I just installed apache server on my local machine. I executed the following command for that:
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
However, if I put my test.php file in /var/www and open it with my browser I see nothing (I supposed to see "Hello, world!").
If I put test.txt file in this directory with "Hello". I see "Hello" in my browser. My PHP file contains the following.
print "Hellow, World";
If I open this file with browser I see nothing (no error messages). May be the reason is that before I force browser to open php files by /user/bin/php? How can I remove this setting?
You call it test.php at one point, and test.txt at another. Is it definitely named test.php?
What URL are you using to access the file? Are you using http://localhost/test.php, or file:///var/www/html/test.php?
At one point you say you see nothing, and at another point you say you see "It works"? Which is it?
A few things to check.
Do you see the "It works!" file apache creates?
Were there any install errors with aptitute
Check if the module is loaded
apache2 -t -D DUMP_MODULES
I am running Ubuntu 16. I am fairly new to web design but I have set up a LAMP server on my Ubuntu machine and installed WordPress site. I wanted to try to mess around with PHP so I tried to install myphp.
I managed to do this and I realized that I had to install nginx also.
I did this, but my local host always diverts to a message "welcome to Nginx"
I tried to edit the configuration files but could not get it to work?
Is there a guide for installing Nginx and myphp to see phpMyAdmin, after you have already set up a WordPress site?
Like I said I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
You may need to delete the index.html file from the web root. The index.php file should remain.
On Ubuntu+nginx go to html directory using following command
cd /var/www/html/
then find out following index.nginx-debian.html and delete it or edit it as you want
To edit these file open into you editor or use Ubuntu default editor nano.
sudo nano /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
To delete these file run following command.
sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
these is the defautl nginx welcome page that why it appear after install, for more information check nginx default configuration file using following command.
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and I want to run php files.
I installed Php 7 on it using:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/html
sudo apt install php
sudo apt install apache2
I created a php file (e.g. test.php) in /var/www/html. I can access it in the browser (e.g. http://localhost/test.php). Instead of executing the <?php ... ?> code, it is displayed as plain text:
I tried to turn short_open_tag to On. So I edited the /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini and enabled it.
Then I ran sudo service php7.0-fpm restart. This didn't make any change in the browser. The php code is still displayed as plain text.
How can I fix this?
You didn't install apache properly, doing an apt-get on apache2 does not install everything.
what #newman stated is correct you can follow that guide, or here is a digitalocean link that is usuable for production server (since you would do this on a droplet). Note this is full stack LAMP, which I would assume you would get to eventually when you want to dab with mysql
My server uses Ubuntu with PHP5 and NginX.
I have installed pear using sudo apt-get install php-pear, and later uninstalled it using sudo pear uninstall pear. Today I downloaded phpmailer using sudo apt-get install libphp-phpmailer.
I wrote code to send email with phpmailer. It begins with:
and I edit the php.ini both in /etc/php5/cli and in /etc/php5/fpm to set:
include_path = ".:/usr/share/php/libphp-phpmailer"
It did work well if I execute this php program in command line, but if I visit this php page through my browser, it produce a HTML500 error, and I checked the error.log file, which shows:
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: require_once():
Failed opening required 'class.phpmailer.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in ...
I wander how comes this path? I am sure I have edited the include_path in both php.ini files. Is there another configuration file I missed? Where does the string ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear" come from?
If you are absolutely sure all paths are correct then it could be a file permission issue.
Find out what user Nginx runs under. It will probably be nginx. Run groups nginx and the output should be nginx : nginx, meaning the user nginx exists, and has only one group, which is also nginx.
On the command line navigate to the location of class.phpmailer.php and run ls -l to view the permissions of the files in that directory. Example output would be: -rw-r--r-- 1 someuser somegroup, meaning read and write access is granted to the owner (someuser), read access for the group (somegroup), and read access to everybody else.
The user nginx (if that is what it is running under) needs to have read access to that file. So change the owner/permissions as necessary.
If you need further explanation of how to do any of this just give me a shout and I will update this with further instructions.
I am trying to run a php file on a ubuntu linux server but get a 'command not found' error when i run "php file_name.php"
Searching online, i found an article that suggested I run "sudo aptitude install php5-cli" which I did and restarted apache afterwards but I still get this error.
How do I fix this?
Try this once,
Go to terminal.
whereis php
It will show where is php installed.
Export that path to environment variable using following command
export PATH=$PATH;/path/to/php's/bin directory
Then execute required file..
As follows,
php file_to_execute.php
first make sure that you've installed following packs:
like this:
sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli php-pear
then make sure to configure php safely befor using it.
also make your php file executable ( chmod 700 )
Try the following step :
Open your cmd/console or press ctr+alt+t.
php5 /your/path/to/php_file_name.
I am newbie in PHP. I have successfully installed PHP on Ubuntu, now I want start my first program. I am using gPHPEdit as IDE.
Where should I save .php files that I create? And how to run/test them?
Make sure you have LAMP installed. Do a sudo tasksel and select lamp then hit enter, its gotta be the most simple *amp install ever made. Its a good idea to install phpmyadmin: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin. After that just copy the files to /var/www/ and then they will show up on http://localhost. I recommended using Eclipse PDT or the Netbeans build for PHP.
You should pick up a book or start following some good tutorials on the web.
If you are just scripting using php, you can save them anywhere and run the php on the terminal using the php command line interpreter.
If you are trying write web scripts (and I think you are), you need to install and configure a web server (typically apache) and save your scripts in the server's document root (typically /var/www). Also, I highly recommend you to read up a little about servers and HTTP and figure out how all this works on the inside before learning to building websites in php.
If you cannot save or copy to var/www/html, to run your php scripts on your browser. If you are using Ubuntu 14.04.
I followed these steps and it worked for me.
Execute sudo su on the terminal.
Enter your password
Execute sudo subl /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf on your terminal to open this file. Note you can change the subl to any text editor to open the file e.g sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf.
Change DocumentRoot /var/www/html to /home/user/yoursubdir
Save the file and close it.
Execute sudo subl /etc/apache2/apache2.conf on your terminal to open this file.
Add the following to end of the file
<Directory /home/user/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Save and Close the file.
Execute sudo service apache2 restart
Go to your browser, type the URL of your script e.g
I hope this helps.
remove the index.html file from /var/www/
$ sudo rm index.html
create a new php file there:
$ sudo gedit /var/www/index.php
write in it:
Restart your Apache2 Server :
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apace2 restart
and point to yout localhost and /index.php
if err arises visit : http://www.allaboutlinux.eu/how-to-run-php-on-ubuntu/
this is an easy way to test your files in php.
$ cd ~/public_html
$ php -S localhost:8000
then you can go to your browser and enter localhost:8000/myfile.php.