Access the webserver by using javascript instead of php - php

I'm now using phonegap to develop a application. I have found a similar php code which can assess to a local server here, but unfortunately phonegap doesn't support php.
Can anyone help me to 'translate' the php code below into JQuery ajax or any other javascript code? Thanks!
/* create client */
$endpoint = "";
$ns = "";
$client = new soapclient($endpoint);
// queryRcx is the name of the method you want to consume
// RcxQuery_1 is the name of parameter object you have to send
// x and y are the names of the integers contained in the object
$result = $client->call('queryRcx',array('RcxQuery_1' => array('x' => 12,'y' => 13)), $ns);

Step 1. Resolve the 404 associated with
Step 2. Get a JavaScript SOAP client.
Step 3. ... ... ...
Step 4. PROFIT!
Seriously though. All this really takes is a JavaScript based SOAP client. While they aren't a dime-a-dozen, they are pretty common. The one above is for jQuery, but it is easy enough to find other implementations.
The fact that the WSDL definition causes a 404 may or may not be a problem as the actual wsdl definition is technically optional, but you really want to figure out what happened.

You can add this header to the PHP file or .htaccess to avoid problems with cross domain reqs:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
Replace the all(*) with your domain ;)
Good luck!


Azure Functions with PHP

I'm trying out Azure Functions using PHP.
Getting the request information is not working for me.
I've not been able to find any documentation at all with the information of how to use Azure Functions with PHP code.
According to the only couple of examples, it seems that in order to retrieve the input information you need to first get the content of the req variable (or whatever name you assign in the function configuration).
That has the path of the file containing the request information (in theory).
$input_path = getenv('req');
So far, if I check the content of it, I get something like this:
If I check if the file exists it says true, but the file size is 0.
Do anyone knows what to do here? Anyone with an example? Does anyone know where the documentation is?
Ok, unfortunately there's pretty limited documentation out there for php as you have discovered.
At present, looking at the code might be the best doc. Here is the InitializeHttpRequestEnvironmentVariables function that adds request metadata to the environment for the script languages (node, powershell, php, python).
Important environment variables are:
I'm assuming you've made a GET request, in which case there is no content (req is an empty file), but you will see that these other environment variables contain request data. If you were to make a POST request with a body then req would have data.
here is a full example parsing a GET request in PHP with an Azure Function :)
snippet from source:
//retrieve original GET string
$getReqString = getenv('REQ_QUERY');
//remove the ? for the parse_str function
$getReqString = substr($getReqString,1,strlen($getReqString));
//convert the GET string to an array
$parsedRequest = array();
//show contents of the new array
//show the value of a GET variable
echo $parsedRequest["code"];

Posting Data to REST API using JSON and PHP

I've been looking around at similar topics on REST APIs but I am still having some confusion in my project, mostly with the PHP side of things.
USPS provides a REST API with functions that can be called via URL like this:
To make any call successfully, I have been told that a JSON object must be created and passed as a "POST parameter" with the expected values.
This is the JSON object that needs to be passed in this case:
I have also been given a PHP class that is supposed to manage these calls. This is the login function:
public function login ()
// Set up the parameters for a login attempt
$jsonData = array(
'login' => $this->loginUser,
'pword' => $this->loginPass,
// Make a login request
$jsonResponse = $this->pullResource
('/epf/login', 'POST', $jsonData);
return $jsonResponse;
So I have a few questions regarding this:
The document they sent says
"To make the request calls, a JSON object will need to be created and passed as a POST form parameter obj={jsonObject} for security reasons using content-type “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”."
I know that the login function contains the correct input values that USPS' REST API is wanting, but I'm not sure how to pass them as "obj", or how to apply the "content-type".
I have a "constant" defined at the top of my PHP script that looks like this:
const EPF_BASE_URL = '';
And I noticed in the actual functions that this part of the link is left out and they simply reference '/epf/login' as you can see above. Since "$this" contains lots of different values I'm wondering how it supposedly finds EPF_BASE_URL as needed. Is it similar to how 'using' directives work in C#?
What is the easiest way to call this function and display the result? This is my biggest question. Would I use a separate PHP class with an HTML form? I understand the concept of what it should do but I'm completely lost setting up a development environment for it.
I've been trying all of this with MAMP but would love to know if I'm on the right track or not.
That really depends on their API. Hopefully you get a string back that can be decoded to a JSON object ( Some API might give a simple string that says 'SUCCESS' or 'FAIL'. You've got the code, so take a look at what $this->pullResponse() gives you.
If you've been given a PHP class that is supposed to support the API (hopefully from USPS), then it should already take care of putting the data in the form content, and ensuring is it submitted with the appropriate content-type.
A PHP const is more like a C# static string. It is very likely that the library will use the constant to create the end URL (i.e. EPF_BASE_URL . $resource). If you needed to run against a sand box environment, you could change that constant without having to change all the other code.
That's a very big question, because it depends on how you are programming your application. Procedural, MVC, existing frameworks, etc.
At the very least, you would set the loginUser and loginPass on the instantiated object, and call the login method`. You could then inspect the results, assuming the result is a JSON object, or use your favourite debugging method to see the contents.
I'm having a guess as the USPS API class name.
$uspsApi = new UspsApi();
$uspsApi->loginUser = 'username';
$uspsApi->loginPass = 'password';
$result = $uspsApi->login();
echo print_r($result, true);

