I'm building a little MVC system (learning) and I have some problems with showing variables in my view files.
This is from my View class:
private $vars = array();
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->vars[$key] = $value;
public function __get($key)
return $this->vars[$key];
public function __toString()
return $this->vars[$key];
public function show($file)
global $router;
$folder = strtolower($router->current_controller);
$path = VIEWPATH.$folder.'/'.$file.'.phtml';
if ( ! file_exists($path))
die("Template: $file, not found");
include ($path);
And here is from my controller:
$test = new View();
$test->name = 'karl';
And the view file (name_view)
echo $name // doesn't work
echo $this->name // Works
What am I doing wrong? Perhaps I haft to make something global?
THX / Tobias
EDIT: I just extracted the vars array in the view class right before I include the view file and then it worked.. Thank you for all help.
There is no $key in __toString()!
Also __toString() doesn't accept any parameters!
Test it with this:
public function __toString()
return json_encode($this->vars);
After your edit I realized that your problem is not on the __toString() method (you can just delete it since you're not using it). Doing echo $this->name is the correct way to show variables from inside your view in your case, however if you want to just do echo $name may I suggest a different approach?
function View($view)
if (is_file($view) === true)
$arguments = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
foreach ($arguments as $argument)
if (is_array($argument) === true)
extract($argument, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
Use the View function like this:
$data = array
'name' => 'karl',
View('/path/to/your/name_view.phtml', $data);
Now it should work just by doing echo $name;, you can adapt it to your View class if you want to. If that doesn't work, try changing the name_view view extension to .php.
I am using php 7.4.9 and have a class which reads information from a file. These informations should be all the time availabe from outside the class and it also should possible to modify that array, so that this class can write back these information on request.
I have looked for a while but could not fined a useful solution.
I got the functions working, but the array loose the values from call to call.
Edit 2020/12/12
This is the uses structure of my code
function show(){
$id3 = ID3::create();
$mp3 = &ID3::$mp3Array;
if($mode == "manual"){
if($file == ""){
return "";
$fName = $dir . "/" . $file;
}else if($mode == "save"){
$fName = $dir . "/" . $file;
return "Save done!";
} // end of show
class ID3{
public static $mp3Array = array();
public static function create(): self {
static $object;
$object = $object ?? new self();
return $object;
function open($fName){
$mp3 = self::$mp3Array;
. // $mp3 will be filled
function save($fName) {
$mp3 = &ID3::§mp3Array;
error_log("TagSave: ".var_export($mp3, true),0); // is always empty
foreach($mp3 as $key => $value){
} //end of class>
If I try to save the modified array, it is always empty, if show is called again!
I have also implemented the #Logifire proposal 'create'. I got a valid pointer but the arrayis still empty.
Maybe I should point out, that it is web page. The html code sends information (form) back to the php program.
I figured out, that use of global $id3 = NULL; does not work, because the php grogramm will be always called and set the variable again to NULL each time.
I have also implemented the following code on the beginning
error_log("PHP call",0);
$id3count = 0;
error_log("GLOBALS[Test_id3] exist!",0);
error_log("GLOBALS[Test_id3] does not exist!",0);
$GLOBALS['Test_id3'] = "NEW";
The $GLOBAL['Test_id3'] never exist, if the programm will be called!
I got the functions working, but the array loose the values from call to call.
As I understand you, your setup is not a long running app, you can not keep state between requests (calls).
But if you are aware of that, the issue may be you have a new instance of the class each time you call it within the same request flow, you may use a singleton if this is the case. I suggest using accessors in your class.
class MyDataList {
private array $my_array = [];
private function __construct()
public static function create(): self {
static $object;
$object = $object ?? new self();
return $object;
public function setArray(array $new_array): void {
$this->my_array = $new_array;
// open, write, close file..
public function getArray(): array {
return $this->my_array;
$my_data_list = MyDataList::create();
Based on your edited question (2020/12/12), I extended the example code:
class MyDataList {
private array $my_array = [];
private $file_path = '';
private function __construct()
public static function create(string $file_path): self {
static $object;
if ($object === null) {
$object = new self();
$stringified = file_get_contents($file_path) ?: '';
$array = json_decode($stringified, true) ?: [];
$object->file_path = $file_path;
$object->my_array = $array;
return $object;
public function setArray(array $new_array): void {
$this->my_array = $new_array;
$stringified = json_encode($new_array);
file_put_contents($this->file_path, $stringified);
public function getArray(): array {
return $this->my_array;
$my_data_list = MyDataList::create('/path/to/file');
Note: Be aware, you need to apply error handling
Comment answers:
Is the filepath connected to the array?
