Good day,
I am having trouble passing an xml in nusoap.
I pass this xml
The nusoap response is
The greater than and less than sign is removed.
This is my code for the server:
$server = new nusoap_server; // Create server instance
array("param"=>"xsd:string"), // input
array("result"=>"xsd:string"), // output
function myFunction($parameters) {
return $parameters;
// Use the request to try to invoke the service
This is my code for the client:
$client = new nusoap_client('http://localhost/nusoap/ws.php?wsdl', true);
$clientparam = '<test>123</test>';
$result = $client->call('myFunction',
*Note that the above code is working on PHP Version 5.3.0 but NOT on PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch13 which is the one on our production is using.
I've searched the net for any issues on the 2 version but none found.
Any help is highly appreciated. TIA
Upgrade you libxml2 and rebuild PHP.
I don't know nusoap at all, but it sounds like your entities are being discarded.
It might be worth controlling the entities at either end, for instance by changing '>' for >, '<' for < either manually or using a function such as htmlentities()
Not sure if you're using a different version of nusoap than me, but I've been using the proxy, which seems to be working. I also instantiate the client with soapclient rather than nusoap_client (hadn't seen that before):
$client = new soapclient('http://localhost/nusoap/ws.php?wsdl', true);
$proxy = $client->getProxy();
$response = $proxy->call("myfunction", array('test' => 123));
Yes and the answer is in soapval class.
Little messy but simple example is here.
In quick - you have to wrap with this class any non-generic type, that means i.e. php array. Nesting of this wraps could of course happen but it's not against design.
If you want to pass xml value within a soap message and you control both the server and the client (or at least you can instruct the client), why not base64 encode your xml. Then the parser will just see it as a normal string and not get confused.
I'm using HTTPful to send some requests in PHP and get data in JSON, but the library is converting the result into objects, where I want the result to be an array. In other words, its doing a json_decode($data) rather than json_decode($data, true).
There is, somewhere, an option to use the latter, but I can't figure out where. The option was added in v0.2.2:
- FEATURE Add support for parsing JSON responses as associative arrays instead of objects
But I've been reading documentation and even the source, and I don't see the option anywhere... The only way I can think of is making my own MimeHandlerAdapter which does a json_decode($data, true) but it seems like a pretty backwards way of doing it if there is an option somewhere...
It may be a little late to answer this, but I did a little research while using Httpful and found the answer. Httpful uses a default set of handlers for each mime type. If one is registered before you send the request, it will use the one you registered. Conveniently, there is an Httpful\Handlers\JsonHandler class. The constructor takes an array of arguments. The only one it uses is $decode_as_array. Therefore, you can make it return an array like this:
// Create the handler
$json_handler = new Httpful\Handlers\JsonHandler(array('decode_as_array' => true));
// Register it with Httpful
Httpful\Httpful::register('application/json', $json_handler);
// Send the request
$response = Request::get('some-url')->send();
I realized that it sometimes parses the response into a funky array if you don't tell the request to expect JSON. The docs say it's supposed to work automagically, but I was having some issues with it. Therefore, if you get weird output, try explicitly telling the request to expect JSON like so:
$response = Request::get('some/awesome/url')
I never used this library. But in a research I found that you can find this option at src/Httpful/Handlers/JsonHandler.php on line 11.
There you will see:
private $decode_as_array = false;
And this flag is used at the same file on line 27:
$parsed = json_decode($body, $this->decode_as_array);
You have to set decode_as_array to true value, to do this:
\Httpful\Httpful::register(\Httpful\Mime::JSON, new \Httpful\Handlers\JsonHandler(array('decode_as_array' => true)));
before Request::get calling
I have a GTFS protocol buffer message (VehiclePosition.pb), and the corresponding protocol format (gtfs-realtime.proto), I would like to read the message in PHP alone (is that even possible?).
I looked at Google's python tutorial and encoding documentation and, but I am having a really hard time conceptualizing what is going on. I think I understand that gtfs-realtime.php is a compiled instruction set of the encoding defined in gtfs-realtime.proto (please correct me if I am wrong), but I have no clue how to get it to decode VehiclePosition.pb. Also, what are the dependencies of gtfs-realtime.php (or the python equivalent for that matter)? Is there anything else I have to compile myself or anything that is not a simple php script if all I want to do is read VehiclePosition.pb?
edmonscommerce and Julian are on the right track.
However, I've gone down the same path and I've found that the PHP implementation of Protocol Buffers is cumbersome (especially in the case of NYCT's MTA feed).
Alternative Method (Command Line + JSON):
If you're comfortable with command line tools and JSON, I wrote a standalone tool that converts GTFS-realtime into simple JSON:
Just download (no install), and run: gtfs_realtime_json <feed_url>
Here's a sample JSON output.
To use this in PHP, just put gtfs_realtime_json in the same directory as your scripts, and run the following:
$json = exec('./gtfs_realtime_json ""');
$feed = json_decode($json, TRUE);
You can use the official tool:
It was released very recently. I've been using it for a few days and works like a charm.
I would assume something along the lines of this snippet:
require_once 'DrSlump\Protobuf.php';
use DrSlump\Protobuf;
$data = file_get_contents('data.pb');
$person = new Tutorial\Person($data);
echo $person->getName();
as taken from the man page:
Before that step, I think you need to generate your PHP classes using the CLI tool as described here:
so something along the lines of:
protoc-gen-php gtfs-realtime.proto
Sorry Harry Truong, I tried your executable but it returns always NULL.