translate from ASP to PHP

I am being forced to work with a database company that only support ASP.NET, despite my employers being well aware that I only code in PHP and the project doesn't have the time to learn the new syntax.
Documentation is scant, and meaning in thin on the ground. Can someone help translate what is happening in this script, so that I can think about doing it in PHP
QES.ContentServer cs = new QES.ContentServer();
string state = "";
state = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
QES.ContentServer cs = new QES.ContentServer();
the code instantiates the class method ContentServer()
string state = "";
Explicit the type var state as string
state = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
here you get the REQUEST URI (as in php) the path and convert it to one line string and put in the before mentioned string statte var
and here return the message without refresh the page (ajax).
The Request object wraps a bunch of information regarding the request from the client i.e. Browser capabilities, form or querystring parameters, cookies etc. In this case it is being used to retrieve the absolute URI using Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString(). This will be the full request path including domain, path, querystring values.
The Response object wraps the response stream sent from the server back to the client. In this case it is being used to write the return of the cs.GetXhtml(state) call to the client as part of the body of the response.
QES.ContentServer appears to be a third party class and is not part of the standard .NET framework so you would have to get access to the specific API documention to find out what is for and what the GetXhtml method does exactly.
So, in a nutshell, this script is taking the full URI of the request from the client and returning the output from the GetXhtml back in the response.
It would look like this in PHP:
$cs = new QES_ContentServer(); //Not a real php class, but doesn't look like a native ASP.NET class either, still, it's a class instantiation, little Google shows it's a class for Qwam E-Content Server.
$state = ""; //Superfluous in PHP, don't need to define variables before use except in certain logic related circumstances, of course, the ASP.NET could have been done in one line like "string state = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();"
$state = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //REQUEST_URI actually isn't the best, but it's pretty close. Request.Url.AbsoluteUri is the absolute uri used to call the page. REQUEST_URI would return something like /index.php while Request.Url.AbsoluteUri would give
//$state = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; or something similar might be better in this case given the above
echo $cs->GetXhtml($state); //GetXhtml would be a method of QES.ContentServer, Response.Write is like echo or print.

passing an xml in nusoap

Good day,
I am having trouble passing an xml in nusoap.
I pass this xml
The nusoap response is
The greater than and less than sign is removed.
This is my code for the server:
$server = new nusoap_server; // Create server instance
array("param"=>"xsd:string"), // input
array("result"=>"xsd:string"), // output
function myFunction($parameters) {
return $parameters;
// Use the request to try to invoke the service
This is my code for the client:
$client = new nusoap_client('http://localhost/nusoap/ws.php?wsdl', true);
$clientparam = '<test>123</test>';
$result = $client->call('myFunction',
*Note that the above code is working on PHP Version 5.3.0 but NOT on PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch13 which is the one on our production is using.
I've searched the net for any issues on the 2 version but none found.
Any help is highly appreciated. TIA
Upgrade you libxml2 and rebuild PHP.
I don't know nusoap at all, but it sounds like your entities are being discarded.
It might be worth controlling the entities at either end, for instance by changing '>' for >, '<' for < either manually or using a function such as htmlentities()
Not sure if you're using a different version of nusoap than me, but I've been using the proxy, which seems to be working. I also instantiate the client with soapclient rather than nusoap_client (hadn't seen that before):
$client = new soapclient('http://localhost/nusoap/ws.php?wsdl', true);
$proxy = $client->getProxy();
$response = $proxy->call("myfunction", array('test' => 123));
Yes and the answer is in soapval class.
Little messy but simple example is here.
In quick - you have to wrap with this class any non-generic type, that means i.e. php array. Nesting of this wraps could of course happen but it's not against design.
If you want to pass xml value within a soap message and you control both the server and the client (or at least you can instruct the client), why not base64 encode your xml. Then the parser will just see it as a normal string and not get confused.

Can use ASP to call PHP soap?

My customer has a PHP web service, that they want me to use.
It's PHP-based, while my web is ASP-based.
The ASP code looks like this:
Dim soapclient
WSDL_URL = "http://xxx.xxxx.xx/index.php?Action=service"
set soapclient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
soapclient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
on error resume next
soapclient.mssoapinit WSDL_URL ' error here
Is ASP able to call a PHP-based soap service?
What should I adjust?
Thanks a lot!
The whole point of web services and SOAP is that it does not matter what language the service is implemented in and on what hardware and OS it runs.
Either there is a bug in the web service or (more likely) you're calling it in a wrong way.
I don't know ASP, I know PHP but you should have no problem accessing PHP web services from any other language, simply because the communication format is XML. Both applications would communicate using a third, intermediary language: XML. All should be fine.
We find a way to solve this question is not use "MSSOAP.SoapClient30" to ask web service, but "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0".
Sample code like this:
url = ""
SoapRequest="<?xml version="&CHR(34)&"1.0"&CHR(34)&" encoding="&CHR(34)&"utf-8"&CHR(34)&"?>"
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="&CHR(34)&""&CHR(34)&" xmlns:xsd="&CHR(34)&""&CHR(34)&" xmlns:soap="&CHR(34)&""&CHR(34)&"><soap:Body><getList></getList></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"
Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
xmlhttp.Open "POST",url,false
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=utf-8"
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length",LEN(SoapRequest)
Response.Write xmlhttp.responseText
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
For starters you should remove the 'on error resume next' so you can see (and post) the error you're getting.