Well, you will write your data as JSON to a file each time you "modify" the array via the setArray()
Does it means, that the array is stored into a file and read out each time I try to connect again?
For each request you call create() it will instantiate the internal state of the array based on the stored data in the file. ATM. The file_get_contents call may have been wrapped and only called if the $object was not instantiated. (Now updated in the example)
So I have to call setArray($array); to save the data. I was looking for a soluting to keep the data without an management to save and read the array. Is this not possible with PHP?
Maybe you want to use a session variable to store your data? But it is individual per user and not long lived data - Link: https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.session.php
In a standard PHP setup you can not have data/state between requests, but there are solution like Swoole which makes PHP a long running app: https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.swoole.php
I need a possibility to modify the array directly.
Is it a reference to the array you want? https://3v4l.org/OsBC6
class MyDataList {
private array $my_array = [];
private function __construct()
public static function create(): self {
static $object;
$object = $object ?? new self();
return $object;
public function setArray(array &$new_array): void {
$this->my_array = &$new_array;
public function getArray(): array {
return $this->my_array;
There is no easy way to do with PHP!
Finally I use the proposal from Logifire, but had to modified it to fullfill my requirements.
I needed more than 1 array.
One array can ibclude binary data values, which json can't handle. So I have to use base64 for the binary data values.
Here my code:
public array $mp3Array = array();
public array $findArray = array();
private $file_dir = "";
public static function create(string $fileDir): self {
static $object;
if ($object === null) {
$object = new self();
$stringified1 = file_get_contents($fileDir."/mp3Array.obj") ?: '';
$array1 = json_decode($stringified1, true) ?: [];
$stringified2 = file_get_contents($fileDir."/findArray.obj") ?: '';
$array2 = json_decode($stringified2, true) ?: [];
$object->file_dir = $fileDir;
$object->mp3Array = $object->arrayDecode($array1);
$object->findArray = $array2;
return $object;
private function arrayEncode($arr){
$tmp = [];
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$tmp[$key] = $this->arrayEncode($val);
}else if ($key == "data"){
$tmp[$key] = base64_encode($val);
$tmp[$key] = $val;
return $tmp;
private function arrayDecode($arr){
$tmp = [];
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$tmp[$key] = $this->arrayDecode($val);
}else if ($key == "data"){
$tmp[$key] = base64_decode($val);
$tmp[$key] = $val;
return $tmp;
public function setMp3(array $new_array): void {
$this->mp3Array = $new_array;
$stringified = json_encode($new_array);
file_put_contents($this->file_dir."/mp3Array.obj", $stringified);
public function saveMp3(): void {
$base64 = $this->arrayEncode($this->mp3Array);
$stringified = json_encode($base64);
file_put_contents($this->file_dir."/mp3Array.obj", $stringified);
public function setFind(array $new_array): void {
$this->findArray = $new_array;
$stringified = json_encode($new_array);
file_put_contents($this->file_dir."/findArray.obj", $stringified);
public function saveFind(): void {
$stringified = json_encode( $this->findArray);
file_put_contents($this->file_dir."/findArray.obj", $stringified);
I hope someone can help me with my problem. I'm still a beginner in PHP so sorry.
My code looks like this:
class Component
public $title;
// value if nothing gets set
public function __construct($title = "Test") {
$this->title = $title;
public function setTitle($value)
$this->title = $value;
public function getTitle()
return "Title: ".$this->title;
public function returnInfo()
$info = array(
'Titel' => $this->title,
return $info;
So in the class "Component" the functions should set and get a specific value. If nothing is set for a.e. title it should get the value "Test". With returnInfo() the informations like title should get returned.
My other class (where someone can add the informations like title) looks like this:
abstract class ComponentInfo extends Component
protected function getComponentInfo ()
$button1 = new Component;
// should return all infos for button1
$button1Info = $button1->returnInfo();
foreach ($button1Info as $info)
echo ($info);
So it should work like this: in a other class named ComponentInfo a user can add a component like a button. Then the user can set informations like the title. And after that the information should get saved in an array and now I want to display all informations like this:
Title: Button-Standard
How can it work? And where is the mistake in my code?
