Modify MP3 File - php

I have an MP3 file uploader. I want to add an additional audio track to the file upon upload via PHP. Is that possible?

I say "Yes, it's possible".
The following seems to make it seem almost trivial: "How to Merge / Concatenate MP3s with PHP"

(based on comments)
It's not possible, well not directly possible. Not with just PHP.
With PHP you could break up a Mp3 and insert your own little snippet into pauses, but it probably won't sound very good, and if I am thinking correctly will result in lowered audio quality.
To really achieve what you want you would need something inbetween to process the Mp3 files. More than likely it would be a Unix shell script attached to some program or library that can do this, executed by PHP.


Getting Beat Rate of MP3 in PHP

Is there any possibility that I can get the beat rate (beats per minute or beats per second) of an audio file placed on my server, through PHP.
The main scenario is I have some audio file(mp3, wav etc) in some location on my server and I've to categorize them according to their beat rate.
I got this:
Can anyone please explaing how to use the function getBPM()
I wrote a simple php class for BPM detection in audio files. It uses soundtouch and ffmpeg to get the BPM. You can get it here - php-bpm-detect
You could try calling the SoundTouch audio processing library from php after installing it on the server.
The FAQ states that it can detect BPM. I do not know if it can handle mp3 files, but then you could use ffmpeg to convert them to wav and then run the bpm detection.
Please Check the link for more info.
SoundStretch audio processing utility
Beat rate (BPM) can be calculated in many ways. First of all you need to find how to detect beats which are nothing but local peaks of sound energy. Supposing you want to analyse WAV file it would be best to search whole file sample-by-sample and find high differences between consecutive samples. How big differences? It is hard to tell, you will have to try with different values (different detection threshold). MP3 detection is harder because it is also compressed.
Here are some other ideas:
How to detect the BPM of a song in php
BTW: Are you sure you want to use PHP for BPM detection? If you have server you can probably use also other langages, like C/C++ launched as cgi script. It would be much more memory- and cpu-effective.
Good luck with your project!
EDIT: Try to use Google to find different projects, but covering the same topic (wav analysis), e.x. - project that draws oscillogram from WAV file and saves it to PNG. If it draws waveform you are one step ahead-now you have to implement algorithm to not draw sample values but analyse them to find beats.

create an image from table

I have following problem. I have txt file here :
I use PHP to loop throgh the file and generate this table :
Table uses some basic styles and I like it that way.
txt file is generated and uploaded via python. I would like to create an image that looks like that table. Is there any way using python or PHP to do so ?
Any image format that is acceptable on the web is good, PNG being even quite welcome.
I've read somewhere that python reportlab can make styled tables with alignments and so on, so that could be a good start, but reportlab generates PDF. Of course, if that is just a step between it is also acceptable (if I could do the PDF > img conversion on my machine). ALso, IIRC every PDF contains a "screenshot" of each page for fast browsing, so that would also be cool.
All in all, I have this txt file and this HTML table that I want as image. If any1 can help that would be great :)
thanx in advance!
I can only speak for PHP.
You could try to build the image by hand with PHP's image functions
Or you could try executing a external script like:

Embed code in video file

I'm sorry if the question is ambiguous, I'll try to explain.
I'm working on an existing PHP download script for videos and some parts of it are broken. There's code in there that's supposed to place a specific member code inside the video file before download, but it doesn't work. Here's the code:
//embed user's code in video file
$fpTarget = fopen($filename, "a");
fwrite($fpTarget, $member_code);
$member_code is a random 6-character code.
Now, this would make sense to me if it were a text file, but since it's a video file, how could this possibly work and what is it supposed to do? If the member code is somehow added to the video, how can I see it after download it? I have no experience with video files, so any help is appreciated (a modification of the available code or new code would be equally welcome).
I'm sorry I can't give a more precise description of what the code is supposed to do, I'm trying to figure that out myself.
It may work, depending on the format/type of the video. MPG files are fairly tolerant of "noise" in a file and players would skip over your code because it doesn't look like valid video frame data.
Other formats/players may puke, because the format requires certain data be at specific offsets relative to the end of the file, which you've now shifted by 6 characters.
Your best bet is to figure see if whatever format you're serving up has provisions for metadata in its specifications. e.g. there might be support for a comment field somewhere that you can simply slap the code into.
However, if you're doing all this for 'security' or tracking unauthorized sharing of the video, then simply writing the number into a header is fairly easy to bypass. A better bet would be to watermark the video somehow so that the code is embedded in the actual video data, so that "This video belongs to member XYZ only" is displayed while playing.
You don't write to the content of the file directly, not like you would with a text file. As you've noticed, this effectively corrupts the video and you have no way of reasonably reading the information.
For audio/video files, you write to meta-data that's packaged with the file. How this is packaged and what you can do with it generally depends heavily on the container format used for the file. (Remember that container and codec are two different things. The codec is the format used to encode the audio/video, the container is the file format in which that data stream is stored.)
A library like getID3 might be a good place to start. I've never used it, but it seems to be what you're looking for. What you would essentially do is write a value to the meta-data in the container (either a pre-defined value for that container or maybe a custom key/value pair, etc.) which would be part of the file. Then, when reading the file, you can get that data. (Now, that last part depends heavily on what's reading the file. The data is there, but not every player cares about it. You'll want to match up what you're writing to with what you usually see/read from the file's internal meta-data.)

