Delete files not matching a list - php

So I'm trying to make a simple script, it will have a list of predefined files, search for anything that's not on the list and delete it.
I have this for now
$directory = "/home/user/public_html";
$files = glob($directory . "*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM files WHERE FileName='$file'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0)
unlink($directory . $file);
However, I'd like to avoid the query so I can run the script more often (there's about 60-70 files, and I want to run this every 20 seconds or so?) so how would I embedd a file list into the php file and check against that instead of database?

You are missing a trailing / twice.. In glob() you are giving /home/user/public_html*.* as the argument, I think you mean /home/user/public_html/*.*.
This is why I bet nothing matches the files in your table..
This won't give an error either because the syntax is fine.
Then where you unlink() you do this again.. your argument home/user/public_htmltestfile.html should be home/user/public_html/testfile.html.
I like this syntax style: "{$directory}/{$file}" because it's short and more readable. If the / is missing, you see it immediately. You can also change it to $directory . "/" . $file, it you prefer it. The same goes for one line conditional statements.. So here it comes..
$directory = "/home/user/public_html";
$files = glob("{$directory}/*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM files WHERE FileName=\"{$file}\";");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0)
EDIT: You requested recursion. Here it goes..
You need to make a function that you can run once with a path as it's argument. Then you can run that function from inside that function on subdirectories. Like this:
ListDir list files under directories recursively
$dir = directory to be scanned
$recursive = in how many levels of recursion do you want to search? (0 for none), default: -1 (for "unlimited")
function ListDir($dir, $recursive=-1)
// if recursive == -1 do "unlimited" but that's no good on a live server! so let's say 999 is enough..
$recursive = ($recursive == -1 ? 999 : $recursive);
// array to hold return value
$retval = array();
// remove trailing / if it is there and then add it, to make sure there is always just 1 /
$dir = rtrim($dir,"/") . "/*";
// read the directory contents and process each node
foreach(glob($dir) as $node)
// skip hidden files
if(substr($node,-1) == ".") continue;
// if $node is a dir and recursive is greater than 0 (meaning not at the last level or disabled)
if(is_dir($node) && $recursive > 0)
// substract 1 of recursive for ever recursion.
// run this same function again on itself, merging the return values with the return array
$retval = array_merge($retval, ListDir($node, $recursive));
// if $node is a file, we add it to the array that will be returned from this function
$retval[] = $node;
// NOTE: if you want you can do some action here in your case you can unlink($node) if it matches your requirements..
return $retval;
// Output the result
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

If the list is not dynamic, store it in an array:
$myFiles = array (
$directory = "/home/user/public_html/";
$files = glob($directory . "*.*");
foreach($files as $file)
if (!in_array($file, $myFiles)) {
unlink($directory . $file);


php - Get the last modified dir

A little stuck on this and hoping for some help. I'm trying to get the last modified dir from a path in a string. I know there is a function called "is_dir" and I've done some research but can't seem to get anything to work.
I don't have any code i'm sorry.
$path = '../../images/';
// echo out the last modified dir from inside the "images" folder
For example: The path variable above has 5 sub folders inside the "images" dir currently right now. I want to echo out "sub5" - which is the last modified folder.
You can use scandir() instead of is_dir() function to do it.
Here is an example.
function GetFilesAndFolder($Directory) {
/*Which file want to be escaped, Just add to this array*/
$EscapedFiles = [
$FilesAndFolders = [];
/*Scan Files and Directory*/
$FilesAndDirectoryList = scandir($Directory);
foreach ($FilesAndDirectoryList as $SingleFile) {
if (in_array($SingleFile, $EscapedFiles)){
/*Store the Files with Modification Time to an Array*/
$FilesAndFolders[$SingleFile] = filemtime($Directory . '/' . $SingleFile);
/*Sort the result as your needs*/
$FilesAndFolders = array_keys($FilesAndFolders);
return ($FilesAndFolders) ? $FilesAndFolders : false;
$data = GetFilesAndFolder('../../images/');
From above example the last modified Files or Folders will show as Ascending order.
You can also separate your files and folder by checking is_dir() function and store the result in 2 different arrays like $FilesArray=[] and $FolderArray=[].
Details about filemtime() scandir() arsort()
Here's one way you can accomplish this:
// Get an array of all files in the current directory.
// Edit to use whatever location you need
$dir = scandir(__DIR__);
$newest_file = null;
$mdate = null;
// Loop over files in directory and if it is a subdirectory and
// its modified time is greater than $mdate, set that as the current
// file.
foreach ($dir as $file) {
// Skip current directory and parent directory
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
if (is_dir(__DIR__.'/'.$file)) {
if (filemtime(__DIR__.'/'.$file) > $mdate) {
$newest_file = __DIR__.'/'.$file;
$mdate = filemtime(__DIR__.'/'.$file);
echo $newest_file;
This will work too just like the other answers. Thanks everyone for the help!
// get the last created/modified directory
$path = "images/";
$latest_ctime = 0;
$latest_dir = '';
$d = dir($path);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
$filepath = "{$path}/{$entry}";
if(is_dir($filepath) && filectime($filepath) > $latest_ctime) {
$latest_ctime = filectime($filepath);
$latest_dir = $entry;
} //end loop
echo $latest_dir;

How can I exclude directories using RecursiveDirectoryIterator

I have the function below. Which goes through directories and recursively searches through them to grab a random image file and then attaches that to a post. What I want to do is exclude some files from the search.
I have a comma separated list which I explode into an array, I tried using a filter but couldn't get this to work.
Current function without filter is
function swmc_get_imgs($start_dir, $ext, $exclude=array()){
$dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_dir));
$files = array();
// Force array of extensions and make them all lower-case
if ( ! is_array($ext))
$ext = (array) $ext;
$ext = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', $ext));
foreach($dir as $file)
// Skip anything that isn't a file
if ( ! $file->isFile())
// If the file has one of our desired extensions, add it to files array
if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), $ext)) {
$files[] = $file->getPathname();
return $files;
So the above works but can be fairly expensive still especially with a lot of directories, as such I want to exclude a list of directories stored in a comma list.
I tried the following
class SwmcOnlyFilter extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
public function accept() {
// Accept the current item if we can recurse into it
// or it is a value starting with "test"
return $this->hasChildren() || !in_array($this->current(), explode(",",get_option('swmc_image_excl')));
And then changing the first part of the swmc_get_imgs function to
$dirIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_dir);
$filter = new SwmcOnlyFilter($dirIterator);
$dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter);
However the filter doesn't jump over that directory but instead goes into it.
The directories could look like
and so on.
So I may want to exclude 2011 as a directory but not exclude the image that lives in 2009 with 2011 in its title.
I could filter out these manually by skipping them in the foreach loop, however this still checks them and wastes memory and time. I would prefer to skip these at the time of the grab if possible.
figured it out using the following
function swmc_iterate_imgs($start_dir) {
$directory = $start_dir;
$excludedDirs = explode(",",get_option('swmc_image_excl')); // array of subdirectory paths, relative to $directory, to exclude from search
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
$fileArr = array(); // numerically indexed array with your files
$x = -1;
while ($it->valid())
if (!$it->isDot() && !in_array($it->getSubPath(), $excludedDirs) && preg_match('/(\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png))$/i', $it->key()) == 1)
$fileArr[] = $it->key();
return $fileArr;

How to get the newest file in a directory in php

So I have this app that processes CSV files. I have a line of code to load the file.
$myFile = "data/FrontlineSMS_Message_Export_20120721.csv"; //The name of the CSV file
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); //Open the file
I would like to find a way in which I could look in the data directory and get the newest file (they all have date tags so they would be in order inside of data) and set the name equal to $myFile.
I really couldn't find and understand the documentation of php directories so any helpful resources would be appreciated as well. Thank you.
Here's an attempt using scandir, assuming the only files in the directory have timestamped filenames:
$files = scandir('data', SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$newest_file = $files[0];
We first list all files in the directory in descending order, then, whichever one is first in that list has the "greatest" filename — and therefore the greatest timestamp value — and is therefore the newest.
Note that scandir was added in PHP 5, but its documentation page shows how to implement that behavior in PHP 4.
For a search with wildcard you can use:
$path = "/var/www/html/*";
$latest_ctime = 0;
$latest_filename = '';
$files = glob($path);
foreach($files as $file)
if (is_file($file) && filectime($file) > $latest_ctime)
$latest_ctime = filectime($file);
$latest_filename = $file;
return $latest_filename;
My solution, improved solution from Max Hofmann:
$ret = [];
$dir = Yii::getAlias("#app") . "/web/uploads/problem-letters/{$this->id}"; // set directory in question
if(is_dir($dir)) {
$ret = array_diff(scandir($dir), array(".", "..")); // get all files in dir as array and remove . and .. from it
usort($ret, function ($a, $b) use ($dir) {
if(filectime($dir . "/" . $a) < filectime($dir . "/" . $b)) {
return -1;
} else if(filectime($dir . "/" . $a) == filectime($dir . "/" . $b)) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
}); // sort array by file creation time, older first
echo $ret[count($ret)-1]; // filename of last created file
Here's an example where I felt more confident in using my own validator rather than simply relying on a timestamp with scandir().
In this context, I want to check if my server has a more recent file version than the client's version. So I compare version numbers from the file names.
$clientAppVersion = "1.0.5";
$latestVersionFileName = "";
$directory = "../../download/updates/darwin/"
$arrayOfFiles = scandir($directory);
foreach ($arrayOfFiles as $file) {
if (is_file($directory . $file)) {
// Your custom code here... For example:
$serverFileVersion = getVersionNumberFromFileName($file);
if (isVersionNumberGreater($serverFileVersion, $clientAppVersion)) {
$latestVersionFileName = $file;
// function declarations in my php file (used in the forEach loop)
function getVersionNumberFromFileName($fileName) {
// extract the version number with regEx replacement
return preg_replace("/Finance D - Tenue de livres-darwin-(x64|arm64)-|\.zip/", "", $fileName);
function removeAllNonDigits($semanticVersionString) {
// use regex replacement to keep only numeric values in the semantic version string
return preg_replace("/\D+/", "", $semanticVersionString);
function isVersionNumberGreater($serverFileVersion, $clientFileVersion): bool {
// receives two semantic versions (1.0.4) and compares their numeric value (104)
// true when server version is greater than client version (105 > 104)
return removeAllNonDigits($serverFileVersion) > removeAllNonDigits($clientFileVersion);
Using this manual comparison instead of a timestamp I can achieve a more surgical result. I hope this can give you some useful ideas if you have a similar requirement.
(PS: I took time to post because I was not satisfied with the answers I found relating to the specific requirement I had. Please be kind I'm also not very used to StackOverflow - Thanks!)

Get folders and files recursively from a folder in alphabetical order in PHP?

I need to get all the folders and files from a folder recursively in alphabetical order (folders first, files after)
Is there an implemented PHP function which caters for this?
I have this function:
function dir_tree($dir) {
$path = '';
$stack[] = $dir;
while ($stack) {
$thisdir = array_pop($stack);
if ($dircont = scandir($thisdir)) {
while (isset($dircont[$i])) {
if ($dircont[$i] !== '.' && $dircont[$i] !== '..' && $dircont[$i] !== '.svn') {
$current_file = "{$thisdir}/{$dircont[$i]}";
if (is_file($current_file)) {
$path[] = "{$thisdir}/{$dircont[$i]}";
} elseif (is_dir($current_file)) {
$path[] = "{$thisdir}/{$dircont[$i]}";
$stack[] = $current_file;
return $path;
I have sorted the array and printed it like so:
$filesArray = dir_tree("myDir");
foreach ($filesArray as $file) {
echo "$file<br/>";
What I need is to know when a new sub directory is found, so I can add some spaces to print it in a directory like structure instead of just a list.
Any help?
Many thanks
Look at the RecursiveDirectoryIterator.
$directory_iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
foreach($directory_iterator as $filename => $path_object)
echo $filename;
I'm not sure though if it returns the files in alphabetical order.
As you say it does not, I think the only way is to sort them yourself.
I would loop through each directory and put directories and files in a seperate arrays, and then sort them, and then recurse in the directories.
I found a link which helped me a lot in what I was trying to achieve:
This might help someone else, it creates a list with folders first, files after. When you click on a subfolder, it submits and another page with the folders and files in the partent folder is generated.