It would be helpful to get a working code where the user can make as much ComponentInfo classes he want and where he can add different components with information that can be saved into an array.
And at the end it should get outputed as text on a main page.
You can't instantiate an abstract class. You need to remove the abstract keyword from the ComponentInfo class.
UPDATE given the info in your comment, I'd go this
abstract class Component
private $key;
private $title;
public function __construct($key, $title) {
public function setKey($key)
$this->key = $key;
public function getKey()
return $this->key;
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
public function __toString()
return $this->getKey().': '.$this->getTitle();
class ComponentInfo extends Component
public function __construct($key='Info', $title='example title')
parent::__construct($key, $title);
And then use it in your code
$components = [];
$components []= new ComponentInfo();
$components []= new ComponentInfo('Different Key', 'Other info');
$components []= new ComponentNavigation('longitude', 'latidude'); //create another class like ComponentInfo
[... later you want to print this info in a list for example]
echo '<ul>';
foreach($components as $components) {
echo '<li>'.$component.'</li>'; //the __toString() method should get called automatically
echo '</ul>';
This should work, however, having different components with no other specificities than a different title and key is pointless. Instead, you could simply have different Components with a different key and title.
I've been looking a way to implement ArrayObject Class to store application configs and i found this implementation in the php manual ( one of the comments )
use \ArrayObject;
* Singleton With Configuration Info
class Config extends ArrayObject
* Overwrites the ArrayObject Constructor for
* Iteration throught the "Array". When the item
* is an array, it creates another static() instead of an array
public function __construct(Array $array)
foreach($array as $key => $value)
$value = new static($value);
$this->offsetSet($key, $value);
public function __get($key)
return $this->offsetGet($key);
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->offsetSet($key, $value);
* Returns Array when printed (like "echo array();")
* Instead of an Error
public function __ToString()
return 'Array';
$config = new Config\Config($settings);
$config->uri = 'localhost'; // works
$config->url->uri = 'localhost'; // doesn't work
I've tried adding to this class the __get and __set it works fine for a simple array but when it comes to multidimensional arrays well ... things are different. I'm getting an error saying that the index is not defined.
Can someone help me out please i tried everything i knew googled a lot about it and i didn't find the solution.
I have solved the problem with this class. Later on i will post here a fully working example maybe someone will need it. Thank you everyone for taking time and reading this thread
So what do you think guys? What improvements... changes should i make ?
public function __construct(Array $properties)
private function populateArray(Array $array)
foreach($array as $key => $value)
$this->createProperty($key, $value);
private function createProperty($key, $value)
is_array($value) ?
$this->offsetSet($key, $this->createComplexProperty($value))
: $this->offsetSet($key, $value);
private function createComplexProperty(Array $array)
return new Config($array);
private function createPropertyIfNone($key)
$this->createProperty($name, array());
public function __get($key)
return $this->offsetGet($key);
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->createProperty($key, $value);
public function __ToString()
return (string) $value;
If you want to assume a non-existing key is an array, then this should work.
public function __get($key)
$this->offsetSet($key,new Array());
return &$this->offsetGet($key);
$config = new Config\Config($settings);
$config->url['uri'] = 'localhost';
Not sure if you have to return a reference or not for this to work.
return &$this->offsetGet($key);
or this
return $this->offsetGet($key);
I understand that one can use interfaces to mandate the definition of a function, but I cannot find something that enables one to mandate function calls, such that e.g. if I create a class being a member of another class (via extends, etc), with a function, for that class to automatically ensure that mandatory functions are called in part with that function.
I mean, to clarify further:
class domain {
function isEmpty($input) {
//apply conditional logic and results
class test extends domain {
function addTestToDBTable($test) {
* try to add but this class automatically makes it so that all rules of
* class domain must be passed before it can run
* - so essentially, I am no longer required to call those tests for each and
* every method
Apologies if this appears incoherent by any means. Sure, it seems lazy but I want to be able to force context without having to concern abou
Okay, to clarify further: in PHP, if I extend and declare a __construct() for a child class, that child class will override the parent __construct(). I do not want this, I want the parent construct to remain and mandate whatever as it pleases just as the child class may do so also.
I guess it can be done in two different ways.
