:
$headers = getallheaders();
$secret_token = $headers['X-Hook-Secret'];
header('X-Hook-Secret: ' . $secret_token);
What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?
According to the Asana API Reference (https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/webhooks),
The target must respond with a 200 OK and a matching X-Hook-Secret header to confirm that this webhook subscription is indeed expected.
When you send the header, do you know what response code is being sent? Perhaps you might want to have a look at the $http_response_code argument in http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
I have what should be a very simple issue to solve, but I can't figure out what is going wrong.
Just started a project to use the new Dropbox API v2 to receive notifications for file/folder changes. Following the steps provided in the documentation provided, but I run into an issue right off the bat.
I've verified the webhook, and I do receive a POST request from Dropbox every time a file is changed, but the POST request just contains an empty array. The code is simple, as I have just begun the project:
// USED for initial verification
$challenge = $_GET['challenge'];
echo $challenge;
$postData = $_POST;
$post_dump = print_r($postData, TRUE);
$fpost = fopen('postTester.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fpost, $post_dump);
$postData is an empty array with sizeOf() 0.
Any ideas?
Here is the updated code with the solution. Very simple fix.
$postData = file_get_contents("php://input");
$post_dump = print_r($postData, TRUE);
$fpost = fopen('postTester.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fpost, $post_dump);
I believe this is because $_POST is only for application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data Content-Types. The payload delivered by Dropbox webhooks is application/json.
It looks like you'll instead want to use $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA or php://input, depending on your version of PHP.
You can get the raw payload and then json_decode it to get the structured information.
I am trying to send a PUT request method from my Android app to my PHP endpoint but in my endpoint the PUT request is not recognized as a PUT request so I return Request method is wrong! message from my endpoint.
Android interface and request execution
Interface for activation
Call<DeviceRegistry> registryDevice();
Executing the request
DeviceRegistryAPI registryAPI =
Call<DeviceRegistry> registryCallback = registryAPI.registryDevice();
response = registryCallback.execute();
With this I am expecting a response but I am getting my endpoint error message.
My PHP endpoint
//doing something with the data
} else {
$data = array("result" => 0, "message" => "Request method is wrong!");
I don't know why the $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "PUT" is false but I wonder if I am missing something on Retrofit 2.
More Info.
I am using Retrofit2.
Update 1: Sending json into the body
I am trying to send a json using the body.
It is my json:
"number": 1,
"infoList": [
"id": 1,
"info": "something"
"id": 2,
"info": "something"
There are my classes:
class DataInfo{
public int number;
public List<Info> infoList;
public DataInfo(int number, List<Info> list){
this.number = number;
this.infoList = list;
class Info{
public int id;
public String info;
I changed the PUT interface to this:
Call<DeviceRegistry> registryDevice(#Body DataInfo info);
But I am getting the same problem.
Update 2: Do I need Header
I have this header in my REstfull client:
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Do I need to put this on my request configuration? How do I do that if I need it?
Update 3: checking the request type of my sending post.
Now I am checking the type of the request. Because I am having the same problem with the PUT/POST requests. So If can solved the problem with the put maybe all the problems will be solved.
When I execute the request and asking and inspect the request it is sending the the type (PUT/POST) but in the server php only detect or GET?? (the below example is using POST and the behavior is the same)
Call<UpdateResponse> requestCall = client.updateMedia(downloadItemList);
Log.i("CCC", requestCall .request().toString());
And the output is a POST:
Request{method=POST, url=http://myserver/api/v1/media/updateMedia.php, tag=null}
so I am sending a POST (no matter if I send a PUT) request to the sever but why in the server I am receiving a GET. I am locked!!! I don't know where is the problem.
Update 4: godaddy hosting.
I have my php server hosting on godaddy. Is there any problem with that? I create a local host and everything works pretty good but the same code is not working on godaddy. I did some research but I didn't find any good answer to this problem so Is possible that godaddy hosting is the problem?
PHP doesn't recognize anything other than GET and POST. the server should throw at you some kind of error like empty request.