What I am doing wrong?
Edit: The problem is that I have no permission to execute in my server. Thanks for your executable.
I'm now using phonegap to develop a application. I have found a similar php code which can assess to a local server here, but unfortunately phonegap doesn't support php.
Can anyone help me to 'translate' the php code below into JQuery ajax or any other javascript code? Thanks!
/* create client */
$endpoint = "";
$ns = "";
$client = new soapclient($endpoint);
// queryRcx is the name of the method you want to consume
// RcxQuery_1 is the name of parameter object you have to send
// x and y are the names of the integers contained in the object
$result = $client->call('queryRcx',array('RcxQuery_1' => array('x' => 12,'y' => 13)), $ns);
Step 1. Resolve the 404 associated with
Step 2. Get a JavaScript SOAP client.
Step 3. ... ... ...
Step 4. PROFIT!
Seriously though. All this really takes is a JavaScript based SOAP client. While they aren't a dime-a-dozen, they are pretty common. The one above is for jQuery, but it is easy enough to find other implementations.
The fact that the WSDL definition causes a 404 may or may not be a problem as the actual wsdl definition is technically optional, but you really want to figure out what happened.
You can add this header to the PHP file or .htaccess to avoid problems with cross domain reqs:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
Replace the all(*) with your domain ;)
Good luck!
I would like to have a PHP function to check if a URL returns valid HTML or NOT, and returns true or false.
Something like:
if (validate_page("/somefile.html")) { echo "This page validated!!"; }
I found TWINE but it doesn't just give me true or false. Also I got an error running it on my system.
I found this offline tool that looked promising.
Also I found this thread that talks about a gem, but it sounds problematic. How do I validate XHTML with nokogiri?
You can use W3C's validator API. There's a PHP library available through PEAR (click here) which uses said API.
You can also install the validator on your local server (instructions here), though you might not have sufficient permissions to do so if you are using shared hosting.
You could also try DOMDocument->validate() if you are using PHP 5 and if the document contains a DTD.
xhtml hast to be valid xml - if you only want to check that, you could easily use simplexml, but if you also want to check for correct elements/attributes this won't help you (in that case, NullUserExceptions hint to W3C's validator API would be the best solution to choose).
libxml_use_internal_errors ( true );
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$doc -> loadHTMLFile ( $file ); // load the file you want validated
var_dump ( libxml_get_errors () );
I have been working on a script with PHP4 that relies on NuSOAP. Now, I'm trying to move this to PHP5, and use the buildin support for SOAP there.
$wsdlPath = ""; // I have obviously set these variables to something meaningful, just hidden for the sake of security
$apiPath = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
// PHP5 style
$client = new soapclient($wsdlPath, array('login'=>username,
'password'=> $password,
'soap_version'=> SOAP_1_2,
'location'=> $apiPath,
'trace'=> 1));
// PHP4/NuSOAP style
$client = new soapclient($wsdlPath, true);
$client->setCredentials($username, $password);
$client ->loadWSD);
The PHP5-version throws the following exception stacktrace:
EXCEPTION=SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' in /home/eisebfog/public_html/database/norwegian.php:31
Stack trace:
#0 /home/eisebfog/public_html/database/norwegian.php(31): SoapClient->SoapClient('http://external...', Array)
#1 /home/eisebfog/public_html/database/index.php(53): require_once('/home/eisebfog/...')
#2 {main}
Now, as the NuSOAP version does work, and the pure PHP5 doesn't - it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out I'm doing something wrong. I have access to the .htaccess file, and through phpinfo() I have made sure that I'm running NuSOAP properly and running PHP5 when I should, and PHP4/Nusoap when I should.
Basically, I'm not very good with web services and soap - but if anyone has any ideas, i'd appreciate any input on what I'm doing wrong and how I can move to the native soap in PHP5. Btw, the reson I want this move in the first place is the assumed resource savings in native soap. I'd appreciate any links to benchmarks between these two solutions too.
Make sure NuSoap and PHPv5-SOAP are running on the same server. If I'm not totally wrong, both libraries uses the same class-name. Maybe it will work better if you make sure none NuSopa-files are included? And also verify that the SOAP-library are loaded:
dl(''); // Actually a deprecated method. See "notes" at
I guess the version-field you refer to is defined as "SOAP 1.1" or similiar?
Best wishes :)
Btw: what are you working on? Exchange of delays from the pilot to the airport? Or perhaps a webservice which will decrease the waiting-time on luggage delivery at Osl? :p
We had very similar problems with PHP5 built-in SOAP client trying to consume a .NET-based Web-service. Also WSDL parsing failed reporting invalid schema. Putting the schema definitions into a single local file didn't help.
We gave up trying and switched to NuSOAP, which did work.
However, NuSOAP is far from perfect also. Right now I get into out-of memory situation during the parsing of 1MB+ responses. Erasing all the nasty debug code helped a little, but not radically.
Thus, looks like there's no 100% interoperable/functional SOAP client implementation in PHP at the moment.
Without testing it, I have two suggestions:
First, put your error_reporting to the highest possible (before creating the SoapClient):
error_reporting( E_ALL );
If there's something wrong with the authentication on the server's side, PHP will throw warnings. In most of the cases, it will tell you, what has gone wrong.
Second: I don't know if you can specifiy the 'location' option together with an URL to a wsdl. Theoretically, the wsdl tells your client, where the endpoint of the operations is, so you don't have to bother.