Aspect Oriented Programming
Have a look here https://github.com/AOP-PHP/AOP
Generate or write Proxy classes
A really simple example could be:
class A {
public function callMe() {
echo __METHOD__ . "\n";
class B extends A {
// prevents instantiation
public function __construct() {
public function shouldCallMe() {
echo __METHOD__ . "\n";
public static function newInstance() {
return new ABProxy();
class ABProxy {
private $b;
public function __construct() {
$this->b = new B();
public function __call($method, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->b, $method), $args);
// make the call
$b = B::newInstance();
// Outputs
// ------------------
// A::callMe
// B::shouldCallMe
Hopes this helps a bit.
Sounds like you want a Decorator.
See This answer for a detailed explanation on how to do it. Note that it does not require a class extension.
I would use a domain-validating decorator with some doc-block metaprogramming magic. But this is really a job for an entire library, which no doubt exists.
class FooDomain {
public static function is_not_empty($input) {
return !empty($input);
class Foo {
* #domain FooDomain::is_not_empty my_string
public function print_string($my_string) {
echo $my_string . PHP_EOL;
$foo = new DomainValidator(new Foo());
$foo->print_string('Hello, world!');
try {
$foo->print_string(''); // throws a DomainException
} catch (\DomainException $e) {
echo 'Could not print an empty string...' . PHP_EOL;
// ---
class DomainValidator {
const DOMAIN_TAG = '#domain';
private $object;
public function __construct($object) {
$this->object = $object;
public function __call($function, $arguments) {
if (!$this->verify_domain($function, $arguments)) {
throw new \DomainException('Bad domain!');
return call_user_func_array(
array($this->object, $function),
public function __get($name) {
return $this->object->name;
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->object->name = $value;
private function verify_domain($function, $arguments) {
// Get reference to method
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->object, $function);
$domains = $this->get_domains($method->getDocComment());
$arguments = $this->parse_arguments(
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
if (!call_user_func(
)) {
return false;
return true;
private function get_domains($doc_block) {
$lines = explode("\n", $doc_block);
$domains = array();
$domain_tag = DomainValidator::DOMAIN_TAG . ' ';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$has_domain = stristr($line, $domain_tag) !== false;
if ($has_domain) {
$domain_info = explode($domain_tag, $line);
$domain_info = explode(' ', $domain_info[1]);
$domains[] = array(
'name' => $domain_info[0],
'parameter' => $domain_info[1],
return $domains;
private function parse_arguments($parameters, $values) {
$ret = array();
for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($values); $i < $size; $i++) {
$ret[$parameters[$i]->name] = $values[$i];
return $ret;
Hello, world!
Could not print an empty string...
How can i perform a function once a variable's value has been set?
say like
$obj = new object(); // dont perform $obj->my_function() just yet
$obj->my_var = 67 // $obj->my_function() now gets run
I want the object to do this function and now having to be called by the script.
my_var is predefined in the class, __set is not working for me.
Use a private property so __set() is invoked:
class Myclass {
private $my_var;
private $my_var_set = false;
public function __set($var, $value) {
if ($var == 'my_var' && !$this->my_var_set) {
// call some function
$this->my_var_set = true;
$this->$var = $value;
public function __get($var, $value) {
return $this->$name;
See Overloading. __set() is called because $my_var is inaccessible and there is your hook.
I'd recommend to create a setter function for $obj and include the relevant function call there. So basically your code would look somehow like this:
$obj = new ClassOfYours();
Of course you would have to take care that all assignments to ThatValue need to be
done through that setter in order make it work properly. Assuming that you're on php5 I'd set that property to private, so all direct assignments will cause an runtime error.
A good overview about OOP in php can be found in this article on devarticles.com.
To acheive exactly what you describe, you'd have to use a magic setter.
class ObjectWithSetter {
var $data = array();
public function my_function() {
echo "FOO";
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->data[$name] = $value;
if($name == 'my_var') {
public function __get($name) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) {
return $this->data[$name];
$trace = debug_backtrace();
'Undefined property via __get(): ' . $name .
' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] .
' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'],
return null;
/** As of PHP 5.1.0 */
public function __isset($name) {
return isset($this->data[$name]);
public function __unset($name) {
Assuming you want to call my_function() once you set a value, that case you can encapsulate both the operations into one. Something like you create a new function set_my_var(value)
function set_my_var(varvalue)
$this->my_var = varvalue;