I keep getting an "Notice: Undefined index: did" error with this query, and I'm not understanding why... I'm much more used to mysql, so, maybe the syntax is wrong?
This is the php query code:
function get_demos() {
global $session;
$demo = array();
$result = pg_query("SELECT DISTINCT(did,vid,iid,value) FROM dv");
if(pg_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while($r = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
switch($r['did']) {
case 1:
$demo['a'][$r['vid']] = $r['value'];
case 2:
$demo['b'][$r['vid']] = $r['value'];
case 3:
$demo['c'][$r['vid']] = $r['value'];
} else {
return $demo;
When I run that query at the pg prompt, I get results:
You must use pg_fetch_assoc() function if you want to get associative array in $r.
I keep getting a fatal error when a script is ran on my php server,
This web app was built ten years ago and I am currently clearing errors so we can start updating it. Current version PHP 5.2.17
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/user/public_html/admin/script.php on line 1418
This is the line the error is on,
$name = $d["#"]["_Name"];
This is the full function,
if (isset($b["_BORROWER"]["EMPLOYER"])) {
if (!isset($b["_BORROWER"]["EMPLOYER"][0])) {
$temp = $b["_BORROWER"]["EMPLOYER"];
$b["_BORROWER"]["EMPLOYER"][0] = $temp;
foreach($b["_BORROWER"]["EMPLOYER"] as $c => $d) {
$pid = '0';
// Finish up.
$item["type"] = "Personal";
$name = $d["#"]["_Name"];
//check for files in other bureaus
$query = doquery("SELECT name,id FROM <<myitems>> WHERE cid='".$client["id"]."' AND type='Personal'");
$results = dorow($query);
$temp = $results;
$results[0] = array($temp);
foreach($results as $c){
if($address == decrypt_string($c['name'])) {
$pid = $c['id'];
Does anyone understand what is triggering this error and how to fix it?
You can use isset() to check the array value exists or not like,
$name = isset($d["#"]["_Name"]) ? $d["#"]["_Name"] : "";
After about a week search I seem to find no conclusive / efficient / upto date / standard way of doing this.
The obvious solution is to run a query get the result into a variable and clear down ready for the next query - for efficiency NOT closing the connection.
This is being done in a wrapper class which has select / update / insert which in turn call a query or queries (for mysqli multi_query() ) so ideally it would be good to clear any result prior to next within query / queries to ensure it runs with no concern of what has gone before.
This does not seem possible as some solutions need a result set.
Currently the select / update / insert call:
private function queryclearup($dataresource) {
//clear up if required
switch ($this->dbtype) {
case "mysqli":
#mysqli_free_result($dataresource); //clear result to avoid out of sync issues
after dealing with the result set - for example converting to a data array in the case of select, or just logging an error in the case of update / insert.
Still this problem persists with some (update), but not others (select / insert).
public function select($query, $args = array()) {
$this->loghelper->write("SQL Select\n" . $query);
$args = _PHP::array_defaults($args, array(
"pk" => null
$data_table = array();
$errors = null;
$query = utf8_decode($query);
switch ($this->dbtype) {
case "mysqli":
$dbdata = $this->query($query);
$data_table = $this->resourceToDataTable($dbdata, $args);
return $data_table;
private function resourceToDataTable($dataresource, $args = array()) {
$data_table = array();
if (gettype($dataresource) == "resource" || gettype($dataresource) == "object") {
do {
switch ($this->dbtype) {
case "mysqli":
$row = $dataresource->fetch_assoc();
if ($row) {
array_push($data_table, $row);
} while ($row);
if (!empty($args["pk"])) {
$pktable = array();
foreach ($data_table as $d) {
if (!array_key_exists($args["pk"], $pktable)) {
$pktable[$d[$args["pk"]]] = $d;
$data_table = $pktable;
return $data_table;
This appears to be whats required
private function queryclearup($dataresource) {
//clear up if required
switch ($this->db["contype"]) {
case "mysqli":
while ($dump = #mysqli_next_result($this->connection)) {
$donothing = 1;
#mysqli_free_result($dataresource); //clear result to avoid out of sync issues
I was doing this code for my project and it seems that I can't get the values of the query into $currentRow. All that saved into the variable $currentrow is 22 which is the number rows in the database. I want to have access to all the query results. Please help. Here's the code.
public function getBSIConfig(){
$conn = oci_connect("472proj","system","//localhost/XE");
$sql = oci_parse($conn,"SELECT conf_id, conf_key, conf_value FROM bsi_configure");
echo "0";
while($currentRow = oci_fetch_all($sql,$res)){
echo "1.5";
echo $currentRow;
echo "1";
$this->config[trim($currentRow["conf_key"])] = trim($currentRow["conf_value"]);
echo "2";
$this->config[trim($currentRow["conf_key"])] = false;
echo "3";
And the output is only:
The results from this function are stored in the 2nd argument, rather than returned directly. See if this works for you:
$results = array();
$numResults = oci_fetch_all($sql, $results);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result["conf_key"]) {
// etc ...