Merge two flv files (contain audio) in PHP without external program

I need to merge two flv files, using PHP. I can't use exec method. I am wondering if is possible to cut some part of one flv file (audio tag) and paste to another and overwrite duration for output file.
I have found interesting solution here: calculate flv video file length ? using pure php but I do not know how can I get an audio tag from a flv file? How many audio tags a flv file has? Which tags should I overwrite in output file to be able to play audio from two merged files?
I will be very gratefull for advices.
Many thanks,
I strongly recommend you to go to and download the FLV/F4V specification made freely available by Adobe.
Using the techniques I described in my answer you linked at, you should be able to achieve your goal.
Be careful however when trying to join files with different codecs, since the resulting file has good chances to confuse the flash player, or even not playing at all past the junction point.
Otherwise, I don't really understand your goal.
If you plan to put a file's audio track into another file, I would really discourage you from doing it in PHP, but instead using video tools such as ffmpeg.
If you're stuck with PHP, you should probably read both files concurrently, synchronizing via each tag's timestamp, reading the first file's video, and the second file's audio, combining tags by temporal order into a third new file.

Upload progress using pure PHP/AJAX?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but as I can't seem to find a good answer, here I am, asking... again. :)
Is there any way, using only a mixture of HTML, JavaScript/AJAX, and PHP, to report the actual progress of a file upload?
In reply to anyone suggesting SWFUpload or similar:
I know all about it. Been down that road. I'm looking for a 100% pure solution (and yes, I know I probably won't get it).
Monitoring your file uploads with PHP/Javascript requires the PECL extension:
A good example of the code needed to display the progress to your users is:
Uber Uploader
If I'm not mistaken it uses JQuery to communicate with PHP.
You could also write it yourself, It's not that complex.
Add a hidden element as the first element of upload form, named UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.
Poll a PHP script that calls uploadprogress_get_info( UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER )
It return an array containing the following:
time_start - The time that the upload began (unix timestamp),
time_last - The time that the progress info was last updated,
speed_average - Average speed in bytes per second,
speed_last - Last measured speed in bytes per second,
bytes_uploaded - Number of bytes uploaded so far,
bytes_total - The value of the Content-Length header sent by the browser,
files_uploaded - Number of files uploaded so far,
est_sec - Estimated number of seconds remaining.
Let PHP return the info to Javascript and you should have plenty of information.
Depending on the audience, you will likely not use all the info available.
If you have APC installed (and by this point, you really should; it'll be standard in PHP6), it has an option to enable upload tracking.
There's some documentation, and Rasmus has written a code sample that uses YUI.
If you're able to add PECL packages into your PHP, there is the uploadprogress package.
The simplest way would be to just use swfupload, though.
Is there any way, using only a mixture of HTML, JavaScript/AJAX, and PHP, to report the actual progress of a file upload?
I don't know of any way to monitor plain HTML (multipart/form-data) file uploads in webserver-loaded PHP.
You need to have access to the progress of the multipart/form-data parser as the data comes in, but this looks impossible because the ways of accessing the HTTP request body from PHP ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and php://input) are documented as being “not available with enctype="multipart/form-data"”.
You could do a script-assisted file upload in Firefox using an upload field's FileList to grab the contents of a file to submit in a segmented or non-multipart way. Still a bunch of work to parse though.
(You could even run a PHP script as a standalone server on another port just for receiving file uploads, using your own HTTP-handling code. But that's a huge amount of work for relatively little gain.)
I'd recommend you to five FancyUpload a try it's a really cool solution for progress bar and it's not necesarely attached to php. Checkout also the other tools at
IMHO, this is the problem that Web browsers should solve. We have progress meter for downloads, so why not for uploads as well?
Take a look at this for example:
