I'm trying to find if a file exists. I know the name of it but I do not know the extension. What could I do PHP wise so that the file exists function checks for the file without knowing it's extension?
file_exists('image_storage/ses_' . $session_user_id . 'need to put something here for the
extension' );
You could use PHP's glob function to get a list of files that match a given pattern:
$files = glob('image_storage/ses_' . $session_user_id . '.*');
if (count($files) > 0) {
// check your files with a loop
foreach ($files as $file) {
// do whatever you want; this file exists =]
You won't need to check if the file exists with glob; if it returns it in the array, it should exist.
If you are in linux you can do this..
$ret = exec("ls image_storage/ses_" . $session_user_id."*");
//file exists..
When accessing a file in PHP, it's possible to escape from the directory using ".." which can lead to a security risk. Is there any way to validate that a file is in a specified directory? There doesn't seem to be a built-in function for it.
This is not a secure way to check if the file exists in the expected location.. you should do the following.
$base = '/expected/path/';
$filename = realpath($filename);
if ($filename === false || strncmp($filename, $base, strlen($base)) !== 0) {
echo 'Missing file or not in the expected location';
else {
echo 'The file exists and is in the expected location';
There is a very good example on php.net
$filename = '/path/to/foo.txt';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
echo "The file $filename exists";
} else {
echo "The file $filename does not exist";
I have a filename stored with the directory as a value.
Ex. /var/www/remove_this.php
In my PHP script I want to remove everthing after the last '/', so I can use mkdir on this path without creating a directory from the filename also.
There are so many string editing functions, I don't know a good approach. Thanks!
dirname() will return you the directory part of the path
Use pathinfo() to get info about the file itself.
$file = '/var/www/remove_this.php';
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
$dir = $pathinfo['dirname']; // '/var/www/'
You could use string functions, but for this case PHP has some smarter directory functions:
$dir = dirname('/var/www/remove_this.php'); // /var/www
pathinfo is an excellent one as well.
if (!file_exsts($folder))
if (mkdir($folder,777,true))
echo "Folder created\n";
} else
echo "Folder creation failed\n";
} else
echo "Folder exists already\n";
I have a PHP file which creates a unique directory for each user when a file is uploaded. I would like the script to check and see if the directory already exists and if so then skip the mkdir action. Here is my code sample:
$thisdir = getcwd();
$new_dir = "123";
$full_dir = $thisdir . "/upload/" . $new_dir;
if(mkdir($full_dir, 0777))
echo "Directory has been created successfully... <br>";
echo "Failed to create directory...";
To continue this example, please assume that the folder "123" already exists. How do I modify it for this case? I am thinking it must be some sort of if...else statement. Thanks for going through this issue.
Use is_dir() to find out whether the folder already exists.
function maybe_mkdir($path, $mode) {
if(is_dir($path)) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return mkdir($path, $mode);
Does anyone know how I can check to see if a directory is writeable in PHP?
The function is_writable doesn't work for folders.
Edit: It does work. See the accepted answer.
Yes, it does work for folders....
Returns TRUE if the filename exists and is writable. The filename argument may be a directory name allowing you to check if a directory is writable.
this is the code :)
$newFileName = '/var/www/your/file.txt';
if ( ! is_writable(dirname($newFileName))) {
echo dirname($newFileName) . ' must writable!!!';
} else {
// blah blah blah
to be more specific for owner/group/world
$dir_writable = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($folder)), -4) == "0774" ? "true" : "false";
You may be sending a complete file path to the is_writable() function. is_writable() will return false if the file doesn't already exist in the directory. You need to check the directory itself with the filename removed, if this is the case. If you do that, is_writable will correctly tell you whether the directory is writable or not. If $file contains your file path do this:
$file_directory = dirname($file);
Then use is_writable($file_directory) to determine if the folder is writable.
I hope this helps someone.
According to the documentation for is_writable, it should just work - but you said "folder", so this could be a Windows issue. The comments suggest a workaround.
(A rushed reading earlier made me think that trailing slashes were important, but that turned out to be specific to this work around).
I've written a little script (I call it isWritable.php) that detects all directories in the same directory the script is in and writes to the page whether each directory is writable or not. Hope this helps.
// isWritable.php detects all directories in the same directory the script is in
// and writes to the page whether each directory is writable or not.
$dirs = array_filter(glob('*'), 'is_dir');
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if (is_writable($dir)) {
echo $dir.' is writable.<br>';
} else {
echo $dir.' is not writable. Permissions may have to be adjusted.<br>';
Much like a system stat, but in PHP. What you want to check is the mode value, much like you would out of any other call to stat in other languages (I.E. C/C++).
According to the PHP manual is_writable should work fine on directories.
In my case, is_writable returned true, but when tried to write the file - an error was generated.
This code helps to check if the $dir exists and is writable:
$dir = '/path/to/the/dir';
// try to create this directory if it doesn't exist
$booExists = is_dir($dir) || (mkdir($dir, 0774, true) && is_dir($dir));
$booIsWritable = false;
if ($booExists && is_writable($dir)) {
$tempFile = tempnam($dir, 'tmp');
if ($tempFile !== false) {
$res = file_put_contents($tempFile, 'test');
$booIsWritable = $res !== false;
this is how I do it:
create a file with file_put_contents() and check the return value, if it is positive (number of written in Bytes) then you can go ahead and do what you have to do, if it is FALSE then it is not writable
$is_writable = file_put_contents('directory/dummy.txt', "hello");
if ($is_writable > 0) echo "yes directory it is writable";
else echo "NO directory it is not writable";
then you can delete the dummy file by using unlink()