Read this http://php.net/manual/en/function.oci-fetch-all.php , you might get an idea what's wrong.
This is the first time I learn class in PHP, I tried to make a simple search in database.
here is some script from my class:
class DB {
function list_query($query) {
$ns = array();
$q = mysqli_query($this->con_(), $query);
while($n = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$ns[] = $n;
return $ns;
function num_query($q) {
$num = mysqli_num_rows($q);
return $num;
search script :
$key = "foo";
$qsearch = $db->list_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content LIKE '%".$db->escape_query($key)."%'");
$num = $db->num_query($qsearch);
if ($num == 0) {
echo "<h2>not found</h2>";
} else {
echo "<h2>result for : ".$key."</h2>";
foreach($qsearch as $val) {
echo "<h4>".$val['title']."</h2>";
echo strip_tags($val['content']);
but there is an error with the num_query() function.
with warning :
Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, array given in class/db.php on line 30.
I have checked it with manual mysqli_query() then use the num_query() function, it's work well.
sorry for my english
Your list_query() returns array. And your num_query expects mysqli_result as a parameter.
So, when you write $qsearch = $db->list_query(), you're getting an array; and then you pass that array to num_query.
Perhaps, your num_query should be like:
function num_query($result) {
return count($result);
I am trying to return a variable from a function. I have the function below, which inserts a postid to the database. I need the postid's value returned to another page.
forum.php - Where the function is.
function newTopic(){
// Get the POST data
global $ir;
$postid = mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query("UPDATE forum_topics SET post_id='$postid' WHERE topic_id='$topicid'");
// No error found and the update was succesful - Return success!
return 100;
return $postid;
newtopic.php - Where I need the $postid variable.
$newTopic = $forum->newTopic();
* Return codes:
* 100: Success
//If no error = success.
case 100:
$success = 'You have successfully created the topic.';
$issuccess = 1;
$stop = true;
$checkerror = $error;
$checksuccess = $success;
As you can see, I am trying to use $postid variable from the function newTopic(). Although, the $postid variable is empty.
How can I get the value from the function newTopic.php located in forum.php, to newtopic.php?
When you have used
return 100;
your code will never see
return $postid;
You can use this code to return
return array("code"=>"100","postid"=>$postid);
Now in new_topic.php use the code as shown
$newTopic = $forum->newTopic();
* Return codes:
* 100: Success
//If no error = success.
case 100:
$success = 'You have successfully created the topic.';
$issuccess = 1;
$stop = true;
$checkerror = $error;
$checksuccess = $success;
Your code looks that is returning value 100 before returning $postid variable.
That's wrong.Your code will exit the function at first return.
comment the line "//return 100;"
OR return an array. You cannot return two values like u do.
Instead of doing
return 100;
return $postid;
//return 100;
return array("successs"=>100,"id"=>$postid);
Then use your $newTopic variable as folows:
In switch:
Use the postId anywhere else
try with reference like in the below code
function newTopic(&$postid){
// Get the POST data
global $ir;
$postid = mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query("UPDATE forum_topics SET post_id='$postid' WHERE topic_id='$topicid'");
// No error found and the update was succesful - Return success!
return 100;
....... //some codes
$postid = null;
$my_postId = $postid; //Now you have your post ID
OR in you exists code like
$last_postid = null;
$newTopic = $forum->newTopic($last_postid );
* Return codes:
* 100: Success
//If no error = success.
case 100:
$success = 'You have successfully created the topic.';
$issuccess = 1;
$stop = true;
$postid = $last_postid;
$checkerror = $error;
$checksuccess = $success;
EDIT: Call-time pass-by-reference fixed.
If you want to return two values you can not just write two returns.
There are several options to return more values. One is using an array:
return array(100, $postId);
list($status, $postId) = $forum->newTopic();
You can also use an associatve array as s.d suggested.
However, as your one variable only contains the status you can also use exceptions in the case the operation fails.