I'm trying to find if a file exists. I know the name of it but I do not know the extension. What could I do PHP wise so that the file exists function checks for the file without knowing it's extension?
file_exists('image_storage/ses_' . $session_user_id . 'need to put something here for the
extension' );
You could use PHP's glob function to get a list of files that match a given pattern:
$files = glob('image_storage/ses_' . $session_user_id . '.*');
if (count($files) > 0) {
// check your files with a loop
foreach ($files as $file) {
// do whatever you want; this file exists =]
You won't need to check if the file exists with glob; if it returns it in the array, it should exist.
If you are in linux you can do this..
$ret = exec("ls image_storage/ses_" . $session_user_id."*");
//file exists..
I would like to know how to get the absolute file path of the file i have found using glob() function. I am able to find a desired file using
foreach (glob("access.php") as $filename) {
echo "$filename absolutepath is: ";
not sure what function gets the full path of the file searched. Tried to google but can't find anything sensible.
Slight update :
I have noticed that glob() function only searches the directory that the script is run from - and that is not good to me. I need a function that is equivalent to unix find / -name "somename"
Any alternative ? or am i missing something with the glob() ??
If you have to look also for files in subdirectories, you could use something like the following:
foreach (glob("{access.php,{*/,*/*/,*/*/*/}access.php}", GLOB_BRACE) as $filename) {
echo "$filename absolutepath is: ".realpath($filename);
You can use realpath to get file absolute path. More info: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php
I thinkt you need realpath(), as described here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php
foreach (glob("access.php") as $filename) {
echo "$filename absolutepath is: " . realpath($filename);
The directory in which the glob function searches is available through the getcwd function.
To search any directory, given its path, one may use the following code snippet:
$dirToList = '/home/username/documents';
$patternToSearch = '*.odt'; // e.g. search for LibreOffice OpenDocument files
$foundFiles = FALSE;
$olddir = getcwd();
if (chdir($dirToList)) {
$foundFiles = glob($patternToSearch);
chdir($olddir); // switch back to the dir the code was running in before
if ($foundFiles) {
foreach ($foundFiles as $filename) {
echo nl2br(htmlentities(
'found file: '.$dirToList.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename."\n"
, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
// else echo 'no found files';
// else echo 'chdir error';
To finally satiesfy your wish to do a search like
find / -name "somename"
you may put that code snippet in a function and call it while iterating through the directory tree of interest using PHP's RecursiveDirectoryIterator class.
So I'm trying to make a simple script, it will have a list of predefined files, search for anything that's not on the list and delete it.
I have this for now
$directory = "/home/user/public_html";
$files = glob($directory . "*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM files WHERE FileName='$file'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0)
unlink($directory . $file);
However, I'd like to avoid the query so I can run the script more often (there's about 60-70 files, and I want to run this every 20 seconds or so?) so how would I embedd a file list into the php file and check against that instead of database?
You are missing a trailing / twice.. In glob() you are giving /home/user/public_html*.* as the argument, I think you mean /home/user/public_html/*.*.
This is why I bet nothing matches the files in your table..
This won't give an error either because the syntax is fine.
Then where you unlink() you do this again.. your argument home/user/public_htmltestfile.html should be home/user/public_html/testfile.html.
I like this syntax style: "{$directory}/{$file}" because it's short and more readable. If the / is missing, you see it immediately. You can also change it to $directory . "/" . $file, it you prefer it. The same goes for one line conditional statements.. So here it comes..
$directory = "/home/user/public_html";
$files = glob("{$directory}/*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM files WHERE FileName=\"{$file}\";");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0)
EDIT: You requested recursion. Here it goes..
You need to make a function that you can run once with a path as it's argument. Then you can run that function from inside that function on subdirectories. Like this:
ListDir list files under directories recursively
$dir = directory to be scanned
$recursive = in how many levels of recursion do you want to search? (0 for none), default: -1 (for "unlimited")
function ListDir($dir, $recursive=-1)
// if recursive == -1 do "unlimited" but that's no good on a live server! so let's say 999 is enough..