auto display filename in a directory and auto fill it as value

I want something (final) like this :
//named as config.php
$fn[0]["long"] = "file name"; $fn[0]["short"] = "file-name.txt";
$fn[1]["long"] = "file name 1"; $fn[1]["short"] = "file-name_1.txt";
What that I want to?:
1. $fn[0], $fn[1], etc.., as auto increasing
2. "file-name.txt", "file-name_1.txt", etc.., as file name from a directory, i want it auto insert.
3. "file name", "file name 1", etc.., is auto split from "file-name.txt", "file-name_1.txt", etc..,
and config.php above needed in another file e.g.
<? //named as form.php
include "config.php";
for($tint = 0;isset($text_index[$tint]);$tint++)
if($allok === TRUE && $tint === $index) echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $text_index[$tint]["short"] . "\" SELECTED>" . $text_index[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $text_index[$tint]["short"] . "\">" . $text_index[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n");
} ?>
so i try to search and put php code and hope it can handling at all :
$path = ".";
$dh = opendir($path);
$i= 1;
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
echo "\$fn[$i]['short'] = '$file'; $fn[$i]['long'] = '$file(splited)';<br />"; // Test
but i'm wrong, the output is not similar to what i want, e.g.
$fn[0]['short'] = 'file-name.txt'; ['long'] = 'file-name.txt'; //<--not splitted
$fn[1]['short'] = 'file-name_1.txt'; ['long'] = 'file-name_1.txt'; //<--not splitted
because i am little known with php so i don't know how to improve code more, there are any good tips of you guys could help me, Please
New answer after OP edited his question
From your edited question, I understand you want to dynamically populate a SelectBox element on an HTML webpage with the files found in a certain directory for option value. The values are supposed to be split by dash, underscore and number to provide the option name, e.g.
Directory with Files > SelectBox Options
filename1.txt > value: filename1.txt, text: Filename 1
file_name2.txt > value: filename1.txt, text: File Name 2
file-name3.txt > value: filename1.txt, text: File Name 3
Based from the code I gave in my other answer, you could achieve this with the DirectoryIterator like this:
$config = array();
$dir = new DirectoryIterator('.');
foreach($dir as $item) {
if($item->isFile()) {
$fileName = $item->getFilename();
// turn dashes and underscores to spaces
$longFileName = str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', $fileName);
// prefix numbers with space
$longFileName = preg_replace('/(\d+)/', ' $1', $fileName);
// add to array
$config[] = array('short' => $filename,
'long' => $longFilename);
However, since filenames in a directory are unique, you could also use this as an array:
$config[$filename] => $longFilename;
when building the config array. The short filename will form the key of the array then and then you can build your selectbox like this:
foreach($config as $short => $long)
printf( '<option value="%s">%s</option>' , $short, $long);
Alternatively, use the Iterator to just create an array of filenames and do the conversion to long file names when creating the Selectbox options, e.g. in the foreach loop above. In fact, you could build the entire SelectBox right from the iterator instead of building the array first, e.g.
$dir = new DirectoryIterator('.');
foreach($dir as $item) {
if($item->isFile()) {
$fileName = $item->getFilename();
$longFileName = str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', $fileName);
$longFileName = preg_replace('/(\d+)/', ' $1', $fileName);
printf( '<option value="%s">%s</option>' , $fileName, $longFileName);
Hope that's what your're looking for. I strongly suggest having a look at the chapter titled Language Reference in the PHP Manual if you got no or very little experience with PHP so far. There is also a free online book at
Use this as the if condition to avoid the '..' from appearing in the result.
if($file != "." && $file != "..")
if($file != "." ) {
if($file != "." and $file !== "..") {
and you get the behaviour you want.
If you read all the files from a linux environment you always get . and .. as files, which represent the current directory (.) and the parent directory (..). In your code you only ignore '.', while you also want to ignore '..'.
If you want to print out what you wrote change the code in the inner loop to this:
if($file != "." ) {
echo "\$fn[\$i]['long'] = '$file'<br />"; // Test
If you want to fill an array called $fn:
if($file != "." ) {
$fn[]['long'] = $file;
(You can remove the $i, because php auto increments arrays). Make sure you initialize $fn before the while loop:
$fn = array();
Have a look at the following functions:
glob — Find pathnames matching a pattern
scandir — List files and directories inside the specified path
DirectoryIterator — provides a simple interface for viewing the contents of filesystem directories
So, with the DirectoryIterator you simply would do:
$dir = new DirectoryIterator('.');
foreach($dir as $item) {
if($item->isFile()) {
echo $file;
Notice how every $item in $dir is an SplFileInfo instance and provides access to a number of useful other functions, e.g. isFile().
Doing a recursive directory traversal is equally easy. Just use a RecursiveDirectoryIterator with a RecursiveIteratorIterator and do:
$dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'));
foreach($dir as $item) {
echo $file;
NOTE I am afraid I do not understand what the following line from your question is supposed to mean:
echo "$fn[$i]['long'] = '$file'<br />"; // Test
But with the functions and example code given above, you should be able to do everything you ever wanted to do with files inside directories.
I've had the same thing happen. I've just used array_shift() to trim off the top of the array
check out the documentation.