To access PUT and other requests use
$putfp = fopen('php://input', 'r'); //will be a JSON string (provided everything got sent)
$putdata = '';
while($data = fread($putfp, filesize('php://input')))
$putdata .= $data;
//php-like variable, if you want
$_PUT = json_decode($putdata);
did not tested, but should work.
I guess the problem is that you don't pass any data along with PUT request, that's why PHP recognizes the request as a GET. So I think you just need to try to pass some data using #FormUrlEncoded, #Multipart or probably #Body annotations
To add header in your retrofit2 you should create an interceptor:
Interceptor interceptor = new Interceptor() {
public okhttp3.Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException
okhttp3.Request.Builder ongoing = chain.request().newBuilder();
ongoing.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
ongoing.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
return chain.proceed(ongoing.build());
and add it to your client builder:
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
PHP recognises 'PUT' calls. Extracted from PHP.net:
'REQUEST_METHOD' Which request method was used to access the page;
i.e. 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT'.
You don't need to send any header if your server isn't expecting any
Prior to use Retrofit or any other networking library, you should check the endpoint using a request http builder, like Postman or Advanced Rest Client. To debug the request/response when running your app or unit tests use a proxy like Charles, it will help you a lot to watch how your request/response really looks.
I received a get request from a site to my site. I can able to know what kind of request by using $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']. Its returning GET request. Now, i need to know how to know what is the request and also generate response for the request in php.
Thanks in advance.
For reading the request do the following:
$webhook = fopen('php://input' , 'rb');
while (!feof($webhook)) {
$webhookContent .= fread($webhook, 4096);
Then to respond you can simply echo back like:
echo "I've received your request"
Or you can respond with empty headers. Forexample PayPal doesn't require you to respond with anything just send back the 200 header like:
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
If the received data is in Json format then you can process it's contents by doing something like:
$json = json_decode($webhookContent, true);
If that request has a key like webhookname then you can get it by doing:
$key = $json['webhookname'];
Hope I've covered everything.
I have the following web method in my web api controller
public HttpResponseMessage PostMakeBooking(FacilityBookingRequest bookingRequest)
var returnStatus = HttpStatusCode.OK;
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(bookingRequest);
var response = Request.CreateResponse<CardholderResponse>(returnStatus, cardholderResponse);
return response;
When I make this call from my .NET app, my json string appears correctly when I seralize it
However, when I made to call from my php script
public function web_request(){
$guid =self::getGUID();
$replace = array("{","}");
$guid = str_replace($replace, "", $guid);
$client = new Zend_Rest_Client("");
$request= new myZendCommon_FacilityBookingRequest();
$request->RequestId =$guid;
$request->BookingFrom ="27/03/2013 05:30";
$request->BookingUntil ="27/03/2013 06:30";
$request->CardholderId ="E0185963";
$request->DeviceId ="ACU-B2-01-R1";
$request->BookingId ="111";
$request->Action ="Add";
$request->LoginId ="tester";
$request->correlationId ="(null)";
$request->Password ="tester";
$request = json_encode($request);
$response = $client->restPost("/ibsswebapi/api/facilitybooking",$request);
The call goes to my web method, but when I serialize it using JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(bookingRequest)
All the values are null.
Is something wrong with the script?
I believe Kiran is right. Not sure why some one has felt his answer is not useful. Anyways, my understanding is that you are creating a JSON string and doing a form post of the same. I guess in this case the content type is sent as application/www-form-urlencoded but request body is a JSON string. You can use Fiddler to see how the request is being sent by the PHP script. I don't have the PHP knowledge to tell you how you can post JSON but my guess is that if you just remove the JSON encoding line $request = json_encode($request);, it should be okay.
From ASP.NET Web API point of view, if the request has Content-Type: application/json header and the body has the right JSON or if the request has Content-Type:application/www-form-urlencoded header and the body has the form url encoded content like RequestId=7ec5092a-342a-4e32-9311-10e7df3e3683&BookingId=BK-123102 and so on, web API will absolutely have no problem in binding. Currently, the request is not being sent in the right format for web API to bind.
Are you sending the header Content-Type:application/json in your request?
Also add the following piece of code to catch any model state validation errors:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
throw new HttpResponseException(
Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, this.ModelState));