$recursive = ($recursive == -1 ? 999 : $recursive);
// array to hold return value
$retval = array();
// remove trailing / if it is there and then add it, to make sure there is always just 1 /
$dir = rtrim($dir,"/") . "/*";
// read the directory contents and process each node
foreach(glob($dir) as $node)
// skip hidden files
if(substr($node,-1) == ".") continue;
// if $node is a dir and recursive is greater than 0 (meaning not at the last level or disabled)
if(is_dir($node) && $recursive > 0)
// substract 1 of recursive for ever recursion.
// run this same function again on itself, merging the return values with the return array
$retval = array_merge($retval, ListDir($node, $recursive));
// if $node is a file, we add it to the array that will be returned from this function
$retval[] = $node;
// NOTE: if you want you can do some action here in your case you can unlink($node) if it matches your requirements..
return $retval;
// Output the result
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
If the list is not dynamic, store it in an array:
$myFiles = array (
$directory = "/home/user/public_html/";
$files = glob($directory . "*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
if (!in_array($file, $myFiles)) {
unlink($directory . $file);
I have a zip file containing one folder, that contains more folders and files, like this:
Now, I want to extract this file using PHPs ZipArchive, but without the "firstlevel" folder. At the moment, the results look like this:
The result I'd like to have would look like this:
I've tried extractTo, which produces the first mentioned result, and copy(), as suggested here, but this doesn't seem to work at all.
My current code is here:
if($zip->open('myfile.zip') === true) {
$firstlevel = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
$entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
$pos = strpos($entry, $firstlevel);
if ($pos !== false) {
$file = substr($entry, strlen($firstlevel));
if(strlen($file) > 0){
$files[] = $file;
//attempt 1 (extractTo):
//$zip->extractTo('./test', $files);
//attempt 2 (copy):
foreach($files as $filename){
copy('zip://'.$firstlevel.'/'.$filename, 'test/'.$filename);
How can I achieve the result I'm aiming for?
Take a look at my Quick Unzipper script. I wrote this for personal use a while back when uploading large zip files to a server. It was a backup, and 1,000s of files take forever with FTP so using a zip file was faster. I use Git and everything, but there wasn't another option for me. I place this php file in the directory I want the files to go, and put the zip file in the same directory. For my script, they all have to operate in the same directory. It was an easy way to secure it for my needs, as everything I needed was in the same dir.
Quick Unzipper: https://github.com/incomepitbull/QuickUnzipper/blob/master/unzip.php
I linked the file because I am not showcasing the repo, just the code that makes the unzip tick. With modern versions of PHP, there should't be anything that isn't included on your setup. So you shouldn't need to do any server config changes to use this.
Here is the PHP Doc for the ZipArchive class it uses: http://php.net/manual/en/class.ziparchive.php
There isn't any included way to do what you want, which is a shame. So I would unzip the file to a temp directory, then use another function to copy the contents to where you want. So when using ZipArchive, you will need to return the first item to get the folder name if it is unknown. If the folder is known, ie: the same pesky folder name every time, then you could hard code the name.
I have made it return the first item from the index. So if you ALWAYS have a zip with 1 folder inside it, and everything in that folder, this would work. However, if you have a zip file without everything consolidated inside 1 folder, it would fail. The code I have added will take care of your question. You will need to add further logic to handle alternate cases.
Also, You will still be left with the old directory from when we extract it to the temp directory for "processing". So I included code to delete it too.
NOTE: The code uses a lot of if's to show the processing steps, and print a message for testing purposes. You would need to modify it to your needs.
public function copyDirectoryContents($source, $destination, $create=false)
if ( ! is_dir($source) ) {
return false;
if ( ! is_dir($destination) && $create === true ) {
if ( is_dir($destination) ) {
$files = array_diff(scandir($source), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if ( is_dir($file) ) {
copyDirectoryContents("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
} else {
#copy("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
return true;
return false;
public function removeDirectory($directory, $options=array())
$files = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if (is_dir("$directory/$file"))
if(!$options['traverseSymlinks'] && is_link(rtrim($file,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))) {
} else {
} else {
return rmdir($directory);
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/file.zip'; // full path to zip file needing extracted
$temp = dirname(__FILE__) . '/zip-temp'; // full path to temp dir to process extractions
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/extracted'; // full path to final destination to put the files (not the folder)
$firstDir = null; // holds the name of the first directory
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($file);
if ($res === TRUE) {
$firstDir = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
$status = "<strong>Success:</strong> '$file' extracted to '$temp'.";
} else {
$status = "<strong>Error:</strong> Could not extract '$file'.";
echo $status . '<br />';
if ( empty($firstDir) ) {
echo 'Error: first directory was empty!';
} else {
$firstDir = realpath($temp . '/' . $firstDir);
echo "First Directory: $firstDir <br />";
if ( is_dir($firstDir) ) {
if ( copyDirectoryContents($firstDir, $path) ) {
echo 'Directory contents copied!<br />';
if ( removeDirectory($directory) ) {
echo 'Temp directory deleted!<br />';
echo 'Done!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error deleting temp directory!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error copying directory contents!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error: Could not find first directory';
$value can = a folder structure to the language file. Example: languages/english.php
$value can also = the files name. Example: english.php
So I need to get the current folder that $value is in and delete the folder ONLY if there are no other files/folders within that directory (after deleting the actual file as I am doing already, ofcourse).
foreach($module['languages'] as $lang => $langFile)
foreach ($langFile as $type => $value)
#unlink($module_path . '/' . $value);
// Now I need to delete the folder ONLY if there are no other directories inside the folder where it is currently at.
// And ONLY if there are NO OTHER files within that folder also.
How can I do this?? And wondering if this can be done without using a while loop, since a while loop within a foreach loop could take some time, and need this to be as quick as possible.
And just FYI, the $module_path should never be deleted. So if $value = english.php, it should never delete the $module_path. Ofcourse, there will always be another file in there, so checking for this is not necessary, but won't hurt either way.
Thanks guys :)
Ok, now I'm using this code here and it is NOT working, it is not removing the folders or the files, and I don't get any errors either... so not sure what the problem is here:
foreach($module['languages'] as $lang => $langFile)
foreach ($langFile as $type => $value)
if (#unlink($module_path . '/' . $value))
#rmdir(dirname($module_path . '/' . $value));
NEVERMIND, this works a CHARM!!! Cheers Everyone!!
The easyest way is try to use rmdir. This don't delete folder if it is not empty
also you can check is folder empty by
2 for . and ..
UPD: as I reviewed maybe you should replace $module_path by dirname($module_path.'.'.$value);
Since the directory you care about might be part of the $value, you need to use dirname to figure out what the parent directory is, you can't just assume that it's $module_path.
$file_path = $module_path . '/' . $value;
if (#unlink($file_path)) {
if (is_file($value)) {
} else if (is_dir($value)) {
if (count(scandir($value)) == 2) }
The code below will take a path, check if it is a file (i.e. not a directory). If it is a file, it will extract the directory name, then delete the file, then iterate over the dir and count the files in it, if the files are zero it'll delete the dir.
Code is as an example and should work, however privileges and environment setup may result in it not working.
if(!is_dir ( string $filename )){ //if it is a file
$fileDir = dirname ( $filename );
if ($handle = opendir($fileDir)) {
echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
echo "Files:\n";
//delete the file
//Loop the dir and count the file in it
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$numFiles = $numFiles + 1;
if($numFiles == 0) {
//delete the dir
I merely have the file name, without extension (.txt, .eps, etc.)
The directory has several subfolders. So, the file could be anywhere.
How can I seek the filename, without the extension, and copy it to different directory?
http://www.pgregg.com/projects/php/preg_find/preg_find.php.txt seems to be exactly what you need, to find the file. then just use the normal php copy() command http://php.net/manual/en/function.copy.php to copy it.
have a look at this http://php.net/manual/en/function.copy.php
as for seeking filenames, could use a database to log where the files are? and use that log to find your files
I found that scandir() is the fastest method for such operations:
function findRecursive($folder, $file) {
foreach (scandir($folder) as $filename) {
$path = $folder . '/' . $filename;
# $filename starts with desired string
if (strpos($filename, $file) === 0) {
return $path;
# search sub-directories
if (is_dir($path)) {
$result = findRecursive($path);
if ($result !== NULL) {
return $result;
For copying the file, you can use copy():
copy(findRecursive($folder, $partOfFilename), $targetFile);